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Whoopi Goldberg: Jews - It's not about race, just two white groups...

'Whoopi’s characterization of the Holocaust as being between “two groups of white people” is further evidence that many Americans are incapable of understanding race and racism through any prism other than theirs.'

I guess slavery isn't about race too, just mans inhumanity to man. Once we talk about race (which the left loves to do a lot), it goes down this alley, let's talk about it for what it is, it's how people treat each other. Herp derp.


Does anyone claim that the Holocaust was about race ? The Nazis were White Europeans and so were the Ashkenazi Jews.


Wasn't the Holocaust about a "master race"?


Exactly. They thought Jews as inferior and not white enough, don't have the complexion and features of the Aryan prime supreme gene so they needed to be exterminated. People have been trying to exterminate or just get rid of Jews way before Jim Crow.


FACT: The real Aryans are Iranians not Germans. The proof is Iran means land of the Aryans.


Aryan or Arya is a term originally used as an ethnocultural self-designation by Indo-Iranians in ancient times, ...


The Holocaust was about a number of things. Hitler and Goebbels scapegoating the Jews and using them to unite Germans in hatred and harden them to committing atrocities. And Hitler himself did seem to believe that the Jews were conspiring against Germany. And although the Nazis did go on about creating the master race it's quite a stretch to say that was what the Holocaust was about. The master race was more about eugenics than that.


Racism was central to Nazi ideology. Jews were not defined by religion, but by race. Nazi racist beliefs fueled genocide and mass murder. Sure they added Romanis, gays, blacks, disabled, etc. but they've specifically singled out Jews as the inferior race, as sub-human. They even have a category with "enemies of the race-based state".


I suppose I am approaching this from a common definition of race which is based on skin colour. Namely Whites, Blacks, Browns and Yellows. It seems from what you say that the Nazis had race broken down into minute sub-categories. From my point of view that is obsessive and unhinged but there you are.


Notice how white Hispanics aren't really considered white and have their own category. Historically, Italians and Irish weren't considered white either. Italians were lynched and the KKK marched against the Irish. Both suffered discrimination. Ditto other groups like Greeks, Swedes, Germans, etc. They only became white after slow acceptance by WASPs. But, a white hierarchy still exists. For instance, when WASPy Bush ran for president, he made a point of bringing up Dukakis not as white ancestry (Greek) by calling him swarthy.

Race is a social construct. For instance, a black Egyptian is categorized as white in the U.S. because that's how all North Africans and Arabs are grouped in the U.S. no matter what their appearance or ancestry is.

A person can be black in the U.S., mixed in another country and white in a third.

Basically, it's all B.S.! Pardon my French.


Race is a social construct.

No it isn't.


"From 1909 to 1944, members of Arab American communities in the United States sought naturalized citizenship through an official recognition as white. During this period, the courts were inconsistent in defining Arabs as white granting some eligibility for citizenship, while denying others."

Today, all Arabs are officially considered white even if they're black. For example, on the census which they've been trying to change.

Skin color should be as irrelevant as eye color, but society has created a racial hierarchy in which whites receive privileges that other groups don't especially blacks.

Also, there are people who are categorized differently depending on which country they reside.

The two last paragraphs define what is meant by race as a social construct.


Yes but that is all bullshit isn't it. The image link I posted clearly shows women of different races. Race exists as an actual fact therefore it is not a social construct.


You link shows different skin colors. If we have different eye colors, that wouldn't mean we are different races. Or different hair colors don't mean we're different races.

Scientists consider all humans to be genetically and biologically one race (human race) with extremely low genetic diversity since humans have the same lineage and share a common evolution from 200,000 years of intermixing with each other.

The modern concept of race and racism is only 500 years old.


More bullshit.


Not entirely. What Keelai just said has some truth, scientifically speaking. But both of you have points with merit. Plus, although much of what Keelai has said in this thread is accurate, other positions he has espoused contradict what he’s saying here (I’ll touch on that later).

A lot depends on how one breaks down what "race" means, and what context it’s being viewed within, but it's much deeper than just skin. Skin color is not a good indicator of, say, medical factors, for example. You must have a complete genetic picture of the individual. For example, Mongols are very different from Koreans, even though they share some DNA, so saying they’re both “Asian” doesn’t have much meaning physically speaking. And why lump them together socially since they’re so different culturally? That’s like lumping an Irishman in with a Frenchman, which some would do under the banner of “white”, even though it’s just as meaningless and flawed. Completely different languages, culture, and divergent DNA. While skin color might point in a general direction, it ultimately misses the mark, and includes a very wide array of specific variations that must be considered.

