MovieChat Forums > Aquaman and the Lost Kingdom (2023) Discussion > The alt-right is going to HATE this movi...

The alt-right is going to HATE this movie.

Not only Amber Heard appears multiple times, it's also about climate change.


When it flops (which looks likely) they can sit in their echo chambers and jerk each other off and proclaim that the conspiracy theorist conservative new world order is just around the corner, that they're winning their imaginary cultural conflict against the evil woke people. #Trump2024.


Woke is evil, though. In reality women get paid the same as men, there is no institutional racism against blacks, and women have wombs.


Nope. I would say I'm more right/Republican and I overall liked the movie. And I can separate Mera from Amber Heard (I still enjoy the first Aquaman movie too). Shoooooooot. I hate Tom Cruise in real life, but I enjoy the Mission Impossible movies and can separate Ethan Hunt and Tom Cruise. Mission Impossible 7 was one of my favorite movies of 2023. So yeah. I sort of just debunked claims. Also, the first Aquaman was a little preachy too about stuff. Didn't ruin the movie for me.


^^^^ This

I’ve been saying this for years, you have to separate the person from the artist.

Some of the most talented and interesting actors and musicians of our time are very nutty people in real life.


Is the alt-right term still a thing? I thought that it went the way of social justice warrior and haven't heard it used in some time.


You need to listen to more lefty MSM news, they use it all the time. Never say far-left though.


The alt-right is more alive than ever, thanks to Elon Musk.


Yeah, if "alt-right" means you favor freedom of speech. Lefties, of course, hate that.


The leftoids didn't have issues with Elon until he purchased X.


*Until he turned into a far right POS


hahaha, Elon is not far right or a right-winger, he is a centrist/moderate, the problem is that for far-leftist radicals, he is considered to their right.


for left wing nut jobs as the argetinien ....... anyone who is more to the right than Lenin or Stalin is a far-right extremist.

they are fucking insane and brainwashed.

i wonder what's like to have a sub 70 IQ like they do...... probably nice and blissful :-)


If it looks like a duck, swims like a duck, and quacks like a duck, then it probably is a duck


So you are a person pretending to be a duck with feathers in your ass.


he is a person pretending to be a duck with feathers in his ass
but he is never late for TDS class.

Maybe He IS a duck
We do know for sure he is a leftwing fuck.

The leftwing socialist Nazis went to Argentina to hide
Maybe that hurt his pride

He is hiding under a rock
only comes out to suck Biden's cock




Yes, let's thank Elon Musk for standing up for Freedom of Speech without being shadowed banned like it was before for merely having a difference of opinion from the Left


Are there reviews already? I forgot it comes out soon.

Did they.... just hide Amber Heard from trailer to make it look she is not in movie only for her to be in it? So that those Depp fanboys would still come to movie because they wanted to ignore it?"

So they basically shat on their own fanbase. LOL. That will not go down well with people. As they hate being tricked by trailers to come to movie. Like it was with Drive who pretended to be some cheap Fast movie. And now musicals hide the fact that they are musicals in trailers because people hate musicals. So people would come to movie to now they have been fooled and lied to.


I'd say yes and no to hiding Amber Heard/Mera from the marketing. I say that because a lot of her scenes/screen time is more in "downtime" scenes. She really isn't doing much in them either. So there isn't much to use of her in the marketing. The marketing team probably wants to focus more on the action stuff. They probably just wanted to save her screen time for the actual movie. Also, she IS in the movie for a decent amount of time. Her scenes are scattered throughout. Mostly in the first 30-40 minutes and then for the last 20-30 minutes. She disappears for most of the middle part of the movie, but that's because she gets badly injured when Black Manta attacks/invades Atlantis and is recovering/healing. But during the first 30-40 minutes and then again in the last 20-30 minutes, she is seen decently. It's not like they merged stuff in the beginning and made her MIA immediately and then we don't see her again until after the final battle when everything is wrapping up. She is still part of the final fight/present during the final fight. So yeah. I say yes and no to her being hidden. But I think it has nothing to do with the real life stuff between Johnny Depp and Amber Heard. The movie really is an Arthur/Aquaman and Orm movie, and that should've been the focus when marketing the movie.


The alt-right dislike women who are twice guilty of domestic violence?

How could they!!


You don't have to be "alt-right" to know that anthropogenic climate change is a hoax. You just have to be intelligent, rational, and honest.


So Mr Alt-Left, did you watch the movie? It can't be about climate change, I don't see Greta or Gore in the credits!


It is literally about climate change, the villain was under the ice cap, told the bad guys to find a super green house gas fuel and keep burning it so the ice cap would melt, and they did not even burn it on the ice cap, so only green house gas was melting the ice cap.

I am guessing it is not about convincing the adults, but to indoctrinate children.

I am not against climate change, but I hate agenda driven movies.


I don't mind Amber Heard. So she's a nightmare of a wife. That's pretty common. She absolutely has a quality to her and I can see why Depp let himself get so wound up by her. Mera is probably the most likeable role she's ever done.

The climate change angle is so centered on the schemes of the villain that it didn't really register as any sort of preachy.


I don't really get why the original Aquaman was a success, I think it is about rising tides float all boats, now it is reverse.

But the main thing I liked was the parts of Mera, regardless what kind of person Amber Heard was, it is a pity they cut almost all her scenes in this one.


The dynamic between them was noticeably missing in this one. He's the partying bad boy who just wants to have fun and she's the responsible annoyed one who has to actually take care of everything. Now that he's actually king, the movie certainly could have used more of that.
