MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > Is this a red flag or am I overreacting?

Is this a red flag or am I overreacting?

Some old classmate (I knew) told me he had been interested in me for a long time. We used to go to the same school when I was younger.
He asked me out and I went on a date with him. Long story short after the date he took me back home and we were making out in his car.
Things got hot and heavy afterwards, I told him that we are moving too fast so could we slow it down and he said it was okay. He hugged me and said it was fine and we just stood there hugging each other.
What he didn’t know was that I could see his face from the reflection of the window of my place through his car. (If that makes sense) And he was making faces as well as putting his hands near me pretending to choke me out, thinking that I can’t see him.
I felt very weirded out by those actions. I didn’t address it because again it was very weird.
And since then it’s been about a week and I haven’t answered any of his calls (he left 20 missed calls) or text messages.

I just want to ask, am I reading to much into this? Am I overreacting? Should I call him back and apologise? I’m confused.


20 missed calls or messages? From what i see,something's definitly wrong.


It could just be that he's immature, but for a week he's left messages you haven't answered.

You were creeped out. And that's understandable.

He said he's been thinking of you for a long time and has stored up feelings. But that's no excuse to rush you. For what it's worth, I think he feels lust-- not love. If he is a creep, before ignoring him completely, you should make your feelings known.

And if you need to break it off, make it a clean break. Otherwise things can get sticky. You're willing to take things slow and that's commendable. Guys like you are a rare breed these days. But if your boundaries aren't respected, you don't need the drama.

I hope things work out.

"How'd you like another one, Meathead?"


Well some guys are weirdo's , sounds like something I did when I was younger. I bet he really does like you just doesn't know how to treat a lady


definilty act of desperation and passive aggressiveness,

does he have a cold hearted stepmom and was raised by her and his dad and is kinda goofy?


don't apologize, he probably has some issues from my prespective


Why did you feel the need to keep bumping this, beavis????


Don't paint the red flags white.

Obviously something about it bothers you enough that you're asking for advice. Trust your gut and lose him.


A well reasoned response👍
You are good at them!


Trust your intuition.


Hey, Pussy! You obviously was not comfortable in that situation. Why would you even see this person again? I have no idea of how old you are. I also have no idea of just how desperate you are.
I'm not even certain of how much of this story I can believe.
What I do know is that your "Some old classmate" that you knew doesen't exactly sound like good news. Most smart people trust their initial instincts.
See you around....


I have trouble taking someone who chooses to call herself Pussyriot69 seriously. It sounds like the kind of username that a loser guy would invent.


Only 2 posts (oops! 4) here on this site, and this one looks to us for advice about "some old classmate".
I never like being suspicious of people, but talk about red flags.


This topic should have been titled "Is That A
Red Flag In Your Pants, Or Are You Just Happy To See Me?,"
but the faux OP is too stupid to have thought of that.


"I have trouble taking someone who chooses to call herself Pussyriot69 seriously. It sounds like the kind of username that a loser guy would invent."



Cat and Margo, you are two of the reasons why I stay here.


Well I'm glad you do, RK.


Then hang in here with us!


How did you get the underscore in your name??? I tried when I joined and it wouldn't let me. *loud crying*


The underscore is on my iPhone's keypad. To bring it up, I have to click the button at the very bottom and farthest to the left, the button that usually has ABC on it. After 2 clicks, the button will have symbols on it, and you will see the underscore on the keypad.


So it's only for iPhone users? I registered about a year ago from a computer.


I don't think the underscore is exclusive to iPhones. It's on the keyboard of my Mac desktop, and I've seen it on non-Apple products.


R_Kane. A person can do that on any desktop.😁


I know HOW to make an underscore. Just wondering how you got the site to allow it. It flat out refused that key character in the signup process.


catsidhe, If you are on a desktop, you must realize that you can do this by simply looking at your keyboard. See the two lines up there next to the 0(zero.... not the o). Next, press the shift key. hold it down and press the key with the two lines. _ there ya go.
Sorry to have butted in. Hope I was of assistance. If not, forget me. 😁


I thought Catsidhe was saying s/he wasn't able to register his/her name with an underscore, not that s/he didn't know how to find an underscore.

I wouldn't know, since I never tried registering my name with one.


Maybe that's what he/she meant. I wasn't sure. It sounded as though he/she didn't know how..... I hate sounding like a know it all when I don't know what the heck I'm talking about. LOL! I've probably just caused more confusion.
I'm assuming though, that if R_Kane was able to do it, this person could too


You assume correctly, Miss Margo! I know the underscore is on every computer-like device that I have ever seen, but thought that maybe catsidhe is using some real POS, like a Best Buy Dynex tablet.


