MovieChat Forums > Politics > Politicians telling us how many people w...

Politicians telling us how many people we can have in our homes for Thanksgiving???

How wrong is this??? And how far will politicians continue to over step their limits with their insane power trips in this country in the name of COVID???

When the new COVID gestapo come banging on Americans doors ready to arrest us for having 11 instead of 10 people over for Thanksgiving...We can always just tell them we are having a protest for social justice, then they’ll say “Ok. Thankfully COVID doesn’t spread during protests. Carry on.” 🤣


Unfortunately, people are unbelievably stupid in the U.S..

Common sense should be not to throw large parties during a pandemic. Instead, families will do the opposite and then cry when their parents, grandparents, uncles and siblings drop dead within weeks of each other from covid.

It makes more sense to hold back celebrations for this year in order for everyone to be around next year, but like the saying goes, you can't fix stupid.

BTW, RT is a Russian-based propaganda site. They cheer each time an American dies. Putin denounced democracy. Perhaps you should get your information from a source that doesn't hate Americans.


You sound like a pussy.


You sound like a preteen.


By the way,

Don't live your life being a scaredy cat. Don't live in fear and allow yourself to become brainwashed by media propaganda. Don't be 1 of the sheep in the herd.

People that want the lockdowns and feeding off the fear-mongering are loser jobless scum of society. They want everyone to go broke and hungry. Misery loves company.


Scaredy cat? I'm right. You are a preteen.

When you grow up, you'll learn about responsibility.


You sure do seem to have a thing for "preteens"

...are you sure you're allowed to be on the internet?


You still sound like a woman.



He is.

He defends the Cuties movie, that's all you need to know.



Yes hes a pussy cause he doesn't want his family to die.. what a "pussy"


Are you going to celebrate it alone by choice or because you have no choice, 50 cent komrade?


Who in your family are you planning to kill?


None. Disappointed, aren't you?

So by choice, or no choice, 50 cent komrade?


Baby killier KeeLIAR. He's just upset he doesn't have anyone to celebrate Thanksgiving with.


Being a 50 cent komrade, his dinner will be a piece of roast duck, rather than turkey. Not even Peking Duck. Just an ordinary piece of skinless roasted duck. Doesn't that make you feel sorry for the lonely komrade? I'd feel sorry for him. As sorry as he feels for the statistical deaths he constantly quotes, which is none.


Maybe a piece of tofu. 😆


You yanks a are so needy
I have to see my family ! waah !


No one is keeping me from my family.


Do what you want with that family. Enjoy.


Invite everyone you can think of and more beyond that. I doubt you will see anyone at your door.

Should you? Probably not, but you do you.


Its incredibile how Dem supporter you are. You cant control people just accept it! Governments cant control people personal choices


"Governments cant control people personal choices"

This is what the left wants to change.


Sadly you are right.


except for large segments of your entire life that have been for decades and decades and are reasonable in society.

so if you get aids you re just going to have unprotected sex free from persecution?

you obviously text and drive and wear no seatbelt right mr liberty? you beat your wife? you re going too start a dog fighting group?

your house wasn't build to fire and safety code? your water isnt tested and meets certain standards? the food you eat isnt from government inspected facilities that follow laws?

cuckservatives hate "big government".

except for all the things they love about it and benefit from it and use daily.



did you just confuse me for the state of California? I didn't realize I had to agree with everything in one state.

amazing though out of the 6 points I brought up, you latched to that one like a leach. It shows you have not argument because you cant argue what I said :) come back when you grow up kid



"I confuse you for a lot of things.But no, California isn't one of them. " apparently you did Einstein if I now I have to hold all the same views as a state I never lived in, with politicians I never voted for, with laws I never supported. how dumb are you?

"(see my last reply to you, this is just the same shit from you with different words)."

in other words "im suing the same nonsense baseless statements and I got called on them"


California removed the penalty because it decreased people from having themselves tested.

If there's a penalty for knowingly infecting someone with HIV, and you're the type of person to not care if you infect someone, then all you have to do to avoid the penalty is never get tested.

By removing the penalty, more people got themselves tested, and more lives were saved.


Keelai - Always a ray of Sunshine! 💥


250,000 Americans dead from covid, Pollyanna.


Counting also people actually died of cancer and other reasons! Of course you create such a number with that method! But honestly is not even a big number.


Someone is afraid to die?


BTW, RT is a Russian-based propaganda site. They cheer each time an American dies. Putin denounced democracy. Perhaps you should get your information from a source that doesn't hate Americans.

Do they hate Americans as much as you do? You bitch about this country more than anyone on this site. Don’t you also basically cheer every time an American dies so you can blame it on Trump?


We criticize our country because we want to make it better for everyone. I know the bottom 47% are not part of most Republicans' definition of everyone. As Romney said, they're "takers" and not worth the Mormon dog shit stuck in the groves under his shoe.


No, the truth is you want to make EVERYONE as miserable as you are. People aren’t allowed to enjoy their lives in your presence. Seeing people being happy and enjoying things drives you crazy.

You are the type of people at parties no one wants to talk to because you can’t take a joke, are offended by everything, want to ban everything, and think everyone who has worked hard and made a good living for themselves somehow owes you something.

And in case you’re wondering, I’m in the lower middle class, no where near wealthy. I’m working hard to try and attain wealth, which is called pursuing the American Dream, something you would love to destroy.

Enjoy your dictator approved Thanksgiving dinner, or does your political ideology not celebrate that holiday anymore either because it’s “offensive.”


