MovieChat Forums > Politics > What would happen if whites disappeared ...

What would happen if whites disappeared forever?

*grabs popcorn*


Look at the advanced civilizations and look at those still living in the 19h or even 18th century.




Russian, German, English, American , Sweden, Canadian

Africa, middle east, central America

The 7 day week is based on white Christian values. God worked for 6 days, rested on the 7th.

The greatest nation was built with the idea of one nation under God.


Jesus would not be crucified by Romans. No Holocaust. Mizrahi Jews are left alone in their original homeland. Christianity was created by Mizrahi Jews and would likely remain local. Jews, Christians and Muslims live peacefully without crusades.

Caribbean Natives continue to live in the West Indies.

Empires, kingdoms and civilizations throughout Asia, Africa and America continue to flourish without European destruction of them. They continue to travel and trade with each other like they always have done before European imperialism ruined everything.

The OP wasn't asking what if whites NEVER existed, but since you brought it up...


In reality we know who is winning and who are the losers.

Out of.comapassion the winners give them an inch.

And what's theh saying about them wanting miles?

Give em an inch then want a mile.

Give em a political seat, they want to change the laws.


You can always count on fresh racism from KKKeelai.


Your definition of racism is not joining in your daily anti-black diatribe.


Rhoda always fails to mention it was Blacks who SOLD Blacks for slavery. It was done before the White man got involved. Blacks owning Blacks as slaves. Ain’t that a trip?


They also did it to whites -


Young black African males would stop trying to get into Europe.


wouldnt those orcs want to claim the riches in ghost towns?


China or Japan would be the superpower.


That would make an interesting movie.

No more Trump and his cult! No more Q-Anon. No more Fox, Breitbart, NY Post and other divisive news. More houses so the prices will come down. No more guns flooding the streets. Sensible gun laws can finally pass. No more voter suppression laws. White supremacy ends. Removal of all Confederate statues. No more Confederate flag waving. Putin goes away. Serious global warming legislation can pass.

President Kamala Harris can pass infrastructure bill, voting rights bill (not needed as much now), has Supreme Court judges to nominate, Palestinians get their homeland back, covid vaccine rate reached 95% in the U.S., excess vaccine can be rushed to rest of the world, fewer cars so less pollution, domestic terrorism problem ends, mega-wealthy Walmarts Musk and Gates wealth can be shared equitably with workers.


Did you like Planet of the Apes?


No more Karens. No more racists.

No more white supremacists celebrating July 4th by being fascists:

White supremacist group 'ran away from the people of Philadelphia,' police say


You're assuming POC would've made America, they wouldn't have else that would be racist in itself. It'll be all Native Tribes roaming the North America along with Mayans/Inca/etc. in the South.

Also wb, you've been gone for awhile, at least on the politics forum.


You're interpreting the question differently than I am. I interpreted as all whites disappearing right now. The OP didn't ask what would happen if whites never existed.

Thanks. I've been here.


Yeah, my brain is wired a bit differently. I was thinking also as of right now but also how it'll affect time itself as well for some reason. I guess I was thinking one day a POC would invent time travel and disappear whites since their inception but you broke my thinking there since that would mean they can do all the stuff whites have do so far thereafter. Obviously not saying POC haven't invented stuff themselves either but I would say the type of inventions would be say, limited to certain aspects. Like how China invested gun powder for firecrackers but then soon the white man saw it and used it for pistol and then gattling gun, etc.


Keloid, you seem to hate America.
Why don't you just leave? 😕


I hate white supremacists, so why don't you and your triggered snowflake pals leave?


Again, Keloid, you assume to know me, what I think, and what I believe.
Your standard brand of deflection. 😕


Admit it, Rhoda. You hate Whites period! End of story. If you are White you hate being White! This country would be so much better off if you moved to the Middle East. You could join the terrorists and lay siege upon the Israelis whom you despise as much as you do Whites.


You're completely delusional and sick in the head.


