MovieChat Forums > Black Panther (2018) Discussion > Colonization absolutely devastated Afric...

Colonization absolutely devastated Africa

Learn some history, it's worse than you might think. I'm genuinely curious what Africa would be like today without colonization.


Bullshit! China was colonised, the Balkan was colonised, Korea was colonised. All do ok now. Also, Colonisation brought a lot of technology to these countries. Rail ways, roads, hospitals, all built during colonisation.

If you want to see what Africa would be without colonisation, Ethiopia and Liberia where never colonised and are today the poorest shitholes in Africa. To think that colonisation is the only culprit for poverty in Africa is too simplistic.


Great post!


hey queen....

another bad day for you...

earlier in the week, Black Panther crossed Wonder Womans 412 M, which just a few days ago you claimed would be very difficult and Now today......

Black Panther Will be passing AOUs 459 M....which I think 4 days ago you hilariously said BP "would be lucky to" make as much as AOUs 459 M

anyway....all around bad week for ya...




That’s real enlightening, but you ain’t fooling nobody with your faux outrage. Colonizer.


You're comparing apples to oranges. China, the Balkans, Korea-- they were colonized, but for shorter times than most African nations. Many African countries were controlled as early as the 1400s, and most remained colonies in the 1950s, '60s, and '70s, and some into the 1990s.

Korea was a colony under Japan for 35 years.

British control of China was mainly limited to Hong Kong. The colonialism there was very different, and based in large part on exports and trade, and with a focus on building a strong nation to support the British Empire.

The Balkans were contested and controlled between the two World Wars, and later fell under Soviet control, but like China and Korea, had centuries to develop before they lost independence. It's not really correct to call them colonized, but you can definitely see the effects when you compare the safety, wealth, and success of Western Europe to Eastern Europe.

Africans were sold into slavery from the 1400s until the 1800s. That's a long period of time, and a far more devastating thing than any country you listed, or any others, endured.

The colonizers primarily used Africa as a resource, pulling wealth and natural resources out without any compensation. There was no attempt to build anything, like in India for example, or to do anything other than pillage the land and its people. When Portugal finally left Mozambique (in 1975, by the way) they literally took everything they could, even the pipes and wires in the buildings. The colonizers were brutal and inhuman in Africa in ways they were not anywhere else.

Africa itself is a factor, too. Much of Africa lacks access to ocean shipping, and even nations linked to the ocean by rivers are limited by those rivers being unnavigable. The climate is not favorable.

This is just a quick rundown of some of the more obvious factors. Do some honest research and be open to changing your point of view and you may learn a lot.


So the Balkans where never colonised by Ottomans for 100s of years, who also used slavery throughout their empire? And China was never brutally colonised by Japan (compared to what the Japanese did in China European colonialism looks downright benign)? And the Barbary Slave trade of over one millikn Europeans never happened?

Africans where sold into slavery long before and after the dates you mentioned. Just not by Europeans, but by other Africans, Turks and Arabs, a fact that rarely gets mentioned today.

Also there was a lot of infrastructure built by the colonising powers. Rail ways, roads, hospitals and so forth.

I'm not saying that the colonisation of Africa wasnt wrong but it's neither unique nor the sole reason for Africa's problems.


What it seems is that you're trying to fabricate a story where what happened in Africa was no different than what happened anywhere else, which is far from the case. Africa is unique in that the rest of the world pillaged the continent for over 600 years, removing resources, stifling growth, and shipping its people around the world as slaves.

The Balkans experienced nothing like this. They were assimilated into the Ottoman Empire, and became a functioning part of that empire. For about 50 years Japan controlled Taiwan, which is hardly a long, brutal colonization of China.

The Barbary slave trade was nothing remotely like the African slave trade. For starters, it enslaved about 1 million people. Over 11 million Africans were shipped off to slavery. Also, the Barbary slaves were captured haphazardly throughout the world. It was awful, and many suffered, but it wasn't a concentrated drain on the people and resources of one continent.

Awful things have happened to people all around the world, all throughout history, but there is no parallel to what was done to Africa. It is absolutely unique in its scope, and in its devastating after-effects.


What I'm trying to say is that

a) Africa wouldn't be a paradise Utopia like depicted in this movie, because neither their development status before colonisation indicates that.

