MovieChat Forums > Dune: Part Two (2024) Discussion > Villeneuve's Dune just another YAF

Villeneuve's Dune just another YAF

Young adult fiction like Hunger Games. I mean in the original dune you had Kyle Maclachlan and Sean Young! What charismatic actors and what chemistry between them! Now you have that bland Timothey and just terrible Zendaya! People will forget these films as soon as the theatrical run is over. People will most fondly go back to Lynch's version for all its flaws.


I appreciate having two distinct versions of Dune, Lynch’s being the strange and exceedingly weird, which I love and Villeneuve’s being a more polished and focused adaptation for when the mood strikes, almost David Fincheresque, if I may be so bold. It’s the best of both worlds really.


Every Villeneuve film I have ever watched has been an insipid load of spleh.


LOL, “insipid load of spleh,” that cracked me up, in an appreciating your vernacular sort of way.


Two versions of Dune? There's three.

You're forgetting about the miniseries starring William Hurt that, minus the special effects budget, is far and away the superior version of Dune and most closely follows the Frank Herbert novels.


Right you are! I completely forgot about that.


Villeneuve's movies are just too austere for me. They feel too emotionally distant. At least there are some good things in "Dune." They just don't transcend Villeneuve's need for that antiseptic style of his.


The David Lynch movie was terrible, let’s be honest.


Sting wearing a Speedo gave me nightmares!


It might be Lynch’s worst film but it’s the least of a great bunch. It’s bursting with incredible imagery and charm.

Compared to Villeneuve’s muted, toned-down PG-13 YAF take the Lynch version is a masterpiece.

Who’s a more compelling hero? Maclachlan’s plucky determined Paul, or Chalamet’s bored mopey teen?


I assure you that this was never a teen story. While it has a 15/17-year-old young man at its center, he is treated as an adult in the story and behaves as such. Intelligent, mature teens can easily read the book and watch the films, but honestly, this is usually marketed in the regular sci-fi book and films sections in stores. It's far too complex a story for mainstream "normie" teens to really take up and have an interest.


No matter how skilled the actors in the 1984 were, they could not overcome the terrible script.

Dune part 1 was far superior to the 1984 version.

The first time I watched Dune back in 1985, I was disappointed. I watched it again 20 years and was even more disappointed.


Dune 84 is a good movie. The extended version is great.

This Dune is crap, no soul, no bite, no originality. Fuck this AI project.


It is based on a book. What originality do you want?


Cinema is an artform.
Get a clue.


You're being evasive. What originality do you want?

Since you decided to be rude, I'm going to guess that you have no clue.


Just to stay on Dune, not to mention the other millions of films ever made, have you seen Lynch's one?
Is it the same as this?
Or there are original ideas in it that make it different?


Yes I saw the Dune film directed by Lynch. The Lynch film is vastly different from the book and from Dune part 1. All three are original in their own way.

I still don't know what you mean by "no originality".


That 1 is a movie like no others before it; the other is bland crap seen a million times before.


Lynch's Dune was a failure in every way, except acting. The script and special affects were poor.


1 that is YOUR poor opinion
2 that is completely not related to my point


I replied based on how I interpreted your poorly word post. Try better next time.


No man, my posts are clear to everybody here, like the fact that you went OT once you finally understood what was obvious since my first reply.


[–] Heisenberg (6034) 2 days ago
That 1 is a movie like no others before it; the other is bland crap seen a million times before.

The only one replying to your posts in this thread is me. I still don't know what you're trying to say.

Which is "1" and which is the "other"?


I haven't seen the '84 version, but I didn't like this one at all. It's actually the only Villeneuve movie I don't like.


If you can find the extended cut, go for it.
It's not a perfect movie but it's very imaginative and original.
It creates a certainly unique sci fi universe.
The regular version is ok, but confusing and too compressed.


Lynch's Dune has a certain charm in a it's so bad it's kind of fun to watch way. Villeneuve's Dune is better in every way.


Timothy Chalamet was without a doubt miscast, but Zendaya’s presence is simply ruinous to the films. She is more driftwood than driftwood itself, AKA Natalie Portman. Do you guys have any idea how hard it is to out-driftwood the Portmeister?!


Sad but most probably true.

All science fiction movies seem to think they need to do is have fancy effects and bigger star ships, and louder explosions.

I read Dune and loved it as a kid, but times have moved on. It's fantasy nonsense and there is no real use to it, and it is not even a very good story - just an ongoing series of sequels that go on forever. I think Dune is no longer a part of American science fiction.

Science fiction has been subsumed by fantasy and super-heroes these days.

About the only science fiction that is true to the genre has been Black Mirror.
