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Trump Will Burn America to the Ground says Chris Christie

Christie, a former New Jersey governor is running for president. “Some people say I should drop out of this race. Really? I’m the only one saying Donald Trump is a liar. He pits Americans against each other,” he says in the ad running in the Granite State.

“His Christmas message to anyone who disagrees with him? ‘Rot in Hell.’ He caused a riot on Capitol Hill — he’ll burn America to the ground to help himself,” Christie adds.

Christie posted his latest ad on X, formerly called Twitter, and said “telling the truth isn’t hard.”

In the video, Christie claims “every Republican leader” privately criticizes Trump but says he is “the only one saying it in public.”

“What kind of president do we want? A liar or someone who’s got the guts to tell the truth?” Christie says in the ad. “New Hampshire, it’s up to you.”"

The ad:

The last time Trump was president, 1 million Americans died, record unemployment and bankruptcies, and the economy went off a cliff. Of course, there's was Jan. 6 attempt to end democracy and create a dictatorship. Yep, I agree with Christie. Trump is a clear and present danger.


That's what MAGA wants, so this probably won't lose him their vote.


Why is christie whining about the one riot that Trump supposedly caused, but not the 400 that the lefties caused?


You could phrase your reply like a JEOPARDY answer: Alex Trebek: "He was once close with the former President in Donald Trump, but is now bitter about this??" Answer: Why is christie whining about the one riot that Trump supposedly caused, but not the 400 that the lefties caused? Massive applause from the TV audience


LOL!!! Yes, I guess that is probably the correct answer... I mean the right question, wait, damn it!!!


Riots only under Trump. Notice how quiet everything is since Trump left. Very quiet under Biden.


Yeah, almost like the riots were ABOUT getting rid of Trump and all that talk of cops and blacks was jus tshit talk to help rile up race riots for political reasons.

That btw, would be a text book example of using political violence to interfer in an election. You don't have free and fair elections when the voters have a real threat of violence, if the vote goes the "wrong" way".

We used to know shit like this.


Present Jan. 6 prisoners are far-right extremists and Trumpites. You are all coup coup!


They are not going to imprison their funded rioters or undercover feds, dummy.


"Notice how quiet everything is/under Biden.

Hahaha! Keelai, I'd say that's because everyone in your country is waiting with hushed expectation, waiting to see what crazy thing your Mr Biden will say next!


Say? No, he's not into tweeting or inciting riots.


Antifa/BLM/undercover-feds incite riots.


but not the 400 that the lefties caused?

Trump directly caused the Jan 6th coup attempt and should be executed as a traitor for it,
whereas the BLM riots were about the cause of anti-racism and wholly un connected to "lefties" .


No he didn't.

You're a brainwashed fool. The BLM riots were a friggin' scam. A scam on American minorities and the American people as whole. Perpetrated and perpetuated by and for democrats. You idiots have no accountability and that needs to change.


Except he didn't. He specifically called for peaceful protests and offered military reinforcements to Pelosi.

ON the other hand, not that hte leftard riots have ceased since Trump left office. Almosst like someone turned off the money, now that they were no longer needed to support the narrative.

"Anti-racism" my ass. Black people rioting is not "anti-racism". It is anti-white racism.


LOL!!!!!!!!!!!! Christie is forever sour at Trump because back when Trump won the 2016 Election, shortly thereafter, he held a Luncheon for Press, Family & Friends and of course at the time, Christie was invited.. Everyone dined on Surf & Turf, but Trump specifically wanted Christie to try the Meatloaf, which apparently was a specialty of the White House at the time and Trump insisted and in the end, Christie thought it was an insult that he didn't get to dine on Surf & Turf like everyone else and to this day, he's bitter about it.. No shit



but I have to admit, the biggest part of that FOR ME, is that MEATLOAF, is a White HOuse Speciality?



(one of my signature dishes. Sometimes I make it with taco seasonings, fantastic)


Trump told Christie that it was the Chef's White House specialty at the time


I never have understood petty people.


The more people like this in the media say this the more power they give Trump. They should all quit saying these things and thereby incite anyone that doesn't agree with them politically to vote for Trump in the primaries.


Truth needs to be told. People need to be warned.
There is a Republican plan to fire 50,000 federal workers to turn our neutral institutions into Trump-loyal ones. The beginning of an authoritarian government. It's called Project 2025.


