MovieChat Forums > Justin Trudeau Discussion > Trudeau vows to fight authoritarianism.

Trudeau vows to fight authoritarianism.

I guess it's like fighting fire with fire, eh?


I really can't decide if he just isn't self aware, or if he's an evil genius.


yaa normal functioning democracy is just like Russian authoritarian regime. You clowns wouldn't know yours shirt from your shoes


"What a bunch of clowns"

You're like the "Morning Zoo" radio machine off the simpsons aren't ya?


"How's he keep up with the news like that?"



because I don't call any democratic leader I don't like an authoritarian


He is just coming out with any SJW slogan he can think of. He doesn't care if it makes sense or not.


"Canada sending body armour, helmets, gas masks as war in Ukraine continues"

Maybe Trudeau could send the Ottowa police...


yes a normal functioning democracy and party leader is just like authoritarianism...

because he allowed protesters 3 weeks to shut down part of a city and didn't let them stay forever.

you do know every single right has a limit correct?


I love the part where he spent weeks accusing the truckers of sedition and wanting to overthrow his government, yet none of them were actually charged with anything other than "mischief" charges. The part where he sent platoons of armed riot cops and mounted police to trample praying old ladies and smash peaceful non-resisting people with rifle butts was great, too. So normal and so democratic.


1.they did. they were encouraging people to write the AG to get rid of the democratically elected liberals and replace them with a " convoy citizen government"

2. everyone knows in Canada and the USA is incredibly hard too charge anyone with sedition. not a surprise. its why prosecutors go for second degree murder more than 1st degree. it can be hard to prove.

yes you cannot shut down part of a city for almost a month. you do not have a right to unlimited non restricted rights.

yaa they saw the horses coming. the video shows them say "here they come!"

the rioters were happy to let the old lady stay in the path. they got a good video though and could scream victim!

yes stopping an illegal occupation and protest is normal in a democracy clown. I cant think of a democracy and history that hasn't had to shut down protests. I guess they are all authoritarian!

again you wouldn't know your shirt from your shoes. "everything is da authoritarianism!"

let me guess, you have no formal education in political science?


I agree with most of that, but calling it sedition like they were trying to overthrow the government was a stretch. The government is going to fall because part of a city was being occupied?


if you are protesting outside asking the government to be replaced by your citizen dictatorship what is that?

I also don't care about Trudeaus rhetoric.

the protesters don't have unlimited rights and were properly removed


Why don't you tell us your opinion of the BLM riots?


in other words "I cant address your point, I have nothing, whataboutism whataboutism!"

you can leave now coward


In other words, you have a double standard and in your world, when conservatives protest they are seditious terrorists, and when Leftists protest, they are peaceful and law-abiding.


you dont know my position on BLM so you couldn't possibly know. thats not the topic. You are just trying whataboutism because you have no rebuttal to my points, but aren't man enough to admit it!

you lost. little boy


I have to laugh at your responses. Always so puffed and strutting, even when you are so painfully and obviously wrong. It says so much about who you must be IRL.

And your stance on Leftist rioting is there for anyone to read in your history.


the answer a retarded child would give.

"I am right but won't back it up"

good job


Stop baiting me. You're clearly the master. The master baiter, that's you.


as I said. a retard.

you didn't address anything I said except to scream "BLM!!" then "YOU ARE WRONG!"

how often were you dropped?


"I have to laugh at your responses. Always so puffed and strutting, even when you are so painfully and obviously wrong. It says so much about who you must be IRL."

Surgical accuracy. Artistic flare.


We do know your position but when asked, you won't answer like all the other lost leftists on here.


It's weird because leftist dumbasses aren't usually worried about being hypocritical - in fact it's core to their ideology.




And still you would defend the BLM protests to the death and call Trump authoritarian for trying to stop them.

Fucking hypocrites ...


read 4 comments below this you fucking clown. my response to whynotwriteme


I don't need to, I know how your kind thinks. And most probably you will change your stance based on the situation.


a conservative who doesn't want the truth because it would destroy his script and emotions?? aww big surprise! stay safe snowflake. another conservative intellectually destroyed.

you clowns make it too easy


what a sad coward you are


What a sad life you have.

Are you just pressing F5 to see comments and respond? That's a very sad way to fulfil your life.

Do something interesting, get out, have fun, etc.

Or is this the highlight of your life?

I have better things to do than respond to hypocrite leftists. get a life troll. Or are you paid based on how many posts you write?


stay in your safe space coward.

I guarantee and bet everything I own I did more than you did today.


yeah, I can see that ...


"trample praying old ladies"
"platoons of armed riot cops"
"smash peaceful non-resisting people with rifle butts was great"

You got video of this? That seems like something that would definitely be on youtube. Or mentioned in a news article.

Yes? Yes?

Otherwise, I'm going to have to call you for excessive hyperbole.


Rifle butt smashed non-resisting people:
Trampled old lady:
Platoons of armed riot cops:

Yes? Yes?

