MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > Use it or Lose it and Start Discussions ...

Use it or Lose it and Start Discussions On Other Messageboards [Thread Closed]

I think it is great to keep making new threads on the general discussion, however, we really all need to start taking these discussions on the actual message boards. We have tons of messages on here and we need to take off our water wings and swim to those deep ends. Anyone catching on to what I am saying?

The more we are on this "general discussion board", the more we are giving into the whole "there is a reason why IMDb closed down the message boards." We need to show that we really need them and the only way is to actually be active on them.

Ideas up for suggestion:

1.) Member trending on who visited what page on the homepage

2.) Putting t.v./film general discussion board at the forefront of the website to force others to seek out other message boards

Things we are doing:

1.) Putting URLs after any movie title we write in posts.

Any other ideas?


Quite a few people have already been doing that, and still are :)

The Trending bar is pretty active now!



I see what you mean.


It's great, isn't it? I'm seeing a good lot of activity on the various film/TV boards by posters I haven't seen posting here in General Discussion.


Many of the shows and movies I see people responding to, I have never watched. I guess it is time to open my mind and start watching these...


Same for me. I'm loving it, because many of them I've not only never watched, but have never heard of! It's fun to go see what people are saying. Sometimes I jump in and comment, even if I haven't seen the show/film.




Tell you what... It would be super-handy to have a "favorites" for the movie/tv boards we like the most... As it stands, they have to be caught in the trending bar, or searched one by one.


Yes, very good suggestion. I actually need that for the amount of food documentaries I have watched. This feature may actually come about before others.

Or it could be incorporated to where it is not only a favorite list, if you have not seen the movie, but one where you can go back to threads and see if people responded to the ones you were at.

How does it differ? Well members do not have to reply directly to your post. They could reply to any post within that thread!


As much as I can, I've been posting on the board of any movie or TV show I watch and have something to say about.

Even when that board hasn't had activity in the last six months or more, or not since even IMDb's closing, I still post.

I think we all need to do that. Post even if the post you're replying to was started six years ago. Post anyway.

Even if the person who started that thread on that board is long gone, YOUR post will make that movie or show arrive in the Trending bar and someone else will go "Oh yeah! THAT movie! I'll go and see what someone just posted on there."

I know I've actually done that before, too, gone and posted because something came up on Trending and made me want to talk about that movie.

I've been trying to promote MovieChat on another site Imdb users created, but people complain to me that it's "not active" here.

I think it IS active but we must get those title-specific boards active too.


Prelude, I do the same thing you do. Even if I am replying to someone who isn't here on this site, it does come up on the trending bar. I have often gotten responses with others who are here. I have had several interesting discussions as well.
We shouldn't be discouraged. I think this site is doing fine considering how new it is.



I agree; however, it is a very passive approach. What I am trying to do is set the pipleline.

Think of this site as a field right?

You can either put a hose out and let the water find its way (which takes a long azz time) or you could put piplelines in (give direction.)

These suggestions above will do that and will actually give direction. This all starts with a general movie/film t.v. board.

You think people, who now respond on the General Discussion board, will just keep commenting if there is a regulated t.v./film board? No. It will help them exercise the effort to find this board again. That is what I want to happen.

There are so many excuses thrown around like "this site does not have many people", "we're trying to get more people" etc.

The underlying problem is NOT the # of people, but how active they are and what incentives are in place. If this website was a well regulated machine, people would be seen everywhere, there would be ZERO gaps! It would be as active as the old IMDb.

Then there is a group of people we have to get passed that pretty much want to shut down this whole idea. They know who they are and they will make it EXTREMELY hard. They have very closeminded attitudes of seeing ANYTHING change and if it does, they will make sure you are gone!

In the end, it is Jim that has the final say. Not us, not the mods..Jim.


imdb wasn't a success overnight - it took years


Let's learn from it and expedite the process. You with us hownos? You seem to like some of the features (I remember and still do, how you make everyone put urls after movies.) That is yet another way to get people to go to those boards!


