MovieChat Forums > Politics > Free speech under attack again. Progress...

Free speech under attack again. Progressive independant news Hard Lens Media gets shut down by Youtube.

Everyone @HardLensMedia needs your help! We need you to message @YouTube & @TeamYouTube to restore our account. We have been censored. Protect free speech.

HLM interviewed on The Jimmy Dore Show

They are coming after the left now.


"ThEy'Re a PrIvAtE CoMpAnY" right leftist? We warned you about shit like this and you all cheered it on so how does it feel?


Exactly! This is when they realize that Trump wasn't the Fascist. They thought censoring would stop at Trump and the likeness but a big fat no there. The left is next! I want to be happy about this but none of this is good. Censoring opinions and even worse facts is a total violation of the constitution and our rights to free speech as Americans.


The left already experienced it with the removal of Chapo Trap House. It didn't reach your radar because progressives don't whine about it nonstop like you do.


Never whines?!?!?!?!? LMFAO enters cancel culture. I use to think you were a troll but you are just retarded.


I used to think you were a troll, but now I realize you can't read.

So I will repeat what I wrote. The removal of Chapo Trap House didn't reach your radar because progressives didn't whine nonstop about Chapo Trap House being removed.


Wonder what your friends at Chapo would think of you making fun of gay people


LOL that's all you all do is whine. You can't be serious with this post


I will repeat what I wrote. The removal of Chapo Trap House didn't reach your radar because progressives didn't whine nonstop about Chapo Trap House being removed.

Or are you pretending to be stupid because the other guy is?


Chapo was full of dirtbag commies who shit on service members, trans lovers and trannies who shit on actual women and the disgusting things they said about Tulsi Gabbard proves just how REGRESSIVE you all are.

Whine some more bitch tits


Chapo waa full of dirtbag commies who shit on service members, feminists who don't believe your trans bullshit and the disgusting things they said about Tulsi Gabbard proves just how REGRESSIVE you all are.

Whine some more bitch tits

This is what happens to Trumpists when they are hit with facts and logic.


And you've lost the argument


You need a therapist.


Says the Looney Leftist nut


Why all the name calling? It doesn't look good and damages your case when you do that.


Tell that to your buddy


How much self awareness do you have?


More than you




Wasn't that incident about some Asian Bubble Tea place and some black lady came in and said they be appropriating black culture or some shit? I don't think progressives have to whine when they've been the ones mostly doling out the smackdown on everyone else to try to cancel them. Then again, it's a cause and effect thing so the progressives or just 'woke' people whine first to whomever, the company listens or rather caves in to the affect, conservatives then whine of the effect taken.


Why does it matter? You'll whine that it's a leftist agenda when cancel culture attacks something right wing, but when its proven that cancel culture isn't a leftist agenda when it attacks left wing media, what will you do? Will you join the Trumpists in saying "hey I warned you lefties that this non leftist agenda is coming for you"? Look at the hate on this thread. I quoted everything Randall said. His cognitive dissonance made him blow a gasket. And all you can do is repeat the Trumpian logic that its progressives who whine and are woke, when a real centrist knows the difference between progressives and liberals. You are here for the culture crap that currently runs the republican party. Conservatism is dead.


Speaking of whining thought you were leaving? You just want attention don't you? How many more times you gonna cry cause someone told you go swim?


Yes we did! We warned the lefties, but they called us Trump cultists, White suprematists, racists, bigots, Reich wingers, and how many other insulting names? The alt left Dems could write a lexicon with all the disparaging names they’ve called us!

The shoe is on the other foot now! Yay! 👏👏


Trumpist: Cancel culture is a leftist agenda trying to force us all to think like they do.
Leftist: No, it's capitalists trying to improve the outlook of their businesses.
Trumpist: We warned you! We told you they would come for the left!
Leftist: No, you said it was a leftist agenda. We tried to tell you it was capitalists trying to improve the outlook of their businesses.

First you ignored reality so you could pretend to be a victim of the left, now you're trying to revise history to cover up your mistake.


You should win a gold medal for this display of mental gymnastics


Explain how its a left-wing agenda if they go after the left.

You can't. Your only option is to drool on your keyboard.



And your only option is to slobber trannny cock while it massages your smooth brain

This is what happens to Trumpists when they are hit with facts and logic.



Go have a swim in a pool of rusty needles with Greg Louganis

Seriously, see a therapist.


