MovieChat Forums > Donald Trump Discussion > Best president ever and sorry if this of...

Best president ever and sorry if this offends you.

Well, actually, I'm not.

But it is about time the US had a president who looked after the American people. Other countries could take note (coughs- UK).

Oh btw, I am a citizen of the UK and US and have heard quite A LOT of people here in the UK support President Trump.


I know :D. I saw the parade the British people held the day after the President arrived to visit England.

I say "after," because on the actual day he arrived, all the haters were holding THEIR parade and flying a ugly cartoon balloon over London. You can guess which parade got all the media coverage and which one was ignored.

Only reason I know about the supporter parade is because I saw photos on sites like Breitbart and Townhall, as well as photos regular people had taken of the parade. I'm pleased to hear that not everyone in the UK buys into what the media tells them to think :)


To totally honest, I really hate the UK and have a lot more respect for the US right than, than the UK.


I don't blame you. Been worrying about England for a while since the migrant crisis, and hearing what it has done to Europe. Or worse, how the British govt. feels more compelled to protect Muslims than its own people.


Oh yeah, I'm really surprised they didn't let toothgirl the Isis love child back into the UK. Maybe we're toughening up? Nah, that Muslim Home Secretary just wants to pretend that he's tough because he wants to be PM.


What puzzles me is why Khan thinks he should be seen as a world leader, when he's just the mayor of London, and most people don't have much respect for mayors. They're often seen as a joke when it comes to politics. I heard he too got the "baby balloon" treatment after Trump finished his trip to the UK.


He' (Khan) is about as nasty as they come. I wasn't too fond of Boris the Buffoon either. The guy says he's for Brexit and then says he's all about open borders. He changes his mind more than (Never ever) Comrade Corbyn, the Jihadist lover.


I hope he realizes he shares a name with the biggest villain ever to cross Kirk's path on "Star Trek."

I realized that the only reason he was voted mayor was the same reason that militaristic dyke over in Houston was voted in mayor. Like her, Khan took advantage of apathetic voters and fired up the Muslims in the area. Otherwise, the creep would have never been voted into office.

I think one of the worst problems the society of the Free World is facing right now is apathy. It seems like nobody cares about anything anymore unless you're a militaristic minority out for revenge against "evil whities." :(.


I totally agree. I just found out that Corbyn is ahead nine points. The day that Nazi and Jhidast love bastard gets into Number Ten, I'm heading for the US, or Ireland.


We will welcome you if you come :)


Theresa May should take some pointers from Trump and just blame that the other side started it when someone doesn't like a policy. Works well with the base. I'm hoping the other party will one day do the same thing as Trump does so we can have this exact same title again too. Much fun.


It just sucks that every single one of these "best president ever" topics includes nothing of substance. Its just more platitudes of "looking after the American people" or "finally a president thats making America great" etc.

You're not going to offend anyone with these topics but because it lacks so much substance its going to look like thats what you are trying to do.


Like your estanko lefty or necon idols.


And who are my "estanko lefty or necon idols"? Whatever the heck that means.


Good....put his heels to the fire. He knows so much about you, I'm sure he has specific examples where YOU have shown support for these idols of yours.

OP, I'm a Republican since 1983 (when I could register) AND a native New Yorker (where Trump made his name) and he is a mistake on every front. The idiot base of his only voted for him because they were scared of Hillary (who I was also no fan of) and because they knew him from a game show. He's a crook and a shameless self-promoter.


OH I get it, you wanted a neo con for open borders and amnesty for law breakers. Yeah, rewarding criminals really is what I forefathers wanted.


As you're a citizen of the UK (who our forefathers most definitely did not want. It was in all the news), what are you basing that assertion on? seems people only invoke the "forefathers" when they're defending something common sense and humanity says is wrong (like the Second Amendment or game show hosts as leaders).


I'm actually a citizen of BOTH countries.


Who cares what you are? Your posts are moronic, regardless of your country of origin.

Honestly, your duel status only makes you look worse. You've spread out into the world and, rather than become more cultured, you've become further boxed in with your narrow view that Trump is some sort of a good leader. Pathetic.


Aaaaannnnddd...there goes your attempt at originality. Right out the window. I was liking you more at "estanko" but here you are, resorting to the tired old "dems want open borders!" trope straight from the Trumper handbook.

Tsk tsk tsk. You put in a modicum of effort before this, too. Shame you wasted it with a quick segue into Thrillhouseville.


