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BREAKING: Explosive video surfaces of FOX News stars slamming Trump and his "insane" voting machine fraud allegations

FOX News stars Tucker Carlson, Laura Ingraham, and Sean Hannity have all been recorded at various different times slamming Trump and his "insane" voting machine fraud allegations as "absurd," "ridiculous," and "complete BS"! They knew the whole thing was lies but kept telling the public otherwise WTF?

I'm actually a bit shook atm, maybe Trump really was a grifter this whole time after all? I really don't know what to say, watch the video.
I'd like to think I'm able to re-evaluate things when new information arises but I'm now thinking maybe I don't quite know as much about US politics as I first thought. I might owe a few people apologies...


Reminds me of when Nancy accused Trump of stealing the 2016 election.


They lied to the American people and need to face justice!


dems lie, which is a fact...


I honestly haven't followed the voting machine fraud allegations, but when I first started voting in the '70s, machines were 100% mechanical. You flicked the individual tabs down for the candidates (or the party line lever), then grabbed the large lever which would open the curtain, tally the votes with a loud cachunk, and mechanically reset the voting levers for the next voter. Like the old mechanical adding machines, they were infallible.

There isn't a computer that can't be hacked - hell, China managed to download the entire engineering package to one of the U.S.'s fighter programs.

I just don't trust computer security and never will. If they wanted to add electronic transducers to mechanical voting machines, fine - as long as the mechanism was there to back it up.


Anything that can be made can be unmade, reverse engineering can achieve some amazing results when attempted by clever people.


All electronic voting equipment can easily be hacked because all such equipment must receive programming before each election from memory cards prepared on election management systems which are computers often connected to the internet running out-of-date versions of Windows.

If a county election management system is infected with malware, the malware can spread from that system to the USB drives, which then would transfer it to all the voting machines, scanners, and ballot-marking devices in the county.


Did you ever see how the votes from those old machines were tabulated and reported? If you did, I don't think you'd call them infallible.


Did you ever see how the votes from those old machines were tabulated and reported?

Yes, I actually worked the polls several years in a city/district I lived in at the time and the machines were infallible. The totals were visible through openings in the machines. The totals could not be individually changed unless you wanted to break the machine down, remove and reinstall certain wheels, and reassemble - probably easier to take apart a Lamborghini engine assuming you could find someone who could disassemble a 200lb piece of machinery and then get it all back together again without attracting notice. You would also have to do this to many machines to have an impact on the vote. Other than a complicated disassembly of the machine, the only way the individual wheels could be changed was through voting, otherwise a total reset was the only way to move the wheels and this required two or more keys. The machine kept track of total voters and individual votes. Both (or more) parties had representatives who would view the machine totals.

Better yet, we knew the results of the very large district in only a couple of minutes and reported them to the parties and the city. In our fairly large district, we had 10 machines. Adding up the votes for the major candidates like for our mayor or for a presidential election took mere minutes, individual candidates took a bit longer, but in any case, we got full totals tallied in half hour or less.

There was no counting of individual paper ballots, no miscounting, and most importantly, no sudden bushel of ballots showing up uncounted, etc.

Recounting was done by the parties simply going behind the machine and reading the wheels.


Ahhh, the good old days!

Edited to say: And how I miss them!


I love how the Misinformation Police stopped replying after your post!


Yes, very telling. Good on you for bumping it!!


Their bluff got called big time lol


Democraps should investigate for Russian collusion.


The election was stolen.


This leaked footage is what really got Fox News in legal trouble…they need to be shut down to uphold Ourdemocracy™️.

Free speech and free press is anti-ourdemocracy.




facts matter


<< ...maybe Trump really was a grifter this whole time after all?"

Gee, ya think?

Remember when he did this a few months before election?

This should have been his 2nd (of an eventual three) impeachments. The reason for this was not just about *trying* to win by shady means, it was also so that the mail-in vote would be tallyed slower than usual. That strategy was understood once he made his speech about, "oh, poor me," there we were in the lead and then "everything stopped" implying time was needed to promote fraud on Biden's behalf.

What really happened was Trump did everything he could to make sure it took several days to tally up all the Biden mail-in vote which everybody knew would be staggering considering how well he did in the suburbs and other moderately conservative strongholds. He even promoted a new Postmaster General with no experience in June 2020.

Elect people who *value* public service, not power. It's usually easy to tell... just look at their prior history for start. Somehow, Trump and the MAGA ilk tried to portray Biden's 40 years representating Delaware as a bad thing, of Hillary's varied roles in all kinds of service as likewise. They ridiculed Obama for being a Constitutional Law Professor and Community Organizer. Are you freakin' kidding me? MAGA's idea of qualifications for president are so skewed that I'm quite sure they are only 4/8 years out from nominating Mr. Beef Supreme, of Monday Night Rehabilitation, because of how he handles himself with the blowtorch and vehicles for pounding, the "Dildozer" and "Ass Blaster", to reference film, Idiocracy (2006).

Forget politics, folks. You just want everything to be a sporting event... why don't just focus on NASCAR, wrestling, etc, and skip the ballot booth? Christ!


Take your cheerleading for career politicians and stick it directly where the sun never shines. Your entire post is partisan fluff and I hold you in utter contempt.


Great post!


Remember when the dems stole the 2020 election and no one cared.


