telmarine's Replies

Damn what a douche bag. Ruining it for everyone else who doesnt want to be spoiled. Sounds like someone I need to go out and block so that I don’t accidentally run into his videos anywhere. Either of them are perverts only because the law says so. In other societies or in history, it wasn’t out of the ordinary for a kid his age to have sex or have kids. When I was a teen that age, hormones were raging and I wouldn’t have minded having sex with a sexy teacher or coach. No trauma on my end. I get that wanting to see tits doesn’t make you a pervert. But if a critic gives it a good rating, that’s the impression that a lot of ‘less thoughtful people’ are going to have: “oh I bet they liked it cuz of the nudity” Oh and for what it’s worth, her CGI is stunning. Disney definitely worked it’s movie magic on her. It’s a horror movie.. for the MAGA hats. Get over it. I didn’t like the 2019 film. The portrayal of the animals in the movie was shockingly ridiculous. You might as well watch a film with a black fairy. And Pinocchio in that movie was a jerk who you honestly wanted to choke. Stay away. Thanks for the heads up on GOT. I’ve never watched it and I will give it a watch next after I finish this season. I’ll make sure I pay extra close attention. Oh cmon Disney might as well go all in on this lol Yea he sounds just like himself. I don’t understand why he is saying he’s worked so hard on it. To sound like himself? To be fair we haven’t heard much of him yet, so I’m still withholding final judgment. Visually, the trailer is gorgeous. So that concern is out the window. But you’re right. The story is now front and center. And I’ve never been a fan of films like Minions, Despicable Me, Sing etc. They don’t look appealing aka “filler” fun like you mentioned. I hope they put a serious story behind it. I totally agree. Did the character casting switch again? It started off as engrossing, but with every time jump, people and personalities are changing and it’s starting to lose me. The director/actor recaps at the end, usually a perk for other series, is really a necessity in this series because (otherwise), you can’t figure out what’s going on! It will be animated. Trailer debuts today. Marketed well, LGBT films can do better than this film did. “Bros” wasn’t mean to be one of those films tho. Did you even read what i said? You know everything is not political, right? LGBT does not equal “Left” or “woke” or whatever you want to call it. People come in all different spectrums. Bros leaned too heavily into its niche market to be able to make a broader appeal. The box office results reflect that. I think you bring up some good points. For better or for worse, the marketing for the film too narrowly targets a subset of an already smaller LGBT community. The trailer constantly shows gay bars, an LGBT meeting room and constant talk about other’s sexual identity. Not all LGBT make it a primary part of their identity. Some just happen to be gay and live a rather mainstream live. That just doesn’t resonate with that subset of the LGBT community, nevermind the majority straight community. This is a niche movie. And as a niche movie, it seemed to have attracted a proportional percentage of the box office, relative to the niche of the community it was targeting. That’s not to say homophobia is still out there. It still is and, unfortunately, getting worse. But this wasn’t the factor for its “box office struggle”. If you ask me, the numbers seem ok. But if they wanted higher returns, then the movie should’ve been marketed much differently. Look at movies like “Love Simon” or “Brokeback Mountain” - LGBT themed, but the plot was a bit more universal, aka regular dudes who are navigating their sexual identity; that’s going to be a better sell. And would do better in drawing in curious on-goers that may not identify to the specific lifestyle so prominently portrayed in “Bros”. As an LGBT guy, that’s my take on this film and this topic. I remember reading somewhere that Tolkien wanted to make his fantasy world a sort of fable or tall tale of England in a distant past. So my impression was always of Middle-Earth being the period between prehistoric Earth and modern times, hence, “Middle Earth”. Maybe my logic was faulty, but it’s great that the series addresses this. So what did you end up doing? Magic is the fantastical version of technology. Yes, progress is still slow, but that’s not much different than the thousands of years of antiquity that we witness here in our real world where things essentially remain unchanged from the thousands of years in B.C. up until the Roman Empire. Reviews from consistent reviewers (who seem to be rating the series well) hold more weight than someone who just randomly goes to IMDb to review bomb it or a handful of films that they hate. It’s part of the rating formula. I agree. I excitedly started LOTR, and simultaneously took on House of Dragon as a side piece without thinking too much about it. And I was shocked at how engaged I was in House of Dragon. But with the time change, actor changes, and complete change in character development, I am just suddenly turned off by it and the slow, but consistent build up of Rings of Power may end up being the better show after the slow start.