I'd trust a New Yorker's opinion of Trump over any one of his Appalachian supporters any day. It says a lot about a man when his own home city hates his guts.


C'mon now...don't try to hide your 'estanko lefty or necon idols' on us! We know all about them....LOL


After some googling I find that Estanko is the name of a restaurant and Necon is short for norethindrone and ethinyl estradiol. Now I just have to find the specific restaurant that serves norethindrone and ethinyl estradiol to lefties and idolize them. And then we're all set :)




I don't know what norethindrone is but I'm willing to bet the OP stole it from his mom's medicine cabinet and binged on it. Explains a lot about his posts, really.


Something tells me you might be the product of a two people who were in dire need of a methadone clinic.


Annnnnddd...thank you for reinforcing my initial impression of you.


Props for "estanko" and "necon" though. Never heard those before.






trumps just another puppet of israel and a gun grabbin commie. he is still better than that tranny lover obuma tho


Trump boinks his daughter. He's a pedo.




“Is it wrong to be more sexually attracted to your own daughter than your wife?”

He's on record having said that. Who says shit like that? Hint: a pedo.


yea thats pretty fucked but so was obuma. u hear about the pizzagate? obuma was importing full plane loads of "pizza" and "hotdogs". either he was wasting mad money on food using the taxpayers dime or he was talking about kiddos which is a million times worse


I'm glad you finally see trump's a pedo.


So really....why did you give up the Borat persona and yet change NOTHING about your idiotic personality?


Will it offend you when he is impeached?


Orange man bad.


The idiot is a bad president who happens to be a slight shade of orange. FTFY


Its interesting when a liberal makes fun of a persons skin color.


Orange man IS bad, yes. Glad you've come around. :)




[...] heard quite A LOT of people here in the UK support President Trump.

Damn. Britons are especially known for making well-thought political decisions so if the Brits like him, this argument can't possibly be beaten. Wrap it up guys, we lost. (Looked up British poll YouGov about Trump: 21% positive, 67% negative, 11% neutral, 1% never heard of)


Ah, those "polls" again. As we've seen with BRexit, the US 2016 Election, and the Scottish Referendum, and so on and so on, they're so bloody accurate.


The 2016 polls were actually accurate as Clinton garnered almost 3 million more votes than the Orange Ass-clown. Unfortunately, America has a neat little provision in place called the Electoral College that can conveniently circumvent having a truly democratic presidential election.


Yeah, it circumvents having a "truly democratic president" only when you lose. That's your logic, I'm afraid, that, or keep voting until you get the "right outcome".


No, only if the winner of the electoral college loses the popular vote is the victor not a "truly democratic president". It's only happened 5 times in the history of the republic, but that includes two out of the last 5 presidential elections.


Well, if you don't like what the US offers you, leave. Simples. THe US isn't perfect. If you were in the UK, I'm sure you'd be whining about first past the post. YOu people aren't going to be happy until a lefty comes in and stifles any opportunity for challenge.


In the past during arguments with simpletons who couldn't think of anything better to say that if I didn't like it here then I should "just move to Russia." Went out of vogue for awhile, but it's more apropos now than ever.

Of course, the way things are going in the U.S. these days, critics don't need to move to Russia...Trump is trying to make it come to us.


Take your meds and you'll be alright.


Thanks for the advice, Ivan.


You sound like a quitter who gives up at the slightest hint of adversity. Maybe you weren't cut out to be an American given your poor attitude and approach to life.

In the preamble to our Constitution there's a reference to a "more perfect union". You should look into it. Our forefathers made Constitutional levers available to us so we may evolve toward a more perfect union through civic activism and political engagement. That's what I've committed to do.

You should toughen up your spine if you want to improve your lot in life.


The USA needs to get rid of the Electoral College. It's made a mess of several elections, especially the last one.


The electoral system inflates rural votes and deflates urban votes, so it only serves Republican interests. Its also an archaic outdated system that was made for a young US and no longer has a place in our system.


Brexit and US2016 were actually really close. US2016 was actually correct in terms of popular vote. Given that none of them had a mistake margin of almost 50% difference which would be needed to tilt Trump to a popular candidate in the UK, I'm going to go with the polls as a more representative sample compared to the handful of people a random Trump supporter on "MovieChat" knows in the UK. :)

Having lived in Britain for six months myself, my gut feeling also tells me that the UK doesn't like Trump a lot.