In fact, that picture you posted is the perfect example of what I've tried to state on this board before. It shows an excellent example of the human race from one end of the genetic spectrum to the other (differences created by a mere .01% genetically). Sure, we could say that each individual square in the picture depicts a "race", but that also contradicts the erroneous five-race notion (so now there’s 63 races?). It's all in how you define it. But scientifically speaking, there's only one overarching race of human left on the planet, rendering “race” equivalent to “species” in our case. The other “races” (neanderthal, denisovans, etc.), by this definition, died out long ago (even that isn't that simple, because many of us have DNA from both, but they were technically different species).

So "black", "white", etc. doesn't accurately reflect the genetic reality, which is why Whoopie’s comments are so off the mark, and why lumping all white-looking people together as if they’re the same group (some even include Asians now under that umbrella), or all black-looking people, etc. is so misguided and damaging to society. It's like looking at a rainbow and drawing a circle around "yellow", only to then zoom in and realize you've just circled millions of gradient colors consisting of discreet, minute variations between green and orange that form a single string of adjacent variances so close that they can barely be discerned visually, until you start comparing shades that exist further from each other on the spectrum. Thinking of it in terms of "yellow" might be easier, but it isn't technically accurate once one drills down, and the deeper constituent components must be understood if one were to want to extract, identify, or blend colors with an outcome of true accuracy.

In fact, one person’s green might be another person’s yellow, whether due to differences in vision or opinion, while one person’s olive skin might be another person’s white skin. Which is why there’s merit to what Keelai says about it being a social construct. Race as you’re defining it is rife with subjective contextualization from within the scope of individual perspective, which is why it varies.

This, in turn, is why the racialization of everything by the Left in recent years is so dangerous, counterproductive, and ultimately self-defeating. One can’t be taken seriously by holding a sign in one hand that displays “black lives matter” while in the other holding a sign that depicts “skin color is no more relevant than eye color”. I mean… huh? Do they really not see it? That’s where the Left has gone awry, mired in internally conflicting belief. But those who prescribe to that extreme variation of ideology don’t realize they’re drowning in a deluge of contradictory dichotomy that will never produce positive results for society. They need to pull their heads from their arses and wise up.




But ultimately, you both have a point and need try to understand each other.

Keelai: Germans and Jews both have white skin, but one considered the other a different race, driven by social, cultural and political reasons, and committed atrocities because of it. Socially speaking, skin color should be as irrelevant as eye color for a single species/race.

Quasimodo: But they were quite physically different races. Look at this picture!

Me: Genetically, they were indeed physically different, so could be categorized as such. But, the permutations are in fact legion, i.e. if discerning physical differences, there aren’t just five races; there’s at least dozens, probably hundreds, or more. But socially, there is no value, only harm, in doing so (e.g. “black lives matter” as opposed to “all lives matter”, white supremacists who perceive “black” or “Jewish” as inferior, etc.) As Keelai said, skin color should be as irrelevant as eye color (rendering many aspects of CRT a moot, worthless, even socially damaging, endeavor, mostly to those categorized as “minorities”). But Keelai’s talking about its application within a social framework, and I agree with him (just not on the ideological contradictions). However…

There is value in grasping genetic differences for physical reasons, a big one being medical, so you have a point as well. I just wouldn’t agree that the term “race” is still applicable because those differences go much deeper than “black”, “white”, “red”, etc., i.e. skin color. DNA is much more complex, much deeper, much more varied. So, while that picture of the human spectrum could be seen as individual discreet representations of around 63 different “races”, they’re actually no more individual races than a Poodle is from a Doberman, a Doberman from a Husky, etc. If “black” was an actual physically distinct race, so would a Dachshund be. And then what would you call a Cavapoo? Mixed race? If variant breeds of dog aren’t seen as different races, why should humans be viewed as such? Answer: within a certain context, they shouldn’t, and within modern science, they aren’t. However, to your point, they should be seen as having genetically-derived physical (entailing much more than just what’s externally visible) differences. And these physical differences come with varying advantages and disadvantages that must be acknowledged, which I suspect is the underlying point you’re trying to get at, a position I completely agree with.

I just don’t agree that it should be “race”. A more apt word would be “subrace”.
Never believe. Always question. Rebuke belief, a.k.a. bias, a.k.a. groupthink, a.k.a. ideology, the bane of skeptical, logical reason


No it isn't. Just because your bullshit goes on and on and on doesn't make it any less bullshit, just the opposite in fact.

