MovieChat Forums > No Time to Die (2021) Discussion > its been dead since 2015

its been dead since 2015

Mission: Impossible has wiped the floor with this franchise also Craig has been phoning it in since Spectre he is more eager to Benoit Blanc in the Knives Out sequels even Called Bond a Misogynist


I wouldn't go that far. MI has improved immensely and is definitely operating on the same level but Bond is still unique and offers crazy good action. Spectre definitely wasn't as good as Skyfall and Casino so NTTD should be great if it follows formula.


I'm just glad Tom Cruise is still action and reprising his iconic roles and still pulling it off with great action to go along with the stunts. He's pretty much in good hands. Sucks filming for the movie is postponed due to the virus. I mean I bet Tom would kill the virus before it could touch him seeing how fit or just healthy in general he is.


I think it was filmed and getting released april 11th


MI has only two decent entries and the rest are mediocre at best....


Well, Craig Bond only have 1 decent entry and the rest are mediocre at best.


Craig's mediocre Bonds are better than the mediocre MIs. I'd rather watch Quantum of Solace than MI2 (or even MI3).

And I disagree about only 1 being decent.


Quantum of Solace is the worst. Only Casino Royale is decent.


It's still better than the majority of MI movies.


QOS is not better than the majority of MI movies. That is a laughable statement. QOS makes MI2 look like an Oscar-winning masterpiece.




Bullshit ....quite the opposite...


Ghost Protocol and Fallout are really the only worthwhile entries....


Nope sorry.






Let me draw up a mingled ranking:

CR > MI4 = MI5 > MI6 > MI3 >>> MI2 = QoS >> MI1 > Sky = Spec

Bond's been dead since 2008. MI in slight dip but still in grade A territory.


CR > MI4 > MI6 > the rest of Craig's Bond films > the rest of the MI films.




Watch MI1 again. You don't realize how bad it was. The two or three fun scenes are smoke screening your memory. DePalma made a runny shit. Seriously, watch it again.


IĀ“ve watched it many times. ItĀ“s my favourite of the series. I appreciate that its more of a spy film than pure action and I consider it one of DePalmaĀ“s best films.


It's been on life support since 1989 and dead since about 1999, but yeah, go jerk off to the inexplicably even worse MI films instead.


The Fast & Furious franchise is the more authentic kindred spirit of the real James Bond film series than anything involving a Daniel Craig.


The Fast & Furious franchise is pure garbage. Bond is great.


You Sir are greatly mistaken.

Although to be fair it's a mistake I too would have made up to ~ 6 months ago. Since then I've watched them all (apart from 2 & 3) in reverse order and come to accept them for what they are - This generation's Bond Series.

I have seen cars parachuting out of planes, a guy jumping from a car roof across dual carriageway bridges and catching someone in mid-air, a dude running up a bus going over the edge of a cliff leaping and catching the rear of a drifting car, a guy driving a car between skyscrapers and leaping to safety before it continues on through the other side, etc, etc...

The trailer for the new one features a car driving up a collapsing rope bridge (!) and a magnet car catching plane.

Any one of these stunts would not been out of place in a Sir Roger pre opening credits sequence.

Beefy, jug eared Sid James-a-like walking out of the sea in his pants is not what I'd call "great" James Bond. In fact I don't consider it Bond at all...


>>I have seen cars parachuting out of planes, a guy jumping from a car roof across dual carriageway bridges and catching someone in mid-air, a dude running up a bus going over the edge of a cliff leaping and catching the rear of a drifting car, a guy driving a car between skyscrapers and leaping to safety before it continues on through the other side, etc, etc...

Totally disagree. The stuff that Roger Moore did, as silly as it got, you always somehow believed it.
Fast & Furious is pure gabage because whatever happens Vin Diesel never gets a scratch. It becomes such a cartoon that you can close your eyes and predict everything. Nothing is at stake.

I would, though, compare Fast & Furious to one Bond film, or one Bond stunt that I absolutely hate. It is very Fast & Furious dumb = the pre-title sequence to Goldeneye when Bond is jumping off a cliff trying to reach a plane that is diving straight down in full crash mode. He reaches the plane and flies it to safety. Even Roger Moore must have thought: "damn, that was not very classy compared to my stuff".

Having said all that, if you enjoy F & F there is nothing wrong with it since it is entertainment after all.


Cheers dude šŸ‘

Turns out I won't be enjoying F9 for some time now though. Sadly just been pulled for a year due to Coronavirus!


>>Mission: Impossible has wiped the floor with this franchise also Craig has been phoning it in since Spectre he is more eager to Benoit Blanc in the Knives Out sequels even Called Bond a Misogynist

Nice trollig attempt. Neither Craig nor Sam Mendes phoned it in with Spectre.

M:I Fallout, though, is really really overrated, and overall a weak film. The action scenes at the end were boring and too over the top.


Spectre is more boring.


Spectre was much better.


Casino Royale is the only I liked from both franchises.

One viewing will always be enough for all the others.


Personally I think Skyfall is a better film than all the Mission Impossible films put together with Jack Reacher thrown in as a bonus.

Not hugely invested in either franchise really but Iā€™d prefer to watch Bond.


Mission: Impossible sucks dog balls. But, to be fair, the best Bond film of them all (Casino Royale, with Craig) has been followed by some of the absolute worst ones. As this one is an extension of the storyline, I have little doubt that this one is going to follow suit.


Craig made two really good Bonds and two bad ones, IMO. And it's not looking good for No Time to Die.

Not a great percentage, but I like most of the Bond movies.
