Hot or Not?

As far as cross dressers go, Dylan is above average. Think about the really ugly ones out there, guys like the "It's Ma'am!!" freak, truly a disgusting character that one.

There's plenty of examples of just these overweight middle aged men who put on a wig and a skirt, beer belly hanging out, thinking they are sexy sissies, when they are just mentally ill creeps.

Dylan Mulvaney at least puts in a good effort to appear feminine and cleanly. So, I say Hot.


I don't care how "pretty" he looks, every MtF tranny like him is disgusting to me.


Not. What the hell’s the matter with u


Yeah that's not a very good picture is it.

This one though, not bad:


How the heck did he get rid of his adam's apple? But yeah, he does look cute in that pic. Thing is, I can only accept them if they go full transition. He's almost there but still sorta sounds like a dude. I hear he still has his junk intact but I can let that go as that's trap move.


Well if he hasn't self mutilated his genitals, he may be not completely insane.


Not every man has an Adam's apple.


Jesus fucking christ that's some nightmare fuel right there!


If you don't want to lick that chin and jawline, you're a bigot!


In the future we'll look back on this like we did with blackface. It's a mockery of women.


one can only hope....
What if.... given just how rapidly testosterone is disappearing from men's physiology (I suspect due to certain types of pesticide and chemicals derived from plastics in our food supply/environment), everyone will look like Dylan? I mean both, men and women - lol


Beauty standards were created by the patriarchy to undermine women and to encourage society to view them as objects, reinforcing their status as second class citizens.

Not surprisingly, the same thing is being done to trans women like Dylan Mulvaney.


Where is this Book of the Patriarchy? Time to turn the tables on oppressive women!


It's sad that she hasn't even been identifying as a woman for a year and she's already being objectified.


Dylan Mulvaney is objectifying women by transforming his appearance into what he thinks a woman should look like. Therefore, it is appropriate to make judgments about that appearance, i.e. whether he's pretty or not.


The issue isn't how convincing he looks. Even if ninety-nine out of a hundred heterosexual men would mistake him for a real woman, that's irrelevant. The point is, he is not a woman. He's doing a womanface act, playing at being some kind of gay-fantasy Audrey Hepburn. He's claiming to be a woman, when he will never really experience what that's like no matter how he dresses, what drugs and hormones he takes, or what surgery he undergoes. All he is doing is mocking womanhood by playing a cartoon character.


lis, I think that you are applying too much importance to the vagina.

Something that real men desire is femininity, which you'll find that the best cross dressers are attempting to hyper-feminize themselves in order to compete with 'real' women, for those masculine men out there. In that sense, the vagina is not really that important, because femininity entails more than just the vagina. Femininity is an attitude, it is looks, it is smell, it is most of all effort put into being feminine that more and more real women are dropping as a lifestyle. The more women be less feminine, I think we'll continue to see more and more cross dressers out there, and better looking ones too.




Looks wise she's ok. Not exactly hot. Maybe kinda cute at best

One thing I'll say that many others would agree on is that she is annoying as hell. Way too flamboyant and over the top
