MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > Best remake ever?

Best remake ever?

There have been lots of terrible remakes (Ghostbusters anyone?),but some are outstanding. What is you favorite remake ever?

I'm leaning towards Dirty Rotten Scoundrels,but The Departed is amazing,and might be first on my list.


True Grit


I actually prefer the remake ( though the origanal was really good)


Didn't like the original because of John Wayne and thought that the remake was rubbish (considering it came from the Coen brothers whose work I usually love).


I'm going to risk group ire and say Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. Yep.

I also like two remakes of A Christmas Carol. 1951's Scrooge with Alastair Sim and 1984's A Christmas Carol with George C. Scott.

1997's Titanic is sort of a remake of several earlier versions (including Nazi Germany's spin on it).


Or how about True Grit?


"Roxanne," which was a remake of "Cyrano de Bergerac."


I loved Roxanne
Steve Martin is a living legend


Have you seen "The Spanish Prisoner"? He was great in that too -- really demonstrates his range as an actor.


I will look it up


Ben-hur (1959)


King Kong (2005)

Big, dumb fun despite the incredibly annoying Jack Black and the almost-as-annoying Naomi Watts.


I was going to put that down as my favorite, but I wasn't sure yet.


Invasion of the Body Snatchers
The Man Who Knew Too Much


Gaslight! That's the one I was trying to think of.


I think you were the one who told me about it being a remake.
I never knew it until last year.
I saw the original and liked Gaslight better.


I have never seen the 1940 version of Gaslight.


The Murder In Thornton Square

It's a good movie just like Bergman better.


Maybe it was me. I'd just found out sometime last year and was shocked it was a remake.

Like you, then I had to watch the original, and while it was good, it wasn't nearly as good as Gaslight.


I know we talked about it.
I just don't remember who told me it was a remake.

I was shocked too. It's one of my favorites.


It may have been me. I'm 98% I read it was a remake on the Gaslight board, here on MC.

Sooo, what're you drinking tonight? If you tell me, I won't put gum in your hair! You can't turn that kind of deal down!


Last weekend was Long Island's. I can't do that again.
I'm sticking to my TNT lemonade.

Vodka,lemonade and some beer for a little extra flavor.


Hm, I haven't been getting all notifications. You?

Vodka and lemonade sounds decent, but with yeasty beer, er, I'll pass on that ingredient.


I think I have.

I really haven't been paying much attention either.

Don't knock it till ya try it. It's actually very refreshing.
Unless you don't like beer of course.


Weird. Yours isn't the only notification I've missed. A couple of Dazed's I stumbled across, and a few others. It's the Illuminti! Must be.

I just can't imagine the tastes of vodka, sweet and tart lemonade, and then yeasty beer added to them would taste good. I like beer, and I like green olives, but wouldn't want to add cocktail olives to that mix either. YMMV.


The Illuminti will get us all eventually.

Alright fair enough. Even though adding olives would just be disgusting.

You've had this issue before, no?


How about adding olive juice to the mix? Feh, no. That sounds even more disgusting, even to me.

Errr, I've stopped getting the email notifications before, and still don't get them, but the bell notifications have been reliable for me, up until mebbe a week or a little less ago.

It's a conspiracy against me, I tells ya!



I'll eat almost anything.
Olives have never been a favorite of mine.
I won't not eat them but will never look for them.
Even the olives that have garlic in them.

It's the powers that be letting you know they're still watching you
without letting you know they're watching you.



Ooh, garlic-stuffed green olives, now you're talking!

What's your position on anchovies? (Warning, this may be a make or break friendship thing.)

Oh good. Yeah, by all means don't let them know I'm watching them. That wouldn't do. Not at all.


I'm indifferent to anchovies.

How's that for a safe answer?


Ha! Too safe. That's not a make or break issue, but you get 2 demerits for taking the safe road ;p


OK, canned meat does absolutely nothing for me.
Especially canned fish.

I just can't do it.


Not even canned tuna for tuna sammiches? That's a classic! You food blasphemer, you. Next thing you know, you're going to say you don't like apple pie either. (Which I do not, especially not with cheese or even ala mode -- pursuant to nothing, #shame)

Must admit I'm not, in general, a fan of canned flesh. I know Hawaiians are mysteriously fond of Spam, bless them, but I can't get past the fatty mystery meatness of it.

On the other hand, canned tuna turned into tuna salad atop a salad, or sandwiches, that I can get down with. Or canned salmon, because I like the way the bones turn soft and slightly crunchy. Again, good in a salad or sammich. Not that they're anything like fresh tuna or salmon, in the same way that canned asparagus or peas (both of which I like, in their place) are good, but entirely different animals from their fresh brethren.


I'm not a huge tuna guy.
I've gotten to where I can eat tuna and salmon if I grill it.

I've had spam once fried with potatoes and onions.
It wasn't horrible but just not my thing.
I don't know how they eat it like they do.