What you people fail to acknowledge is that your argument entirely rests on the fact that you have redefined the idea of race out of existence. Race used to mean categories of people broken down by skin colour. That was what it meant and people understood it to be such.

Then after some scientists said we all share 99.9% of our DNA the Woke Folk saw their chance and immediately jumped on it and declared " See there's no such thing as race ! "

So if you redefine race out of existence in your own mind then for you it doesn't exist. But as the photo I posted above clearly shows race hasn't gone anywhere.


Your statement of the concept of race being diminished is true, because it's an antiquated notion that quite some time ago with the advent of genetics was realized as obsolete and inaccurate, having nothing to do with "woke" culture that's rampant today, but science of a couple decades back (although I'd agree that the "woke" have tried to take advantage of it, but in the process have also contradicted themselves and shot themselves in the foot, which I mention above). But the rest of what you say does not apply to my post, which I suggest you actually read in full and spend some time digesting and reflecting upon.

I think you'll find yourself agreeing with at least some of what I say.
Never believe. Always question. Rebuke belief, a.k.a. bias, a.k.a. groupthink, a.k.a. ideology, the bane of skeptical, logical reason.


It's like talking to a brick wall.


Me: "Your statement of the concept of race being diminished is true."
You: "It's like talking to a brick wall."
Me: "Then set the mirror down."

Okay, so as I allude to above, since that picture depicts 63+ genetic variations, you're saying there's 63 races? The very picture you linked to visually and quite plainly contradicts the five-race concept. if you want to define genetic groupings with the term race, you can't use colors to do so because it isn't accurate enough.

Mongols are different from Koreans, Irish are different from the French, which are different from Jews. And yet you want to lump them together into a groupings of "Yellow" and "White"? For what purpose? What does that accomplish, when it ignores their individual genetic differences, with "white" being the worst offender of the bunch, having a much broader and diverse array of genetic configurations (with some "whites" being much closer genetically to Chinese than other so-called "whites"?

I'd get behind use of the term "subrace" if someone were to make an effort to split it out into much more accurate groupings to where it might have a modicum of substantial meaning, but there'd be a very large number of them, and until that's done it really doesn't provide positive value. As it is, extremists on both sides of the ideological spectrum abuse it to their own ends, especially the ultra Left these days.
Never believe. Always question. Rebuke belief, a.k.a. bias, a.k.a. groupthink, a.k.a. ideology, the bane of skeptical, logical reason.


I think it's privileged whomever the majority in a country is and whoever owns said business. If you look at Asian grocery markets and such, you'll see they hire their own kind for the most part and so on and so forth. Same goes for Taxi drivers where in my area the majority if not all are East Indian drivers.


"privileged whomever the majority in a country"

Not really. For instance, most people in Mexico are mestizos, but the elite are white. In India, the elite tend to be light-skinned even though most Indians are dark. Also, the British were the elite before the Indians kicked them out. South Africa's minority whites were the elite. And women are a majority in many countries, but almost always treated poorly.

The entire point of discrimination is to give one group privilege while denying another group(s).

I'm not sure I understand your final sentences. Most taxi drivers where I live are not East Indians. Small grocers tend to be family-run.


I will give you that one. You're mostly talking about colonial countries though, I was referring to more traditional ones that weren't colonized although still hold some minority natives or mixed to the point they're more or less considered one and the same.

Mexico I assume you mean Inca/Aztec as the general population and 'whites' for the Spanish. Indians didn't kick the British out, they fell out of favor and lost the power after WW2 so they more or less kicked themselves out to save face from a restless India. India became a powerhouse after WW2 with its huge 2.5m army back the Brits. I think South Africa whites are still the elites in some form as they hold most or a large portion of the farmland which the free blacks want and sometimes kill for. We are but mere mammals. Females almost always come second, even in the animal kingdom for the most part (not all but most).

Hmm, I guess different areas for different folks. From my personal experience it's usually certain chains that hire only specific people. For here, Chinese grocery stores only hire Chinese, Taxi drivers are mostly Middle Eastern, Casinos run mostly by Natives, stuff like that. Go to an Asian restaurant and you'll see mostly only Asian but go to Boston Pizza or something and that's a different story. I'm not talking small grocers but medium-large with decent amount of chains.


The British were kicked out by most of their colonies after WWII.

Their opportunities are likely limited in other jobs.


Basically, it's all B.S.!

You just summed up your entire posting history!


