MovieChat Forums > The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power (2022) Discussion > The goofy shot of Galadriel riding the h...

The goofy shot of Galadriel riding the horse

They lingered on a close up of her face in slow motion, where she just looked so weird and goofy. I don't understand why this was put in. The actress looked especially ugly in this shot, and I was thinking "THAT is suppsed to be Galadriel?". Maybe that is why she sticks with the resting bitch face most of the time. Does not look good smiling.


She was subverting the male gaze, obviously !


She succeeded.


Ha ! So you admit the show is Woke !


This is the sum total of your evidence? Galadriel looking goofy and ugly in a slow motion close-up?


Deflection !


Yep that looked beyond ridiculous.


That grimace alone earned a Razzie.


What shot of Galadriel? There was only a close up of the horse's face.


And what has Galahadriel ever done to you Ackbar ?


She trashed my swan boat.


She stole mine and passed it off as her own.


Yeah, she'd do that in a heartbeat.


And with a smile on her face.


You lie ! As if Galahadriel of the Knoll Door, Daughter of the House of Fernuffin, Commander of the Northern Armies of High King Thingamuh-Jim-Lad would trash your swan boat !




They probably felt it was a picturesque shot, would fit into with all the beautiful scenery, but I don't think it did.

I also don't get why she was objectively high for riding a horse. She must have ridden frequently before.


I also don't get why she was objectively high for riding a horse.


Riding A horse, not that particular one, which looks to be custom made.


It was not the horse. The magic was in the saddle. XD


Me neither, made no sense. I felt like they saw who the hate for galadriel and her constant scowling, and decided to put in some footage of her ginning stupidly on a horse to make her more friendly and girly.


That was really odd. Not only did it seem unnecessary to have this long random slow motion shot but they managed to make a beautiful woman look weird. She had almost like a creepy Aphex Twin face.


That's what I just don't get. Everyone commenting on this episode seems to think that scene was weird, so what were the creators thinking? There was the scene of her in slow motion, when she was looking weird, and I was expecting them to pan away, but then they go close up in on her face, and linger for what seems like an eternity. Did the people editing the episode not realise she looked weird?


Did the people editing the episode not realise she looked weird?


Did somebody dare to say it out loud? Imagine you're editing this shot, and you're ordered to close up on her face. Do you dare to mail the director saying that she looked weird?

I mean, right now, imagine you're working there, would you dare to send a mail where you say that a strong independent woman looks weird? What happens if that mails reaches Human Resources?

I think people realized it, but nobody dared to say anything.


That scene probably cost 5 million dollars so I'm sure no one wanted to criticize


I sort of get the intention. They were trying to reemphasise that she loves riding horses. She brought it up when the guy first mentioned it to her, and so they wanted a shot to show how happy she is to be on a horse. The trouble is the actress must look naturally odd when it comes to giving a full smile, but what else can they do? I guess not many smiles were required in the audition because the character barely does it. Perhaps they could have used some of that half a billion to CGI a smile that doesn't look goofy onto her face.


...or they could have CGI'ed giant wobbling tits onto her and no one would have noticed the goofy smile.


But why is it important that she loves riding horses ? Who cares ? Are we going to have five minutes in slow motion of someone whittling wood ? It's wasting time on things that aren't interesting and don't matter.


Maybe she loves masturbating too.


And playing with her extensive collection of sock puppets.


Slow motion sock puppets? Now we are talking.

Let's get a petition up to reshoot the scene.


Maybe it has some sort of relevance somewhere down the line? Maybe it's to show she has a fun and happy side to her after being hard faced and reserved most of the time? I don't really know but I didn't think there was a need for the slow motion shot to linger so long though. Could have been handled a different way.


Relevance ? Are you serious ? That scene demonstrated two things. Firstly Morfydd Clark is not much of an actress. And secondly the show writers don't know their craft. They should have already fleshed out Galahadriel's character well enough that dropping in a silly segment so that people can see her smile would be redundant.

And this raises another question. Why would Amazon put a billion dollar project into the hands of people with little experience and less talent.


Because they're stupid?


If only it was as simple as that.


This is why I am thinking this is an outtake that was put back in when they saw the reviews of the first 2 episodes. They wanted to show a softer side to her.


Well obviously it isn't an outtake because it happens on Numenor. And if they needed to drop in a whole scene just to show a previously absent soft side to Galahadriel then they don't know how to go about making a story. The nuts and bolts of it. They are amateurs and they shouldn't have been given the job.


Aphex Twin face - perfect comparison.


can anyone tell around what minute mark?




Ok. I think it meant to signify freedom or joy.


I had no reaction to that scene. On a related not, I still find King Elessar telling the Hobbits " You bow to no one" cheesy and forced yet it apparently brings tears to a lot of viewers moved by such hamfisted dialog.


BLASPHEMY! That moment was AWESOME!