Your cheap personal insults are meaningless. What part of my comment do you disagree with and why?


You are truly the biggest idiot on here. Every problem (and the ones you imagine/fantasize about) exists in every race on the planet. Racism, sexism, bigotry, hate, corruption, your precious "inequality", etc., etc., etc., would all be alive and flourishing, without the evil white man. Same movie, different actors, dimwit. The fact that you think all the world's problems are due to white people should give everyone here a clear picture of what and abject, hate filled, racist degenerate you are.


Your cheap personal insults are meaningless.

What part of my comment do you disagree with and why? Be specific.


Read what I wrote, dip-ass! ALL races are guilty. Take one out, no change. Replace your beloved "white supremacy" with Asian, black, Hindu, Muslim, Latino and all the other's supremacy. They're all alive and well. Travel the world (or just go out into the real world). You'll see it for yourself but (why I don't present facts and arguments you) you'll just keep bleating your tired, racism/white supremacy cry. You are absolutely hopeless which would be fine if you kept your lunacy to yourself.


Your rant is nonsensical!

Point out just ONE THING in my comment that isn't true.
I just made it very easy for you.


He won, you always lose.


More houses so the prices will come down. No more guns flooding the streets. Sensible gun laws can finally pass. No more voter suppression laws.

fewer cars so less pollution, domestic terrorism problem ends, mega-wealthy Walmarts Musk and Gates wealth can be shared equitably with workers

1st of all, your utopian ideas would not happen. 2nd, there are PLENTY of non-whites to ensure the status quo would continue.

P.S. Check out gun violence in "non-white" countries.


You mean former colonies which are still controlled by Western powers. When they vote for a good leaders to help people, the West assassinates them or create sanctions to impoverish them. The West only wants puppets they can control.

Guns are coming from Western countries.


Your inability to have cognitive thought is why I don't attempt to debate you. It's like talking to a 5 year old.


Nevertheless, Patrice Lumumba, Salvador Allende, Khadaffi, Mohammad Mosaddegh - to name a few. The U.S. repeatedly tried to kill Castro - Bay of Pigs.

I'll take your insult as your admission of defeat.


And what was wrong in attempting to kill Castro? You need to talk to Cubans who lived under his regime. They would be happy to shut you down.


No sabes nada. Castro ended Jim Crow laws in Cuba like he promised!!! Of course, that would upset you since you're a racist. Cubans did well under Fidel who provided enough food and free medical care. You would support organized crime in Cuba which he stamped out.


You are completely, totally without a doubt deranged! As I wrote prior talk to Cubans who fled his regime. Do some damn research before demonstrating your ignorance! Here is some information about your beloved Castro. And you praise him because he ended Jim Crow laws! Please, please tell us you aren’t spawning more like you. He was an evil tyrant who used some of Hitler’s tactics to control his people. I’m so damn sick and tired of you calling people racists when you’re backed into a corner! That’s all you have left when challenged with the facts. You are a hopeless, pitiful human being! I just gagged when writing the last sentence.

” From mass murders to the execution of small children, Fidel Castro and his cohorts are not to be idolized for what they’ve left behind.

Fidel Castro has left an innumerable death toll in his wake and has shown very little remorse for these innocent lives lost. He set up work camps much like those in the Holocaust and restricted all movement of Cuban people. Fidel Castro was a tyrant that should be remembered as such.


Propaganda. Bring your fake nonsense to your next meeting with fellow Trump cultists.


Read this and sleep well you pos who doesn’t deserve to breathe the air sane people breathe!

”There are a total of 95 minors documented that were killed by the order of Fidel Castro. Of these teens and children 22 died by firing squad and 32 were killed in extrajudicial assassination. The family of 15 year old Owen Delgado Temprana took refuge in the Ecuadorian embassy before Cuban revolutionaries stormed in and beat him to death. There were also many people who died while incarcerated, often times the guards would mark the death “heart attack” but witness statements tell us another tale. There were a total of 2199 reported prison deaths during this Socialist regime, one of which was a 17 year old denied medical attention. The young boy was found deceased in a pool of his own blood and vomit. Three children also died in 1971 when a Cuban navy boat sunk the ship by ramming the boat, to make it all the more horrific, their mother was eaten by sharks in front of them.”

