MovieChat Forums > Anne Frank Discussion > The Face of Pro Israel Propaganda for Ch...

The Face of Pro Israel Propaganda for Children

I sympathized with her situation after reading a book but let's call a spade a spade. Much like George Floyd with the BLM movement, this dead child's face has been weaponized as a form of propaganda to create empathy for the Holocaust and by extension support for Jews justifying the existence of Israel. It's crass social programming directed at children and teenagers and little more than that at this point.

Note that what happened to both her and George Floyd is deplorable, but that doesn't excuse their cynical adoption as mascots to justify various political movements.


". . . justifying the existence of Israel."

Tell us why the Jews don't deserve a homeland.


The burden is on you to support a claim. Tell "us" why a class of white Europeans was justified in displacing a local population based on vague historical and religious claims of land ownership.

And that's completely off topic to Anne Frank being a propaganda tool directed at influencing the minds of children.


I thought it was a globalist movement, more specifically The League of Nations [i.e., the precursor of the United Nations] made it a mandate to create/initialize the State of Israel... though I understand the concept of a 'State' of Israel' predates the League of Nations?


The legal basis for the founding of Israel wasn't mentioned.

Sympathy for Anne Frank = sympathy for the Holocaust = sympathy for Jews = support for Israel/Jewish political objectives.

Getting lost in the sentimental aspects of "it's a young girl and she died a tragic death" is both why she has become the mascot of indoctrination for children and why her selection is such a powerful, enduring propaganda tool on sentimental Americans who would rather focus on what they are feeling than why they are seeing it.


Tell "us" why a class of white Europeans was justified in displacing a local population based on vague historical and religious claims of land ownership.

I was merely questioning, or rather requesting clarification of your statement.


Fair enough.



There's only a State of Israel because hundreds of thousands of Jews who already survived the Holocaust by being in the British Mandate at the time then survived the Arabs' attempt to push them into the sea. The displaced Arabs were the victims of the zero-sum politics the Muslims established in the Mideast. The State of Israel is the bare minimum owed to the Jews in the Muslim world. Muslim intolerance has caused the number of Jews in Muslim-majority countries to dwindle to less than 100,000. The Muslim world is dominated by oppressive Islamosupremacist theocracies:


They're not in the least vague. The Jews were there WAY before anyone else who's trying to lay claim to it.


I know what you're implying with your simplistic concept of history or understanding of the Old Testament but we can go with that.

Based on that premise, would it be a good thing to you if Native Americans were to reclaim their "homeland" in the United States? Would you be fine with people from say Europe being the one's making that decision and deciding where the borders of the land that is being reclaimed should be drawn? If people disagreed with where the borders are or if the land should be reclaimed at all, would you be fine with using military force against people who refused to cooperate to achieve that end?

Do you see any issues there or are you perfectly ok with all of that?


He can't. He just doesn't like Jews.


After reading much of what this guy is typing, I've come to the same conclusion. A sad, rotted mind, me thinks.


It's hilarious. He wanted to know why Jews justify the existence of Israel, then when he was questioned why he thinks they don't deserve a homeland, he deflected and said the burden of proof was on him. He's the one who made the claim and he can't clarify it.


Plot twist: I'm Jewish and you are both presumptuous morons incapable of critical thinking.


Did we say you weren't Jewish? There are white people who think white people are the worst. Why wouldn't there be Jews who don't like Jews?


There you go with your weak ass "I didn't say those exact words" variation of your "I only said probably" variation of your excuse from earlier. I definitely saw that coming.


There are Americans who are un-American. There are whites who think white people are terrible. There are black people who are ashamed to be black. What makes you so special?


What makes you think that you are so special that I am willing to engage in further the discussion of a complex topic with a troll like yourself that won't even acknowledge a simple mistake like putting "3" instead of three?

See this thread:

Have a good night.


Acknowledge a simple mistake? I showed you multiple articles from professional sources that refuted what you claimed.


