Episode 5 was great!

Awesome action sequences, Reva is shown as a more complex character and the fight with her and Vader was awesome.

Plus, we see that Vader is still the Padawan and has much to learn. Still, he is an awesome villain.

And I am glad they cleared up the Grand Inquisitor business.

Can’t wait for the series finale!


Reva is shown as a more complex character

Very complex! We've seen her be happy to torture kids and kill Jedi, simply because she wanted revenge for her Jedi kid pals being tortured and killed...

Plus she was only. sixteen. years. old!


Yep. This is truly hilarious.

Those woke writers wanted to make her good anti-hero that everyone will cheer to upon "Revelation" that she wants to kill Vader. And be like : "You go girl". Then made her kill so many innocent people, including torturing 10 years old Lea. Then wonder why no one like this evil character... Then calling everyone racist. For not liking mass murderer who likes to torture kids.... ))))))


Yup, that about sums it up rather nicely. And the show is complete ass. It is boring, it is stupid, Leia is annoying and her constant endangerment is a lazy plot device.


Like Leia wasn't putting herself in Danger in the Original Trilogy. Remember when she went to save Han or the other times she put herself endanger. Leia was always kind of Sassy or you could say annoying


I bet they’re going to give her a redemption arc where she kills the other Inquisitors and then teams up with Obi-Wan in a duel with Vader and Vader will kill her.

I feel sorry for the actress playing Reva, she’s such a shoehorned in character into a story that she should have never been in in the first place.

She’s not a good villain because she’s completely overshadowed by Vader and she’s not a good anti-hero now because she was going to torture a 10 year old girl.

It reminds me of the Halo TV series, would be so much better without the pointless Kwan Ha character but nah they’ve gotta add forced diversity characters in a show with a white male protagonist.


Those woke writers wanted to make her good anti-hero that everyone will cheer to upon "Revelation" that she wants to kill Vader.

She is not an anti-hero. She is still a villain. But you understand her motivations better.


Killing younglings... no problem. Torturing younglings... OUTRAGEOUS!


Not sure we saw her kill any younglings - Was that implied somewhere?


We've seen younglings being killed in both this and the prequels. Not by Reva, but you see my point?


No. I don't see your point. What is it?


Star Wars has showed children being killed already. Why is torture beyond the pale at this point? Asking why Reva thinks joining the Empire, hunting Jedi, cutting off the hands of civilians, and torturing Leia is the logical reaction to being attacked by Vader as a child is a legitimate criticism of the story, however.


Asking why Reva thinks joining the Empire, hunting Jedi, cutting off the hands of civilians, and torturing Leia is the logical reaction to being attacked by Vader as a child is a legitimate criticism of the story, however.

Sorry, I think you've maybe got a typo or the wrong word in there somewhere as I still cannot understand what you're saying.

i.e. "Asking why Reva thinks... is the logical reaction to being attacked by Vader...". I think something's gone wrong there?

But guessing from your last part, the criticism isn't that she's torturing kids and that's a misplaced criticism as we've seen that before in Star Wars. The criticism is that she is killing and torturing as a means to an end in order to get revenge for kids being tortured and killed. That makes no sense.

As you said, we saw Anakin kill younglings in the Prequels but that was supposed to be a true moment of horror in seeing his fall (Obi-Wan even had to put his hand over his mouth as he gasped. One of the many acting highlights of the prequels...).


Here motivations do seem a bit wonky to me. I won't disagree with that.


Asking why Reva thinks joining the Empire, hunting Jedi, cutting off the hands of civilians, and torturing Leia is the logical reaction to being attacked by Vader as a child is a legitimate criticism of the story, however.

It’s not supposed to be logical. She joined the Dark Side to kill Vader and it corrupted her.

It’s the theme that has always permeated in Star Wars. Once you join the Dark Side of the Force it dominates your destiny forever.

Anakin joined the Dark Side to save Padme and it corrupted him to the point of committing mass murder.

Something similar happened to Reva. She let her hate of Darth Vader push her to the Dark Side and became an agent of evil.


Nope is wasnt. It was so boring and predictable.

Reva is one of the the most idio-tic and senseless character they produced.

She is annoying, stupid, unsympathetic and mots of all - she is villain. This is truly hilarious how everyone saw it miles away how writers were making her "She will turn good later " trope. She is bad actress to hide it and make it a surprise revelation. And everyone wondered why writers make her do all those horribly things if they plan to make her "good" at the end?

No one will root for her because she has done horrible things to innocent people to achieve her revenge. Good people dont do that. She is truly evil and not a good person. And no one will root for her.

That Vader fight was ridiculous and pointless because there was no way she would win and there was no chance writers would kill her off. So Vader played with her and then left, releasing her to escape and plot her revenge further. Which was laughably bad. And made Vader and his people look like incompetent idi ots.


That Vader fight was ridiculous and pointless because there was no way she would win and there was no chance writers would kill her off. So Vader played with her and then left, releasing her to escape and plot her revenge further. Which was laughably bad. And made Vader and his people look like incompetent idi ots.

Yes, that was idiotic.

As was her moronically igniting her lightsaber while far enough from Vader to let him know she was there / react. She didn't even do that with the Grand Inquisitior only three episodes before 😂.

We're supposed to believe she's been deep uncover, after him for years, and when she finally get close enough to him her big plan, the thing she's been working on the whole time is... er, engage him in a lightsaber battle that she even lets him know is on!

Who's writing this stuff?


So Vader played with her and then left, releasing her to escape and plot her revenge further. Which was laughably bad. And made Vader and his people look like incompetent idi ots.

Or maybe he has further plans for her. Vader plots like that frequently.


No incompetence on Vader's part. He simply didn't see her as a threat. He easily bested her then left her to die. Maybe she does or maybe she doesn't. Either way Vader doesn't give a shit because he views her as a cockroach. Imagine how utterly defeated she feels after being humiliated and left for dead. All those years plotting against him only to fail miserably while he and The Grand Inquisitor who she thought she killed are standing there gloating over her. Vader is cruel and he makes her suffer more this way.

Also whoever said Reva is suppose to be a good person, or that you are suppose to root for her? You are right she is evil and did horrible things to people for her revenge. All she cared cared about was killing Vader, and she was prepared to do whatever it takes to accomplish that. If she had to become an evil person to destroy a far more evil person then so be it


Lol I like your sarcasm, this episode was fucking stupid.


And still it was way better than the other episodes :D


It was the best episode yet, hopefully the finale is good but I wish Reva wasn’t in it but they’ll find a way to make her survive.


The best doesn't say too much when it's the best just because is not as bad as the others ...


True, but I started watching with low expectations.

A lot of people are acting like it’s painfully bad like it’s Batwoman bad or something.

This show is mediocre in my opinion but I’d say episode 5 was the one where I’d say it was ‘good’ thanks in large part to the flashbacks and Vader. Maybe they’ll actually deliver an awesome sixth episode but I’m not holding my breath.


Vader fighting was cool, but everything to do with Reva is shit.


I agree with this... "Can’t wait for the series finale!"


Looks like they used George Lucas and Andrew Stanton (from Pixar fame) as writers.


Vader is still the Padawan??

No his not. He's a jedi master now!!