I don't get offended easily, no snowflake here, it takes a lot to get me mad. We want everyone to have the opportunity to work hard and make a good living. We have different ideas of how to make it happen.


How does allowing illegals in to our country, better for everyone? Why do taxpayers have to subsidize non-citizens their welfare? Why do taxpayers have to subsidize able bodied deadbeats in perpetual welfare? How does defunding the police and increasing crime, better for everyone?

How does taking away citizens civil liberties, better for everyone? That is clearly done to benefit only a group of people, not everyone. How does putting a moratorium on deportations better for everyone? What's the point of holding them here?

How is raising taxes, better for everyone? How are hypocritical dems issuing tyrannical executive orders better for everyone?

Only a retarded indoctrinated stooge would believe that these things make everyone better.


Don't forget Tyrant Newsom in CA that got busted. Absolute hypocrites.


Don't forget Dianne Feinstein getting caught again this week not wearing a mask. Tsk tsk tsk!


No government should decide what innocent people do with their lives


Don’t tell that to progressives. You’ll disappear quicker than you can say “riots don’t spread COVID” or “I want free shit.” Haha.

But I couldn’t agree with you more. Perfectly stated.


I can't wait to hear how Covid spread on November 7th after the street celebrations for Harris/Biden!

I won't hold my breath.


You don't strike me as an "innocent person." You seem very mean, with very dark intentions. I think the government Should tell you what to do, as a matter of national security.


You don't have a right to kill fellow Americans.


Don't argue with them. Spend your time wisely 😉


Flu and the cold can kill people... guess we should all live in bubbles now, right?


Haha exactly their reasons are so absurd! They act like Sheldon Cooper from Big Bang Theory


And, YOU don't have the right to tell others what to do.
Typical Lib, always lecturing.


he says that writing it on the government regulated internet. in his government regulated built home with mandatory building codes, eating his meat from a government inspected and regulated facility, waking up in the morning to drive on his government roads, wearing his seatbelt and not texting>

then goes home and writes how the government doesnt tell people what to do. classic delusional conservative


I am an anarco-capitalist i dream a society like that i dont want anything from the government. You are just a Dem supporter who supports Dem like your baseball team.


1. you live in al la land wanting a system as stupid as communism. anarchy capitalism doesnt even work on paper. You do realize that capitalism and markets arent naturally occurring? that they work within the framework of states who maintain them like a gardener does a garden. the state actually increased the health of the private market and capitalism

police defend private property, judges make rulings about corporate and private legal matters laws are put in place to ensure baseline standards in products. it's why your kids firetruck isnt painted with lead paint or your gasoline is now unleaded.

without it you would get massive imbalances like even worse monopolies. as larger companies simply take over the smaller ones and gain control. GOODBYE COMPETITION. GOODBYE ACTUAL CAPITALISM. without the government to step in capitalism is worse off. Because like all man made systems (or anything in life) it isnt a perfect thing. it has its draw backs and flaws and needs constant updating and vigilance to ensure it doesnt become corrupted and broken. crazy I know that humans seeking money and corporations doing the same would try and rig the system to help themselves and stop competition. what a crazy notion inc capitalism that humans are motivated by greed.

this belief by anarchy capitalists that everything wrong we see with the current system is just "da damn gubernemnt getting in the way" and not the corrupting and downsides of capitalism is always laughable.

2. never voted Dem in my life and have multiple posts on here shitting on Biden, Kamala and the dems. care to try again? awwwww wasn't expecting that were you little libertarian soy boy


Good luck enforcing that.

Oh and those snitch lines are public records. I can't wait till that shit starts lol.


How wrong is it to use three question marks? Well, most authorities on punctuation would certainly give it another look, that's for sure.


And this is what people do when they have nothing to add to the conversation, but still want to take a jab at someone. It’s pathetic, but oh well. Not surprised.

So how pointless was this person’s post??? What did it accomplish with the actual discussion??? Does this poster realize I don’t give a shit about how many question marks I wrote to emphasize how ridiculous I think Cuomo is in trying to come into people’s homes and restrict the number of family members who want to eat Thanksgiving dinner together???


and this is why my country has few cases and deaths. and yours is a shitshow...

COvids bad but thank GOD its not like apocalyptic black death levels. if it was due to republicans anti science stupidity most Americans would be dead


Let people live how they want. In this way even if there was a terribile virus around you would be free to protect yourself from it,and other people would be free to risk their life if they wanted to. Freedom is good for everyone!


"Let people live how they want. In this way even if there was a terribile virus around you would be free to protect yourself from it,and other people would be free to risk their life if they wanted to. Freedom is good for everyone!"

Except it isnt. cause that isnt how infections diseases work. you seem to either not be knowledgable or intelligent..Your actions affect others directly and indirectly. You have no damn clue what you are talking about


That's a governor who understands how deadly the pandemic is.


*fake pandemic


According to who?


sorry you dont listen to the medical and scientific community with actual masters and PHDs on the topic.

pray tell where you received your diploma from? "university of YouTube videos" doesnt count ;)


Drones flying over the town that can see heat signature of homes that have a bunch of people in them. People given a reward for turning people in with high people inside house. They will drive around the neighborhood looking for houses with a bunch of cars in front of it.


Lol!!! It really is hilarious where Democrats have taken us. And sad their lemmings are drinking the piss to the last drop. “That’s fine lemonade Mildred”.


still waiting on that obama UN hobbit home muslim communist takeover and confiscation of the guns..

it was 8 years of "any day now"...