B) it is ridiculous to blame Africas problems solely on European colonialism and slavery, when not only other people colonised Africa, like the Arabs and the Ottomans, but those people enslaved millions of Africans and get zero blame for it today. If it wasn't for White people slavery would still be a legitimate undertaking today. It was the British who first abolished slavery in 1833, while in the Ottoman empire slavery was practiced until the early 20th century. It was interventions by European powers that stopped slavery in the Ottoman empire. And in some Arab countries slavery is a thing even today as it is in many African nations.,

Yet all we hear in the media is how uniquely evil the white man is, yet if it wasn't for the White man Africans would still work as slaves under the Turks.


a) No one said it would be. It's a comic book movie. Billionaire industrialists don't build arc reactors out of scraps in caves and implant them in their chests to power cobbled together suits of armor. People hit with a lethal does of radiation die. They don't become immortal, all-powerful behemoths. And so on. Though your comment about "development status before colonisation" is a bit disingenuous. What Africa was like pre-1400 doesn't really give you much of a way to predict what it would be today without 600+ years of rape and pillage.

b) No one is putting sole blame on European colonialism. Blame is shared among all guilty parties. You're too focused on absolving white people of guilt, and crediting them for the good, to simply admit that horrible things have been happening in Africa for the entirety of modern history. Who bears how much blame and/or who gets credit for being helpful, is not really relevant. The point being made is that the tragedies that befell Africa are without historical precedent, and no other continent or nation has experienced anything remotely as bad.

If someone is saying that whites are uniquely evil, then they're uninformed and idiotic. So is someone who says Africa endured the same thing as China, so why can't the Africans forgive and forget?


Please point me to where the blame is shared equally, lol. Most people aren't even aware of the fact that Arabs and Turks are to blame for slave trade and colonialism and are instead lumped under the "POC" umbrella of poor non Whites oppressed by evil White people. Even though both Arabs and Turks are among the worst colonisers and slavers there ever where.

There is no equal sharing of the blame, Whites acknowledge their part, yet they are constantly beat over the head for it, yet the Turks chauvinistically glorify their former empire and even openly talk about their wish to reestablish it. Can you imagine what would occur if the British prime minister would say, yeah the British Empire should be rebuilt. Yet this is exactly what's going on in Turkey. They and the Arabs have a free pass for their chauvinistic attitude, because they're not White, and being White is seen as the ultimate evil.

And while American blacks get offended by the White dude with the dreadlocks for "appropriating" their culture, Arabs continue to racially discriminate and murder Black people by the millions with none of the woke brothers giving a crap:


"When Portugal finally left Mozambique (in 1975, by the way) they literally took everything they could, even the pipes and wires in the buildings. The colonizers were brutal and inhuman in Africa in ways they were not anywhere else."

Wow... so many things wrong here, I don't even know where to start.

Here, I'll simplify:

Angola and Moçambique were having internal warfare between jungle parties. The natives didn't want any external people there. The Portuguese Army didn't want to be there in the first place [it was a decision made by the Fascist Regime of the time which also has a reasoning behind it since WW2]. The Portuguese Army makes the Coup-d'Etat, releases Portugal from the Fascists and give Angola and Moçambique their freedom. Angolans and Moçambiqueans destroy what was not build by them.

My grandparents had a lot of properties then in Angola. When the internal war between Unita and MPLA broke out, the guerrilas destroyed everyhting.

Go to Angola now and be surprised with what they rebuilt with the aid of Portugal
Go to Moçambique and be surprised with how backwards they still are [they refuse the aid]


So it's all the fault of those silly jungle parties, isn't it? Never mind that when the Portuguese fled they took not only everything that wasn't nailed down, they ripped out pipes, wires, etc., too. And yes, once they were going the survivors tore down the gutted buildings.

More notable, you're revisionist version of history still points out exactly what I'm saying. Portugal was the last in a long line of conquerers (not colonizers) who came in hoping to gain something, demolished the place, extracted whatever wealth they could, then fled. Even the countries themselves-- Angola and Mozambique in this case, are not actual "real" entities. Like most of Africa, they are borders arbitrarily carved out by conquerers dividing the spoils, not caring what groups of people they lump together or separate.

So yes, in the scant 40 or so years Mozambique and Angola have had to let the dust settle and adapt to the country they've more or less been assigned, one has done better than the other, and any of their problems are in no way related to the previous 600 years of abuse, but instead their own jungle party failings.


