MovieChat Forums > Florence Pugh Discussion > Wore a see through dress with no bra. Go...

What's your point


If she didn't want feedback she shouldn't have worn the dress.


That's not how the world works.


Please tell us FilmBuff, who described "She-Hulk: Attorney at Law" as "a smarter version of the traditional network sitcom", how DOES the world work?

I will get my notebook and a pen.


You'll figure it out when you grow up.


Will I also learn to appreciate She-Hulk: Attorney at Law the way you do?


Doubtful. Someone as belligerent and insecure as you is likely to go through life unenlightened until the very end. On the bright side, you will continue to believe you know it all, so you won't notice what you've missed. All the best to you!


please elaborate on how it works....


Yeah, actually that's exactly how the world works.


If she didn't want feedback she shouldn't have worn the dress. It's ridiculous for her to think that showing her breasts like that won't get her both positive - and negative - reactions. It's a free country and just like she's free to wear the dress, people are free to comment on it the way they see fit.


And she acts like women don’t rip on men’s bodies when on display in public or that women aren’t also judging her. So she shows up topless at a public event and wants to parlay it into her own #MeToo experience. Give me an ever loving break.


^ 👍👍 ^


Isabella Riley has a superb monologue on these dumb bitches


But but but being natural in 2022 is unnatural!

Our some back wards dumb shit woke nonsense. Hahahhaha people are so dumb now.


the real sad part of this is the women who DENY the whole dressing slutty thing. as if they don't even see it. really, it's that they can't ADMIT IT. There's nothing wrong with it, just own it. what is wrong is denying yourself reality of owning it.


Exactly. Just dress like a slut if you want to and make no apologies. The confidence to do that will get you places and exposing all your insecurities and whining about it online won't.


LOVED it, she's 100% right. Thanks for sharing.



Women have blinder vision hypocrisy, can't do any wrong, and don't see when they are wrong????

never happens.

Except all the time.



Anything to be in the news I guess, even if it means showing off very ordinary breasts.


Mixed feelings here. First, she made the choice to wear it so she also made the choice to deal with the (predictable) reactions. We see this far too often, where someone wants to do something controversial or edgy, but also wants to completely control over everything, including who gets to react and how. It's as though they want all the benefits from a shocking act, but without ever being willing to pay the price for it. A bit of a scam, if you ask me.

Also, she frames the negativity as a sexist thing when just as many women, if not more, are absolutely brutal in their critiquing of other women. She is willfully ignoring this and cherry picking. This would be similar to an angry mob of all races and genders committing some brutal crime and then saying, "Hey, look at all these black women committing a crime!" So there's a nasty and manipulating twist to something that is otherwise partially legitimate. Everyone should be kinder and more accepting, but that message is lost once it's tribalized and turned divisive.

All of that said, it is good to see someone taking pride in themselves and playfully breaking silly societal rules. It takes courage to do something like that, especially knowing you don't fit idealized beauty standards. I will applaud her for that and I think it does send a positive message to everyone that we don't have to be perfect to be happy with ourselves.


The whole thing was orchestrated nonsense. But a good move. She was very in danger of slipping back into the who? void. This will probably get her whatever movie role she was gunning for.


Dear florencepugh, first time on the internet?

what a douchetard. SCARED of breasts?? Does she know nothing at all? or just making pointless things up? WHO, exactly is scared of boobs?? I must have missed that.

sow = reap


Ah so she is just another woke/feminist lunatic...yawn.


another demented person responding with a deleted account. what a waste of forum space.


And she made the news twice by doing so! First she got all over the fashion blogs and celebrity nudity sites by wearing the thing, then she made the mainstream news for commenting on the reaction!

Some of you have no clue how Hollywood publicity works.