I am all for improvements


Well, that is you, Prelude (if he accepts the active approach), Phantom, etc.

Let's keep this wrecking ball of improvement rolling!


"What I am trying to do is set the pipleline"

Not your board, arvin. And who the hell are you to demand what you want to happen should be forced on everyone else? I think I can safely assume I'm not just speaking for myself when I say now you're just becoming a damn nuisance with this childish drum-beating. Put on your big-boy pants and understand the world does not revolve around your desires and won't conform to them just because you think your way is right.

You don't like the way the GD boards are now? Stop posting on them and stick to film-specific boards. That way you get what you want and the rest of us here don't have to keep seeing your endless diatribes about this. Perfect solution.


Your thread title includes the words "Start discussions on other message boards" -- and I posted that this is exactly what I'm doing.

And you tell me it's "too passive"?

You yourself are promoting it, then you answer me as if I'm not doing enough. . .

You think that going deliberately to a movie-specific board, via typing it in the search bar, and then posting there to revive or begin conversation, is "passive"?

Um, that's actually a very active/ proactive thing to do. And as you can see from responses such as that of MissMargoChanning, a lot of us are doing that too.

It's very active to deliberately come here, type the name of a movie one just saw, go to that board, and start posting there.

And yes, current members do actually respond.

I recently watched an almost 30 year old movie. I went and posted on that board, even though it's understandably not that active these days. Yet someone from nowadays actually replied to my comment and exchanged comments with me these last couple of weeks.

This is how we stir up activity.

I don't know why you think that's "too passive."

By the way, I'm not a "he" I'm a woman. :)

I think all that has to happen around here is for a critical mass of members to just start posting on any and every board.

Just seen a new movie? Type the title into the search box, go to the page, post on that board. Answer other comments, start new ones of your own.

Just seen an old movie? Do the same regardless! Someone may actually reply in the here-and-now!

All of this activity shows up on the Trending bar, which I imagine is why Jim created one. People can see it and be encouraged to go and say something too.


Okay, maybe just an alternative way of going about it.

It just seems like we all dodge things that can be pushed if we were all in agreement. I mean Jim is open to change. While we are doing this posting thing, we could also be moving boards around and keeping things organized. A little housekeeping never hurt anyone.


I would get rid off some of the categories on the home page such as Shop Talk and some of the Genre Zone. Maybe we can have two rows of movies/shows in the Trending section.


Not bad. So we could always remove under utilized boards to emphasize areas where members are more likely to comment. Not bad!


Who is "we," arvin? Last I checked, you have zero to do with the running of the site or its ownership.


thank you - just a suggestion on my part


Well every suggestion helps. It's kind of like a notepad should Jim look through these threads one day.


Also make the Jump to Latest button much bigger


I do not know it is just me; however, there is also a grey box with an arrow at the right hand bottom of the browser. I am not sure if it is Google Chrome or this site. It basically does the exact opposite of the "Jump to Latest Button". I guess it is the "Back to the Top" button?


Back to the top


There's something I think I'm failing to understand in things you're saying, arvin.

Again. . . you named the title of this thread you created: "Use it or lose it, start discussions on other message boards."

By which you mean, go and post on boards for movies and TV shows, etc, rather than just staying around on "General Discussion" here -- am I correct so far?

You want this whole site to get more fully utilized by having more boards become active, right?

And so I tell you that this is exactly what I've been doing.

And you say things like: "Okay, maybe just an alternative way of going about it."

I'm completely confused now!

I thought I was doing exactly what you said we need to be doing. But you keep saying things like we're not in agreement or that something's "an alternative way of going about it. . . ."

I'm not sure if you've been drinking or something. . .

We ARE in agreement. We agree that everyone needs to get other boards active by posting on them. . .


