telmarine's Replies

Nice try. But you’re not gonna get notifications for a thread that you did not originate unless you proactively commented. Such a sensitive cry baby. What are you seeing isn’t diversity being “shoe horned” in.. you seeing it taking root because it *is* the culture of the country. You’re not the grand majority you think it is. Gen Z is a majority-minority generation btw. And they will quickly be the majority consumers soon. Studios are just acting accordingly. There is an incentive to do so, besides it just being the right thing to do. For someone that hates this show you sure spend a lot of time browsing around. Man, you’re more obsessed with this how than I am. How flattering of the directors that you think so much of the show to be posting comment after comment here. Did you even read what I said? The percentage of minorities is accurate compared to the population. And of course you don’t care how minorities feel. But you seem to care YOU feel. Again. Like I said. Selfish. It’s about you you you. I’m glad you’re upset. Welcome to our world of decades past. Now you know how it feels. Bingo we have a winner! Willow is representing the majority. Look at the cast. Outside of some included minorities, the majority of the names cast is Anglo. So you perceive being misrepresented? Great! Now you know how minorities have felt like for decades. And that’s cuz there ARE Anglos in this series. Unlike decades of previous films there were much less minorities percentage wise. As with most “anti woke” people, you think it’s only about you and YOUR representation when it’s not. I liked Anya. As someone who grew up with the SMBSS, SMB3 and SMW cartoons, she sounds almost exactly like the Princess in those animated shows. Chris will just have to do as long as he pulls a Brooklyn accent somewhat in the cartoon. This really annoyed me. Why did they do this? I think that’s part of why the upcoming (as of this writing) 2023 Super Mario Bros Movie is so satisfying; they is so much visual fidelity to the source material whereas this cartoon has all kinds of discrepancies with koopalings and others characters. Admittedly, the SMB3 cartoon is better at faithfulness than the SMB Super Show, so I gotta give it credit for that. First saw it when it aired. I remember Zelda episodes were on Fridays. When I was a kid I preferred the Mario shows, but as an adult I think I appreciate the Zelda shows now. They stuck with me, whereas the Mario episodes didn’t. I recall the Zelda cartoon musical score far surpassing the quality of the show itself (even tho I still get a kick out of the Zelda show). Some of the themes sounded epic while others medieval. Well, second trailer is out and he still sounds like himself. Considering everything else (animation quality, fidelity to source material compared to the 1990’s cartoons, and other voice actors) has been spot on, I’m willing to overlook Chris Pratt’s voice acting and I know I’ll enjoy the movie. But it’s a miss on a film that seems to hit all of its other targets. Amy Adams gained a slight bit of weight but overall has not let herself go. She looks great for a 48 year woman. All of the actors have aged well all things considered. The biggest issue is how long they waited between the original and the sequel; it’s just too long. The story was creative and I was happy with the CGI. Not as good as the original but I was happy with the product. I wish the prince would’ve seen more screen time but maybe that would’ve been too cliched. Who knows. 7.5/10 After feeling slightly disappointed with Dr Strange: Multiverse and Thor: Love/Thunder, I was a bit apathetic with watching Black Panther, but still reserved my opening night tickets. I really enjoyed this more than the previous two films. I didn’t really realize that Namor was going to make his debut here. Not sure if I remember his origins being quite that way from the comics but I am not complaining. It really works and I really like his Latino-Mesoamerican origins. The actor (Tenoch Huerta) is distractingly handsome. There is supposed to be 5 seasons. So it will be a while before someone can get to the Hobbit if you watch them chronologically. Is it confirmed Gandalf or are we just assuming here? What’s wrong with the Hobbit? I thought it was great. Wow that’s a long wait. Especially since the next season won’t be out until 2024. They are just different. HOTD feels more like a medieval drama with an occasional dragon here and there. Rings of Power is way more mystical and grand in scope. I like both, but have a preference for ROP. House of Dragon is not that bad. But I still like Rings of Power better. With HOD, you really have to lean on the post-episode recaps to make any sense of what’s going on. And even though both are fantasy, HOD feels more like a political drama set in a medieval time with an occasional dragon here and there. It feels more historical rather than mystical. Rings of Power leans into its fantastical setting a lot more, and you explore its world and its magic more extensively. It also feels more set in an antiquity setting rather than the Middle Ages. I saw that reference to Istari in the last S1 episode. Was he not an Istari up until that encounter. What made everything “click”? Who said I had a problem with the show? Just needed an explanation.