STOP remaking Batman!

Seriously, Hollywood. STOP. Enough already.

If you MUST do a remake, at least TRY remaking something you haven't remade in a LONG time, instead of giving us a brand new Batman and Joker every 2-5 years or so.

Maybe try remaking some franchise you haven't messed with since the 1930s, like Andy Hardy, Charlie Chan, The Thin Man, Doctor X....

Just GIVE Batman a break and STOP remaking him!!!


STOP whining. Just don't watch it if you don't like it!!!


I think this would actually classify as a reboot though since it's not telling the exact same story as something that came before.


so far we have had 8 Batman movies and 8 Spiderman movies. please no more!


That’s 16 Batman and Spider-man films in 33 years. Yikes.


yeah, and thats not including all the animated films. studios keep making the same movies and we keep watching them.


Agreed. I heard many good things about this film but..... I've already seen the animated series in the 90's and a few films that followed and I didn't bother with Nolan's remake - tried this one for 30 minutes and it's the same damn film like any other batman film. The biggest issue is.... I've already seen all of this shit before in one form or another - and sure, maybe the early versions might have been inferior, but the story hasn't changed much - and once you know the story - meh.


Man Nolan’s movies are amazing!


could be
maybe if his version was the only one available, I'd watch and appreciate it
As things stand, I've already seen more than enough reitterations of batman to a point where it serves no point in watching any batman film anymore

BTW - there is one version which I did find interesting - that's telltale's batman (there are 2 games). It features the most well-developed/written joker ever - where he's actually more good than bad. Every other batman film features the same old cookie-cutter one-dimensional villains - yep, I'm not impressed with any of the much lauded joker interpretations in films.



Agree. I just watched the Batman last night and it’s far from terrible but I’ve seen this movie already numerous times. It’s like Se7en in the Batman universe. The fight scenes were ok but this type of movie does not really do
Much for me anymore. I feel for modern writers as originality is very hard to find


Everything has been done before. Tarantino mentioned this many years ago (I think in the early to mid 2000's since I remember him saying stuff while I was in high school still). There has been nothing original now for 50-70 years. All filmmakers can do now is repackage stuff in a new way. That's what The Batman was doing. Pretty much mixing Batman with Se7en and Saw, which we never saw before since EVERY previous Batman movie is action-y and explosions ever 3-5 minutes or Batman fighting bad guys every 3-5 minutes. For once we get to see Batman be a detective for majority of the movie instead of fighting bad guys. Pretty much ALL previous Batman movies barely let him be a detective. He does some detective work once in a while but is beating up bad guys for majority of the runtime while in The Batman, Batman (well Bruce Wayne) was pretty much just some detective wearing a superhero costume/suit. And I liked what they did with The Batman. They kept things interesting too. The movie felt 30-40 minutes shorter than what it really was. I've lost track as to how many times I've watched The Batman, and I can't remember the last time I re-watched a new-er movie. The last couple years, I pretty much watch the movie in theaters, buy the movie on Blu-Ray and watch it again, but then it gets shelved. The Batman though I've lost track as to how many times I've watched it. Good movie, and definitely my favorite movie of 2022. Shoot. There are days where I'm like: "Oh, I'll watch maybe 30-40 minutes of it" and then end up watching the whole thing, or before I know it, the end credits are rolling. That hasn't happened in years. Maybe the last movie was Spider-Man: Far From Home. Not No Way Home. Far From Home. For some reason everyone thinks I'm confusing the two.


How was this anything like Saw?


You're just parroting without understanding.


Somebody holding a gun to your head and forcing you into the theater?

That's the wonderful thing about modern multiplex cinemas: there's always a plethora of other choices at your local movie house. When the films comes to the cable channels, there's another marvelous thing called the remote. When it comes to streaming services, thousands of alternatives are just a mouse click away.

If you don't want to watch another Batman movie it's really dead simple: just don't watch it. It just kills me how there are always people willing to inflict their preferences on the rest of us.


I agree with the OP. Precious resources from the Warner Bros studios are being channeled to make these regurgitations. A lot of money and talent have been hijacked throughout the years. WB have a lot of money, but it is limited and I hardly need to point out how making a movie is expensive, and takes a few years to complete. Even after completion, marketing costs millions, else the movie is DOA.

It's like a hypothetical scenario where there is only so much clean water available for a population... But a nonnegligible part of that water has been diverted to be used in wine production. So the OP is telling you to make other things with this water. And here you go saying 'if you are not thirsty just don't drink it!'.


Bad analogy. Watching a Batman movie is not a bifurcated choice like drink water or die of dehydration. The entertainment industry is not a zero sum game. There is not a fixed number of movies that can be produced per year; it depends on profit. As movie studios succeed -- i.e. as their pictures earn profits -- they have more money to invest in producing other pictures. If their movies flop, they'll have less, and they'll finance fewer other movies. In this situation, studios are going to invest where they think there is a profit, and Batman has a strong history of putting butts in seats. A successful Batman movie would earn Warner Bros. a profit, and they would have more money with which to produce other films.

So I repeat: if you don't want to see another Batman movie, it's really, really simple.

Just don't watch it.


I don't know what to tell you if you don't realize that it's taking resources away from other potential films. If Matt Reeves is directing The Batman and The Batman 2, he's not directing something else. Same with the writers, actors and money involved. The tired old "If you don't like it, don't watch it" argument doesn't even apply here.


It absolutely does, and I've explained why. You explained nothing, you just asserted something.

And just because Reeves isn't directing Batman doesn't mean he's automatically directing something else, or that that hypothetical alternate film would be any good, just because it's not a Batman movie. Maybe he wants to direct a Batman movie, and he'll put more enthusiasm into that film than another one.

I'm tired of hearing people bitching about movies they have no obligation whatsover to go and see. There are more movies made in a year than you could possibly watch. I'm sure you can find something in that output that would suit you. So go and do that, and stop trying to limit what other people might actually like to see.


I liked The Batman so much I’ve watched it three times, I really liked Bale’s Batman but Pattinson was even better in some ways

It will take some time but I eagerly await a sequel


Old post, I know, but absolutely this.


Blast from the past lol!

Pattinson gave a great performance, that Pattinson is pretty great in everything I’ve seen him in👍

Joaquin Joker vs. Pattinson Batman is a cool script idea imo!


If there was a way they could bring that about it would sure be something to see!


I’m all in on that!


I enjoyed watchin them failed but downside is watchin 3 hrz long moovie fail bec dat meanz 3 hrz I never get back :(




If they don't remake it it will have to go on until it becomes watered down instead. Do you really want a Batman continuation with umpteen seasons/sequels instead?

Unless you're advocating for Batman to stop being made altogether.


I'd just like to see Bruce Wayne display a range of emotions other than the angsty and supposedly crazy, repentant, etc. Lots of facets have been neglected.


It’s a fucking COMIC BOOK. It does not have layers of finesse, any more than a Big fucking Mac has levels of subtlety.

Sheesh! Time to grow up and leave Mom’s basement.