We are not fully in agreement as I am incorporating what I think is a "passive approach" and then following it up with a more "active" one. This is what I had pointed out to you on my first response to your thread.

What you are offering is posting on board and then waiting for people to take their own time to also respond, which could take weeks, months, years etc. My approach is to not only have that happen as kind of a side effect, but also actively have the boards changed in such a way that it is easier to get those boards noticed.



I do the same thing Prelude. Sometimes on boards for newer non-American movies with little to no activity. I don't always get responses, but at least when people go to those board, they'll see at least one new thread, or that _there are_ people here watching this stuff. That's how you create activity IMO.

But, it's apparently not good enough?!



It's posting, input, going to boards and starting discussions or replying that is the activity itself. Others see there's been a new post by seeing that movie appear in the Trending bar. They can click on that and add to the board's activity.

I'm not sure if I'm missing some point arvin's making that is clear to him but going over my head. . .


Prelude in C Maj you are not missing anything.
It couldn't over your head if you were standing on your head.

It's not Arvin's way so it's considered passive or an alternate way of doing things.

Most people do what you do and many others do.


It's not even about Trending. It's building a new "archive" of posts and thread for MC itself, and building on the IMDb foundation. I think that's how we make the site's content grow, and with it the activity.

I've been down the rabbit hole with Arvin about this and I have no idea what his point actually is.


"It's not even about Trending. It's building a new "archive" of posts and thread for MC itself, and building on the IMDb foundation. I think that's how we make the site's content grow, and with it the activity."

Agreed! That's exactly what it's about.

Arvin's point is "I want to FORCE everyone to do as I say!" Because, reasons.


I agree, the archives are a bonus and give content until this site can get going. It will take time, but still has lots of activity that I see. Most boards I go to have a least one post since IMDb closed their message boards and that's pretty good. Especially considering some of the movies are pretty random. And god only knows how many people are lurking and just reading and not posting.


I see the same thing on most all board I go to now, and for the most part I don't go to boards of new releases or shows that are currently airing.

"And god only knows how many people are lurking and just reading and not posting."

Good point. Probably a good number.


Yes, no one knows how many people are on this site at any time.....

Yeah, I get pretty scared of spoilers sometimes so I try not to go to new movies I want to see. Despite not wanting to, I would probably be trying to figure something out from the post's title. haha


Me too; the archives from IMDb are a great foundation and prime the pump, and I've noticed at least one thread started since the closing of the boards there.

And if there isn't, then I usually start one. :)

If we all keep adding to what is there, that is indeed the new activity.

As for arvin's follow up answer where he says it's too passive just to wait for replies; I don't really see it that way. As long as I'm posting all over everywhere it's going to garner responses by sheer law of averages, and if we all do the same thing it's multiplied by that many.

I guess he means we all need to actively reply to each other's new posts on other boards -- that the only thing I can make out from him.


We also can't just put something there just to spur activity, if that is what he means.


Exactly; the content has to be genuine or there's no point.

Can you imagine otherwise, lol?

Daisy: [On the "Dumb and Dumber To" board] -- "I so loved this sequel!"
Prelude: "Uh...okay. ...YEAH me too. . .best sequel ever...." [blank faced smiley] LOL!!! ;)


"As long as I'm posting all over everywhere it's going to garner responses by sheer law of averages, and if we all do the same thing it's multiplied by that many."

Exactly. It's hardly "passive" activity.

Don't bother trying to make sense of Arvin's posts; there isn't any, and you'll just end up with a headache.


Already reaching for the ibuprofen, lol!




Well I use the trending bar a lot so I'm doing my part. Yeeha!😝


But then there are those other boards, ones that are like "Food", "Politics" and those do not show up in trending. I have an idea for that too. If we had a members trending and it shows where the member commented, the chance will skyrocket that someone else will comment on that thread. It would revolutionize this site as much as notifications did!


Let's start a new discussion...arvin...who's hyped for the remastered version of resident evil revelations?...anyone...