So much for your arrogant, sarcastic skepticism. I hope you enjoyed the hour you spent feeling smug before my reply.



Rifle butt. The video doesn't show anything conclusive. There's no 'smashing'. No evidence that the officer is even connecting in any way, if at all. The video doesn't show if the person is resisting or not... although three officers trying to wrestle with them suggests that, yeah, they ARE probably resisting.

Trampled old lady. You have no idea if the person is 'old' or even a 'lady'. The officer in control of the horse does not attempt to trample her. He's engaged in valid crowd control and two people stupidly decide to stand their ground and get knocked out of the way and down for their efforts. We see people grabbing at the horses and the horse rather impressively steps over and between the two dummies on the ground. No 'trampling' to see.

Platoons of riot cops. Yes, I'll concede that they were 'armed' with truncheons and body armour. Their posture and formation are defensive. The minimum you would expect to deal with an occupation in a democracy. The video ends with a bunch of people milling around chanting, beating drums, generally acting like the First World uneducated idiots that they are. Nobody looks worried that they are going to get shot, or gassed, or get their skulls cracked under truncheons like you see in dictatorships where real freedom is curtailed.

No win for you today Captain Hyperbole.

And I have no more time to waste on your sad ass. Moving on...


LOL. Denial is a rather pathetic state of mind.


He never even met with them. That's what he should have done.


No no he shouldn't. just like he shouldn't meet with a flat earther protest.

should Biden meet with or trump meet with a protesting group where half of them hold "fuck Biden" or "fuck trump" signs?




He should have met with them. If they were BLM burning down buildings he likely would have joined them.


you are obsessed like all your fellow cucks I mean conservatives


The truckers are 90% vaccinated and mostly work in isolated conditions.

They were some of the heroes of the pandemic, keeping supplies moving all over the country. Without their efforts, this pandemic would have been a lot worse.

Why that idiot Trudeau targeted them for mandate out of thin air is a mystery to all of us.

And he is an idiot.


Jeezus Kee-rist did you even read your own post and understand what it meant?

The 90% of truckers who were vaccinated WEREN'T at the occupation. Why? BECAUSE THEY WERE being heroes and carrying on with their jobs. Even they didn't support the idiot truckers convoy.

The 10% at the protests were the unvaxxed morons who don't give a shit about an overworked health care system, the elderly and health compromised dying from COVID, the people dying from cancelled and delayed surgeries because hospital beds were taken up with unvaxxed morons...

For them vaccines, masks and lockdowns are a "ME FIRST" thing, not a "WE TOGETHER" thing.

So, yeah, that's why the majority of Canadians supported Trudeau's decision not to give them the time of day. Even those of us -- like me -- who normally have no time for Trudeau.

Trudeau IS an idiot... but you deserve to be standing right beside him.


arrest him


for doing what every single other normal democracy and leader would do that is totally legal and what should be done?

should we next arrest premieres because they enforce drinking and driving laws? "muhhh freedom of movement is being stopped! I want to be back out drunk when I drive!"


Fine. Next time there is a violent Leftist riot, you will obviously approve if they are met with violence from the police.


absolutely 110%.
You sure did run away form other other convo didn't you coward?


What "convo"? You just started your typical hollow crowing over nothing that you do with everyone.


your double standard claims about me. trying to change the subject when you got intellectually pummelled. go back to your rathole


LOL! The only thing you can successfully pummel is your own pud.


Awesome, assuming you supported Rittenhouse too 😀


beg for my attention loser


Why do you assume that because someone condemns the freedom convoy that they obviously support riots? I don't understand the connection.

I don't think you are Canadian, because if you were you would know that we didn't have riots like the US. We had protests, which I do support. We had some violence and property damage in Montreal which I absolutely condemn.

Further more. In regards to Canadian protests, the convoy was legal. The blockades were not. I support people's right to protest, I don't support the blockades.

In 2020 the indigenous population had protests where they blockade railroads. I completely condemned that, and so did the Alberta government and they passed a bill to make blockades illegal, and to be shut down immediately. Yet that same government allowed the Coutts blockade continue for weeks. There obviously is some hypocrisy there too. Especially on social media with screen shots of comments asking why the indigenous protestors weren't just shot on site. What happened to using the gas chamber? Why don't the trains just run them over? get the point. Guess who made those comments? Convoy supporters. So yeah. Hypocrisy is all abound. Did you condemn the police for using violence against other rioters? Or just the ones who support your cause? If you condemn the police-free zone in Portland, then you should condemn the occupation in Ottawa.


Trudeau is from the same mold as Putin.



Look, I can't stand Trudeau, but comments like this are really why Western society deserves everything that's coming.


Self hater.

He is right though.

Trudeau is a pile of shit.
So Trudeau hates him.


Trudeau fighting authoritarianism? Transcendent irony.


Ummm isn't he like the ultimate authority in his country?
