MovieChat Forums > Joe Biden Discussion > How many states will be left in the Unio...

How many states will be left in the Union by the end of Biden's first term?

Any bets on the first secession?


My bet is Florida, is the first state to secede.


we can only hope and pray for that


what a stupid comment. Why aren't you in Parler?


No, it isn’t a “stupid comment”. Do you really believe everyone is going to accept this election???? I think the OP asked a valid question.


There's nothing valid about it, and it is an extremely stupid comment. And you're not to bright in the head to entertain such a idiotic comment.


A couple of things: 1. Proofread BEFORE you call someone something derogatory.

2. There’s no reason to have a screen name that tells us where your words come from....


Oh, geez. I can't deal with 12yr olds.


Don’t call people names like a child and actually have something constructive to say. Then,maybe just maybe, you would get treated like an adult...... btw: The only “12yr olds” you’re “dealing with” are you and those like you. Learn how to write.


Man, where do you find the time between hollow voting conspiracy theories and grammar policing the internet?


Well....the fucking Democrats gave me the time with their bullshit. But, I can’t complain all that much. Because they’re scared of.....everything, I get paid full-time to work from home.

To answer your question: If you have paid attention for the last 4-5 years, it’s not a “conspiracy”. What the left, RINOs, the MSM and Big Tech are doing to President Trump is right in plain sight to see. It’s so easy to see that even a Democrat can see it. If someone attacks me for no good reason, why can’t I respond?


It was rethorical question - I have no interest in your qanon-voting machine conspiracy theories...


Like I give a flying fuck about your interests....😆


you care enough to stop reading dumbass conspiracies on Parler so you can reply to my comments here...


Yes everyone is going to accept this election. It was a landslide. Despite Republican fraud and hacking Biden won. Get over it.


Yeah, people will "unify" and treat Biden with the same respect and acceptance Trump was treated with.


I rather think Biden is going to do a lot more than Trump to earn that respect. Yeah, you actually have to earn respect. Can't throw a temper tantrum like a spoiled child and demand it. I know. What a concept! 😲


"Do you really believe everyone is going to accept this election???"



I would love for Democrats to pretend that the shoe was on the other foot and Biden, Hillary or Obama had any reservations about the legitimacy of the election. They’d be shouting from the heavens that something was wrong. You think they’d accept the election at that point????


The 2000 election literally came down to one state and a few hundred votes. There isn't a single reason to question the outcome of the current election. Just because there are brain damaged knuckleheads who read conspiracy theories online and believe them doesn't mean there's any ACTUAL doubt (hence the repeated lower court failures and the SC smackdowns).

Let us give thanks and praise to the Lord God Trump. Surrender yourselves to his divine mysteries, body, mind, and soul. All hail Lord Trump! All hail Lord Trump!

Such sheep. Unbelievable. Yeah there was voter fraud 'cause Trump says there wuz. Yeee-haaaa! 🤪


So, if there was “no voter fraud” then, why are you dumbass liberals commenting? There’s NO WAY President Trump lost to Joe “I’ve done nothing for 47 years in government” Biden WITHOUT CHEATING! There’s a myriad of witnesses to voter fraud, the Dominion machines are being discredited, multiple states have filed lawsuits claiming fraud against Trump.... Why are you liberals so quick to discredit claims of fraud? What if it was a Democrat questioning the election like Biden, Hillary....I’d say Obama but, God help the person accused by Barack the magic negro!


What if it was a Democrat questioning the election like Biden, Hillary....I’d say Obama but, God help the person accused by Barack the magic negro!

A little racist, are we? Won't pretend I'm shocked - a lot of you far right nut jobs are. For some odd reason they don't have a KKK emoji. 🤔 Otherwise I'd stick it right here.

When someone shows you who they are, believe them the first time. - Maya Angelou


How is “negro” racist? It’s not! You want racist/anti-Semitic?


Uh ... calling a black person a negro is pretty damn racist! What century do you think you're in?