Game of Thrones is apparently doing well on HBO!


Episode six was leaked a week before the tv viewing,arvin...even episode seven had 12000 didn't do so well.


I would not know. Just something I heard on the radio.


On the radio,arvin!?


Yes. Between songs a talk show guy will give little fun facts of information and the above was one fact he gave out.


Well,arvin...i don't know what he said,but definetly hbo have some hard time.


It could be that he was biased towards HBO and/or advertising for that show.


Yeah,he just kidding around,arvin.


The season finale was awful. The writers have gotten sloppy trying to add surprises and conflict. Sansa was wrong about one thing. Littlefinger wasn't responsible for the conflict between House Lannister and House Stark. That was Ned when uncovered the conspiracy about Cersei's children were bastards from incest. They weren't rightful heirs to the throne.


I told them the same thing months ago. Good job for catching up.


No you didn't,"barclays."



To paraphrase Dazed's somments more succinctly and, admittedly, more crassly, why don't you just STFU about this, arvin?


"Interestingly you only seem to post here Arvin"

Very rough estimate and research out of 2879 posts 150-160 were NOT in GD.
This is roughly 5-6% of total posts.
Out of those a large percentage were not on movie boards.
So there's that.


He is obviously NOT behind what he seems to be trying to do.... whatever that is.
Everyone has tried to explain that it is so easy to type in the movie, film, actor that you want to discuss. It is right there at the very top of this site next to the MC Logo. After that is the trending bar. Anyone can look at that and see what folks are talking about. You can join in! If it isn't something of interest, then type in a movie of your choice. How hard is it to add some posts and automatically add that to the trending bar? That is what everyone sees first when you visit this site. We all talk about films and TV with each other.
I really can't understand what the problem is. If he is that concerned with making this site better, he should be posting and discussing films and TV shows with everyone here.
All I ever see is complaints or random topics.... ALL on this General Discussion Board.


"whatever that is."

That's really the point isn't it ?
Nobody but him knows exactly what that is.
What he say's and what he does is the complete opposite. Are there some things that could be better.--sure
If it never changed would I be OK with it ---absolutely.
Imagine if he had posted 2789 times on the movie or TV boards. He might be surprised at the results.


"Imagine if he had posted 2789 times on the movie or TV boards. He might be surprised at the results."

Yes. And the reality is he's only posted on the movie or TV boards a small fraction of his total. And yet, here he is, repeatedly scolding everyone (most of whom are already posting on them) instead, and trying to force them to do this, that, and the other thing, because it's what ARVIN wants. *shrug*




Same Answer? Salty Androids? Salvation Army??


No, none of those....




That could work, too




Not necessarily better. Let's say different and perhaps more accurate.




caca butt?


Oh,come on...the man have a dream...


Yeah...a dream his ridiculous demands should be met for no other reason other than he thinks that's the way things should be.


I'm good with puzzles,napsdufroid...but this...


It's not a puzzle, croft. It's a spoiled child wanting his way.


But he keep insisting on in...napsdufroid...i really want to understand,but honestly...i can't


Nothing to understand, croft. It's nonsensical.


It's what Naps said, Croft. He wants his way because he wants his way. He wants to make others do what he wants them to do. Even though most are already doing it, and he isn't.

Surely you've noticed by now that more often than not he doesn't make sense.


Yes,Catbookss...i've noticed....


I thought you probably had :)


Always,'s can call it a gift or a curse.




More like annoying childish obsession. Dreams eventually end.


This site is good as it is good can ever be?


I'd say, seeing as he wrote to Jim about his demands … er, I mean suggestions, and hasn't heard back, is a good indication Jim's not on board either.

MC is growing naturally, organically, the way all good sites grow. I like it here just fine. There are some improvements/additions I'd like to see, sure. Like a favourites list. But it's fine as it is.