Whew! So I wasn't creating confusion!
Well, I hope cats figures it out.


You'd think if R_K could, anyone could. But I know Cats only registered a few months ago, whereas R_K has been here a long time. Plus Cats has struck me as someone with more than a few brain cells to rub together.

I know Jim had to waste his time making some changes and restrictions to the sign-up process a while back, thanks to trolls. So I thought it was likely no longer allowing underscores in user names was one of them. But I don't know if that's true or not.

We're all just trying to help here :)


That was my thought too, that Jim had to make changes.


I've been here about a year. Joined when imdb shut down. :)


Did you wait quite a bit afterwards before you started posting? I remember when you first posted here in General Discussion, and it was quite a while afterwards. A bunch of us, including me, welcomed you :)


I remember. 😊 I must post less than I thought. 😄


That must be it, posting less than you'd thought. I assumed you'd only recently registered. But since you registered early on, I don't know why you weren't able to use the underscore.



At first I had wondered whether the exporting of posts from imdb had anything to do with that, as then my underscored username would have "been around".

When I post it's mostly in the individial movie boards. :D


Ah, so trolls couldn't sign up with multiple variations of the same name? Makes sense, although they'd just pick completely different names.


The trolls were registering with names of legit known users here and pretending to be us, but using a space at either the front or the end of names. So Jim had to make sure that couldn't happen again.

I don't know for certain if he then also disallowed underscores in names, but it seemed likely.


That explains it. Thank you. ☺️


Yes, that. It was about the site allowing the use of an underscore during username registration.


I can't say why this poster chose the name but Pussy Riot is an actual Russian band.

They sing about women's rights, LGBTQ rights are very outspoken against Putin.
They may be a bit extreme but they make their beliefs well known.


Dewey, it's clear that this post is bullshit. No replies from the alleged OP, who I think is actually the guy who kept bumping the topic.


I was tempted to say, this is Movie Chat not Dear Abby when it first appeared.


Kind of funny video, and thanks for the heads up on the band name, but between that, the 69 at the end, it being a new member (or, more likely, sock), asking people for advice about a very personal issue, yeah, NO. I've got to go with RK's evaluation.


Oh, I agree too.
I just wanted to say it was an actual entity.
I'm just hear to try to educate the masses. 🎓
Everybody need a purpose.


Consider one (or more) of the masses now being educated.

#everythingislove (la la la la la)


Pussy Riot is real. Pussyriot69 is a troll, hence, not real.


Trolls are still real. We see them all the time.
Trick is you can't feed them after midnight.


This mass didn't need education on this. Old fogy I may be, but I knew Pussy Riot is a Russian girl band. So there. 😜


I would expect nothing less from GlenEllyn.
Always on the cutting edge aren't you?


Maybe, but my edge needs sharpening. 🙃


At least you have an edge.

I'm more of a hill or a butter knife.


Actually, I've lost my edge...

But every once in a while, a little spark 🎇 of brilliance seeps back in.


You made a face!
Put a bald head and a visor on it and it could be hownos.

With you I wouldn't say it seeps.
More of a gush!


I resemble that remark.



I knew you had to be lurking about.
Are you a beard guy?
Ever had a beard or just a mustache?


No beard or mustache. I'm not good with the hair growing thing.

I was watching a film noir movie recently and there was a scene where a bookkeeper/cashier is wearing one of those visors. It did make me laugh.


I always picture cousin Eustace from It's a Wonderful life.
With one of those old adding machines.
I don't think he wore a visor but in my mind he did.

Don't tell me you don't have one of those visors.
It would crush my spirit.






It's like he's looking in a mirror!



Cruise, of those handsome type guys


We were thinking it's hownos.

Correction: It's SUPPOSED to be hownos.


It's really the same thing. IMO of course.😉




He's such a stud and doesn't even know it.
Those are the always the hottest kind.


It's that 'mysterious' thingy again.


Oh i know hownos is hot like that!

The guy keeps sending me selfies


that was supposed to be our secret.



Is there an erase button on this thingy??


Something about this post from the OP smells fishy to me. I’m taking it with a grain of salt. I’ve been wrong in the past, but I think this could be a troll. It’s more information than we need to know from a low count poster. I will not engage this OP until proven otherwise.


Your instincts, in this case are all right.
I can accept the user name, but the low posting count, the story, the fact that this person decides to come here and ask us strangers for advice, AND the fact that this person never came back to talk to any of us after their initial thread all seem suspicious to me.
One other thing.... that beavis kept bumping this tread in the beginning in order to make sure that people saw it. My guess is that the OP is really beavis.


Ahh, you may have nailed it. Good call!


It's exactly the kind of thing that he would do, Margo.
