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Apparently there are people upset that there are no LGBTQ characters in Avengers.


I hate the Avengers films, but I'm not sure why they're being picked on. You can choose so many other franchises, too. It's not like they have a responsibility to do so. Being filmmakers doesn't mean they have to be a voice of social justice and representation. Where do we draw the line? We could choose almost any race that's not white. We can choose Muslims, people with disabilities, homeless people, immigrants and so on. It would be great if they could, but it's not as easy as saying "just do it".

I mean, there are going to be countless children watching this movie, and there are no children in it either. Where is their representation? And I'm not talking about a high school Peter Parker where he could pass off like he is in college. Some could say that in itself is a lack of representation.

Don't get me wrong, if they're actively avoiding it, then by all means, criticize them endlessly. No one should be looked over through ignorance, but I scratch my head how people can think it's someone else's responsibility to represent me. We can all watch The Lion King and enjoy it even though pretty much none of us can see ourselves in Simba or Scar.


I never pay attention to this stuff.


Wise choice Cat
Live and let live AND stay out of dumb fights😉


Me too. I can't expect the film industry to cater to what I relate to. If a director is gay and feels a gay character can be put into the film without them seeming like a token gay character, go right ahead. The same with any other demographic. I mean, I don't expect Tyler Perry to cast white actors in his movies because me as a white man, can't relate.


All of this 'identity' stuff gets pretty confusing...let's just treat each other nicely... a million problems solved👍


Absolutely, Shogie 👍


So when did every segment of society have to be incorporated in a movie?


I was pretty shocked to find out Tom Holland's Peter Parker is supposed to be a teenager, even in the newest movie.


Every Spider-Man has been like that so far.




For me I've found them all too old. Especially Tobey Maguire.


At least he wasn't in high school except for the beginning of the first movie.


You do realise Thanos identifies as a woman on Tuesdays, right?


Hush! He's on the down low!!





Oh, he's a selective gender bender.


If his wife finds out she may split!!


Apparently the lead character will be gay in the upcoming Inhumans film.

Admittedly, it's a shame Marvel/Disney is coming late to embracing greater diversity, particularly in LGBTQ terms, but I think it would have been wrong to suddenly shoehorn a LGBTQ hero out-of-nowhere during the events of Avengers: Endgame.

That said, one of the Russo Brothers (the directors of Endgame) plays a gay man during an early Endgame scene.

In case people haven't seen the film, I won't add any spoilers here. It's a short scene and not especially significant to the narrative, other than from a thematic perspective, but it's quite clear the character concerned is gay.


I haven't seen the new Avengers film but I hear the one gay character they have is just shoved in there for one scene.


He is, and it's a short scene. I wouldn't say he was 'shoved' in there.

It isn't as out-of-place and as egregious as the 'girl power' shot.


I heard somewhere that the scene came in out of nowhere and was pointless. I don't know.


If it didn't feel organic, I suppose that's because Marvel/Disney have been so slow to diversify their films, so when they go from a predominantly straight white male universe to finally acknowledging women, people of colour, and members of the LGBTQ community, it does start to stand out more.

I'm not sure how one tackles that. Marvel/Disney don't have Infinity Stones in order to re-edit their previous films and make them more diverse, so all they can do is progress with ongoing films. Personally, I think the answer is simply making films, like Black Panther and Captain Marvel, that feature diverse leads, rather than by shoehorning scenes that draw attention to the filmmakers' woke intentions. Still, the scene I refer to won't feel that egregious in time. It was only a slight surprise since all the previous MCU films had seemed to ignore the existence of gay people.


The thing about Black Panther is that I don't think they were trying to be diverse. I really believe they just wanted to make money with another superhero movie, but people in the media tried to make it all about diversity.


Well said, Sam!

BTW, the arrogant, self-righteous SJW snowflakes will NEVER run out of things to be offended by. That's just a fact of life.

PS I'm not much of a fan of that series either.



I highly doubt someone sat down in the theatre before the movie stated and said: "I wonder how much this film will fill my LGTBQ representation expectations."


You would think not, but I believe there are some PC morons who will do exactly that.



They already have all-gay movies, why do they have to pick on the mainstream ones? Oh yeah, because they don't want to admit that their all-gay films are terrible and nobody normal wants to watch them.


Brokeback Mountain was good.


Bound was good.


Bound was really good. However, lets call it a lesbian movie. When people are discussing "gays" in tv or film they are talking about DUDES. Nobody minds watching lesbians. NOBODY wants to see dudes kiss.


Ah, ok. Moonlight was decent. Maybe gay dudes hate watching lesbians kissing? Because, you know, the don't like women. So double the women, double the dissatisfaction? I don't know. Lol.


In whose opinion? The only people who like it are gay people. Otherwise, it's a very sad, pathetic, disgusting story that was easily forgotten by most everyone.


Well, I like Brokeback Mountain although I didn't like how they both cheated on their wives. Now that the other poster mentioned "Bound", that movie is way better than Brokeback Mountain.


My ex's dad likes Brokeback Mountain. He's obviously not gay, he's the father of my ex girlfriend lol.

But he's a big western fan. He has a massive dvds collection about 90% are western films. So there's that.


Or maybe because gay people exists in our day to day lives so why shouldn't they be represented in mainstream films?


I'm not surprised by her comment. She thought this article was for real and not satire lol.



They don't exist in MY day to day life, and I like to keep it that way. Just because they exist, doesn't mean everyone wants to see them in their movies or on tv. The only reason they've gotten more representation was because they got their lawmommies and lawdaddies to make laws to prevent normal people from saying "I don't want see people like that in films where my kids are going to be watching."


They don't exist in MY day to day life

Bet ya they do.


So is going to the bathroom.

You don't want half the Avengers to be Republican, so just admit this is an agenda.


Whoa, I never said they shouldn't be represented, SamGerard. I am 100% straight but I am also 100% in favour of any film which chooses to include a gay character. I said it's strange how they're specifically choosing Avengers when so many other movies do it too. I also said that you can't expect the film industry to cater to certain representative needs because it doesn't have to be their duty to.


My comment was in response to AmeriGirl.


Sorry. Sometimes this layout confuses me.


Gay people exist in our everyday lives? That's news to me.

For whoever is reading this; GAYS ARE NOT EVERYWHERE! GAYS ARE NOT THE NORM! I live in NY and I don't see dudes holding hands and walking down the street everyday. Nothing against gay people of course, but this bullshit being pushed on the rest of us is clearly out of hand.


I live in Boston and I do see plenty of same sex couples holding hands. But that aside I'm sure you interact with plenty of gay people on a routine basis while being completely unaware that they're gay. Because yes, contrary to what you say, gays are everywhere and their presence is the norm.


I know I’m stirring a hornet’s nest, but I prefer not to see men tonguing other men and women tonguing other women. I won’t watch homosexual films or tv shows. In public I prefer not to see heteros tonguing each other. Good Grief! Get a room!

How many more letters are they going to add to the LGTBXYZ lexicon? We are becoming gender neutral; a nation of “its”. If I’ve known Jane for years and don’t recognize the “new Bob” well, shame on me and proceed to flog me! 🙇‍♀️ Kids nowadays don’t know what they are. Girls as young as 13 are having mastectomies because they are so damn confused! When I was young I preferred boy’s toys instead of dolls and girly girl things. I was a tomboy. Thank God that was then because the culture we currently have would be persuading me my body was meant to be male!