But, he did away with Jim Crow laws!


You're upset about a few Cubans being killed by the police, but not Americans? And of course, you support Jim Crow! You're a typical racist!


A few Cubans? What in the hell is wrong with you? I’m reposting a most informative link about the brutal tyrant, Fidel Castro, whom you laud being the Communist you are.

I lived and worked along with the refugees who fled to South Florida. I heard their horror stories! But, you being the Communist race warlord you are, will Deny, Dismiss, Deflect, and/or be Dumbfounded!


You can take whatever, however you want. You're a brainwashed, lost pawn who's "taking" anything that rational, coherent people say is beyond irrelevant.


World peace, obviously. No more racism or war ever because us whites are the cause of all evils that have ever existed.


thank you for owning up to it,
now pay me: [email protected]


Completely uneducated and moronic response. Typical dark finger typing, low IQ reponse. The void left by the doctors and teachers alone would send the rest America spiraling into chaos where Mexicans and Blacks slaughter each other, and in typical fashion, cant even police each other without total corruption and aggressive tyranny like they do in their own run countries. Once America falls to jungle warfare and violence, with these uneducated and sickly mental defectives in charge of America's military power capabilities, Asians (China/Japan) would freak out and look to genocide anyone in control of it, while also looking to expand their powers into Russia and Europe, to prevent the shitskins from ravaging the areas. It will be World War III. Peace my ass. What a shithead.


Half the doctors and most medical staff are POC. There would be no void especially since part of the population would be missing in the OPs scenario.

African-Americans do very well when white racism and supremacy aren't a factor. White supremacy destroyed the achievements of blacks during Reconstruction and look at Tulsa and the many other black towns which were destroyed by white riots.

Mexicans and blacks get along well. Blacks and Hispanics often live in the same neighborhoods and interact with each other. Whites are notorious for white flight and segregation. Less guns on the streets without white male support for lose gun laws.

Asian civilizations and culture predate anything from Europe. ROFLMAO because you think they'd "freak out".


I am the OP. You're not paying attention, especially to all the people around you. Mexicans are at constant odds with blacks and when they tried that BLM protest shit, it got shut down by latiinos quick in NYC, and LA. And no, if you think a few Indian and Asian doctors means half, you're sorely mistaken. Maybe your insurance is so bad, you only go to county hospital and get the worst of the worst working on you. Ha. But yeah, again, talking out of your ass. Major surgical doctors are WHITE. The idiots who make you sit in a second waiting room while they go on WebMD to check your symptoms and misdiagnosis you, are POC.


BLM was very diversified with white, black, Asian, and Hispanics marchers. Like I repeated many times on this site, marchers passed by my home many times as well as near my job. All very peacefully. You're watching too much Fox which has distorted your reality. Do you even know any POC?

I'm going by stats. Yes, there are black and Hispanic doctors, too. Whites are a disproportionate number of patients so a shortage isn't likely.


I get all my proof from youtube. I see live streamers and I saw David Dorn murdered, a statue dropped down on the skull of a jogger and the blacks immediately blamed the white roastie on their side, and the craziness in Seattle, St. Louis, and Portland. Save your peacefully bullshit for a fellow CNN viewer. I don't need some fake ass media trying to spin their agenda to me. You can get down on your knees and suck that up.

And it doesnt matter how many patients are white or not. Once one black person needs help (and most to them do), they arent going to get it without waiting weeks! There are literally NO black doctors, and if you ever get a black nurse, you might as well kiss your ass and your money goodbye. They will rob you before you even flatline. There wont be enough asian and indian doctors to go around helping all the emergency rooms filled with the blacks who pack it these days.

