So Obi Wan could have just healed Qui Gon?

He has the exact injury that kylo had when super rey healed him.

What about Anakin to Padme ... or Luke to Vader?

rey could have just rehealed Ben at the end too?

What about the ewoks that got fried?


Don't forget Dak!




Can Force Healing fix you if you're squashed by a walker?






Dak is a freaking zombie! :)


If he had learned healing from the ancient Jedi books Rey took from Luke.


I knew those Jedi scrolls were a bullshit excuse for super powers the minute they were introduced.


Obi-Wan didn't believe enough, like Rey does. Also, Rey is just way better, and if you think differently, you're probably a basement-dwelling, sexist, misogynist pig.


Exactly, it could not be that you find the character so overpowered it breaks the lore and pisses all over the established magic system that is the force and turns it into god like superpowers a la harry potter or Marvel;nope the only possible explanation is you hate women in star wars and are pathetic little incels, man babies, sexist, loser, as you said basement dwelling misogynist pigs that are terrified of women and are so insecure with yourself the sight of a powerful woman terrifies you.

No other explanation for the criticism of Rey is even conceivable; am I right?


I would add 'alt-right' to the list of descriptions you've given, but you got it basically. Master filmmaker Rian Johnson has put this both succinctly and eloquently:


Ah of course, how could I forget about the racist, white nationalist designation about TFA critics. Must be because I am sympathetic to the neo-nazis, right?


Luke and Darth could’ve healed each others missing hands. Obi Wan could’ve just reversed the Alderon explosion and heeled the billion of lives lost. Yoda could’ve fought the emperor from the comfort of his own swamp.


And messed with everyone from beyond the grave.


You guys are a bunch of idiots. Every damn movie has expanded on force abilities. Vader didn't leap around in ANH yet him and Luke we're doing it in ROTJ. We really do not know how Jedi powers work. We don't know their limits and regeneration periods. End the end it doesn't matter. Luke could do things by the last film he couldn't do in Empire and Jedi. These movies have NEVER been consistent so it's par for the course


Apparently we know that Rey's evil midi-chlorians are stronger than Luke's good midi-chlorians, wouldn't you say?

I mean, it's fine with me, I always thought The Empire had cooler shit anyway - but I don't know that it's a good lesson for the children.


Well whatever. But the use of Force powers have always been very vague and certain abilities were only used to move the plot along. This happens in Star Trek all the time. They use a piece of tech one episode and forget all about it the next episode.


Still the worst case of plot armor - regardless of the mental gymnastics you are currently putting yourself through.

Why not just have rey use 'force death star laser' from her eyes to take out the sith? I mean that would be perfectly acceptable to you.


No. They need to move the plot not end it immediately. I suspect if Rey was a male character or if it was Luke no one would be bitching...


Ahh I see - you're butthurt and only focused on the gender of a fictional character because you're a sexist moron.

Literally everyone in here is talking about story continuity and inconsistencies yet here you are, all focused on something that no-one else is referring to.

It's really something to white knight a fictional character dude.


I would agree with what you are saying but the problem is no one is complaining about Luke's abilities that were not present in any other film....Luke was unable to project himself across space in the other films.... just saying.


... yes they are. I'm not sure anyone likes how Luke was handled in these films. The force is broken in DT and is just used for plot convenience.


Luke's force projection was dumb too, but it is inexplicable that no other Jedi would ever use such a powerful and life saving ability. This is compounded with the fact that there is no reason for Rey to be so powerful without proper training.


She got proper training from Luke and than Leia this last film ..


Anakin had more than Master Yoda and he still didn't heal his own mother. No one bothered to train little Ani about Force Healing.


Anakin had used all his force powers up on "forced contrivance" at that point.

i.e. After ten long years he finally goes back to Tatooine to find her. He gets there and finds out that not four weeks previously she had been take by the Sand people. He then searches high and low across Tatooine, finally finds and unties her and low and behold she dies RIGHT THERE AND THEN!!

Lucky in a way because that allows us to see him become very, very angry and slaughter all the sand people. However all the forced contrivance required to make her die at that exact moment wiped him of any powers he may have been able to use to heal her. It was all very unfortunate...



Rey is a Sith, so she can do things that Jedi cannot.


So Jedi, the force of light/good, cannot heal but the evil siths can?



JJ was basically bullshitting us...again. I covered this subject on this thread:
