MovieChat Forums > The Boys (2019) Discussion > the french guy is gay now?

the french guy is gay now?

how did this happen? oh wait, it went woke

and of course the smartest person in the world is a black women.


Are you okay? Do you need a moment to digest the idea that a black woman could be smarter than a white man?


why not a hindu indian with one leg?

if that was actually true, then blacks would no longer be living in the "hood".


Oprah is one of the most powerful women in the world, I'm not sure but, I think she's black and a woman.


There's no way to tell.


thats one. what is Oprah doing with her billions to help black people?


Well, she runs a foundation that provides assistance to the poor and gives low income scholarships to the tune of half a billion dollars. So not nothing!


oh, thats good to hear.

The Oprah Winfrey Charitable Foundation has given more than $400 million in grants and donations to organizations with a focus on youth education since 1993. To date, Winfrey's foundation has helped support the education of more than 72,000 people.

Winfrey made a surprise announcement that she would donate $1.5 million toward student scholarships to match the more than $1.5 million already raised through ticket sales and sponsorships for the event.

at least its something. although she will never give away half her wealth to help poor people. so yeah, at least its not nothing.


That's just PR, it is like Bill gates, they give to his "Bill Gate Foundation", for PR reasons, but it is all a front. People are so naive. Oprah is in it for Oprah and no one else.


exactly. people think that celebs are donating billions to help people. they are donating to charities so money can be laundered legitimately.


All about tax breaks and skirting laws when you got he philanthropy route. That or you can be a real bitch like Steve Job's widow who won't give a cent to her children even though she didn't earn that money but will gladly spend it lavishly.


lol. Do you actually believe that?


IQ tests would disagree


yup, most are around 80


The average IQ of a gorilla is 70-95. So that sounds about right.


Also, if you think Frenchie is just now into freaky shit, you clearly haven't been paying attention.

Do you not remember the season 2 flashback to MMs bachelor party where frenchie wanted to hire transvestite strippers? Or that thrupple he was in?

The reactionaries are just idiots.


that was a flashback scene and it didnt establish continuity.


In the first season I think he was in a thrupple that had 2 women and a man.


was it established in season 1 that Frenchie preferred men?

the same thing happened to Guillermo in what we do in the shadows, he was made gay in season 4.

Mac went gay in season 10 or 11. now that made absolutely no sense.


Frenchie likely goes both ways, and that's been established from the beginning.

Also, I really, really, really hope you don't mean Mac from It's always Sunny? Because him being gay was pretty much put out from the very first season, and his closeted sexuality has been a long running joke.


it wasnt established. the producers conveniently waited til the 4th season to make someone gay. and they made the smartest person in the world a black woman. not asian, not indian, not red dot indian, not white, not latino or latina, not handicapped, not pacific islander, not blind, not deaf, not missing a limb.

the same thing happened to Guillermo in what we do in the shadows, he was made gay in season 4.

I have watched most all of the previous 10 seasons of sunny and I dont recall Mac lusting for men. unless it was a joke. like..."you like the yankees, well you must be gay."


You didn't watch very hard then, because he dated and slept with the pre-op tranny in more than one episode since season 1. Granted, she was played by Brittany Daniel, but for any hetero man, a six inch penis and some balls are a deal breaker. Also, there are far too many to mention moments where they showed Mac was in denial about his sexuality, long before that exercise bike.

As far as the Boys goes, if this were any other character in a homosexual relationship, you' have a point, but Frenchie has clearly been all over the place sexually from the beginning. Calling him Gay now is also incorrect, as he clearly still likes women too and would probably drop that dude for Kimiko in a second!


oh yeah, the Brittany Daniels thing was hilarious. but sunny is a comedy show. I didnt take it serious and never once did I think Mac was gay.

he tried to hook up with Kimiko and was building a relationship and then bam! she gave him permission to be gay. thats my opinion anyways. it was too obvious for me. its the world we live in now. its all about equal representation and checking the boxes. since 2020, movies and tv shows have gotten much worse. even James Bond got cucked and killed off. anyways, sorry for the get off my lawn rant....


You know people can be bi? Loving both genders? Kimiko was never love for him, more admiring like you admire art, but him really in love with her - I never saw that. And Frenchie was definitely established early on as being bi. And yes, also bi people have monogam relationships from time to time.

Regarding the black woman. The smartest person on the planet has to be a gender and a skin color. Its nearly a 50:50 chance, should the person be black? Unlikely, but a bit more likely as white. The smartest person on the planet is most likely Asian, as they have nearly 60% of the population.


I think the issue for me is that they say she is the smartest person on earth but then go on to depict her as a narcissistic sociopath who craves admiration for her gifts (the small smile twice when she gets complimented and the total lack of empathy as she witnesses three gore murders).

Both she and homelander seem to indicate IQ correlated with antisocial personality disorder. It is not a very believable premise. Describing an individual as the smartest person on earth is a high bar to set for the show, because now she has to own everyone else and come out on top in the role of a Machiavellian psychopath, so her death or even her not coming out on top, would be enough to disprove her own intelligence (the smartest people have a high survival instinct).

So I think they set her up for either unrealistically big plans, or complete lack of believability.


well yeah, but how was it established in the previous 3 seasons that frenchie was gay/bi?

so you are saying 50% of the world population is black?

how come the smartest person wasnt Habib Habib?


i said, roughly 20% of the world population is black, 20% white, 60% Asian. This is of course super simplified assumption, based on population by continents. But there are "nearly" as much Indians or Chinese as White people.


my bad, but the odds are in the billions.

Taika Waititi did the same thing to Guillermo in what we do in the shadows, suddenly he was gay in season 4.


I am not sure if Frenchie was shown as bi before explicitly. But his behavior was always very much "i fuck anyone". And this can of course also result in "I love this specific person". As a bachelor, you also happy to get any person by your liking in the bed until usually you find a person, you really like - at least for a short time.


Yeah in makes no sense, he clearly had a thing for the Asian girl before. Now, he’s magically gay, if he was in the beginning of the show it would have been fine. But, it’s clearly shoehorned in


Completely agree, as a gay man I did not perceive Frenchie as in the least gay or bisexual. Just the way he behaves around other men.
And what about Homelander'S son suddenly become transexual? Completely different attitude and personality from last season.
Why do they always take popular characters and then try to shove Woke personas into them that weren't there before? If you break the character continuity and replace their personality with another one, the your ratings will go to shit. As a gay man, I find producers really stupid, since it is a recipe for disaster. Stop inventing characters that don't exist in real life, if you want to portray gay people, portray people who are actually gay, who behave like gay people, have gay problems, like in Young Royals or Heartstoppers, Skam, Euphoria, etc. instead of bending psychology and steal popular characters to flip them out of the blue, where the rest of their personna just doesn't suit their sexuality.


At first I thought he was doing it to get some piece of intel or something.

Then I realised they were just wanting to hit us over the head with gayness.


Of course, it wouldn't be complete without a cringeworthy Brokeback romance.

I noticed that too. A real smartass too.


Ah what terrible news. I hear they're bringing Reacher back as gay also.


They should, he's a douchebag anyway. Might as well go all the way.


Yeah, from my memory - the show had a romance (or hints of a romance) between him and the mute Japanese girl. I don’t know how he turned out gay all of a sudden


Um, he's a French man, so yeah, of course he is gay. That is the most real world accurate thing on the show. All Frenchmen are gay. Period. The damn cheese eating surrender monkeys!