Obama trafficked in anti-Semitic tropes — lefty media didn’t notice

That's just the headline. Lefty media. The New York Post is such a fountain of impeccable journalistic integrity, why would anyone doubt them?

For some reason I have this crazy urge to go get into an underwater barroom brawl. ☺️


The Post is the only newspaper to expose The Biden scandal....

Black people call each other “nigger” all the time..... Where are you liberal pc jerkoffs, then? Oh, that’s right, they’re just “expressing themselves”, right? Why is it you want to help them but, don’t want to be near them? You want to end racism, liberals? Start with canceling rap/hip hop music and REALLY show us you care about stopping racism!


The Post is the only newspaper to expose The Biden scandal....

Exactly my point. If the National Enquirer or the Weekly World News are the only ones to break a story, not the most reliable of sources (to put it diplomatically).

I don't know what the rest of that nonsense even means. You think we should ban gangsta rap because the word "nigger" is frequently used? The term "redneck" can also be a badge of pride for certain people - but if I call someone that I'm definitely not being kind to them, it's like saying stupid, ignorant, and backward. Or calling them inbreds. Or white trash. Same general idea.


Exactly what I expected. With idiocy like yours,Biden makes you look smart! No wonder you want that dementia patient in the White House basement.🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


So you have no intelligent response, just insults. You're a Trump worshipper. I suppose that's the best you can manage.

A whole chain of emojis doesn't add any extra meaning, you know. It just makes your post look like it was composed by an eight year old.


I'd rather have the dementia patient.... just saying. TBH I want all this heavy separation of the parties to end too. It is becoming a race thing and being in a political party now groups you into stereotypes that really change the way others look at you. Your republican? Must be racist. Your a democrat? You support BLM and hate all cops. It is honestly just dumb how things are going.


Oh the loud heated rhetoric is aimed at a child's level of thinking. I only said onemanarmy82 was a racist because he referred to Obama as "Barack the magic negro."

I think we should get rid of political parties altogether. The current duopoly of big money fueled organizations isn't serving us well. We should either ban parties and have everyone run as an independent, or - second best - have nine or ten major political parties representing different elements of the electorate. They wouldn't be able to play off each other like the R's and D's do, and would have to form governing coalitions to get anything done. Policies coming out of Washington would at least be a lot closer to matching the preferences of the American population. As opposed to just the population with the jumbo sized bank accounts.


Oh no sorry lol. My response was not targeting to you i was just saying in general. Sorry bout that Sir. But my point still stands. It feels like the Civil War.


Yeah, it's crazy how things have deteriorated so quickly!




The difference is Biden, Hillary, or Obama would never make a claim like that in bad faith with zero evidence.

Trump on the other hand challenges the legitimacy of the election simply because he's a narcissist and sore loser whose ego won't allow him to admit he's lost despite there being ZERO evidence to support his baseless claims of fraud.

He couldn't care less that his false claims are bad for the country and incite violence. That's because narcissists don't care about anyone but themselves.

In fact in 2016 Hillary was encouraged by a group of computer scientists to challenge the election results because they believed they found evidence that the results of 3 states had been manipulated. She demurred for the good of the country.

So no, no one buys your false shtick.


"Good of the country"?? Whaaaaaat? She demurred because the DNC Democrats in charge are WHIMPS. The country has suffered more under Trump than it did under Bush. Bush gave us the worst recession in history where Americans lost their life savings but Trump gave us the worst pandemic in history where more Americans lost their lives than in WWII and Vietnam wars combined! How is that the "Good of the country"????


No argument. Establishment Dems are a weak, craven bunch.

But it's also true that even had those 3 states been overturned she still would not have won. Unlike the futile attempts Trump has been making to overturn Georgia when that would do nothing to deliver him victory even if he did. This is the only reason why a lickspittle like Brian Kemp hasn't illegally delivered him victory, because even if he did Trump wouldn't be president anyway. It'd be all for naught except to potentially put him in legal jeopardy.