I don't see any record of Bush calling Dukakis swarthy but a NYT article stated that Dukakis wanted more lighting to avoid looking swarthy. By the way, swarthy is not a bad word when used to describe a person or thing. The only record I saw of swarthy being used was by Jon Lovitz in a Saturday Night Live skit. Please provide proof that Bush called Dukakis swarthy. ** Lovitz uses swarthy at the 9:12 mark **

You said:

The only racist criticism that I saw was the use of the Bush campaign's use of the Willie Horton ad BUT that's good politics. I'm amazed that lefties STILL want criminals roaming the streets even though this has been a disastrous policy. Willie was a Massachusetts murderer serving a life sentence who was granted a furlough from prison and then proceeded to go on a crime spree. Duh! ** Willie Horton same old shit **

For instance, when WASPy Bush ran for president, he made a point of bringing up Dukakis not as white ancestry (Greek) by calling him swarthy.


"Swarthy" repeatedly pops-up because Bush used the term against Dukakis. 1988 is before the internet was widely used so you'd have to search old newspapers and magazines articles. Although vague, I found this:

"The attacks on Dukakis—which tapped into nativist fears about his swarthy, beetle-browed looks, his ethnic last name, and his Jewish wife—stand alongside the Willie Horton ads from that year as prime exhibits in one of the sleaziest campaigns in presidential history."

It's not as big a deal now, but WASPs attacked white ethnic groups much more years ago. Kennedy was attacked for being Irish Catholic with possible loyalty to the Pope instead of the U.S.. Nonsense like that.

The Horton ad is typical race-baiting. They use the term dog whistle now. Either way, Bush 1 and 2 plus Florida Bush are all racists who repeatedly used race-baiting in their campaigns.


I knew you couldn't find anything to support the swarthy remarks. That ridiculous Slate article only addresses supposed nativist concerns about his swarthy appearance and his beetle-browed looks???? WTF is a beetle-brow? A lot of dopes vote for the attractive candidate but I also vote for people who are ethical and competent. I noticed that many people have been using swarthy and I would bet money that it all relates to that stupid SNL skit with Jon Lovitz.

The concerns about Kennedy related to his Catholicism and I would be concerned about the loyalty of the Catholics to their faith over their country. The Pope is the head of the independent state Vatican City so a President with absolute faith in Catholicism might prioritize the interests of Vatican City over the interests of the US. It might be a little bit of a stretch but it is something to consider.

The Horton ad is not a dog whistle; It's the truth! Why would a murderer serving a life sentence be let out on furlough? Restorative justice is BS and Willie Horton raped a woman while out on furlough. Duh!

Florida Bush married a hispanic lady so he probably isn't a total racist. Unfortunately, Bush 1 nominated the abominable Clarence Thomas to the SC so he probably isn't a racist. Bush 2 also appointed minorities like Condoleeza Rice, Alberto Gonzales and Elaine Chao to important positions.


I'm old enough to remember the swarthy comment. If you have money, you can subscribe to a few newspapers and research their 90s presidential campaign articles' archives.

If you're American, I suggest you speak to your older relatives. The Slate article refers to the racist campaign which Bush ran. The rare term "swarthy" is common in articles and SNL during that time because of Bush.

Marrying a Hispanic has nothing to do with not being racist against Blacks nor making disparaging remarks against ethnic whites nor running a racist campaign.


but they've specifically singled out Jews as the inferior race, as sub-human.

Totally false. Jews were targeted because they were seen as enemy race, not because they were believed to be inferior.


not because they were believed to be inferior

Hitler hatred of Jews was by thinking the were a sub standard race and needed to be eradicated so yes they were beleived to be inferior. What utter nonsense you just wrote.


Central to the Nazi ideology was to be above any group they cared to exterminate or exploit. They didn't care about any of their for the public rules because they violated them all the time for expediency's sake.


Sounds similar to the way the left is demonizing white people today.


Does anyone claim that the Holocaust was about race ?

It just sounded like you were saying it wasn't a factor.


Hitler open talked about creating a master race, and the Jewish were not a part of that, so I'd say yes.


She finally made an apology.


She's a far left freak. All will be forgiven.


Well she apologised that what she said is wrong

She didn't apologise for saying it or that she thinks that. 2 weeks off and she will still think the same.


To morons like Goldturd there is only ONE form of slavery, White Southern American Christians who owned Black Africans. No other slavery has ever or will ever take place.


Goldberg is lazy and has an inferior brain...


Update of Goldberg comment:

""On today's show, I said the Holocaust 'is not about race, but about man's inhumanity to man.' I should have said it is about both," Goldberg said."

