telmarine's Replies

Yea I’m not digging some of the She Hulk CGI. Couldn’t they have just dyed her skin during She Hulk scenes? Oh well it’s not a huge deal ultimately. It’s just too much fun of a series otherwise. Gotta admit. I’m getting a kick out of this show. Funny at times. I like the direction they are going with this. I was actually expecting to hate this show - the trailers didn’t look great. I’m enjoying it more than some of the other shows, but of course it’s not as good as WandaVision. The MCU is a mature franchise now. If it wants to continue to expand, it needs to reach as many audiences as possible, which inevitably means that some shows won’t be targeted to hardcore or fans of they mainstay characters. I’m ok with that. Well Kate Winslet is still around. They should definitely make a sequel. I want to know what happened to mean old Ruth too. School districts probably have the ultimate say in what gets saved or cut within their schools. There was not much details about reasons for the cut. Decreased participation? Who knows. It’s left ambiguous, but it’s probably a nod to current school districts that are now having to cut funds in any way they can. And music often gets cut in situations like this. I just watched it tonight. Granted, I’ve never seen any of the previous movies, so take my opinion with a grain of salt. I didn’t hate the movie; it entertained me unlike other movies I’ve seen at the theater that I truly disliked. This was not anything like that, but it’s not a good movie. The CGI is dodgy at times and I can’t figure out if it’s a supernatural horror or a contemporary fantasy film. Is it supposed to be scary? Because it’s not. This may be the first horror movie I’ve ever seen that I am not scared during the film at all, even for jump scares. It felt like a “B” rate horror film at best. And like most horror movies, the ending sucked. I was sufficiently apathetical about the film that I didn’t care to stay for any potential mid credit scenes. I’ll give them a chance, but I do dislike continuity breaks like this. I guess we will see what happens. Well that sucks. I don’t see what’s the issue of them just playing themselves. She’s younger than she was in the Hobbit/LOTR trilogies. It’s fair to assume that she hadn’t learned the art of diplomacy yet. Didn’t they do this in The Hobbit? Not a fan of it there, or here either. Are you referring to how dark it looks? If so, I agree! It’s hard to tell what’s going on in the scenes unless you’re in a dark room watching this on tv, and even then it looks so dreary. Colors of the show are a bit too muted; I think they went a bit overboard on that aesthetic. Some of the brighter scenes are the nicest visually. What do you mean? Are you referring to in the distant future? Or are there actress changes in store mid-season? After giving it much thought, I decided to do the same and watch this first before trying Game of Thrones. It’s ok so far. I’ll continue watching. The book store man didn’t even introduce him to the book. Bastian asked about it. So he had to discuss it. I still don’t think Bastian was supposed to have the book. But I guess it all worked out in the end. I’m not sure. I believe The Colonel was a foreigner. But whatever the accent was, Tom Hanks really pulled me out of the movie and I felt like he dragged down an otherwise great movie. IMO he was miscast. But I guess they wanted the star power. I would consider the First Class Films as somewhat of a reboot. But what other people have said is true; there is only a loose sense of continuity in the X-men film franchise. It has as much continuity as can be expected for a film franchise that started before the advent of the MCU. Marvel has set the standard for franchise continuity. Let’s hope future film franchises can do the same. No kidding man. Not not only that, the presentation of his reviews gives me the impression of just another YouTuber who tries to be funny, but isn’t (IMO anyway). Anyways, the opinion itself I don’t have a problem with, as that’s what a review is for. Although I actually liked the film. It could’ve been a box office hit but the animation was too terrible for it. If they would’ve put a little more effort into it, the yes- it could’ve gone to theaters. The story was strong enough. Ah too bad then. Disney should make a recording of the complete intended song. Ariel should’ve gotten a lawyer to review that contract. It was a bad deal all around. There should’ve been a clause there where Ursula was forbidden from interfering. Ariel wasn’t being very smart. Wouldn’t this be a good reason to watch a sequel first? Save the best for last, while watching it in chronological order?