You pulled up examples of the usage of "3" instead of three in titles rather than in sentences. Are you claiming that sentence in your post was a title? You are either very dumb, in massive denial or are an unabashed troll. Maybe you're all three?

Take note that's three and not "3."




I'm on a bender and enjoy edgy topics that lead to debates like this. Even so I'm not trolling.

Why do you think people hate philosophy majors?




My point is where else can a drunk with a PhD in Philosophy argue about Anne Frank being child propaganda on a snowy Wednesday night?




They were in the headlines and within the articles.


Your post wasn't an article. You're having a very hard time admitting you were wrong there.


No, I linked you 7 articles that used numbers in my context.


"No, I linked you seven articles that used numbers in my context."

I helped you out again. You linked seven articles, not seven forum posts that incorrectly used numbers to represent quantities rather than words. Try again.


You didn't say the rule only applies to forum posts.It didn't even say it in the link you provided


"You didn't say the rule only applies to forum posts. It didn't even say it in the link you provided."

You needed some more help there.

This conversation has run its course. I'd say have a good night but at this point I'd prefer that you have a bad one.


Keep it classy, Jew hater


What does your being Jewish have to do with anything being stated here?

I genuinely would like a clarification for the purpose of your self-proclamation and why it should or shouldn't whole weight to the conversation.


You agreed with samoanjoes' assessment that I dislike Jews. Did you forget that accusation, or are you now refining that unfounded claim to some kind of theory that I hate myself?

The simplest explanation is that your assumptions are wrong and you resorted to ad hominem attacks rather than the discussion/debate of ideas.


You told PrimeMinisterX that the burden of proof was on him when you were the one who made the claim after he asked you to clarify. You deflected, so we assumed you have something against Jews. I noticed how you never said that you don't hate Jews, your response was just "I'm Jewish".


You agreed with samoanjoes' assessment that I dislike Jews. Did you forget that accusation, or are you now refining that unfounded claim to some kind of theory that I hate myself?

Hate yourself? Nope.

There are always people within a group who hate their people and think of themselves outside of that group. So, "no" you don't hate yourself. But, why would you even ask such a ridiculous question?



Answer first why you made the assumption that I hate Jews and then maybe I'll answer your question.


From your statements, that's how.

But what does your being Jewish have anything to do with this conversation? Why not state it so in the OP, if it was important?


"Actually, the locus classicus, the best formulation of this, was by an ambassador to the United Nations, Abba Eban, ... He advised the American Jewish community that they had two tasks to perform. One task was to show that criticism of the policy, what he called anti-Zionism – that means actually criticisms of the policy of the state of Israel – were anti-Semitism. That's the first task. Second task, if the criticism was made by Jews, their task was to show that it's neurotic self-hatred, needs psychiatric treatment. Then he gave two examples of the latter category. One was I.F. Stone. The other was me. So, we have to be treated for our psychiatric disorders, and non-Jews have to be condemned for anti-Semitism, if they're critical of the state of Israel. That's understandable why Israeli propaganda would take this position. I don't particularly blame Abba Eban for doing what ambassadors are sometimes supposed to do. But we ought to understand that there is no sensible charge. No sensible charge. There's nothing to respond to. It's not a form of anti-Semitism. It's simply criticism of the criminal actions of a state, period."

-Noam Chomsky, 2014

You're playing right into the design. I forgive you for that labeling but I hope that maybe you've learned something from this exchange on top of providing me with some entertainment tonight.


this take is bad take the Halocaust was one the worst atrocites in Human History breaking news both Israel and Palestine are acting like children right now and are both in the wrong what happened to Floyd was uncalled for also Police Corruption exists its need to be rooted out. listen im a moderate independent i see the whole picture and one side your post justifies mass genocide and police corruption you didnt the read book.


Saying that Anne Frank is a propaganda tool while acknowledging that what happened to her is wrong justifies mass genocide?