"So it's all the fault of those silly jungle parties, isn't it? Never mind that when the Portuguese fled they took not only everything that wasn't nailed down, they ripped out pipes, wires, etc., too. And yes, once they were going the survivors tore down the gutted buildings."

Please show me evidence of people taking anything. Seriously. Show it. Name them.

In a matter of a fact - and just for your information - people had to flee the county with nothing. Many even came bare naked on War Ships to Portugal. My grandparents - as an example - had plantations there that were burnt to the ground, the guerrilla had no qualms killing the black workers there either. My family, just like others, was able to salvage nothing. They arrived at Portugal with the clothes they were wearing and nothing else.

And guess what? As soon as their internal warring affairs were over, they came begging Portugal for help in rebuilding what they idiotically destroyed. And yes if you want to blame anyone, blame UNITA and MPLA for the atrocities they did to their own people, even when the portuguese weren't there.

Please stop talking nonsense about something you have absolutely no clue about. It makes you look stupid as all hell.

I have to show this to some friends just for them to laugh at some random idiot from the other side of the world who thinks he knows things better than the ones who lived it and still have that reality present.

BTW, my wife is Angolan, and she just called you juté. Look it up.


If you and your wife want to blame all the problems Africa faces on the Africans, and absolve the rest of the world, go right ahead. I'm merely repeating what's in the history books. Perhaps your family plantation, if such a thing existed, endured what you describe. Or, perhaps you a 15 year-old taking the piss on his mom's computer. I have no way to know.

My belief is that Angola, Mozambique, and most of Africa, face problems that are rooted in a history of being conquered and pillaged repeatedly for over 600 years. The climate and geography of the continent precludes the sort of advancement you see in Europe or Asia, and centuries of invaders, colonizers, conquerers, pillagers, slave traders, and their ilk have created a hybrid continent half-rooted in the past and half-forced into a present that doesn't suit the region. In short, it's a mess, and the blame for that falls squarely on the shoulders of those who for centuries treated Africa as a resource.


"you a 15 year-old taking the piss on his mom's computer."

No dude, I'm 38, happily married to an Angolan and we are both laughing at your ignorance.

"My belief is that"

No one cares what you "believe in". Get educated.


Permit to amend: My belief, based on what I learned in college and have read in numerous history books, is that...


your college has either a piss poor system or you were a failure as a student.


There is a lot more to it than that, there was colonization everywhere without many of the issues Africa seems to have.


Exactly. Also, the vast majority of Africa wasn't colonised until the 19th century, yet their stage of development was extremely primitive.


Well.. the parts of Africa that were able to develop nation states were able to develop more fully compared to those that didn't... Especially infrastructure projects, systems of education and such...

For example, Egypt (ancient civilisation, plus metropolitain cities, successive eras of different types of political order) had a big head start as a society prior to colonisation so was able not only to withstand most of the negative aspects of colonisation, but also take advantage the the British Empire's tendency to build infrastructure and systems of commerce in most places that they settled... They avioded civil war or partition, unlike most other colonies..

Other countries like South Africa managed to develop and maintain a nation state as they transitioned from Aparthied to more democratic rule without falling to dictatorship like Zimbabwe...

Nigeria, I'm not too familiar with... But in countries like Senegal you still have dictators overseeing fairly underdeveloped countries and that is one of the better outcomes, as often these countries fall to civil war/strife and or partition given that the concept of the nation state isn't supported by a political system and a society that buys into that idea... Other countries are so small that they end up being enveloped by conflict in neighbouring countries...

Colonisation is part of the history of most of these countries, many of which that are barely nation states... It's part of the context of the systems of control in most of them. We cannot separate it from their current conditions, yet it is not the whole story...

Say what you want, but the colonisations aren't all equal. The British extended their empire and their country into the world (in particular in key countries) as they saw the development there as part of British prestige and commercial power, many of the other colonists simply took from the colonies and messed around in local societies and politics, even trying to influence culture and language...


Cont'd... I'd just like to add that for some parts of Africa, there is still war with Western powers, through drone strikes or outright conflicts such as in Somalia... Not to mention Libya which was bombed into oblivion by Nato (for complex reasons)... So, Africa doesn't exist in a vacume from the world... Nor is it desirable for Africa or for the rest of the world for them to do so... The way different parts of Africa relate to one another and the rest of the world is complex...

For example, China is doing massive development projects in Africa in exchange for access to miniral rights and such... This is a complex situation, as there is no free lunch... How does bringing in Chinese labour and subcontractors affect the development of the local economy? On what terms are these deals done and by whome (i.e. by what right?)? Who benefits locally? is this neo-colonialism or just trade?