I think it's fine too.
I would like to see an extended trending bar or a trending history. Last 24 hours or
last 50 posts. Favorites would be nice. I also would love for the notifications to be
one color when they are new and maybe change color after you check them.
Either way not enough to start complaining about.


Trending history is a great idea. I was just thinking that once a lot of people are here posting, the trending bar's going to be zooming along -- too fast. I like your solution for that, as well as it being a nice feature for now. It'd increase activity. I think the last 24 hours would be best.

Coloured notifications would be nice too.

Definitely not enough to start complaining about. It's functional, it's growing; I'm a happy camper.





Strange that this subject was picked for such obsessive maniacal behavior.
From the looks of things it could have been any subject.

I would certainly think whether it be discussing movies or PLAYING GAMES that everybody would be happy
just to have or be on this site. This obviously is an erroneous assumption on my part.


"I've no idea what's going on in Arvin's head"

Neither does he, Dazed.


It's perfectly clear as to who is actually committed to making this board a success.That is the majority of us posters here and elsewhere on the site.

This is true. I have seen with my own two eyes. Keep up the good work you guys.


Then why did you support arvin's BS above, "barclays?" Troll much?


I don't have time right now to read all through this thread, but I have definitely felt there are so many different ways to post on MC that it gets a bit lost and watered down. Someone suggested a certain group should join a thread and propose a movie once every two weeks and post it under ATM: (movie), and I just didn't get why.

Between Genre films, posting under the actor vs the Film, or coming here to General Discussion, I just feel like I never know where anyone is, and not many people seem to care about whatever I toss out there into Trending. It's confusing.



ATM is just a movie-watching group. Its purpose is fun! Those who've joined get to be on a list of those who suggest which movies to watch. It means watching movies you otherwise might not watch, and might not even heard of. Then the group discusses the movies.

Most here don't bother with the genre, general films, general TV, and other similar boards, and go directly to the board of the individual film/show/actor to post. It was the same on IMDb.

Also like on IMDb, sometimes no one replies to your posts. Sometimes they do, but weeks, months, or even years later.


It seems more people seem to post on the popular or newer movie boards.
Most of the time these don't interest me or I'm so far behind on watching a new show that it becomes old
once I start watching it.

ATM is for fun but also to try to get a group of people together to discuss a movie. Especially older movies.
This seems to be where this site is lacking. A small amount of people each with different tastes.
We're just trying to get some discussions going on some of these movies. Not to mention a great way to discover
some really good movies that we might not have seen before.

There are a number of people who post here but never answer replies. You will get to know them after a while.
As of now everybody is scattered.
I wish I had a better answer for you.
I will say that I have seen more new names posting in the last month than I can remember in the past.

I think a lot of people have different sites where they are posting. Nobody is happy with any of them.
They post then come back every few days to see what they have. Trying to find the "perfect" one.


Thanks for the reply. Back on IMDb, at least it seemed straight-forward. If I wanted to post about Gunsmoke, there was a chance some old fan would notice and there would be some interaction. Right now everything seems so scattered. I also notice there is a Star Talk section which is separate from the actors profiles and all the other things that might be related. I never go there.

Recently I wanted to read up on the Ryan Gosling movie Drive. That thread was o-k, but at this point it doesn't seem like any one cares about it one way or the other (it's from 2011). Maybe it's my imagination, but I guess IMDb was old enough and established so that people seemed to be everywhere commenting specifically on movie-related topics. I don't mind having all these other fun forums, but being able to discuss some older films (often which are new to me) just seems to be lacking. But that's my demographic. Certainly GoT and Twin Peaks look pretty popular now.
Thanks again.


We just have to accept that this site isn't IMDb. However, IMDb's message boards took many years to grow in traffic. Nobody knows if MovieChat will ever have the traffic that IMDb had when it shut down it's message boards. Why? It only just got up and running less than a year ago.
Just keep posting. Give it time.


I'm with you. The older films are the ones that are lacking. 90% of what I watch is older or foreign movies.
There just aren't enough people here yet to cover everything.

