MovieChat Forums > Sam Elliott Discussion > Congratulations...Homophobe


Always respected this sexy, talented dude - until today. Elliot has revealed himself as a true homoohobic ass. On a recent podcast, Elliot denounced "The Power of the Dog" because, according to him the characters weren't real cowboys, but ""Chippendale dancers." He further criticized the film's "allusions to homosexuality", basically stating cowboys were never gay. Uh-uh.

This formerly cool actor is no longer cool, and at 77, now comes across like a bigoted, ignorant 90-something.

So sad to see this man's fall from grace.


I thought PotD was overrated but did he miss the scene where Sherlock was jerking it to magazines with naked men in them?


STFU, leftist. I'm sure he cares nothing about your idea of grace.


Settle down there tough guy. Go outside and away from the computer for a minute and maybe you wont get so triggered at every post you see


Lol! Triggered. Only you lunatic leftists get "triggered".


Not true stupid. Idiots on both sides get triggered. You are proof of that, cupcake. Leftist is your only insult haha. You need a break from sitting in front of a computer losing your mind and reading facebook conspiracies 24/7


And you proved my point. You're either a troll or a sock who will fade out soon. Good riddance.


Nice comeback. Stay triggered basement boy!!


Wow! Did you think that up all by yourself? "Leftists" completely sums it up. You are hopelessly lost and no amount of rational, cognizant discussion will ever change your illogical, farcical, ridiculous ideals. People like you are a blight on humanity.


Im not a leftist stupid. Thats your only insult because being a hardcore right wing nut consumes your whole life and identity. Anyone who disagrees with you is a leftist lol. Ive seen your facebook. Wasnt hard to track you down. So again step away from the computer, go up your moms basement stairs and go outside for a bit. Will do you a world of good sweetheart


Jeez! You're a liar. Tell me, what does my alleged facebook say?


Listen Incel, we both know how ridiculous your facebook page is. Maybe I'll dox it. Keep lusting after Lauren Boebert and Marjorie Taylor green. You racist POS. Your page is disgusting and im not even a democrat!!


Put up or shut up. Liar.


Hahaha bye bye incel loser


Congratulations on proving yourself a LIAR.


Congrats on proving yourself to be a triggered incel in his moms basement whose whole identity is wrapped up in screaming leftist all day to any one who disagrees with his white nationalist views. Keep talking loser and I will dox you. Keep it up incel


Do it, LIAR. I don't even have facebook. Who's the loser incel?


LOL, yes you do Adolf


Prove it. LIAR.


Wait for it sweetie


You're pathetic.


says the guy with no life other than screaming at people he doesnt agree with on the internet all day calling them all leftists cause they dont agree with him. You should seek help you are a psychopath. Ill start a gofundme to get you laid will change your world incel


do you still use the same email address?


No, but your car warranty will be expiring soon


I never have a car long enough for the warranty to run out. And at least i have one bus pass bitch


What's a "bus pass bitch"?


you suck dick for a bus pass, bitch


Alright junior, I'm bored with you. Enjoy 5th grade.


LOL, ya me too. Have good life screaming at people on the internet goof. Try and get a life, theres a whole world of people out there. You might even find an girl ugly enough to fuck you. Maybe help lessen your misanthropy and close mindedness. Later redneck incel


I don' scream at anyone. Ever.



Are you gay?

If so....Here's a little hint (to help you get through life....without your whiny, self-entitled, hollow empty labellings of percieved 'isms' and 'phobias')

No-one has to neither like, want, argree or even be bothered about you.....or your lifestyle.

At very best, try to be (first and foremost) likeable.....That way, people might just get along with you for *you* (and not just the sexual orientation you want to pigeonhole your entire existence around?)

Nobody (i repeat "NOBODY") needs to validate you or worry about your feelings.

Don't worry about what Sam Elliott (or anyone else) says about YOU (or your sexuality)

Now, be careful with your response.... Otherwise I may just label you a 'Heterophobe' (which, in all fairness holds about as much weight as your cries of 'homophobia'.....i.e, none.)


BOOM!! 💯


Amen! Oh it stings....


cringe idiotic post


Your 'username' is named after a 'cringe-idiotic-actor' (so go figure?)


What's wrong Leo, in between finding girlfriends 30 years younger than you?


LOL a username is triggering you soooo hard


The movie was overrated and an insult to actual great westerns like Unforgiven, Once Upon a Time In The West, The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly, etc. You’re a little pussy whose offended by everything. Fuck you


OP is not the one offended by a movie


Lol! Chippendale dancers. Hilarious!

If you can’t laugh at others who can you laugh at.


"Fall from grace"

He's not even really famous any more. He was in Tombstone which is like 30 years old, and The Big Lebowski sucked dog balls and is only liked by morons.

You're being overdramatic and a douchebag.


To this day Elliot has been a consistent working actor. Most recently he was in 1883, and he did that show The Ranch for several years up until fairly recently. Yes he's not as famous as he use to be, but he hasn't exactly been hiding in a cave the last 25 years either


Ooh get you duckie!!

Get over yourself you kunt


He hasn't fallen from grace.

He is still within grace.

Wonderful grace, all around Sam's glorious mustache.