Wakanda is not real... It is fantasy, but even that cartoon had the insight to show that the issues are more complex than isolation vs. engaggment, or being eternally tied to a past, even though it cannot help but be influenced by it...

Edit: Also what is not seen in this movie, nor should it really be as it's just a comicbook movie but people and the filmmakers have over inflated Black Panther's meaning, is that there are millions of people living perfectly normal lives in Africa, in cities, towns and villages... They work, play, love and live normal lives and have personal dramas and stories just as any people anywhere else in the world... Now that is a much more radical concept than a spandex wearing superhero king 😂


Good post thanks. Still I would love to see how Africa moved into the 21st century without colonization. People using Ethiopia as the test case are disingenuous though. I would imagine there is a very good reason economically why these countries were never colonized, which would also explain why they never prospered.


They would still be poor and underdeveloped countries. They might have birdwrs alomg ehthnic lines, more homogeneous nation states and thus less unrest, but they'd also have less infrastructure. If you compare the development of Africa and Europe in the 19th century when Africa was colonised you see that Sub Saharan Africa was still very tribal and at a primitive development stage.

And no, Ethiopia has no more or less natural resources than its neighbouring countries, the reason it wasn't colonised was that by the end of the 19th century it was a politically unified country. Still one of the poorest nations in Africa.


You can't say you know what Africa would be like, especially with regards for the atrocities that were committed against the people during colonization for capitalist motivations. There seems to be a habit of people living in current times to attribute their perceived ethnic values to people living 100-200 years ago. We're talking about people who treated other human beings like animals.


I'd suggest you make yourself familiar with history then. The atrocities against Africans aren't unique, you know? Barbary pirates from North Africa enslaved more than 1 000 000 Europeans during raids on European coasts. This only stopped when France invaded Algeria in theb19th century. Slavery was a part of Africa long before Europeans came there and it is still going on today.

Also lots of countries where devestated by wars. During the 30 Year war in Europe whole provinces where erased and people killed. Not to mention during the 2 World Wars where waring parties would burn down everything when retreating.

As I said, take a look at the development stage of Sub Saharan Africans before colonisation. Why would they be a super advanced society today? There's nothing to indicate that. Its like saying, if the Black Plague hadn't killed a third of Europeans in the Middle Ages they would today have developed Space Travel at light speed. It's not based on anything.


I never said they would be a super advanced society today, not even close. Just a dignified country allowed to develop in their own time and their own way.


Africa is not a country. And whether the ills of colonisation out weight the gains in infrastructure and development is debatable.


Africa was one country before colonizers started drawing lines on a map


Are you kidding me? The North of Africa was Arab and never was in any way unified with the South. There was the state of Ethiopia and other than that is was mostly tribes at war with each other. Please learn some history!


The colonizer concept of country (lines on a map) is not the same as a big bunch of land shared by a bunch of different people. They're both countries. You need to take your head out of your ass you sound like an angry teenager


You need to learn some basic history, man. You make pre colonial Africa out to be some kind of Paradise. The land wasn't "shared" by people, they fought over it and killed each other, like in other parts of the world. The whole of North Africa was totally different from Sub Saharan Africa and the rest where mostly petty tribal Kingdoms. How that equals a "unified country" is anyone's guess


Stop putting words in my mouth, you're shit at reading. Get out of my thread.


Did you not write that Africa was a unified country? Stop posting untrue nonsense then.


"Africa was one country before colonizers started drawing lines on a map"


Dude... even tribes delimit their properties and kingdoms.


It's bizarre that mention only the British colonization of Egypt. The Roman Empire civilized much of the Old World, Marxists never complained!