Your logic is as bad as your language skills. Seriously you need to work on that or at least use Google translate or something if English is not your first language.


this is social media not an essay , your the one endorsing Hitler and his camps you Nazi!!!


I bet there's not a lot of people that take your opinion seriously. I certainly don't.


we are ONE world and ONE people stop thinking TWOS and think everything is propaganda is isnt let go of your hate and weird thinking.


You're the one talking about the Halocaust. There was absolutely no need to drag Master Chief into this discussion.


I didnt mention John-117 from Halo Series you did Anne Frank is the opposite of Hitler also both Israel and Palestine are in the wrong both acting Children playing there War Games!!!


Can you show an example of "this dead child's face has been weaponized as a form of propaganda to create empathy for the Holocaust and by extension support for Jews justifying the existence of Israel"?


The Diary of Anne Frank is core reading text in elementary schools across the United States.

Sympathy for Anne Frank = sympathy for the Holocaust = sympathy for Jews = support for Israel/Jewish political objectives.

Or if you prefer, emotionally charged content produces a positive association with a schema that is developed continually as an individual learns and develops knowledge in an area or areas related to it. Absent additional negative stimuli directing an individual to be averse to something, that initial positive feeling of the initial feeling of sympathy will carry through to a person's concept of Israel, where the commonly held justification of acquiring territory, defending itself, and so on, aka support, is perceived as being a remedy for the holocaust, again something the person has been conditioned to be sympathetic towards.

This is an example of how basic social conditioning works and the selection of Anne Frank's book, where every copy prominently features her face, is an act that weaponizes emotions in children as a form of political propaganda.


[–] SemiAnimus (201) 7 minutes ago
The Diary of Anne Frank is core reading text in elementary schools across the United States.
Sympathy for Anne Frank = sympathy for the Holocaust = sympathy for Jews = support for Israel/Jewish political objectives.

If you're going to feel sympathy for Jewish political objectives, then that is your business. Why are you pushing a personal agenda here?

But then again, you seem to be pushing the idea that a we should forget our history and/or not learn from it. Are you really feeling so much sympathy for the Third Reich?


What's this personal agenda I'm pushing and why are you implying sympathy for the Third Reich? Look how quickly you've turned to making attacks and accusations like that when this topic comes up. It's an awfully cliche way to defend your fondness for Israel at this point.

Do you know who Noam Chomsky is? He held a similar opinion and I suppose you'd say those same things about him as well.

When you were reading the Diary of Anne Frank in school, did you ever wonder afterwards why you were asked to read that particular book?

I noticed you didn't acknowledge the bulk of that post though.


You are pushing an idea with nothing to support your claims. Sounds like a person agenda to me.

Do you oppose the biographies of anyone who was exposed to a hostile nation?

Why are you making assumptions you have no reason to believe are true? I read the Frank biography, decades ago, after I left school. My schools never had any reading lists that I was aware of and I was never required to read the Frank biography.

I have heard of Nam Chomsky. I don't know anything about him for the most part. Does he make the same foolish assumptions that you do?

I did ask questions. Since you will not deny sympathy for the Reich, why should I not assume that you do favor them?


Anne Frank is an anchor text in the Common Core education standards that are federally mandated. Your experience with the text is no longer the norm

I supported my claims with a thorough mechanistic explanation above and cited Noam Chomsky, a Jewish intellectual, as someone with similar perspectives; specifically, you can easily Google his views on antisemitism where you'll see his that his views are similar to what I've expressed and that I'm using Anne Frank as an example of how linguistic development of schemas and concepts is used for social conditioning, aka propaganda. Saying I didn't provide support does not make it true.

You on the other hand are making claims about some sort of agenda that you won't specify and are attacking me with unfounded, derogatory assumptions that I somehow am sympathetic towards the Third Reich. What's your agenda in doing that?


That did not stop you from assuming that I was "asked to read that particular book".

You need to support those claims here. My agenda is attacking your foolish post. Simple.