So ultimately, yeah there was no point to contend the election for the sake of the divisiveness that would ensue unlike what Trump has chosen to do anyway.


@ onemanarmy82 You're either a troll or out of your mind ignorant. The shoe was on the other foot TWICE and the situations were egregious! Biden has won by OVER SEVEN MILLION VOTES and an ass whooping 306 Electoral College Votes. The votes were hand counted TWO MORE TIMES! More heroic Americans voted for Biden than any other president in HISTORY!!! Trump received a SHELLACKING!
Were you born in 2005 or something or were you just napping in kindergarten in 2016?
Al Gore won more votes in 2000 than George Bush did yet somehow Bush was handed the presidency by the Supreme Court despite that constitution dictating that it should be deferred to Congress. When congress rose to stand up for Al Gore as the rightful president Al Gore himself cowardly told them to sit down and shut up.

In 2016 Hillary Clinton won by over 3,000,000 votes yet somehow as a slight of hand trick Bush was handed the election by the electoral college as the Russians hacked. There was barely a murmur from Democrats. In 2016 Republicans howled "get over it" while the FBI were finding that the Russians hacked the election.
So get over it snowflake. Stop crying you dirty little traitor.


My point was asshole.... If a presidential candidate has an issue with the election, he should have the chance to be heard. “Traitor”? Obama is the only traitor of recent history. Giving over $150B to Iran and letting the diplomat and those soldiers die in Benghazi alone should’ve allowed us to hang him for treason! President Trump questioning the election hasn’t done nearly as much damage as previous Democrats in the White House.....


I bet you're the sort of person that wonders why so many conservatives congregate on platforms like Parler after they've been kicked off Twitter. Do you think they'll just go away after being de platformed? Give up on using the Internet? Twitter, FB and YouTube are directly responsible for the existence of right wing platforms. All they had to do was let people be people and delete/moderate illegal stuff but no. They knew best and had to get political. Let's see how that works out for them.


great so far, no one cares where the cockroaches run to


Where is it you've forked off to, roach?


texas maybe...i think any state that voted for jokey biden should be walled off...


It's crazy to think anyone in this country would be ready to throw it all away for the sake of a second rate reality TV host - seriously?

Prostrate yourself before the Lord God Trump and pledge eternal fealty. Let us pray:

You are my life and my hope, Lord Trump! Shine the light of your divine favor upon me. I live only to serve your will. Command me, give me purpose oh Master! All glory and honor is yours Almighty Trump, forever and ever. Amen. 😎

You people crack me up. Let's pick the most undeserving, sorry sack of brain dead amoral garbage on the planet and give him our total unthinking devotion. Believe every lying word he utters. Not in spite of the fact that he lies but because he lies. What the hell - makes as much sense as most religions, right?

Because we were just so well off under a bratty eight year old trapped in an old man's body. The last four years have been sheer bliss. I can see why you'd be willing to go to any extreme to hold onto the pure ecstasy of it. Oh wait ... Donald Trump is sending a tweet right this second. To the phones! To the phones all ye faithful, to see what the master hath decreed. Hear. Believe. Do not question. If he calls on you to die for him, then die gladly with a smile on your face and a song in your heart! For you have given yourself in service to the Lord God Trump, and you shall be rewarded with eternal life at his right hand (you do understand you'll have to listen to his unhinged rants for all eternity, right?).

Yeah, let's disintegrate the country over Donald Trump. The kind of idea only a MAGA hat would be stupid enough to consider.


You do realize your comment could EASILY be attributed to Obama, right? IF he didn’t win a second term (and he shouldn’t have imho), you bet your ass the left would have been talking about secession or just plain mayhem like we had with BLM and ANTIFA that ended oddly, just before this election. With Obama, I don’t think we’ve had a more “protected” POTUS in our history as a country. God forbid you spoke out against Lord Thy Obama! You’re “racist”, you’re “this”, you’re “that”. All for someone who did nothing for us in his 8 years! Yeah, there was no fanaticism with Obama.....🙄 Hell, you still can’t talk badly about him without being called “a racist”!


