MovieChat Forums > Zack Snyder's Justice League (2021) Discussion > I don't know why people are thinking thi...

I don't know why people are thinking this is going to be some masterpiece.

It's still a Zack Snyder film. He's just adding to his already made piece of crap.


Not a masterpiece but a better movie than the original. Maybe even a good movie ...

tbh i enjoyed most of Znyder's movies ...


He is a good director but not very good as writer. He has a very dark style that can be liked or not.


I've only liked Dawn of the Dead and Watchmen. Too much CGI and filter in his films.


Dawn is decent but will never top the original


Actually I really like Dawn of the Dead and I like Watchmen to an extent.


He's hit-or-miss for me. I liked Man of Steel, 300, and Dawn of the Dead;plus I think 300: Rise of an Empire was better than it should be. But didn't really care for BVS or Justice League (although I understand the latter was a clusterfuck from the beginning). I can't see this new version suddenly becoming a better movie but at least it'd be more tonally consistent with his previous films.


One man's crap is another man's.......umm, let me get back to you on that.


Wondering the same about this mysterious 'hype'


They're going to be in for such a disappointment. And I'm saying this as a fan of Batman.


Because Man of Steel was very good and Batman v. Superman was memorable.


I thought both were slightly above average.


So then why don't you think his Justice League will be slighty above average as well?


Mos was decent, but BvS ...not so much.


Well, I thought MoS was awful (with a couple of great moments) and BvS, I liked a lot. I would definitely watchwhatever he can paste together to improve JL, because that film was barely watchable--on a par with WW84.


I thought they both had the same problem, which was the characterization of our favorite superheroes. The movies, the stories, were fine. But how Superman and Batman behaved in them was whack as hell.


I thought they were both garbage.


Frankly i don't think either one of them were good. Man of Steel was one hour of boring melodrama and one hour boring destruction porn. And its a horrible representation of Superman. Sorry Superman isn't a fan of Ayn Rand. Like Zack is.


I'm just excited to see it from a film-making experiment perspective. Like the different versions of Bladerunner or the alternate prequels to the Exorcist.


I'll still watch it. But Zack Snyder coming back doesn't make me excited.


I'm not Snyder fanboy. But i'd like to see the final execution of his vision. If this new version is interesting, it could elevate the prior entries.


It'll be hilarious if this sucks too after all that talk about a Snyder cut.


.... it's gonna suck. come on. i bet the new footage sticks out like a digital lip.


I disliked the theatrical version too much to care about some re-edit. I have zero incentive to watch this again.


Here an incentive: this one is going to be 4 hours long. That's an insentive, right?


It incentivizes me to wince.


I think most people know the DCEU is a lost cause, but DC diehards are just loud.

I'm just shocked at how fake most of their movies look. The effects are sooo bad.


I think the effects in Marvel movies are pretty bad too. But Zack Snyder's films do it the worst.