What about the truth that it's fully legal to be gay in Florida? Does that truth need to be told?


"Truth needs to be told."

Hahahahahahahahaha! Everyone here knows you're MC's liar in chief.


Wow, how incredibly stupid. Fire thousands of federal workers AND institute authoritarianism? By what magic would that work???

No, the actual TRUTH is that the government is incredibly immense, corrupt and unfathomably wasteful. Much of it exists only to perpetuate itself, line the pockets of politicians and increase the profits of billion dollar corporations. Ya know, the folks you idiots pretend to despise? You see, firing half of all government workers will result in less overreach, less waste, less intrusion into our lives which = MORE freedom. You stupid, lying son of a bitch.


Christie is the ultimate RINO and probably as dumb as you are.


Actually, the REAL concern is that Liberals angry over Trump's re-election will burn America to the ground, and then blame Trump for making them do it.


This is unironically one of the genuine justifications for January 6th by Trump supporters


Evidence please.


It's literally what users like Corbell say on here. TVFan complains similarly too. That it was deep state cover-up, or that the protesters were somehow goaded into and tricked into storming the capitol.


That's not evidence'


Do you want me to find where TVfan or Corbell called it a deep state cover-up?


That and "Trump supporters". Evidence please. See, now if I really wanted "evidence" that some Trump supporter say this, I could easily find it, but I'll be like you and say that you have to find it for me.


They are trump supporters. It's a sentiment I've seen many times.

All I can say is that there are prominent users on this very forum that say it.


So just Moviechat. Where are all the others? evidence please.


It's an observation. I'll amend it:

This is unironically one of the genuine justifications (or more accurately, excuses) for January 6th by **some** Trump supporters.

Here's some polling though.

"Although 55% of the Republicans polled said they believed the riot was led by violent left-wing protesters, nearly all of the 840 people arrested following the attack have been Trump supporters, according to U.S. prosecutors, and FBI Director Christopher Wray has said there was no evidence leftist extremists disguised themselves as Trump supporters during the attack."


So you have nothing, other than internet scriptures.

How dumb does someone have to be to believe that the FBI are going to arrest, charge, and imprison their own informants and funded rioters. Even if they did, it would only be for show or a front, or a temporary ruse.


>So you have nothing, other than internet scriptures.

Do you reject opinion polling in itself? How is it you would expect me to demonstrate this?

>How dumb does someone have to be to believe that the FBI are going to arrest, charge, and imprison their own informants and funded rioters. Even if they did, it would only be for show or a front, or a temporary ruse.

This rests on the presupposition that the FBI had their own "informants" and "funded rioters" there. Which you have not demonstrated. Provide evidence.


Are you going to move the goalpost? Yes or No?


How have I "moved the goalpost"? You challenged the validity of that opinion polling. I'll ask again: Do you reject opinion polling in itself? How is it you would expect me to demonstrate this?


You have always moved the goalpost.

Once again: Are you going to move the goalpost? Yes or No?


How have I "moved the goalpost"? You challenged the validity of that opinion polling. I'll ask again: Do you reject opinion polling in itself? How is it you would expect me to demonstrate this?

You keep saying the same thing I'll reply with the same thing.


Every reply you make is a moving of the goalpost and playing coy; you are still doing it.


How have I "moved the goalpost"? You challenged the validity of that opinion polling. I'll ask again: Do you reject opinion polling in itself? How is it you would expect me to demonstrate this?


As I said, you have already demonstrated that you will continue moving the goalpost and playing coy.


How have I "moved the goalpost"? You challenged the validity of that opinion polling. I'll ask again: Do you reject opinion polling in itself? How is it you would expect me to demonstrate this?


Do you believe that skewed polls exist?


Sure. Any particular reason to object to the poll that Reuters is referring to?


Reuters poll said Hillary had a 90% chance of winning and before you can say "evidence please", here it is:


Okay. So?

What's your point? That's polling data fed into algorithms.


He provided evidence and you are still moving the goalpost.


I never said that Reuters didn't say that at the time. It had nothing to do with the polling that I had linked him.


You are still moving the goalpost.


What goalpost? How?


That would be ample reason to object to their poll.


It's a different poll. Are you saying because one poll may have been wrong, therefore all polls are always wrong?

