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BREAKING: Explosive video surfaces of FOX News stars slamming Trump and his "insane" voting machine fraud allegations

FOX News stars Tucker Carlson, Laura Ingraham, and Sean Hannity have all been recorded at various different times slamming Trump and his "insane" voting machine fraud allegations as "absurd," "ridiculous," and "complete BS"! They knew the whole thing was lies but kept telling the public otherwise WTF?

I'm actually a bit shook atm, maybe Trump really was a grifter this whole time after all? I really don't know what to say, watch the video.
I'd like to think I'm able to re-evaluate things when new information arises but I'm now thinking maybe I don't quite know as much about US politics as I first thought. I might owe a few people apologies...


You pay out $787.5 million
That’s what happens when you make shit up


KanekoaTheGreat is on youtoob too. I don't watch conspiracy nuts!
However, I would watch those FOX hosts calling Trump a raving loony liar!


Wow, is this damning! And yet, as ALWAYS, crickets from the Dems 😡

Edited to say: Just to clarify, crickets meaning that even though their own have stated time and time again the voting machines could be hacked and probably have been, when Trump says it, well, you know.






We are protecting our democracy. That's why Trump will never be president again. Sorry for you.


when is the investigation into chicanery?


Why is it so hard for you to come up with new ideas? You consistently bump months or years old posts because you think you're clever. The 2020 election is long over and to this day there hasn't been any proof of a rigged election. You know this so move on.


Trump knows the election wasn't rigged or stolen too but he has to save face so he continues to spout that election was stolen. His narcissistic self cannot possibly allow him to ever be wrong about anything. So........Trump continues with his lies. Sad really.


Oh I don't know.. Looking back on the last 3 years, Trump really should've been President and not robbed of this when you consider how piss poor the Country has gone down the hill with Biden at the helm?? Hindsight is 20/20 folks


That doesent really address luvthepros point that Trump is such an infantile ego driven jackass that he is perpetuating this lie purely because he cannot admit defeat. (or anything else negative)

but besides that, Who's to say the country would be in any better state?
"going down hill" would have happened regardless , due to covid and Ukraine.
Proof: its happening all over the world where Trump & Biden dont get a say.


"but besides that, Who's to say the country would be in any better state?"

Well, let's see: Under Trump, gasoline once again was at an average of $2.39 a Gallon and as low as $1.75 a Gallon VS $5.00 a Gallon under Joe Biden, a southern border in the worst shape now than under Trump, no shortage of food on the shelves or baby formula under Trump, unemployment at an all time low and a healthy jo0b outlook, of course until March of 2020 when the Dems with a smile on their face, unleashed Covid along with the CDC and Fauci and the rest they say was all downhill from there.. I mean, at this point, I would vote for a shoe over Joe Biden in 2024.. If Trump0's not the Nominee, then whomever is the chosen one, will get my vote, if for anything to get this Administration out, but I do have my doubts now that predictably, Biden would bring Covid back in time for more fraud in 2024


Under Trump, gasoline once again was at an average of $2.39 a Gallon and as low as $1.75 a Gallon VS $5.00 a Gallon under Joe Biden

I'm not saying things aren't different I'm saying it has nothing to do with whether Trump was in charge.

Dontcha think the Covid pandemic and lockdowns would have a huge effect on the economy that will be felt for years afterwards ?
Trump was only in office to mishandle that actual outbreak then left before the fallout is felt.


mishandle? how does someone mishandle a global pandemic?

dont forget to hug a chinese person...


how do we know it wasnt rigged? supposedly Russia rigged the 2016 election. dont you want to find out if they rigged the 2020 election?


I'm not going to go around in circles with you on this again. Have a nice day.


Nancy wants to protect our democracy, I assume she also means the 2020 election..


Trumpers don't live in the real world, so I'm not surprised this hasn't really effected his support.


Oh look another twat who never watched the OP vid.


Does your mom know your on the internet unsupervised again little fella?


When they were talking and texting behind the scenes, we saw what Tucker and others really thought of Trump and Fox's audience. Fox settled for such a large amount of money for a reason.


When we watched the OP vid we saw what the Dems really thought of the possibility of stealing an election and how they and their useful idiots like you immediately flipped the script to the opposite in 2020 when it served the narrative you were pushing. Big tech colluded behind the scenes to ban Trump and other conservatives for a reason, because they knew a legitimate win was never going to happen for the Dems.


lol, they literally gave away almost all the methods that they would eventually use to rig/steal/hijack the 2020 election; that is absolute irony.

No wonder they don’t want to approve an official investigation.

Only the lefties oppose the "show voter ID and paper ballot in same day voting method".

This is another method on how obvious it was that they cheated:

-You know this because whenever any county wants to go back to paper ballots only the lefties go straight to court, to keep the machines.
-Whenever they want to do a forensic audit they go to court to stop it.
-Whenever they want to do a hand count to check the machine accuracy, lefties go to court to stop it.
-If the left really won, they would not have any issues with this so that they can rub it in our faces that they really won.

There is not evidence of "widespread fraud". There is evidence of "voter fraud in key swing states". That was all that was needed.
As for the legal cases, none of those cases were dismissed for lack of evidence; they were dismissed on procedural grounds. Big difference.


Could you please elaborate further on the “procedural grounds” thing? I’m genuinely curious, I’m not taking sides just yet.

What procedures were broken/ignored/not followed? Was it a loophole or technicality that allowed them to dismiss the cases?


A technicality based on “errors in the filings” which consequently lead to “lacked standing”; therefore, no evidence was accepted and each case dismissed.


Is there an article or report or something that went over this?


Are you asking me to do online research for you?


I’m asking you to back up your claims. Unlike certain other people, I’m willing to hear you out instead of write you off as a “conspiracy theorist” and “insurrectionist”, but the burden of proof is on you.


What you just stated screams of a "lefty".

If you genuinely wanted to find answers, than you would have done your own research.

The same things I have heard several times from other lefties:

back up your claims
conspiracy theorist
burden of proof is on you


What did I say that sounded “lefty”? Because I said I’d do the exact opposite of what they normally would.

Look up my post history if you’re suspicious. I’m just politely asking for proof.


at this point it would be easier just to investigate for any chicanery.


I agree
Lets start with pillows




they failed miserably


so did america. it was good while it lasted...


I seriously cannot fathom why anyone wouldn't want to know for certain whether there was foul play involved. Unless they were corrupt and benefitted from it of course.


its obvious the dems benefitted from corruption. they whined for 2 years that Trump was going to steal the election. now they dont care.


And he almost got away with it!


biden did and america loses.

would be better off moving to Russia.


I could elaborate if you successfully answer these 2 questions first -

Did Kyle Rittenhouse do anything wrong?

What is a woman?


1. No, as was confirmed by the trial.

2. An adult female human, complete with the appropriate biological traits like breasts, ovaries, etc.


OK seems like I'm talking to a reasonable human.

Republican Party of Pennsylvania v. Boockvar
Filed: Nov. 6
The Pennsylvania Republican Party asked the Supreme Court to block the counting of ballots received between the end of Election Day and Nov. 6.
Status: The U.S. Court of Appeals for the Third Circuit ruled that the plaintiffs did not have standing to stop the counting of the late-arriving ballots.

The court, in its ruling dismissing the suit, said the plaintiffs should have been challenged well before the election, rather than after millions of such votes had been cast. One example of a case not lacking evidence but dismissed on technicality. They basically accept the loophole exists but rule that it should have been closed pre election.


Thank you for the reply, and thank you for not quickly dismissing me.

While the quote is appreciated, I was also hoping for a link. I searched “Republican Party of Pennsylvania v. Boockvar” and for whatever reason, couldn’t find it.


The quote was a summary from an NPR article but I found the actual ruling. Not so much that the case lacked evidence but that they waited too long/until the last minute to file it

Petitioners filed this facial challenge to the mail-in voting statutory provisions more than one year after the enactment of Act 77. At the time this action was filed on November 21, 2020, millions of Pennsylvania voters had already expressed their will in both the June 2020 Primary Election and the November 2020 General Election and the final ballots in the
2020 General Election were being tallied, with the results becoming seemingly apparent.
Nevertheless, Petitioners waited to commence this litigation until days before the county
boards of election were required to certify the election results to the Secretary of the
. Thus, it is beyond cavil that Petitioners failed to act with due diligence
in presenting the instant claim. Equally clear is the substantial prejudice arising from
Petitioners’ failure to institute promptly a facial challenge to the mail-in voting statutory
scheme, as such inaction would result in the disenfranchisement of millions of
Pennsylvania voters.

edit: FTR I agree with the ruling, they should have challenged it well before and not as a last minute Hail Mary attempt. Letting it go unchallenged for so long was a huge costly mistake.


Thank you very much for the link.

I was able to do a slightly more thorough search on my free time and found this, it wasn’t exactly like your first quote but it seemed similar enough:

It looks like it’s an opinion article though, and I try to be wary of those to avoid bias.

One can never have too many sources to back up your argument, but it’s always important to cite sources when discussing, even online. That way, no matter how much the opposition throws a tantrum, you brought receipts and aren’t just talking out of your ass like the Left often does.


One can never have too many sources to back up your argument, but it’s always important to cite sources when discussing, even online. That way, no matter how much the opposition throws a tantrum, you brought receipts and aren’t just talking out of your ass like the Left often does.

I definitely agree to an extent, receipts are great as long as everyone is on the same page and engaging in good faith. Calling back to my earlier Rittenhouse question though unfortunately there are people who will deny reality and gaslight directly in the face of obvious reciepts so I am wary about having my time wasted sometimes. I find the questions are a good litmus test for good faith engagement.


They love to rub it in your face while gaslighting you telling you it never happened. Do not engage these people in any good faith they will happily backstab you in an instant.




Welcome back! Did you get a deer?


not yet, I started a new job and been busy. weather is perfect for hunting though. I will prob just wait for black powder season...

I did get a new cross bow but havent had a chance to shoot it yet.


Ah, I knew you had said the season opened October 1st and then you were gone for a few days, so I figured you had headed into the woods!


I was planning on it, but the job I quit last year called me and asked if I could come back. they tried to outsource everything to India, didnt work of course.

I dont have any vacation days yet so that sucks. so I can only go on the weekends...:( 🦌