Egypt quickly became the Empire's breadbasket supplying the greater portion of the Empire's grain in addition to flax, papyrus, glass, and many other finished goods. The city of Alexandria became a key trading outpost for the Roman Empire (by some accounts, the most important for a time). Shipping from Egypt regularly reached India and Ethiopia among other international destinations.[9] It was also a leading (perhaps the leading) scientific and technological center of the Empire. Scholars such as Ptolemy, Hypatia, and Heron broke new ground in astronomy, mathematics, and other disciplines. Culturally, the city of Alexandria at times rivaled Rome in its importance.[10]

Classical antiquity
Macedonian and Ptolemaic Egypt 332–30 BC
Roman and Byzantine Egypt 30 BC–641 AD
Sasanian Egypt 619–629
Middle Ages
Islamic Egypt 641–969
Fatimid Egypt 969–1171
Ayyubid Egypt 1171–1250
Mamluk Egypt 1250–1517
Early modern
Ottoman Egypt 1517–1867
French occupation 1798–1801
Egypt under Muhammad Ali 1805–1882
Khedivate of Egypt 1867–1914
Modern Egypt
British occupation 1882–1922
Sultanate of Egypt 1914–1922
Kingdom of Egypt 1922–1953


Africa has also bee colonised by Blacks. San and Kois and various other ethnicities conquered by Kongoid Blacks.


Good point, but to writeep more about Egyot would have precluded me from making my other, more general, points 👍

I thought I alluded to it by saying (ancient civilisation, plus metropolitain cities, successive eras of different types of political order), but I suppose i could have worded it more clearly...


Please explain why South Africa was the most successful sub-Sahara nation. Until the colonialists let the natives vote that is.

Seems like the only nation with movie theaters according to BO Mojo. $3.5m is probably a block-buster.


Well it may have been successful for the colonizers but believe it or not African natives are also human


Its successful for Blacks as well. South Africa is the strongest economy in Africa and there is a whole wealthy Black middle class in South Africa now. Migrants from other African countries try to get into South Africa but are met with hatred and even violence from Black South Africans (so much for black brotherhood, lol).


They're turning off the water in Capetown next month so that's not really true.


What isn't true? South Africa is by far the most prosperous country in Africa. Towns like Cape Town are almost like western towns. The fact that they're going through a drought doesn't change that. What does that have to do with how prosperous the country is?


Availability of clean water is probably the single best indication of prosperity, since it's the only thing people actually need to survive. South Africa is literally turning their water off and it will be rationed out. There is nothing prosperous about that.


Are you a moron? Where are they supposed to get the water then? Its not a question of prosperity.

So by your logic America isn't prosperous either:


What exactly are you implying, water is not a measure of prosperity? What is a measure of prosperity then, how many iphones you have while you die of thirst?


The drought in Cape Town doesn't have anything to do with its prosperity. A drought can happen to any country! There are devastating droughts in the US, that doesn't change the fact that it's one of the most prosperous nations in the world.


If people can't even access drinking water a country is not prosperous. It doesn't matter what the cause of their lack of water is, they're still not prosperous. They have to walk to water collection points to collect their weekly water rations. This is post-apocalypse shit, this isn't prosperity. End of discussion


OK, so South Africa is piss poor, so is the US. Happy now?

Really no point in arguing with you if you can't grasp basic arguments.


If you want to see an indigenous people who have had not contact with Europeans look at Sentinel Island. They are still a stone-age people, whose most advanced invention is the bow and arrow. Without colonization, Africa would look much like Sentinel Island, only there would have been far more violence among the various tribes. Read the history of Shaka Zulu for example.


That's a pretty nonsensical stretch. A group of people who have lived in isolation on a remote island are in no way indicative of what an entire continent of people would be like today if left to their own devices. The climate and geography of Africa certainly preclude the sort of technological advancements that are possible in much of the rest of the world, but to assume the entire continent would be locked in the stone age smacks of either ignorance or racism.


If they were still in the stone age less than 100 years ago, why would you assume they would have developed by today without colonial influence? Africa did not change on its own for thousands of years. I think it's quite easy to assume the worst for an uncolonized Africa. Africa has been independent for over 50 years with the benefit of modern technology and financial aid and many areas are still little better than stone age level.

The man in the picture I am linking has a modern automatic rifle and a cell phone thanks to the after-effects of colonialism, but he still inhabits the same sort of mud hut and lives by the same herding and subsistence level agriculture that his ancestors did a thousand years ago.


What is the significance of 100 years ago? And honestly, "Africa has been independent for over 50 years with the benefit of modern technology and financial aid and many areas are still little better than stone age level." Really? 50 whole years! After 600+ of oppression, rape, robbery, slavery, and living in arbitrary communities with borders carved out by politicians a continent away, 50 years seems ample time to undo the damage, rebuild, and integrate seamlessly into the modern world?

There may be no point to this discussion. You want to see Africa and Africans as inferior, and you will no matter what.