Seriously enjoy your AIDS

Thanks for reporting my post. You've proven how regressive you leftist are


PM me your post if it doesn’t have profanity because right now I’m ready to scream! I got a new iPhone today. I had to because i got an Apple watch last week not knowing I have to have an Iphone to set the damn thing up! I have been at this for hours attempting to transfer ALL from my Android to the IOS. Not all will move. Then I have to set up the watch. I think I’m going to drown myself in that coconut pie I have in the kitchen! I’m serious when I say I’m having angina & chest pains. Left arm is hurting also.


And your only option is to slobber trannny cock while it massages your smooth brain
This was the post I reported.

Go have a swim in a pool of rusty needles with Greg Louganis
This one I didn't report. The mods probably deleted on their own because it contains violence.

I'm probably going to take a break from this site for a bit. Swearing is one thing, but wishing for violence because you can't defend your point is another. Politics is ruining Randall's life. He needs help. I hope he gets it.


please don't go, there are so few of us left!


Can dish it out but you can't take it. What a wuss. Telling you to go swim contains violence? LOL


See for yourself..Ultrawhiner is being a drama queen


See Stalin or Mao


I take it you didn’t understand the gibberish either! 🙇‍♀️


You can side with that monster all you want. All it does is strengthen my position.




You don't know what strength is cry baby




How can a leftist agenda be coming after the left?


How could Stalin go after faithful commies?


Youtube is Stalin? The place that hosts the alt-right's Disney+ is Stalin?


Disney isn’t alt-right. The company has become very PC with a liberal stance. BTW, YouTube is owned by Google where conservatives have to keep their mouths shut if they want to keep working. I’m divorcing myself from all things Google.


Jesus. Who the fuck said that Disney was alt-right? Are you high or something?


Sorry! Mea culpa...misread your reply. I was in the process of setting up a new iPhone from an Android and very frustrated! I despise getting new phones!


You are always so happy when things are crappy. Grow up, please.


Nothing on Google News! Still there:


It's about videos getting pulled and demonetized so it kills their business. I'm sure all these types of channels wouldn't put so much effort into creating content if there was no money involved.


TheAnalysis.News has been complaining about getting censored by YouTube as well.
This does not bode well. TheAnalysis.News is really an excellent podcast that never
ventured into areas not well documented. I don't know why they would censor them?


"YouTube has censored and suppressed my report on the events of January 6th. I'd like to know why, but Google doesn't owe me an answer. They can promote or suppress whatever they please."

Shameful to see that level of boot licking and ass kissing. Either you believe in Free Speech or you don't,.either you believe in a free press or you don't. Guess which side Google is on doing this? And the people wronged defend them? LOL


I don't think it is that black and white ... I just think this is a failure of implementation. It has been a correct decision to evict QANON and Trump, Proud Boys, etc. They just have a hard time telling what is what by some BS algorithm.


No, that's not the correct decision..for reference I'll point you to this

Those people and groups you mentioned have just as much right in a free society to express themselves as you or I


There's a bunch of arguments I could refute you with, but I need only use one .... it is a PRIVATE NETWORK, and they can do what they want. By this time anyone who is still making the disingenuous "right in a free society to express themselves as you or I" either doesn't know that which means they are clueless of just doesn't like it and is repeating the same invalid argument just to bang their heads against the wall.

And just speaking for myself, I never would have given the Nazis a pass to demonstrate in Skokie, but that was another time when there was much less chance of violence disaster and I recall agreeing with the decision then. I would not today.


I could not understand the decision then and I disagreed. If BLM & Antifa (279 riots last year) are permitted to march/protest, God help us, so do the Neo-Nazis, White Suprematists, etc. Due to what we are seeing today is the result of the Constitution turning around and biting us on the arse! When the framers gave us the 1st Amendment I doubt very seriously if they could have looked into the future, the Free Speech clause would not include hate groups, rioters, burning, looting, murdering, etc.

First Amendment

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

Where & how did that clause disappear? The ACLU’s twisting it! The only way to put a stop to what is going on in this country is to abide by that clause and throw the sorry ass thugs and rioters in jail and throw away the keys! This goes for everyone no matter who they are! When rioting, burning, looting, murdering, violence against others occurs...loss of freedom should be the punishment!


Look at how the newly made Americans burned after Washington withheld sending troops or military support to the French during their revolution. The founders knew well what they were doing

Having said that, those citizens didn't burn cities down or kill each other. They lit bonfires and burned effigies though. Peacefully assemble I'm all for that, bonfires and effigies I'm for that, wanton destruction and murder hell no they should be locked up


Remember when people like yourself were for Kaepernick getting fired for kneeling or being removed from the field? No law was broken and nobody harmed that was a peaceful protest. The right couldn't accept that though. They say nfl is a private network well so is youtube and twitter. Fyi I don't like censorship but I love how the right cries now when it's them it is being done to. Don't play the victim this is what you get. I think all censorship is bad but I'm not going to pity someone who tried to do it to the other side and now wants to cry.