Same goes for education, which you are conveniently ignoring because you KNOW! Where the fuck are the black teachers? All these white women baby sitting millions of feral joggers all day, making sure there are in school raping underage drugs and selling them drugs, instead of hanging out a street corners or causing trouble in the parks. A noble cause. I'd rather they be far away from school with all the chaos they cause there. They only show up for the free breakfast and lunch, and so they can steal and sell drugs.


"I get all my proof from youtube."

ROTFLMAO!!!!! You just lost what little credibility you had.

Read a book and learn:

White Rage by Carol Anderson

Interesting section about how white Southerners behaved when 10% of blacks had already left for the North during the Great Migration and they wanted to stop others in order to keep ultra-cheap labor. Whites made it illegal for blacks to leave with huge fines, illegal for labor agents to solicit blacks for jobs in the North, illegal to own the Chicago Defender newspaper which advertised jobs and even stopped trains with blacks on them. Eventually, half of blacks fled the racist South.


And your link is to a racist author LOL that'll teach em


Be specific. What in the history book do you find inaccurate? Give me a page of your item and we'll discuss.


The author is racist you stupid shit what don't you understand about that?


Prove it! She's a historian who released a history book. What passage in the book, White Rage do you find inaccurate or racist? Give me a page and we'll discuss.


So if a historian releases a book called Black Rage what would you think about that? Care to answer or no?


Mary Turner, 8 months pregnant, 21
May 19, 1918, Brooks County, Georgia

She publicly complained about the lynching of her husband on the previous day.

A white mob bound her feet, hanged her from a tree with her head facing down, threw gasoline on her, and burned the clothes off her body. Mrs. Turner was still alive when the mob took a large butcher’s knife to her abdomen, cutting the unborn baby from her body. When the baby fell from Mary Turner, a member of the mob crushed the crying baby’s head with his foot. The mob then riddled Mrs. Turner’s body with hundreds of bullets, killing her.

The white mob lynched Mary Turner and her unborn child to maintain white supremacy, silence her, and communicate to the Black community that no dissent from the racial order would be tolerated. No member of the mob was ever held accountable for the lynching of Mary Turner and her unborn baby.

Do you believe the white lynch mob had rage? (I'm assuming the book title has triggered you.) If not, which emotion(s) do you believe triggered their act and why?


That has what to do with anything today? You also didn't answer the question

There was a white boy bound and tortured and the black perps streamed it on Facebook live. That happened a few years ago. Does that qualify as black rage?


Answer my question since the subject is the White Rage book.


You want me to answer a question you asked about something that happened 100 years ago that you think proves something today

Yet you won't answer a question about something that happened a few years ago

Yeah you don't care about good faith discussions you just want "White people bad"

Fuck off you racist


You just demonstrated why the book is called White Rage!

You became triggered just now because you are afraid to confront white racism. I wouldn't allow you to change a subject which makes you uncomfortable, so you lashed out in anger aka: White Rage, with profanity.

I'll answer my own question since I'm not thin-skinned. The lynch mob had white rage! White Rage title refers to the horrific treatment of black people in the U.S. throughout history.

The book starts in the 1800s after slavery and continues into the present with many detailed examples of white supremacy, torture, discrimination, hatred, systematic racism.

The period after slavery describes eyewitness accounts of hundreds of mutilated, lynched and burnt black corpses throughout the South.

The Black Code was an attempt to bring back slavery. Whites would find an excuse to arrest black people like being unemployed. Blacks were forbidden to hunt, fish or practice a trade like blacksmithing. Only plantation work was allowed. After an arrest, they would be forced to work for a plantation owner for free aka slavery.

I'm up to the Great Migration in which millions of blacks are fleeing racism from the South. Whites created multiple laws to prevent this since they were losing cheap labor.

The book does cover the present since White Rage continues today.

The book mentions the systematic racism support from presidents, Supreme Court judges, politicians and rich people too.