We have never had anything quite like this happen in America. Nobody gave Barack Obama the level of mindless deference people are showing toward this utter waste of space. That's one big difference between the right and the left. When I say I support someone, I don't mean in a worshipful way, totally believing every word they utter (no matter how ridiculous), and making excuses for everything they do (no matter how out of line). To me, support means at least most of their ideas resonate and maybe I'd vote for them. Sorry - not in the market for a cult leader. I've been hurt before. 😳

Yeah, the US was in great shape with an asshole who gets up and talks about nothing but himself, and whoever or whatever's pissing him off that day. There isn't a remark Trump ever made that wouldn't sound perfectly natural in the voice of Eric Cartman:

I rule! You suck! Everything's so unfair, they're all out to get me, it's the biggest disgrace in the history of the universe, ever! Aaaaaaah! No one kicks ass as much as me! The media sucks! Obama sucks! Everyone who doesn't agree with me all the time sucks! Aaaaaaaah! Screw you guys ... I'm playing golf!

Good god, it'll be nice not to have to listen to that shit anymore. He has nothing to say, you can't attribute a single inspiring quote to Donald Trump. Not one. Think about that. All he does is whine like a little bitch. And we have every genetic defective across the country latching onto this empty shell of a human being like he's got some kind of answers for them - like he's their savior. Don't compare Trump to Obama, or anyone else for that matter. He's in a category all by himself. We have truly broken new ground and hit rock bottom these last four years. Thankfully we're about to flush that turd. And not a moment too soon!


You realize that the anger toward the Left is NOT purely due to their reaction to Trump, himself.

It has more to do with the fact that the Left has proven that they will refuse to accept a legally elected President they do not like and will fight against his every move, tooth and nail, non-stop for his entire term to be rid of him, stopping at nothing, no matter how underhanded or dangerous.

Not even open violent rebellion in the streets and oppression of Conservatives was beyond them. Of course, they'll do it again if another Republican President is elected. Why not? It seems to have gotten their dupe into power.

Who the hell would want to share a country with a bunch of crybaby bullies like American Leftists? They won't be happy and shut up until we are a one-party socialist state. Nothing will ever be accomplished, because they will try to burn down the country every time a Republican is in power.

And anyway, your impression of what Trump was all about is entirely based on the fabricated false image presented by your Leftist propaganda machine. It has nothing to do with reality.


Um ... *cough* Mitch McConnell. I love the projection of the right. Republicans spent the last six years of Obama's two terms dedicated to nothing but making sure there was gridlock. Blocking everything, staging showdowns, shutting down the government repeatedly. All to try and win seats and win the White House. That's what Mitch thinks his job is. He thinks he's there to grab more power - and that's all. The American people? Who are they? If we didn't have a Senate that gives twice as much weight to the nearly uninhabited Dakotas than it does to the mega population center of California Republicans wouldn't be in charge. Ever.

There are no bigger snowflakes than the far right. No more insane bunch of fanatics either, believing in tin foil hat conspiracy theories, always whining about how they're being persecuted. Oh the humanity! Put a sock in the victim routine, please. And if you don't like me calling you a stupid, inbred, Kentucky fried shitkicking moron, enough with the liberal bashing.

I notice all you people bring to the table is slurs and insults. Nobody in this country is pushing communism - so knock off that bullshit. In my experience die hard conservatives are sheep who marinate themselves in the right wing media bozosphere and parrot back the craziness like robots following their programming. They say exactly the same things, sometimes word for word, you hear on outlets like Fox News. And of course they echo whatever their master, The Lord God Trump, says. Not the mark of people who think for themselves.

Sorry, but I see Trump for exactly who and what he is. A loudmouthed demagogue. If you can't see that I feel sorry for you. I'd never want to be so desperate for someone else to come save me that I'd give unconditional devotion to anybody - much less a two bit con man.