I don't care if he protest he has a right to do so. I do think him disrespecting the flag and service members while taking a knee was in poor taste.. Especially for a guy getting paid millions to ride bench. Kaep is no Pat Tillman and that's the difference I see. He also wore some "die pig" socks correct? You can win people to your side of an argument or you can do stuff like that and turn a bunch against you. Much like how BLM has been doing for about a year now..Do you think that's an excuse to Burn Loot Murder? Riot in Portland for months? Take over 6 blocks in Seattle where people were killed? Destroying businesses in Atlanta, NY, Detroit, Baltimore...?


Never once did I condone looting or rioting. I denounced that. However I don't view that as disrespect to the flag. I view him expressing a belief. I don't subscribe to boot licking. Why not just ignore him and not give him attention if you disagree? The ego of the right won't allow them to.


Cause I can have my opinion the same way he can. Seeing as how you describe people who love the flag and the country as boot licking you wouldn't understand it.

"Don't play the victim this is what you get"

George Floyd wasn't a victim, had he not swallowed all those drugs his heart probably wouldn't have stopped. And you can look at just about all of your heroes BLM has held up and it's the same story with the exception of Tamir Rice. You bunch cry victim and think that gives you Carte Blanche to kill 5 year old boy, Cannon Hinnant, riding their bike or mothers like Jessica Whitaker for saying all lives matter

Some point all the violence has to stop and everyone has a choice before then to throw a brick, burn a business, assault someone and guess what the circle of violence keeps going. Watch what happens after Chauvins Trial


I asked why you couldn't ignore him. I never said you don't have the right to voice your opinion. I just am saying you would get further if you ignored him. That way you don't give him attention. It's funny you guys say he did it for attention! Well you fell right into the trap.

George Floyd was a victim of police brutality. Regardless of his drug use that doesn't excuse what the cop did. Could he still be alive? Possibly but even if you look past that it doesn't excuse what Chauvin did. Nice Strawman argument. Where did I say I supported looting and violence from blm or any group? You put words in my mouth. Your Strawman about those guys bring my hero is dismissed.

Chauvin needs to be held accountable for his actions. He committed a crime. He has the choice to not kneel on Floyd's neck. It's rather sick you say Floyd wasn't a victim. Scary bud.


I don't think so. Kaep could have ignored it too and concentrated on being a better QB. See how silly you sound?

No he wasn't. He was tweaked out and resisting arrest. At what point can a police officer defend himself or restrain a drugged out lunatic?

Its rather scary that you defend someone who held a gun to a pregnant woman's belly and robbed her. I guess we do see who your heroes are after all..criminal shitbags


Kaepernick was the one who decided to peacefully protest. It is your choice how you react to something. You can disagree but by claiming him to be an attention seeker then giving him attention seems rather silly don't you think? Why should he ignore something? Because someone's ego or feelings will be hurt? I told you to ignore him not to protect his feelings but to win on your side. If you don't give those that seek attention attention they will go away.

Yes he was. How many armed cops were around Chauvin while Floyd was handcuffed? If you can't subdue someone like that while being armed with several other armed officers you have no business being a cop. Not to mention kneeling on someone's neck for over 5 minutes. He was not in fear for his life, Floyd was subdued and he had backup with other armed officers around him. It is not as if he had a gun and was firing.

See and here we go. How did I know you would resort to a cookie cutter tactic. That is despicable what he did to that pregnant woman! However that has nothing to do with the Chauvin case. Just because someone is a criminal doesn't excuse police brutality. His past is awful but that doesn't mean we go okay Chauvin that guy was a jerk so let's go ahead and let you off the hook... As a cop you took an oath to serve and protect. That is not what happened here. Go do that to a criminal yourself and see how well your argument holds up in a court of law. Well your honor the reason I committed this brutal act is because if you look at his past he is a dirtbag... Good luck with that bud!


Why should I ignore something? This gets back to why people are sick and tired of you "progressives" White people should be a good ally. That means ignoring things and shutting up according to you. Nope, and I still believe Kaep is no Pat.

You sound like your speaking from experience so do tell us what training you've had as an LE or service member to backup these claims

He was commiting a crime when he got pulled over..passing fake money, loads of drugs on him and driving DWI drugs..What if he hit someone all high behind the wheel? This guy obviously doesn't care about laws, neither do you or all the simps who attended his 3 funerals.