So far, I read 52 pages of multiple accounts of nightmarish racism on each page! A very hard read. Your one anecdotal example doesn't come close to comparing to the 400 years of systematic racism, rape, torture, enslavement, racist legislation, discrimination, cruelty, white supremacy that blacks have faced on a daily basis.

You use the "racist" word without understanding the meaning so I'm going to educate you. You're not a victim of racism. You're seeing the truth of white rage against black people which you are running away from.


TLDR I'm sure it was more racist drivel from KKKeelai


Gaslighting and projection are more White Rage tactics.

I'm going to assume you're a hateful sociopath because you approve of the lynching of an 8-month pregnant black woman and the murder of her baby. You showed zip empathy.

Making light of the KKK and tossing around the racist word when millions of blacks have suffered is vile, too.

You're not a victim of racism. You have white skin privilege. Stop downplaying the racism that POC experience - especially blacks!


"Everything I don't like is white rage and racism" - KKKeelai


Keelai, there aren’t words strong enough to describe that horrific, sickening, disgusting event along with the many other atrocities committed against Blacks. But, don’t you realize people like you and the author will not let the wounds heal? You continue to pick at the scab. It will start to heal, but then you et al start picking again which riles Blacks. We cannot undo what was done then. As far as I know we cannot time travel to right the wrongs.

The burning, looting, and murdering solves nothing and you people exacerbate the problems by picking at the scab of the long ago wound. The 1960’s brought the wound into the light. So many good changes were made. The South was brought to its knees which was a good thing. I lived those days. I still cannot believe I lived during the time when Blacks weren’t permitted to vote. I still cannot believe I lived during the time when water fountains and restrooms were segregated! I still cannot believe I lived during the time when a Black couldn’t dine in a restaurant, but hells bells they were in the kitchen cooking the food! I still cannot believe I lived during the time when Blacks weren’t permitted after dark to be in my town.

But, all of the above is no more. Please stop picking at the wound daily and making it to continue to bleed. We as Americans could continue to pick at the wound of WW2 & the atrocities committed against our POWs by the Japanese, but we don’t. What we did to Japanese Americans during that time should not be forgotten, but they don’t continue to pick at the wound.

You, the author, & others like you in our government aren’t solving a damn thing! What you are doing is encouraging young Blacks to go on a rampage which not only hurts the innocents, it hurts their neighborhoods. They destroy places of work, where they shop, where they live. etc. Something is wrong when elderly Blacks have to live in homes with iron grates on their doors & windows, where young Black kids are murdered by other Blacks.


laugh off indisputable evidence and keep reading books with flimsy evidence to back up her claims. Not credible at all. Watching someone being shot trying to defend a store from a BLM rioter cannot be refuted. Then watching them die on camera, is also IRREFUTABLE. Which is why you laugh. You're a pathetic loser who can't actually defend the bullshit you spew. You can laugh at all the people who died from the riots, and then laugh at how the one person who supposedly died during the capitol riot, actually, didnt. A fricken miracle, like you being able to read a book. Too bad you're so stupid you think anything written on paper automatic constitutes a fact. Yikes. This is why racism exists. You prove it every day. You're inferior and when you try to be equal, you fail miserably. Now that's something worth laughing at. lol But nope, instead you choose to laugh at a bunch of black people dying to BLM "peaceful protests."

Protesting what again? Criminals OD'ing in police custody. Yikes, go write a book about that.


Don’t forget this thing known as Keelai praises Castro because he did away with Jim Crow laws. The atrocities leveled at his own people aren’t important. Nah! He did away with Jim Crow laws and the Cuban people had it good under him. 🙇🏼‍♀️ He executed children and murdered thousands…but he did away with Jim Crow laws. He used some of Hitler’s tactics and set up concentration camps, but he did away with Jim Crow laws…God help us if there are more like this nitwit!


Propaganda! You're gullible!
What other fairy tales do you believe in?


