MovieChat Forums > Titanic (1997) Discussion > So the water is so cold

So the water is so cold

as to cause hypothermia but no one even acts like the water flooding the ship even feels cold.


Rose did.


I was going to say the same thing. When Rose was looking for Jack when he was handcuffed she was reacting to the cold water.


Actually Jack is cold too when he first feels it. But he complained like a kid and Rose took the pain.


LOL yep!


When Jack is looking for the key to the gate it looks nice and warm, even tropical


Yeah, but that water came up from the boiler room where the boilers made the water tepid enough to lounge in.


For Old Times Sake, I think I'll Post some Great EPIC FAILS of your Past Queen....

Here's a Epic One(Well It would be Epic for absolutely ANY ELSE but for you I guess its some what NORMAL, I Mean Missing by 70 Million + on a films opening weekend, for anyone else would be AN ALL TIME awful prediction, Hilariously though you have managed to accomplish this feat a SHOCKING 12 Times) lol

[–] QueenFanUSA (2968) 3 years ago

The expectations for box office are so high and yet so many people have been turned off by The Force Awakens.

The opening weekend may be below 150 million. Yes..I'm serious..there is a huge problem here.


PS thank you for letting us know just how "Serious" you were...because Predicting TLJ to opening 149 Million Or less was so absurd and so truly Idiotic I'm not sure some would believe it(after all at this time you werent making it a normal habit of Missing By 70 M+ )...But thankfully You Added The "Yes...I'm serious" to leave no doubt that Yes you were in fact simply Just That terrible at box office and were actually expecting TLJ to Opening 149 M or Less

In the end TLJ opened over 220 M+ resulting in This Epic Fail(Or Normal Fail judging by your standards) where you messed by over 70 M+


but what happened Next is where you take the cake, and IMO This is where you STAND ALONE , Because I'll admit, I've never seen Anyone be able to do what you CONSISTENTLY DO Next.

I've seen plenty of Trolls and People fail Make EPIC FAILS, Fails that are just so awful they just cant be topped.

I mean Honestly, How could you possibly fail any worse than Missing by 70 M+ on TLJ's OW? Thats just an astonishing amount to mess by, It cant get any worse than that.....

Or at least, for everyone BUT YOU.....usually when someone has an all time Epic Fail Its literally The Worst Fail they've ever had and They Will Never FAIL that Badly again....

But NOT YOU Queen, this again is where you stand alone and somehow do something I've never seen before, somehow when you have an Epic Fail this, astonishingly YOU managed to TOP That Epic FAIL with A EVEN BIGGER and More Epic Fail on top of it....

for example,

whats worse than Missing by 70 M+ on TLJ OW?

LOL Missing by almost 300 M+ on TLJ WW

[–] QueenFanUSA (2968) 3 years ago

China is only 25% take for the studio and Star Wars is not very popular there.

I'm predicting that this may be one of the biggest box office disappointments in recent history. This may struggle to make as much as Rogue 1 and there is still one more installment.



somehow you managed to TOP YOUR AWFUL prediction that TLJ would Open Less than 150 Million which resulted with you being Horrifically wrong by 70 M+

and Immediately Followed it up with an even BIGGER fail where you predict TLJ to Make Less than RO....which results in you Literally being wrong by almost 300 M when TLJ eventually tops 1.3 B+

Only you can produce an All time fail......and Then somehow TOP It by failing even Worse........and you do it Consistently

Merry X-Mas


bill...I'm warning you...


Hahahaha You're a pretty long winded SOB that says NOTHING relevant to the conversation


Don't you remember the part where poor Rose is having to swim with the ax, and she yelps when she first gets in?


Oh yeah I forgot. I guess I would have expected more continual shivering.


Hey I just wanted to post this.....for absolutely NO OTHER reason than I know it Will bother the hell out of you due to your deep unnatural hatred for Disney

"Disney+ & Soul Beats HBO Max & Wonder Woman For Xmas Subscribers

WW84 Generated 4x Less New Subscribers For HBO Than Soul Did For Disney+"


This video is the best....In this video John Campea had a few more Nuggets to WW84s Failures and Disney's success and domination

here Campea report and Notes Disney +'s Incredible Success compared to WB and HBO Max....Noting Disney + already has 83 Million Subscriptions compared to HBO Max's ......lolololol 12 Million(actually Disney + now has 87 Million)

Then Campea dropped The Final Nail in WW84s coffin confirming WB is Disappointed in number of new subscriptions WW84 pulled in......WB was expecting MUCH MORE giving HBO Max is in desperate need of New Subscribers and WB paid out Massive Bonuses in order to put WW84 on HBO Max, WB and AT+T were expecting a HUGE boost in New Subscribers and Instead Hilariously WB gets to read about Disney and Disney + getting The exact HUGE BOOST they so desperately wanted and needed

serious question Queen? do you feel HOPELESS and what I mean is....

for a decade now you had to watch in Misery as Disney dominated the box office world Including WB....and Now here we are in a time where box office isnt an option.....

annnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnd just like the last decade, YOU are still watching Disney dominate, but this time in The Streaming World!

I mean you've got to be sitting there thinking "shit, how could this be happening, how could Disney STILL be dominating"

how could Disney go directly against WB on Christmas day with competing Movies and Disney+ Literally MURDERED WB by generating 4 times the number of new subscriptions

You got to be thinking does BOTH Disney + and HBO Max BOTH open a streaming service within 1 year of each other and HOW on earth is Disney + KILLING HBO Max by nearly 8 times as many 87 million to 12 Million

and finally you have to be asking yourself....WILL my suffering ever end.....

and I think by now you know the answer is clear.....YOU are Cursed!


If you dont mind, considering I ONLY posted this because I know it Will ruin your day upon reading it....

would you mind simply responding back with a number?

On a scale from 1 to 10.....How much did your mood change upon reading the news of Disney +s dominance and HBO Max and WW84s failure?

were you really happy and having a great day before reading this and did it just devastate you?

did it just make you SAD...

did it make you Angry(Oh did you perhaps throw something or punch a wall?)

did you immediately start googling and looking for other reports hoping to disprove the reports I posted?

On a scale from 1 to 10, could you just respond back how much you were bothered by the news...

Giving your unnatural hatred for Disney, Its not realistic for you to Lie and say 1 or 2

lets be honest, this new is going to kill you giving just how much you hate Disney, so please respond back with a realistic numbers, I'm not sure I would take anything under a "6" as serious!


I am fairly certain that they would be in much worse condition for even the short amount of time that they spent in the water before the ship sunk.




Theres a difference between dipping your body in for a few minutes to get from one area of the ship to another and being stranded in the water for possibly an hour.


People died within minutes from cold shock. With hypothermia they would not even have lasted half an hour.


I'm sure they felt it, but there was no time to process those emotions. Jack and Rose's first instinct is the get the hell out and get back on top before the life boats disapeared.


Reacting to cold water is not an emotion to be processed. It's a physiological reflex.


Great observation. You located a plot hole


I wouldn't consider this a plot hole. The inside of the ship was more warmer than outside, granted they eventually went outside to try to find a lifeboat at that point they would be freezing being soaked from water, but when adrenaline and surviving instincts kicks in you'd be surprised what the body can fight.


I agree; I was going to write the exact thing. "Adrenaline" kicks in and overcomes the obstacle of cold.

Geez people are so picky. Just enjoy the movie and stop criticizing everything!


millsey is right, it is a plot hole. There are many things he is wrong about but this is not one of them.