I hardly every buy canned anything. I know, I'm spoiled.
I've got a weird thing about canned food and BPA.

Raw salmon is very dangerous for dogs but every once in
awhile the pups get some canned salmon.

I'm not even going to comment on the apple pie thing.


You don't like a nice scoop of Murican tuna salad on top of your salad or in a sammich? How do you feel about the same, but with egg or chicken salad? To me all three are classics. Not to be eaten on a regular basis, but once in a while, nice and fulfilling.

I tried Spam. Once. As you said, not the worst thing, but why bother? I hear Spam and grilled pineapple slices is a thing in Hawaii. In Hawaii Spam is considered both a delicacy (including Spam sushi) and a standard. Go figure.

I've never heard raw salmon is dangerous for dogs. Why?

Is the apple pie #extremeshame for you, for me, or both?



I like egg salad and love chicken salad.
I always make chicken salad with any leftover
chicken I have.

Spam sushi? Why doesn't this surprise me.

Salmon and certain other fish have a certain parasite
that is only poisonous to dogs I believe.
If it's pressure cooked then it's safe.

Fair question. Obviously for you. :P ....Never me. ;)
All pie or just apple ?


You might like this , Cat : I decided to try it one summer out of curiosity over the blend of flavors. It actually works very well.


I looked. They required me to "verify" my age before taking me to the shandy page, damn them.

You thought it worked? Apparently it's a thing, which is news to me. Shandy = beer plus lemonade or other summery type of drink. It sounds awful to me, but then I'm someone who likes my sweet and savory (or semi-savory, or not sweet in general) to be kept separate.

Recently a friend sent me an email about a supposedly new broth craze. Now I like broth. A lot. I'm extremely partial to brothy soups, and while I always have been, for reasons I won't go into, relatively recently I've gotten way into ramen, which is largely dependent on great broth.

But my friend's broth craze email went on to say about how now, whether vegan (mushroom) or meat-eaters, it was being mixed with cocoa, vanilla, and the like and served up frothy and hot. ICK!

A bone broth mocha latte may sound yummy to you, but it makes my gag reflect want to kick in. No judgement if it's your thing though!


I had to do the same thing. I got carded in the liquor store on my 24th birthday! Initially annoying but actually a compliment, I eventually concluded.

It works in that the lemon flavor and subtle beer bite blend well. There's another beer I like called Honey Brown ( award winning btw) which is brewed with the finest quality honey in the world. Again, the word here is subtle in the aftertaste and it also works well.

I don't even drink lattes.


Well, seeing as I've had any number of beers with a squeeze of lime in them, perhaps these shandy things aren't too far afield. Except for that problematic sweet taste, mixed with what IMO should be savory.

On the other hand, while I've never had beer with honey in it, that sounds more appealing.


There is no problematic sweet taste with the shandy, just the subtle tart of the lemon. No conflict on my taste buds whatsoever. I introduced the Honey Brown to a lady friend who has a sweet tooth and doesn't like beer. She liked it.


A shandy isn't sweet? I could do with citrus and beer tastes, just not citrus, beer, and sweet.


Where I agree with your preference is when it comes to bbq sauce. It seems that the most popular are a combo of sweet and savory. Those I avoid.


I haven't seen it yet, but I have high hopes for "Papillon". Loved the original and read both books.


I didn't hate Keanu Reeve's "The Day The Earth Stood Still" as much as some (though I will concede Robert Wise's original is still the best).


I did hate it. Does not BEGIN to compare to the original, which defines the word "classic." Hated the kid, wanted to see him die, slowly.


piece of crap


I also read both books and saw the original a couple of times. Wasn't aware of the remake; now I'll be looking for it.


When was the remake of Papillon made? Are you talking about Steve McQueen version as the remake? In that case, I loved it but it is not rewatchable for me. Too may sad bits in it.


No the remake with Charlie Hunnam and Rami Malek. Not sure of the release date, but will be sometime this year.


Oh God. So we go from Steve McQueen & Dustin Hoffman to Charlie Hunnam & Rami Malek. :-(

That says it all really. However good reviews it gets, I am not watching it and spoling my memories of how good original Papillon was.


Carpenter's The Thing (1982) was good. The rest are rubbish.



All the rest? That’s the only good remake ever made? Scar face?
Ben Her?
All rubbish? Really?


I assume you mean "Ben Hur". The remake garnered a paltry 5.6 on IMDB. Sounds like rubbish to me.

You do have a point though on Scarface. Though I didn't like it (too violent), it did get an 8.3 rating on IMDB.

Other than that, yes rubbish.



Do you base all your opinions on IMDb rankings?


No, I also check the critics.



I think he means the 1959 Ben Hur remake not the 2016 version.


Oh okay. Yes that one is a classic!



Absolutely. Loved it and especially the ending. What a movie. Have watched is few times already and can't get enough of it.


Okay then. That's why they make chocolate and vanilla.



I found It (2017) absolutely amazing!