No one except for you Trump supportring gomers cared that the 2020 election was rigged. That's because it never happened. You believe that the Democrats were so good at outsmarting the Republicans that they rigged the 2020 election using millions of co-conspirators without getting caught. What does that say about Republicans?


I know, dems don't care the election was rigged and that Biden colluded to steal the election. No big deal. You going to sign up with the Army again and help defend our border? 1500 of you brothers and sisters were ordered to do that. Again, no big deal. Biden said Eff climate change and authorized drilling in Alaska. Again, no big deal. A 3rd bank failed, again no big deal.

Trump used the hand rail and the media freaked out for a month.


I would think that Biden sending troops to the southern border and drilling for oil in Alaska would make you happy. Three banks failed. So what, do you know how many banks there are in the US? Anyway, I'm to old to reenlist and I've already served my country. I'll let the younger generation fight our battles. Since the southern border crisis is so important to you then why don't you join the military or the border patrol? Instead of bitching about the border with your online buddies you could make a difference.

I'm still waiting for proof of the Democrats rigging the 2020 election from you or anyone else.


Why would I be happy that Joe is militarizing the border? So you wouldn't complain if Trump was President and all the same things were happening? As always, leave the problems to the younger generation. They dont care anyways, they are all obsessed with Tik Tok.

It was rigged by fake votes and mules.

RIP - America


Again I have asked you for solid proof of your claims that the Democrats rigged the 2020 election and do far you have proved nothing. If rigging was so widespread involving millions of people there would be proof.


Evidence that the 2020 Presidential Election Was Stolen

The late night spikes that were enough to close all the Trump leads are a red flag.

The statistically impossible breakdown of the ratios of these vote dumps is a red flag.

The ratios of these dumps being far better than the percentages in the bluest of blue cities, even though the historical data does not match, red flag.

The ratios of these vote dumps favoring Biden more in these few battlegrounds than the ratio for the rest of the country (even the bluest of the blue) red flag.

Biden outperforming Obama among these few urban vote dumps, even though Trump picked up points in every demographic group in the rest of the country, red flag.

The poll observers being removed. Red flag.

The counters cheering as GOP observers are removed, red flag.

The fact that the dem observers outnumber the GOP observers 3 to 1, red flag (and basis of the first lawsuit filed)

The electioneering at the polls (on video), red flag.

The willful violation of the court order requiring the separation of ballots by type, red flag.

USPS whistleblower reporting to the Inspector General that today they were ordered to backdate ballots to yesterday, red flag.

The video of 2 AM deliveries of what appear to be boxes of ballots with no chain of custody or other observers right before the late night miracle spikes, red flag.


Word Foundations' website is all you got? Why can't you provide any proof of a rigged election in 2020 using reliable news sources? Why haven't the Republican controlled House started any investigations into the 2020 election? All you do is provide links to Twitter posts, blogs, dated articles and obscure websites to no avail.


Its not my fault if you dont read it and watch the videos. It explains in detail how the election was stolen.

Its too late now to start an investigation, by the time it ends Trump will be President.


he will always be President in ours hearts


Agreed, President Trump will forever be my President.


the biden family crime syndicate is going to jail....


Classic lemminGPT post. 10,000 words of drivel. No responses.


"Great post!"




It's gonna be fun watching them grovel to Trump once he's the nominee again.


he'll start draining the swamp again


I cant believe they said that! A must watch for any Trumper.


I was stunned!


Two weeks this thread has been up and not a single one of you resident TDS lefties have the balls to address the video in my OP, this is why I don't take a single one of you seriously. You're all gaslighting cowards.


Unfortunately lemminGPT is only capable of posting substance free Democrat talking points.

Stay tuned for version 2.0.


you said in your OP
the video was tucker and co finally realising Trump is a total lying wackjob

surely its up to the magats to respond to that , not the resident TDS lefties?


Suits were brought. Evidence of tampering was not substantial. Hold us in contempt all you like, that and $1.50 might get you a cup of coffee.


Hold us in contempt all you like

I do and I never needed permission for it. And you still haven't addressed the video in the OP because you're another gaslighting chucklefuck coward.


There’s nothing to address. Machines can be easily hacked, AND there was no substantial evidence brought forward indicating that they were. What now?


The OP video wasn't about any of Trump's cases, chucklefuck. Now what?


Right. The comments by the Democratic legislators about the machines being easy to hack were accurate and astute. No substantial evidence of it actually occurring, however, was put forward by Trump team. I’m glad we got this all cleared up.


I expect I will be able to search your post history and see you admonishing the Dems for daring to suggest the 2016 election was interferred with by Russia without any substantial evidence because you useful idiots are very consistent and definitely don't flip flop due to partisanship! Speaking of the substance of evidence, what was the evidence Trump brought forward about the 2020 election that was insubstantial in your opinion? Be specific.


Trump hired two separate groups to investigate election fraud in the 2020 election and they came up with zilch.
Of course he’ll never tell you that.


Whatever dude. Miyagido is a pretty big fan of Miyagido. Do I owe you anything? Am I under your supervision? I don't know the answer to your question, is that some sort of gotcha? I only know that whatever evidence was cooked up was presented in numerous suits and nearly roundly thrown out.


Lots of words to say you have zero idea what the evidence even was let alone the substance of it. You're just another NPC brainlet.




No u


Nanny nanny


And the award for the worst Mork impression goes to Kazak! Congratulations on reaching the peak of your life's achievements!


You're boring.


Oh no the communist sympathiser thinks I'm boring, my whole day is now ruined.