The point of 100 years is this: 100 years ago, many other nations had attained a rather high level of civilization compared to Africa yet 100 years ago, the majority of Africans lived in primitive tribal situations. In all of history, Africa never reached beyond the stone age until the arrival of Europeans.

You wish to blame all the problems of Africa on European colonists, when the truth is, colonization was the SOLUTION to Africa's many problems, and it was rejected. That is why Africa is now slowly returning to conditions reminiscent of pre-colonial times. One need only look at the examples of Rhodesia/Zimbabwe and South Africa to see the effect.


100 years ago Africa was already suffering from 500 years of devastation and pillaging, with more still to come. Why would you expect its people to have any semblance of modernity or self-identity at that point in time?

I think you're purposely blinding yourself to the significant facts. In the 1400s, the Europeans began expanding into Africa. Numerous factors, primarily climate, geography, and available resources, led to Europe developing differently from Africa. Not better, not worse. Differently. The differences allowed the Europeans to began systematically draining Africa of her resources, using Africans as slave labor, and keeping the Africans technologically primitive.

We have no idea whatsoever how Africa would have developed if the continent wasn't used as a resource by the rest of the world for the better part of six centuries. It's likely that modern Africa would be very different from modern Europe, but to say it would be "in the Stone Age" or "primitive" is baseless guesswork rooted in racism, not fact. It would possibly have developed like North America before the Europeans arrived, with some tribal life, and some civilizations like the Aztecs or Mayans who were every bit as advanced as the Europeans, with cities as large as any in the world, but who knows?

Europe drew imaginary borders in Africa, sucked out money and resources, killed and enslaved people, for about 600 years. 50 years ago they left, and in some places threw some cash behind them as they went. Can you really say that Africa owes a thank you for that?


A century ago Africa was still known as "The Dark Continent" because most of the interior was unexplored. The people there had never seen a white man. There was European contact on the coasts of Africa for hundreds of years but the people of the interior were undisturbed. They lived as they had in the stone age with no knowledge of and feeling no effects of white Europeans or their deeds. Nobody used their lands as a resource. White people had never set foot there. These people were unsullied by European development and they did not develop one second's worth of progress in the entire span of their existence until they were contacted by Europeans in the late 19th century.

As far as comparing Europe to North America, the most advanced North Americans, the Aztecs, never developed the concept of the wheel and held festivals where they sacrificed thousands of captives a day to their gods by cutting out their hearts. I know Liberals like to say every thing is relative and there are no absolutes, but seriously...


And the interior of Africa is where you'd expect a European-style civilization to flourish? Do you believe that if you could go back 3000 years and replace the people who were in Africa with the people who were then in, say, what is modern-day Germany, that the outcome would be any different?

I don't know what liberals have to say about it, but are you going to make the case that there is some set of absolute right and wrong? Is the life we lead absolutely better than any other? Is a society that lives in solitude, hunting and gathering somehow worse than one where most people spend most of their lives working a job they hate just to scrape by? Do modern conveniences automatically outweigh simpler living?

All that aside, you are making the claim that African people, simply because they are African people, are incapable of developing a society similar to that of Europe, which is nonsense. You may see European people as somehow better, smarter, or more capable than Africans, but genetically they're all the same.

We don't really know what the more developable parts of Africa would be like if left on their own. Anyplace with access to the seas, natural resources, fresh water, a reliable food supply, etc. was conquered and drained of life for centuries, dating back even as far as the Roman Empire. Africa never had the opportunity to develop as did Europe and Asia.


africans have low iq
The countries with the lowest average IQ scores—Equatorial Guinea, Cameroon, Mozambique, Gabon and so on........ Colonization has nothing to do with the problems they have


Incredible! The recognized IQ range of mild mental retardation is an IQ ranking of 55-70. 30 of the countries on that list have average IQs within the range of mild retardation!!!


but then again, Sweden apparently have average IQ of 99..... and that seems highly unlikely, since they voted for a government that now has turned the country into a mini replica of Africa and the middle east ------- 😅....... 😒


Check out the tribes in the Amazon and New Guinea who have only recently come into contact with the outside world. Spaceships? Advanced technology? No. Bows and arrows and subsistence living. That would be your African Utopia without colonisation.

Look at Zimbabwe post colonisation. Going backward as fast as possible. South Africa will go the same way.


Without colonization, it'd probably be iron mud huts but still using spears and other such things from the iron age. Just like you see those tribes in the amazons without any outside world contact.