That's not an argument.. Chauvin was doing his duty as a police officer again regale us with your tour tales. Notice what happened to the guy in Atlanta that took a weapon from the cops after they found him drunk and passed out in a drive thru? Bet he's a hero of yours too

Bottom line you're not changing my thinking nor I yours so have a good day


I just told you why. Maybe because you are giving Kaepernick attention which is exactly what he wants. Knock yourself out though continue to voice your thoughts on something, that is your call. Just know by giving him attention you are hurting your cause. It is the NFL's call to make not yours or mine.

I have family friends and family involved in legal professions, I know a thing or two.

This is not about whether he is committing a crime, this is about Chauvin acting unlawfully and unethically. Just because someone commits a crime does not give a cop the right do whatever it is they please to the criminal. It is why we have a court of law with judge, jury etc. You are attempting to change the argument. We are not discussing whether Floyd should have been arrested or not, we are discussing if the manner in which he was detained ethical/moral, which it was not.

It is a perfect argument. It was his duty as a police officer to kneel on Floyd's neck for over 5 minutes while Floyd pled for his life? Don't deflect we are discussing Floyd. Floyd had no weapon was subdued by being handcuffed and there were other armed police officers with Chauvin. His life was not at stake and the threat was neutralized. If you can't restrain somebody with that setup you have no business being a cop.

Go back to putting your head in the sand. Anytime a person gets bested in an argument they dig their heels in and play dumb. I am sorry you are a bad debater. If I were you I would not debate publicly, you are an embarrassment.


LOL wow ok have a shit day asshat..I'm a great debater you're a masturbater

Sure you know a thing or two living in your basement asking them questions through the vents.

He did neither. He restrained a drugged up dangerous suspect.

Floyd shouldnt have swallowed enough fentanyl to kill a horse check the tox report

Ok go wrestle an aids patient in a thorn bush


LOL wow ok have a shit day asshat..I'm a great debater you're a

Lmao! This quote says it all what are you 14?

Now you are making assumptions about my living situation, your ignorance is dismissed.

He did act unlawfully and unethically. Do you know the law? You do realize you can only use deadly force to detain someone if you feel like your life is in danger. I illustrated how Chauvin was in no danger, yet he still kneeled on his neck with several armed police officers around him. The fact that you are defending him is disgusting.

I do not care how much drugs were in his system it does not excuse kneeling on his neck like that. So all drug addicts deserve this then?

Put your head back in the sand, life much more sense for people such as yourself that way. Continue on in your ignorant bubble and let the level headed people speak.


RandallGraves, I must apologize for moviefanatic, he is a very special kind of stupid. You can't blame him though he can't fully help it


Great series! They assembled, they shouted, burned effigies, lit bonfires, but as you wrote wanton distruction...NOT! No Burning, Looting, Murdering akin to BLM & Antifa. 279 riots last year with incidents of violence and murder against innocents...over 24 deaths. One riot this year with who knows for sure how many deaths other than the police officer and a female protester who should not have been killed. If she had been a leftist Black...DC would have burned!

BTW, no firearms were found at the riot. It was wrong, wrong, wrong for them to do what they did at the Capitol. They should be punished, but only when they punish the rioters from last year!


Completely agree on all counts


Exactly, the left's moral outrage over the capital means absolutely nothing because all throughout the summer of 2020 they actively encouraged BLM and Antifa to "burn the country down". If the Republicans had any integrity they would impeach Biden and Harris immediately and then work their way down to Pelosi and Schumer. All four of them belong in jail.


Hear! Hear! 👏👏 Trouble is the Republicans can’t do anything because they have no power!


Exactly but even when they had power they wouldn’t do anything. They had the opportunity to repeal that Obamacare monstrosity and they pussed out. The Demokkkrat party is the epitome of evil and the Republicans are letting them get away with it


The Dems have always been street fighters. They stick together like a pack of wild dogs. Eric Swalwell went bang bang with Fang Fang a Chinese spy and the Dems still used him in the 2nd impeachment of Trump. Where is the outcry from the Reps & the public? Apparently actions aren’t as relevant as words. We don’t hear a breath about Swalwell & pillow talk, but the lemmings on this board continue to harp about Trump’s words “Grab ‘em by the p——“! Not a damn thing about Swalwell boinking a Chinese spy! Of course the Dems aren’t going after Swalwell...he knows too much about Biden & son Hunter!

Just remember when the elitist Republicans are asked to form a firing squad...they form a circle...aimed at each other! How was Trump going to win when people in his own party were traitors? With friends like Mitt Romney et al, who needs enemies?!


Then sit back watch and enjoy as they come for leftist you like more who disagree with the establishment agenda. Hate to tell you this but the internet is modern day public square. If you support a free and open internet and don't support the right for people to peacefully communicate on it you're a hypocrite

You dont agree with it today? The right for anyone to peacefully assemble and express themselves is more important than your feelings.