And if you don't like me calling you a stupid, inbred, Kentucky fried shitkicking moron, enough with the liberal bashing.

I notice all you people bring to the table is slurs and insults. Nobody in this country is pushing communism - so knock off that bullshit.

Your hypocrisy in the above quote is so gaggingly, blatantly obvious, it negates any further need to respond to you.


That wasn't hypocrisy. I was making a point. This is exactly how conservatives talk about liberals, in the most debasing, insulting way imaginable. If you don't like people talking about you that way then return the courtesy. You don't get to call people libtards, or accuse them of being lap dogs, communists, or even traitors to the country, and then object when they belittle you in return. Yes I know YOU didn't say all that in that last post of yours. I'm talking in general here.

... it negates any further need to respond to you

Why should I even bother talking to you (like your statement above) - a commonly used way of sidestepping the need to actually discuss ideas. And no, nobody is pushing communism. That's a load of propaganda nonsense. Slurs and slanders are no substitute for fairness and accuracy.

Do you even know what communism and socialism are? Totally different economic and political systems, involving centrally planned economies, entire sectors of industry being owned and operated by the government, prices being set, nonexistent (or limited) freedom of speech, press, assembly ... and sure as hell no right to bear arms! This is not what liberals want. Bernie Sanders has occasionally referred to "democratic socialism", also known as social democracy - I wish he'd avoid those terms! - but if you listen to the specifics he talks about, you'll realize it's not actually socialism but just our own market system with a few more government programs thrown in. Hardly radical or extreme change.

Oh by the way, this bugs me, Venezuela is not a socialist country. Just because Hugo Chavez and his hand picked successor Nicolas Maduro call themselves socialists. It's a military dictatorship pure and simple. If you want a real example of socialism from Latin America, go with Cuba. Every time I hear someone babbling about Venezuela - America will not become Venezuela! - I have to laugh. Get it right dummies.

Communism sucks. But then so does unfettered capitalism, which leads to monopolies and oligopolies controlling the market, and the super rich owning everything with no middle class (or a very small one) and most people barely able to survive on what they're being paid. Corporations and the ultra wealthy have too damn much power! We need to dust off our anti-trust laws and start breaking up these huge conglomerates to restore competition. Corporate friendly and market friendly are not one and the same. What's good for the CEOs and executives and what's good for innovation and consumers are two different things.

And something has to be done about the filthy rotten system of big money flowing into politics. What goes on in other democracies in back rooms, behind closed doors, with the knowledge that they could be kicked out of office or even go to prison, happens right out in the open here. Let's just call it what it is: bribery. Politicians being openly bought and paid for. And they're not even ashamed of it anymore. They act like it's all perfectly fine.

Ask yourself this: where is all the culture war bullshit in America really coming from? Media outlets across the political spectrum mostly. Who owns those outlets? Conglomerates run by billionaire moguls, often both conservative and liberal outlets being owned by the very same corporations. How does a corrupt system survive in a nation of 300 million plus citizens, every one of which has the right to vote and arm themselves? By splitting them down the middle as closely as possible and pitting them against each other, so they don't unite against their common enemy. Think about that.

For the most part those assholes on the radio or online, who talk as if they're rebels independent of "the establishment", are corporate funded and saying exactly what Big Money wants you to hear. Sponsor, donor, or whatever other euphemism they use - what do you think that means? Beware of anyone trying to get you riled up and angry. Find out where their funding comes from, and you'll probably see the real reasons behind the agenda they're peddling. You can't trust anyone. Gotta do your own homework!

There have been cultural differences between different parts of the country from day one. Somehow (with the exception of slavery and its aftermath, segregation) we've always been able to live with it just fine. Then suddenly, at the same time the billionaire class is making its push to grab control, those 250 year old culture issues turn critical and go into meltdown. Do you really think that's a coincidence?


I can't help but notice the fake umbrage taken by wnwm to end the dialog.