I try to post on movies after I watch them. Most have never gotten a response. I believe they will in time.
I have an affinity for obscure foreign movie. I fear those might not ever receive a response.
It's hard to have so few people compared to that other site and so many movies. The chances of
coming across a group of people with similar taste is low as of now.
Sometimes when I see the trending bar I think WTF is happening. At least people are posting. That's the main thing.

I've chosen MC. I go nowhere else. I keep posting everywhere. A lot of my posts are just filler.
There are a lot of good people here. I think we have a good core.
From what I've seen you and I share some similar tastes. I still believe



I was really never on that other site so I have no idea what it was like.
I've only heard distant rumors.

Annoying Arvin could get to be a habit with me.
He's done it enough to everybody else.



If I'm the chosen one I wish they would choose me for something else.

I am officially on Arvin's do not reply to list.
That list is growing everyday. So proud.
Cross that off my bucket list.



Strange, I got a notification and when I came to read the reply it was blank.
Must be from Claude Rains.



These are the things you need to focus on.
That's an important thing to forget.
You thought this whole time it was because Arvin didn't like you.
In reality it was your damn cloak. Please be more mindful.


I haven't seen Arvin in a few days


Don't worry,hownos...maybe he...bake something for us😉


I look forward to it.

reply too



you're joking right



Maybe he gave you one more chance...


I have a feeling he might be lurking around.
Just waiting for somebody to bite the hook.


Say it ain't so ;)



Arvin's General Discussion Board about films and tv.No games,trivia,or off topic stuff allowed (unless I post it) and definitely no crap because I'm setting the pipline"


Oh yes! The PIPELINE!


This might be one of my favorite things he's ever said.

He's trying to give us direction. That's all he's doing.
I don't understand why we all aren't more grateful.


I'd be more grateful if he wasn't every which way but loose.
I never met such a tight a_ _!
NOW I'm gonna get it!


You are in TROUBLE.
I would hate to be you right now.



He's decided to take all this on himself. Bless his heart..
To lead us all through our trepidations regarding this site.

He is the true chosen one.

I come to praise Arvin, not to bury him.



That's exactly why we need Arvin's pipeline.
It will give us direction.
We sit everyday and just post willy-nilly with no proper sense as to what we're doing.
Through his guidance and insightfulness we will be saved.
I for one am happy to have him on our side.


Rise,my queen...rissse😂😂😂


Rise up! gather round
Rock this place to the ground
Burn it up let's go for broke
Watch the night go up in smoke


Pour forth and return to this mortal coil
Pour forth and be reborn
Pour forth and awaken.Himiko,the first and last


I am laughing so hard! OUT LOUD!

"My foolproof way of improving this board is to get rid of all the losers and rename the board Arvin's General Discussion Board about films and tv.No games,trivia,or off topic stuff allowed (unless I post it) and definitely no crap."

PRICELESS!!!!! Thank you. I needed that!



I was going to ask who decided what was crap, until I realised what a foolish question that was.


Your IMDb memory is in working order, Dazed.

There were any number of inactive boards there, some with no content. A few that were inactive were for some of my film favourites, some that were old shows or films.

Some old films and shows have a small but avid following, with people regularly posting -- there, and here too.

I'd say between there being fewer people here than there, and here having the trending bar, snepts' hypothetical posting on Gunsmoke and getting a response are about even Steven.

LOL @ the win/win *grins*



I agree. Making suggestions for improving the site is fine. I see that as being helpful to Jim, knowing what members want, would find useful, and why.

But making *demands*, and even insisting on them (ad nauseum), despite the majority saying these things aren't wanted, no dice. Strong growth happens organically, not by force.

We all have things on our wish list, but they're not critical. The site's good as it is, and is increasingly improving, as well as attracting more and more new users.