Don't change the subject. What in the book didn't happen? Are you refuting slavery, lynchings, Jim Crow, The Great Migration, Civil War?

Only an idiot criticizes a book in which they have no idea what's in it.

Since you can't name one thing that's in the book which is untrue, you should stop criticizing it. You sound like a moron!


Slavery happened because blacks enslaved each other. Spain bought them all and sent the majority to South American and to the Caribbean. Most of the slave ships were sent away from American/English docks. Literally all the slaves were left overs from Spanish colonies, you moron.

Lynchings were justified. Criminals being punished while being prisoners in foreign lands was the norm. Slaves were not citizens. Breaking the law is not a good idea on top of being defective farm equipment.

Jim Crow was literally trying prevent exactly whats happening now. You disgusting animals spread AIDS, drugs, and every degenerate behavior along with all the crimes you commit everyday, which is always racially motivated against whites!

Civil War should have ended, but it didn't because some idiot thought blacks deserved freedom. That idiot has been proven wrong every day since by their actions. They either need to be punished harshly or treated like children, because they cannot handle the complexity of this once great modern society. Im sorry. Not my fault, not my problem and there is no solution to your lack of evolution. Every black and latino person is a net loss in taxes throughout their entire lives. And what do Americans get in return? Well I guess a lot of jobs in crime and punishment. Thanks for enriching all of lives with your negativity, stupidity and degeneracy. Love that rap music. Real positive influence. America doesn't have a gun problem, it has a black problem. America doesn't have an education problem, it has a black problem. Without them, we'd be equal to Japan in gun violence and IQ score.


NGMI, there is no earthly way to deal with one of the worst race warlords and liars ever to post on a social media site. Who would that be? Keelai! I refer to this poster as “Rhoda” from the movie “The Bad Seed” (original with Patty McCormack. Our “Rhoda” is quite adept at spewing out lies. The difference between the two Rhodas is the fact the screen evil character knew she was lying. The evil Rhoda on MC believes the lies it spews. MC’s “Rhoda” who is a Communist at heart lauds tyrants such as Fidel Castro. “Rhoda” despises Whites and believes them to be racist from the time of birth.

“Rhoda” was quiet during the race riots, the Burn, Loot, Murder thugs and the new “Brown Shirted” Antifa thugs. Over 20 innocents murdered, store owners beaten with 2 x 4s, businesses destroyed, etc. It mattered not because Whites were the victims! Domestic terrorism run amuck! But, it was OK with “Rhoda”. It was justified!

“Rhoda” sang a different tune when the Whites rioted on Jan. 6, 2021. They became the thugs and the hoodlums because they were White.

There is no limit to Keelai’s hypocrisy! When backed into a corner and challenged with indisputable facts the claws come out, the venom is spewed and you are tagged a racist. The Communist’s greatest power is their lies. Our “Rhoda” fits perfectly as the liar-in-chief on MC.


Awesome, grade A sarcasm, right there. Well done!


Thanks. Obviously the OP didn't catch on.




Ain’t that the truth? We Whiteys, Honky’s, or whatever nomenclature “Rhoda” (Keelai) and her beloved Communist cohorts assign to us, should be wiped from the earth!

Sort of like Thanos did to the Avengers in “Avengers: Endgame”! “Rhoda” if given the chance would use any means necessary to rid the world of the evil Whites. In Rhoda’s pea brain mind she, he, it believes Whites are racist the second they pop out and breathe air! Without a doubt Whites would be aborted along with the Israelis!


end of civilization as we know it. back to wild tribes outside of major asian countries.

or asians are considered white in this context?


The absence of your hateful white supremacist nonsense would be a major improvement!


so a tribe is something bad for you? check you privilege asshole.


The world would become one huge Tarzan movie


Mud huts, widespread rape and murder, roaming raider gangs. No indoor plumbing, shit in the streets in places other than SanFran, etc...

Basically Fallout.