So similar to what we saw from Marco Rubio yesterday taking fake umbrage claiming to be aghast, hurt, and unwilling to believe in Dem promises of rebuilding national unity because Biden's incoming deputy chief of staff called congressional Republicans “fuckers” in an interview for not accepting election results.

This is exactly the kind of shit they pulled for 8 years with Obama. Bullshit umbrage to justify new forms of bad behavior against Democrats. No one should fall for it.


All I’m going to say is, IF people are “fanatical” in their support for President Trump, they have good reason! He did more good for this country in barely 4 years than 99% of POTUS’ in recent history! Also, he’s enthusiastic. He knows how to talk to people. He doesn’t act like a robot politician. He tells it like it is. Basically, President Trump is EVERYTHING Joe Biden isn’t.... That right there is why decent hard working Americans support President Trump.


He hasn't done much of anything except help himself and his cronies. That's the biggest mystery to me, he hasn't delivered any real benefit for his idiot worshippers. He's been great for the super rich and giving corporations a free hand. That's about it. Oh, and betraying US interests to adversaries like the Russians. And getting 300,000 and counting Americans killed by actively opposing any measure that could've kept the body count much lower.

But you're clearly one of those drones who parrots his exaggerations. I've done more in the last month alone than anyone else, ever, since the dawn of time! Riiiiiight. The truth is, Donald Trump has no vision and no legacy that will survive him. Demagogues don't speak to the future. When those of us who remember this piece of crap are gone, there will be no reason for anyone to care that he existed. He'll be the stuff of trivia questions.

Presidents like Lincoln and FDR made lasting contributions through their accomplishments that caused them to become great historical figures - this overgrown child who does nothing but rant and rage, strut and brag, while spending most of his time doing things other than his job, is certainly NOT in that category of Presidents who will be remembered for their great deeds. He's more like Herbert Hoover, a terrible administrator who started trade wars and made the Great Depression much worse than it needed to be. But not a lot of average Americans remember much about him ... as Trump will be virtually forgotten a hundred years from now.


If someone defends a person like #45, they weren't too smart to begin with. You can't argue with straight-up stupidity. Don't waste your time.


He knows how to talk to people? OMG!!!!


Yeah, he doesn’t need a hand up his ass moving his mouth like Howdy Doody Biden....



He knows how to talk at people ... and all about his favorite topic, himself. Does that count? 😳

He's got the bragging down. I've done things no one's even conceived of before! People are saying [whatever]. Translation: he's saying that. People is code for him. Leaders are calling me and saying [whatever]. No they're not. You know he didn't get a single call from anyone saying that.

He's good at whining and attacking too. We get to hear all about his daily grievances, who he's pissed at for some childish reason at the moment. Everyone who doesn't agree with him is an incompetent hack. Lying whoever. Losers all of them!

Yeah, I'm inspired whenever he speaks. Inspired to mute the volume. I thought George Dubya would be the stupidest man ever to occupy the Oval Office in my lifetime. Boy did I miss that call!


Trump makes Bush Jr. seem like a genius.


I had the same thought watching John McCain's memorial, where Obama and George W. both spoke. After a couple of years of Trump he comes across like a master statesman.


LMAO!, That prayer should be a sticky at the Donald Trump thread. 🤣


Hallelujah! Praise the Orange One!


I would guess about a dozen or so. Maybe fifteen.


I predict there will be 52. Yay, no more minority rule! 😳


52 is my answer too. Puerto Rico and D.C.


Puerto Rico has always refused the opportunity for full statehood.


The point is, the OP's premise that the number of states will somehow shrink is pure fantasy. Ain't no red state gonna decline the welfare they receive from the blue states, ahem.


Such an increased sized country will clearly require an expanded Supreme Court as well...! ;)


Something needs to be done about the court stacking. First we need control of the Senate though. And once Republicans can't use power grabs to keep control against the will of the majority, they'll actually have to change their policies and move away from the far right to compete for voters. You know, the way democracy is supposed to work.


Probably 51 after Puerto Rico joins. lol