When you think that MC is only slightly over 8 months old, its success is quite astonishing! I wasn't on IMDb from the beginning, or when they built the message boards later, but it'd be very interesting to know how much traffic, how many posts, there were on their message boards at the 8-month mark.

It's absurd and unreasonable for anyone to expect a new site to spring up and be as active as IMDb was, after only a few months!


8 months!?...and i thought it was a year...


Nope, a mere 8 months! Amazing it's come so far in such a short period of time.


Indeed, far i had some interesting discussions on this site...and i'm a member of others...


indeed as well, we all like the internet


Not only have I had some great and interesting discussions here, Croft, I've read any number of others, where I didn't speak up because I had nothing else to add.

Nothing wrong with being a member of other sites. Some may prefer one over the other for one reason or another, while others prefer a combination, and still others prefer to stick to one site, whichever that may be.



I believe that was GoDewey's suggestion, and I think it's excellent! At this point, anything that would both serve members *and* increase activity on the site is what's needed, and should be a priority. (And yes, I'd love for URLs to be automatically converted, as well as similar things, but they're further down the Priority List.)

This suggestion would accomplish both. Dewey's suggestion (take note, Arvin: NOT couched as a demand) would give us the ability to see the history -- I like his idea of it going back 24 hours -- of boards with activity we may be interested in participating in, which would in turn create more activity.

There have been any number of times I've wished I could go back and see which boards have been active, after they scroll off Trending. At any time, but even more so when the site's very active.

I believe I joined in 2007 or 2008, and immediately started posting after joining, but that's because I lurked for a year or more on one board, and wanted to participate. That's why I finally joined.

I don't have a lot of basis of comparison, as I was a relatively late-comer. MissMargo, Hownos (sp?), and others who were there early on would be better able to answer your question.

I'd love to see what the traffic for IMDb was in its early days, and especially so from the point they added boards, on. I can only say for myself I'd have never bothered to join were it not for the boards.

Added: I'm hardly a programmer or coder, so don't know how much work is involved in creating a history for Trending either. But if it's reasonably doable, IMO this should be high on Jim's MC To Do list.


"This suggestion would accomplish both. Dewey's suggestion (take note, Arvin: NOT couched as a demand) would give us the ability to see the history -- I like his idea of it going back 24 hours -- of boards with activity we may be interested in participating in, which would in turn create more activity."



Well,to be onest,at first i only read what other members of imdb resident evil boards write...only after the official anouncement of the final chapter's filming,i've made an account and joined


Have you ever considered branching out from Laura Croft/Tombraiders/Resident Evil/Alice, etc to other interests?

You're welcome, of course, to post about and be interested in whatever it is you're interested in, but for me personally, having no interest in or experience of any of the above, many times I have no idea what you're talking about or referring to.


Other interests,Catbookss?
I can't just...branching out from the things i like.


Yes, this. Exactly. 👏🏻


I watched a few Gunsmoke episodes yesterday


We don't have the option to simply hit the "LIKE" box, but I would if I could.

btw, that Eighties post someone put up was/is a hoot ! So many memories of really good films that are just off-the wall enough to have been neglected. Remember Diva or Liquid Sky? Maybe they don't hold up well now, but at the time the were at least stylish. And that's when I discovered Kurosawa and Fellini. Gosh, I was really absorbing so much at that time, it's makes me chuckle.




I feel you. It is mostly due to the disorganization of this site and the passiveness most members go by to "reach" those audiences. The site needs to focus on a board that has some relation to movies and t.v. It's great that you noticed that and a change some of us are fighting for!


"Thread Closed". You keep using that phrase. I do not think it does what you think it does.



All the world knows about Arvin. He causes the rains to fall and the sun to shine. All good comes from Arvin.


I know what it means! It means "my thread hasn't gone the way I wanted it to go, so I'm going to pretend I can control others and prevent them from posting in it anymore by adding [Thread Closed] to the title."


One day you will all understand.
Arvin is one and one is Arvin.


This thread is not closed. I'm opening it back up.