I've supported my claims. Again , saying I didn't doesn't make it true. My only assumption was that you read Anne Frank in school, but my claim here is that her diary is used as a propaganda tool now, not the decades ago or whenever you were in elementary so your point is rather trivial.

You're being kind of an asshole and aren't providing any refutations here.


You supported your claims with more unsupported claims.

I noticed that you use typical nazi talking points and are offended that anyone suggests that you support nazis. You act like a typical nazi.


You must be a selective reader, kind of like people that only hear certain words.

Which nazi talking points did I use? Are you going to support your claims? Are you even going to clarify what that agenda was that you vaguely alluded to before?


Your nazi talking points were in your first reply to my post above.


So what were they again?


SemiAnimus your anti-semetic and pro Nazi


There's a whole Book called the Bible that justifies the existence of Israel. Plus, animus like yours and all of history proves that Jews deserve a homeland, a place to go that's safe. The Palestinians could go to Jordan or any of the Arabic countries. The anti-Jewish sentiment that's building throughout the world continues to make the point that there must be an Israel.


So you have a religious justification for Israel and support it's political actions based off of the Bible?

If that's your actual opinion you're entitled to it. Most people with that view won't state it so directly and honestly.


Modern Judaism is Not Biblical Judaism.


No it isn't, but the typical Christian supporting Israel doesn't make that distinguishment and the support of Biblical Judaism is used to rationalize religious based support for Israel.


The promise the Lord made to His people that it would be their land was unconditional. Yes, they'd get kicked off the land if their Kings weren't obedient, but they were promised to return, and eventually to return permanently. And from my reading about the Ezekiel Temple, they will eventually return to the Biblical Judaism.


I sincerely respect you for acknowledging the source of your beliefs here far more than I do the trolls on this thread that attacked suppositions without having any clear convictions of their own, other than seeing a claim that they can assault on some sort of excuse for having the perceived moral high ground.

I hope you have a good night.


It's very important for children to read a tale by another child which explains the Holocaust. It was an epic of man's inhumanity to man and cannot be forgotten. So I don't understand why anyone would object to it being required reading in elementary school.

However, I agree with you that it should not be used as propaganda for Zionism.

I read it in school and I never took it that way. I've supported Palestinian land rights since high school.


I'm curious why you believe that the Holocaust, a singular event from about 80 years ago, is of central important to the education of children and as historical knowledge. Why aren't there books written by Palestinian kids about their experiences dealing with death and oppression living under Israeli political dominations next to Anne Frank on the required readings list? If your distinguishing criteria is genocide, how about books written by young children who escaped the warlords of Uganda? Both of those would be more relevant to today's world, the better part of a century after the death of Anne Frank.

Instead there's a book on it that lends support to conclusions to support and/or sympathize with the controversial existence of Israel, a close politically ally of the United States. It isn't a coincidence. She's not the sole reason people support Israel, but she's a propagandistic icon used towards that end.


Just tell us that you don't understand what World War II was about.


Are you trying to imply something else here or are you actually dumb enough to believe that WW2 was fought on behalf of the Jewish people and to found Israel?

Nevermind actually. You'll just brush it off with some bullshit like saying you correctly used a numeral to represent quantity under 10 in a sentence because the rule doesn't apply to a title or saying you didn't make a claim because you only used the word probably. Sound about right?


You said:

Why aren't there books written by Palestinian kids about their experiences dealing with death and oppression living under Israeli political dominations next to Anne Frank on the required readings list? If your distinguishing criteria is genocide, how about books written by young children who escaped the warlords of Uganda?

The Holocaust was part of a WORLD war. It affected more than 50 countries. There's no way you can be serious. Are you also going to question why we should care about Franz Ferdinand getting shot to set off World War I?

Also, no one is stopping Palestinian kids from writing books.


The Holocaust was not known about in depth until the end and conclusion of the war and the war was not fought to save the Jews. I'd say don't play stupid but with you I know better.