In this case, your logic doesn't really check out anyway because the polling for Clinton vs. Trump was wrong primarily in distribution of voters. Clinton still did win the popular vote, and almost 50% of the USA still did vote for her. So it might go with the reuters poll about Republican attitudes regarding January the 6th. If it's wrong, it's only off by 5% or so, meaning a substantial amount of Republicans are still recorded as blaming the left for January the 6th.


You will never accept common sense. With you if someone says something about one person, poll, incident, etc., to you, they are referring to ALL of them. I'm simply saying that polls can and often are biased or skewed. I don't put a lot of faith (justifiably) in them. Why some are wrong isn't the core issue. The FACT that a lot of them are wrong is. You seem to regard the ones that fit your far leftist ideology as gospel.


>You will never accept common sense. With you if someone says something about one person, poll, incident, etc., to you, they are referring to ALL of them.

I didn't say *ALL* Trump/Republican supporters blamed the left for January the 6th, but a good percentage seem to do so. I've observed this anecdotally and polling shows this.

>I don't put a lot of faith (justifiably) in them. Why some are wrong isn't the core issue.

You know the polling for Clinton would only, and was only, off by a few % points, right? Political polling, where the margins between parties and candidates are much smaller is harder to get pinpoint accurate - but whether or not 40% or 50% of Trump supporters blame the Democrats for January the 6th is somewhat immaterial - it's still a big % of them. If that was an electoral poll, it would be the difference between defeat and victory.


Saying she had a 90% chance of WINNING was not a few percentage points. She lost, so in reality, her actual percentage was 0.

I didn't say *ALL* Trump/Republican supporters blamed the left for January the 6th, but a good percentage seem to do so.

Evidence please


>Saying she had a 90% chance of WINNING was not a few percentage points.

Correct, but the poll also didn't put her as having 90% of the vote. That was based on the reading of the polls on aggregate (I assume). You're complaining about how they interpreted the polls, not the polling itself.

The polling itself was out of alignment, but not by much. Political polling only has to be off by 5% to predict drastically different results.

>Evidence please

"Although 55% of the Republicans polled said they believed the riot was led by violent left-wing protesters, nearly all of the 840 people arrested following the attack have been Trump supporters, according to U.S. prosecutors, and FBI Director Christopher Wray has said there was no evidence leftist extremists disguised themselves as Trump supporters during the attack."


Another poll. How cute.

You will never get it.

Go on with your obsession to have the last word.


How else you propose I support evidence for claims about what members of a particular political identity think?


It's a fact. We've already seen it happen. You clueless Brit dolt.


Seen what happen? Liberals making Conservatives riot? Because that is what I was claiming Trump supporters say about January the 6th.


Months of liberals rioting, dipshit.

Conservatives have not rioted. We don't riot. We don't burn down our home town because something didn't go our way. It will be a wee bit different when we decide to go that far.


>Months of liberals rioting, dipshit.

Completely different situations and motives.

>Conservatives have not rioted. We don't riot. We don't burn down our home town because something didn't go our way. It will be a wee bit different when we decide to go that far.

Except of course, excluding January the 6th.


Not different at all. Follow the discussion, dumbass.

So you admit that Jan 6 was a riot and not an insurrection? We may be getting somewhere.


>Not different at all. Follow the discussion, dumbass.

The motives for those many protests and riots were very different.

>So you admit that Jan 6 was a riot and not an insurrection? We may be getting somewhere.

It was a poorly attempted insurrection, but definitely a riot that could have got much worse if not handled as it was.


That sounds about right since they blame Trump for everything.


And yet, it was the DNC funded leftists that tried to burn down America with hundreds of their riots.

No one except the anti-Trump idiots care what a literal RINO says.


No riots under Biden.

Trump incited riots in cities and DC.


lol, you just proved and confirmed that only leftists rioted under Trump but not under Biden since they were funded by the DNC to do it only while Trump was president.

Hundreds were also funded to dress up like maga for the capitol.


Still you've presented no evidence for this claim.


Trump incited riots in cities and DC.

BLM leader Donald Trump lmao


LOL, or Antifa leader


LMAO, are seriously giving attention to NeoCons?

Biden Admin has burned enough... Trump is at the ready with the extinguishers, we just have to wait another fucking year.


Calling Captain Ahab. There's a white whale off the Jersey shore that needs harpooning. Man the boats.