I'll add my 2 cents about her original comment. Goldberg is wrong. Jews were not considered white in Nazi Germany. They were considered a different race than whites. That's why there are terms like the "Jewish race". Furthermore, Goldberg forgets that the Nazis hated blacks, too. Of course, it was about antisemitism AND racism.


Wrong, they weren't considered non White, just non Germans or non aryan. Nazis had no concept of "White". They only cared about Germanic/Aryan.


> They only cared about Germanic/Aryan.

Which doesn't mean anything, objectively or to the Nazis since they embraced the Arab/Palestinians and made Haj Amin Al Husseini an SS Commander and housed
him in Berlin thoughout the war.

The Nazis were almost as illogical and inconsistent as today's Republican Party.

Not saying Republicans are Nazis, but they sure do seem to share a lot of common


The only thing illogical to the Republican party is the false belief that races are equal and that race doesn't matter. It is complete bollocks.


The Nazis were almost as illogical and inconsistent as today's Republican Party.

You are more illogical than both of them, combined.


Ethnic Germans considered themselves a different race, "the Master Race" or "Aryan Race", too. Later, they considered other white Northern Europeans to be almost as good as they were except Jews and the Romani who they continued to demonize along with Blacks.

In other words, they made no attempt to kill all Swedes, Norwegians or French unless they were Jewish or Romani.


That is true, but it isn't a counter argument to anything I was saying. They hated Slavs.


Judasim is a religion.

Jewish is a race.

You can be Jewish and not follow Judaism.

If it was about religion then why not get rif of the religion.

This was about race. You are wrong and if you continue to say it then you are an anti-semite just like Whoopi Goldberg.

Hitler literal called Jews a sub standard race and must be eradicated becuase of that.

Racism is more than colour but Americans will never get that.


I never said Holocaust wasn't about race. Read my posts again. What I said was that Nazis had no concept of "White" and weren't White nationalists as it's being erroneously claimed by the media today. Nazis hated Slavs and Slavs are 100% White.


They considered Brits and the French Aryan while Iranians were True-Aryan blood.


"Iranians were True-Aryan blood"

Basically Asian - not European. The irony is that they hated the Romani who were originally from India and among the original Aryan along with Iranians.

Major gaslighting by the Nazis.


Slavery wasn't about race. Slavery existed on all continents and among all races.


Why is that so important to you ... and if it is, you should developed the idea if you're so educated on the matter. There were many different forms of slavery, but your first big mistake is to lump them all together.


The OP said "I guess slavery isn't about race too, just mans inhumanity to man." in a kind of ironic way as if that statement wasn't true. It is true. Slavery wasn't about race.


Maybe your head is too dense to understand this, but there is not one kind of slavery, and some slavery evolved to be about race - in the USA plantation system.






There is plenty of evidence that blacks owned slaves in the US so slavery in the US was not about race. It's really about cheap labor and greed. Employers today are still trying to avoid paying a living wage.


Oh yeah, the slaveowners were all black. And pretty soon you'll be telling us the slaves were white.


I think the whites were indentured servants. Interestingly enough, the African immigrants who arrived in 1619 were also indentured servants. The article below states that laws permitting slavery were not passed until 1641 in Massachusetts and 1661 in Virginia. Indentured servitude was actually legal in the Caribbean and South America until 1917.


I was just regurgitating her own words back at her from the plight of her own race hence the quotes I referenced above it. She only sees her own race and not of others.


Which slavery are you referring to?


I understand her point of view. From the perspective of Blacks, Jews are just White people with yamulkas.


They [ Blacks] shouldn't think that, and "they" probably don't. At least those who think in the context of and know some history. A lot of Jews were the ones to help blacks in the South ... Maybe your understanding of blacks and Jews is just as off base.


And a lot of Jews also practised slave trade. If you go by percentages certainly a higher percentage of Jews traded slaves than non Jewish Whites. But you won't hear that in American history classes. All you hear is how bad Whites were.


Still in Elementary School are you?


Have we really descended into ah hominem attacks because we can't argue against facts and points? And you are the one accusing me of being in elementary school.


There is no point in arguing facts with you, because you will take a one-off fact and try to blow it up into a the norm. You are dishonest and essentially a liar.


What is an one off fact? Do you deny Jews practiced slave trade disproportionately relative to White people. Do you deny that there is very little talk about Jewish slave trade in American public and schools? Gee, I wonder if Jews being disproportionate in American education and media has anything to do with it.


> 'Whoopi’s characterization of the Holocaust as being between “two groups of white
> people” is further evidence that many Americans are incapable of understanding
> race and racism through any prism other than theirs.'

OK, and that information and a dime is worth 10 cents. So what? Point?