Noone is forcing US students to read the Palestinian books either. That distinction belongs to Anne Frank.


Are you saying it would be okay for kids to learn in school about Anne Frank if Israel didn't exist? Or that it would be okay for kids to learn in school about Anne Frank if they also learned about individual Palestinians?


We know the conclusion now and are learning about it now. And again, it's a WORLD war that affected 50 Jews. Nowhere did I say that it was solely or mainly about Jews.


Nevermind actually. You'll just brush it off with some bullshit like saying you correctly used a numeral to represent quantity under 10 in a sentenc

By the way, funny you say this because on the other thread, you claimed so many people on this site think I'm a moron and when I asked you for a list, you didn't provide it. So what's that you're talking about brushing off?



Kids learn in school about the Holocaust because it was a big part of World War II and World War II was a big part of American history. It was the defining moment for America in the 20th Century. It turned America into a superpower heavily involved in other parts of the world.

Kids learn about the Holocaust in school because it was a unique genocide. The Holocaust was an end itself for the Nazis. The Nazis didn't do it to gain land, power or wealth. They killed the Jews just for the sake of destroying the Jews. Because of that, the Holocaust is widely regarded as a unique evil.


SemiAnimus (211) posted 8 hours

I sympathized with her situation after reading a book but let's call a spade a spade. Much like George Floyd with the BLM movement, this dead child's face has been weaponized as a form of propaganda to create empathy for the Holocaust and by extension support for Jews justifying the existence of Israel. It's crass social programming directed at children and teenagers and little more than that at this point.

Note that what happened to both her and George Floyd is deplorable, but that doesn't excuse their cynical adoption as mascots to justify various political movements.

A new variation of Hamas propaganda.
Anne Frank (Holocaust) and George Floyd (BLM) as alleged "mascots".

OP simply 'forgets' that around 6 million Jews were murdered in the Holocaust around 80 years ago.
OP simply 'forgets' that Palestinian Hamas attacked Israel just 3 months ago.
OP simply 'forgets' that Palestinian Hamas massacred more than 1000 Israeli civilians.
OP simply 'forgets' that Israel did NOT use Anne Frank in this war against murderous Hamas.

A dishonest new thread produced by a dishonest new sock. 🧦​
False claims?...oh no, just intimations.
Hypocritical equations?...oh no, just for the "children".
Hamas quality propaganda...stir it up!
Congrats, Kee-Liar! 🤥​


Look at all of the ad hominem attacks there. Your rhetoric is weak sauce.

Tell me, if scope is the concern, why aren't kids reading about Stalin and Mao and the vastly higher number of people that died at their hands than under the Holocaust? If relevance to recent times or that the author should be a child, why not survivors of African genocides from the last few decades when the students readings the content might have actually been alive while they were occurring?

It's obvious that your attacks are coming from an angle of support for Israel, but your insinuation that criticizing pro Israel propaganda designates support for Hamas is actually comical.


SemiAnimus (213) 6 minutes ago
Look at all of the ad hominem attacks there. Your rhetoric is weak sauce.

Tell me, if scope is the concern, why aren't kids reading about Stalin and Mao and the vastly higher number of people that died at their hands than under the Holocaust? If relevance to recent times or that the author should be a child, why not survivors of African genocides from the last few decades when the students readings the content might have actually been alive while they were occurring?

It's obvious that your attacks are coming from an angle of support for Israel, but your insinuation that criticizing pro Israel propaganda designates support for Hamas is actually comical.

Apparently your way of trolling comes from Filmboards.
Your OP and other posts here are a poor mix of historical half-truths.
Try better, you annoying young sock. 🧦​


The only thing I can make out of this post is that you are an asshole with nothing intelligent to contribute to any sort of discussion.


SemiAnimus (215) 4 minutes ago

The only thing I can make out of this post is that you are an asshole with nothing intelligent to contribute to any sort of discussion.

