MovieChat Forums > Everything's Gonna Be All White (2022) Discussion > "Whites are the problem" makes no sense

"Whites are the problem" makes no sense

In the trailer, there is one Black guy who says that "We Blacks aren't your problem. You are." Implying that Whites are the problem of Whites. But if Whites are the problem, how come homogenous White places in the world are peaceful and prosperous, and Black homogenous places are violent and poor? If Whites are the problem of Blacks, how come Blacks who live among Whites are the richest Blacks, but Blacks that live away from Whites are the poorest? That makes absolutely no sense.


Whites keep non-whites from reaching their true potential.


Correction. Democrats keep non whites from reaching their true potential. How else can you explain decades of disastrous policies aimed at keeping black people down? Democrats need them for their votes. Even after losing the Civil War, democrats still keep black people as slaves. Just not on plantations but inner city ghettos.


In addition to the Democrat Party losing their Jim Crow 'laws'.


How so? Democrats along with the civil rights movement led by Al Sharpton have been helping black families for the last 60+ years


Yeah. They're doing an excellent job. Thank goodness they've put so much effort into destroying the black nuclear family. That was really holding black people back.




That's not exactly what President LBJ said.


I guess that's why apparently it's worse now than ever.... LOL!


What? Have you even read the very original post, you're replying to??? I HAVE CLEARLY EXPLAINED HOW BLACKS IN MAJORITY WHITE AREAS DO MUCH BETTER THAN BLACKS WHO LIVE BY THEMSELVES. If Whites were keeping non-Whites down it would be the OPPOSITE.

And I bet there isn't a single social mechanism that you can point to by which Whites supposedly keep non-Whites down. On the other hand I can list several where the opposite is the case.


And even if what you're saying were true (which it isn't) wouldn't the best solution then be RACIAL SEPARATION???


That is exactly true! White keep non-whites from reaching their true potential. More specifically, white liberals. They are the ones that benefit from keeping non-whites downtrodden and ignorant.


Why is that? Are whites physically bigger or intellectually superior or something?


I predict you'll be getting some 'slavery' or 'colonialism' bullshit fired at you, for asking such a rational question?

The former will conveniently omit who actually bought and sold their own (and continue to practice such actions today) whilst the latter will conveniently omit all the great advancements that we gave to these countries, that now without our patronage, have reverted back to the shit-hole shanty-towns we constantly have to send aid to.

Whilst defenders of this bullshit show, will clap a bunch of much richer, pampered malcontents, as they bemoan a country that no-one is forcing them to live in.
And it'll go on forever....because these people (and their enablers) are mentally ill (which is why they're trying to recruit others with bullshit shows like this one)


Exactly. Haiti, Liberia and Ethiopia have never been colonized and they are among the poorest Black countries, while South Africa and Nigeria have been the most heavily colonized are the richest.


Haiti was a French colony. Then came the revolution.

Saint-Domingue became known as the "Pearl of the Antilles" – the richest colony in the 18th century French empire.


Yes, but it has never been a colony in 218 years since it's been independent.


That's not how the consequences of colonialism work xD It already happened, and just so you know, it was violent.


Haiti's troubles have nothing to do with the fact that it was a French colony. Hong Kong was a British colony for a long time and now it's one of the most prosperous place in the world.


Wow, your first sentence is so misinformed. You have no idea.
About HK, I don't really know that much, to be honest, but remember, just because it is a capitalist jurisdiction it doesn't mean common people don't try to flee it whenever they get the chance. Hollywood has painted HK very favorably, sometimes it seems subtle, but is there. I think it's just politics, don't be fooled by Hollywood.


How does Haiti's troubles in 2022 have anything to with what has happened more than 200 years ago. Excuses, excuses. Germany in the last 100 years lost 2 world wars and was almost levelled to the ground and half of it occupied by Communists for 50 years, yet nobody blames modern problems of Germany on that.


They couldn't sort their shit out in 200+ years.... HAHAHA!!


Keelai will be along shortly frothing at the mouth and calling you every ism available


This is just more far left woke propaganda designed to divide us along racial lines. Most of the people who spew out this bullshit are wealthy elites (predominately white if that matters) who only want to make themselves appear virtuous and caring so they can feel good while not having to actually do anything to help anyone. It’s just easier to blame society and white people. It’s also comically ironic that their premise is by definition racist.
