telmarine's Replies

Well they don’t seem to have a problem with marrying off 16 year olds in the mermaid kingdom. Maybe she’s legally an adult. But man, Ariel is absent minded even for a teen. Yea well many of those movies are well reviewed, although many good films are review bombed. RT has combatted that by verifying box office films by making sure you did buy a ticket for it. Cancellation nay be due to just tightening budgets in streaming in general. There are such things as both good and bad movies. That is not “proof”. It also doesn’t explain the success of films like Avatar and Black Panther. And BTW is this all you do all day?! Just sit around and read message boards. It seems no matter how late I check this (a day or weeks later) you always immediately respond. It would do you good to not obsess over this all the time. Visually, Golden Compass wins, hands down. But storywise, His Dark Materials is way better. It’s a shame. There was real potential there. Your “source” is an opinion piece. I’ll concede that there are different viewpoints on this, but don’t pass it off as fact. People can vote with their wallets. If you don’t like something then DONT watch it!! You don’t see me watching Fox! There is room for many different viewpoints in media. Way to want to control other people and what content should be out there. This is a capitalist country. If what you said was true, it would bear that out financially. It hasn’t. The problem with this line of thinking is that too many people assume that you can either like one of the other. I like both. Narnia has stood the test of time. It’s a fairy tale. It honors chivalry. But I can understand why some people are offended by it. Me personally; I’m not. I also love HDM. It’s much newer but has obviously stood the test of time also since it’s now been adapted into both a film and a series. I love how it interconnects between worlds. And I also admire the anti-corruption theme that runs throughout the story with the Magisterium. The facts are definitely not in your favor. In case you don’t know generation Z is the most diverse population and it’s not only more representative, but it also is in the financial interest of companies to cater to that growing demographic. You have the ability to have your own opinion, but you’re not entitled to fabricate your own facts. Sorry. Go to therapy. This woke subject is obviously another obsession of yours. Yes I’m in the US. It’s all you ever talk about. And despite your claims that isn’t the US, the facts aren’t in your favor. Know what that feels like. Woke and proud! Love my woke country. So you’re basically a bigot. Thanks for explaining it so clearly. Wow it must suck to be so brainwashed. It’s not all political you know. Get out of your echo chamber. You will be a happier person and not so bitter all the time. I guarantee it. You don’t have to accept it. Just don’t watch it. Duh. I don’t go watching shows that I don’t like. Simple as that. There are movies that I thought were ass like American Sniper, so I just ignored them rather than hang around a message board like a weirdo. Sorry. Things aren’t going to change. Accurate representation is here to stay. Stop being such a snowflake and learn to share the ball at the playground. It’s a few years later. The series is out. It was seen to its completion. Visually, not as beautiful as Golden Compass, but that doesn’t mean it doesn’t have healthy production values. Plus the story is very captivating. It obviously not your first language since you don’t seem to grasp the concept of responding to threads of shows you claim you aren’t interested in. If you really don’t care then ignore it. But I guess the topic interests you too much. That doesn’t change the fact that you are following a movie that you supposedly don’t like. If you really didn’t care for it you wouldn’t even comment on it. Yet you are obsessed over it. You sound like such a loser that can’t admit you were wrong. I was thinking the same thing. I never saw the type of hype that you see for a series that makes it to 3 seasons. Frankly, we are lucky that this series make it to its conclusion at all. You must not be all there. *I* originated this thread. So the only way you get a notification is if I’m responding BACK to a response in my thread. You responded first. So I’m responding back. Hence the notification. So yes, you’re proactively obsessing with this movie and replying to threads. And even if you were just replying to responses, that would mean that you were an original poster to a thread about a movie that you supposedly hate but are obsessed over. Someone call the Whaaamulence. IqM is having an anal meltdown. It must suck to be triggered by every little thing nowadays.