I took much more out of your thread:
- You're a young sock. 🧦​
- You're just trolling.
- You troll in your usual way (half-truths, provocations, stir it all up).
- Your only joy in life is annoying others.
- You're still a failed wannabe academic and butt hurt.

Guten Morgen, MovieChat! ♥♥♥ ☀️​


Nice checklist there on how to troll instead of discussing a topic. Bravo


SemiAnimus (218) 3 minutes ago
Nice checklist there on how to troll instead of discussing a topic. Bravo

You still lack of punctuation, socky. 🧦​


Placing punctuation with of there into a prepositional phrase was an error. At least get your own sentence right if you're going to play the role of a language troll.


SemiAnimus (221) 8 minutes ago
Placing punctuation with of there into a prepositional phrase was an error. At least get your own sentence right if you're going to play the role of a language troll.

Punctuation is language? ​🤔​
Actually you wanted to call me a 'grammar Nazi'.
Wouldn't have fit either. ☺


Writing conventions are a component of language, hence the different conventions in aspects like punctuation between languages such as Spanish and English. Note that you didn't put a ? in front of that sentence? That's because you were writing with English conventions rather than Spanish.

Anyway, you're a second rate troll, even lower than your partner samoanjoes, and not worth responding to anymore.

Have a good night.


SemiAnimus (223) 3 minutes ago
Writing conventions are a component of language, hence the different conventions in aspects like punctuation between languages such as Spanish and English. Note that you didn't put a ? in front of that sentence? That's because you were writing with English conventions rather than Spanish.
Anyway, you're a second rate troll, even lower than your partner samoanjoes, and not worth responding to anymore.
Have a good night.

Guten Morgen, S.! ♥♥♥ ☀️​



Do you even realize that you started off saying things about a very sensitive topic that were offensive to a lot of people? Do you realize that you're compounding that problem by needlessly insulting everyone who responds to you?You're only making your argument less compelling.



You seem to be complaining less about kids learning about the Holocaust than about kids not learning about other genocides. Does it actually bother you that kids don't learn in school about other genocides or are you only bringing them up because kids do learn in school about the Holocaust? Do you prefer that kids not learn about any genocides at all in school? Or would Holocaust education be completely fine with you if kids also learned in school about other genocides? If propagandistic purposes are behind Holocaust education as you claim then learning about other genocides wouldn't solve that problem.



You talk about Anne Frank and the Holocaust as if World War II existed outside of politics. But it was just as political as the establishment of the State of Israel. World War II imposed costs on people in many different countries in many different ways. You could just as easily say that learning about Anne Frank in school is propaganda to justify the suffering of Germans during and after World War II. Every war imposes costs on someone.

What would you want kids in school to learn about instead of Anne Frank? What would you want kids to learn about in school instead of the Holocaust? What alternative to sympathy and support for Jews do you want kids to learn in school?


Love how OP bitches about Jews and as soon as he's challenged and can't explain himself he basically drops the Jew-card himself and goes full-on victim mode.

Can't make this up.


I didn't play the victim in this thread. Trust me I was laughing about the likes of Nazi insinuations far before I revealed that and I'm still laughing at things like the Jew-card that you're now referring to when in life I'm probably much whiter than yourself, especially if your username applies to you at all. If anything people like you have rewarded me with entertainment tonight rather than victimization.

Also look at my post history if you care. I'm interested in Israeli and Jewish identity politics but not for the insert Nazi/Hamas/self-hating-Jew claims that are the go to explanation/attack for anyone that doesn't support Israel on these forums. That seems like a pretty hard concept for people on this website to comprehend.

It sort of feels like baiting the intellectual equivalent of kindergarteners into a fist fight when discussing a topic that challenges stereotypes, like the uncontestable adoration of Anne Frank, on these forums with random internet muppets but it's been a good way to pass the time today while also watching random horror movies.

As-salamu alaykum Kendricks.


There's a reason why he's being trashed here.