If BLM and AntiFA peacefully assembled people like me wouldn't care but so far they've been responsible for FAR more damage than Proud Boys, Trump or QAnoners and that's a fact.

Watch what happens after the Chauvin verdict


>> If you support a free and open internet and don't support the right for people to peacefully communicate on it you're a hypocrite

I did not say anything of the sort.

Quit making stuff up. See, that is not free speech. You are wrong about "Proud Boys, Trump or QAnoners and that's a fact."


ItS A PrIvAtE CoMpAnY. Uh yeah you did that's what you implied

Sure I me where Trump, QAnoners or Proud Boys have rioted for months straight and caused BILLIONS of damages and lives lost. Not making anything up

There's the bill you gonna pay it?


You pulled billions out of your ass.
Try to back it up with a BS link.
Even so, that was not a direct attempt to overthrow the government of our country ... that is priceless.


ThEy LaCk understanding of what is private sector and what is public sector, and seem to be understanding it less and less by the moment.


It' is called deliberate feigned ignorance, or in other words stupidity.


Really? BLM and AntiFA didn't attack a Portland Federal Courthouse for over 100 days?

And nah not out of my ass they did the math get your boy Yang to help you with it I hear its his thing


Just keep on imagining the things I said and replying to those, I'll just keep laughing.


RandallGraves is a classic showcase of people who bury their head in the sand.


Naw ... why would he do that? He has so much sand in his head already. ;-)

I think the incidence and intensity of accounts like that are manipulated to keep people from demanding change and a better deal.

In terms of free speech, I think there needs to be legislation to require media to reflect reality as accurately as possible. That is, if there are lies told in any network over a certain size, with a certain influence, then those networks ought to be liable to the public for trying to delude them, and any monetary damages award should be paid out mostly to the people or groups that find these lies, prove them, and report them.

Perhaps groups that make so much money this way can get a channel to communicate, like in the Fairness Doctrine to the audience of the chronic lying channel.


Thanks for bringing up the Fairness Doctrine.
We used to think we had the chance to see both sides of an argument, but now we see whatever one chooses to gorge on the Lie and that all the other honest media is Lying.
Disgraceful, Disgusting, Deplorable, Disturbing, just keep on with how horrible this is.
And let's bitch about "woke" and "SJW"
How awful we should ask for Equal Rights !


When they evict BLM & Antifa, two domestic terrorist groups then I will agree with you regarding other hate groups. Trump is not a domestic terrorist so therefore he has as much Free Speech rights as you do. As far as I can ascertain the Proud Boys have not committed the atrocities BLM & Antifa have done. I just now did research about thank you! I want no part of that freaky group, but have they committed the violence BLM & Antifa have perpetrated?


You lack understanding of private vs public sector. No private business is obligated to provide a forum for you. Do you understand or not?


I'm proud that in my area I see a lot of random houses with Black Lives Matter signs in front, even in crappy neighborhoods where likely there are racists living nearby. They fit nicely with the other random homes that have Choose Kindness signs and other positive messages.


Either you support BLM or you oppose free speech. All BLM is responsible for is vitriol when a black person is killed usually by a cop.

If a Muslim kills a Christian, and your local church says all Muslims are evil and want to kill all Christians in the streets, causing some of your neighbors to attack some Muslims at random, would that make your local church and everyone who attends it a terrorist organization?

All you are doing here is labeling the messenger as a terrorist, which goes against free speech.


"All BLM is responsible for is vitriol when a black person is killed usually by a cop."

Say What?? Where were you last year? Did you not view the violence committed by BLM (aka Burn, Loot, Murder)? There is no way in hell I would support that terrorist group! They were doing far more than using free speech! 279 riots last year. Over 25 dead. Innocents beaten and assaulted. Businesses destroyed and burned. The media reporting peaceful protests on tv while the cities burned in back of the reporters!

You must have been wearing horse blinders. 🤷‍♀️


Either you support BLM or you oppose free speech.

What complete and utter horseshit this statement is! Do you really believe what you said there? 🤣

You can 100% NOT support BLM, and still support their right the spew their racist garbage.

By the way, BLM were screaming at and harassing little girls walking into a cheerleading competition the other day, which the mainstream media won’t cover of course.

Good upstanding citizens, when they aren’t rioting they’re screaming “RACIST” at young girls as they walk by.


When Obama used the IRS to shut down all Tea Party groups they also went after a few leftwing groups so the fake news media could claim that it wasn't a political hit operation.

I wonder if this isn't the same MO.


Ding ding ding.
