MovieChat Forums > Anthony Hopkins Discussion > Interview said he doesn't know or care i...

Interview said he doesn't know or care if his daughter has children

Apparently Hannibal Lector has been estranged from his daughter for over 20 years. The interview, related to a cheap video on Yahoo made Hopkins out to be a cold uncaring SOB, it sounded to me.

The quote was that people break up, families fall apart. Then he made some nitwit comment comparing his family to a play which got bad reviews because it was brutal, so the playwright said life is brutal.

Life is brutal because it is full of brutes for a lot of people, and a lot of parents turn out to be brutes to their children because they look at them not as people but as possessions.

Anyway, continually when I find out about the lives of actors and famous people, especially the hugely successful, I wish I had not spent money to enrich them because they almost always turn out of the phonies with good PR telling them to do stuff people would like to see them do in order to have a good image of them.

I can't help thinking that our world would be much better if we rewarded people for good acts, instead of acting good.


Read that article too, I've been a big fan of Hopkins ever since Silence of the Lambs and remember his daughter appearing in Remains of the Day and Shadowlands, so sad they fell out for whatever reason, your children are more important than your film career no matter how good it is.

He’s always had a certain sadness about him even before this but I hope they resolve their issues before it’s too late.


If I recall the child was the product of a marriage that ended when she was four years old. And she and her father had very little to do with each other from that time onwards.


It's his business actually, but since I am reading about it and he is making public statements, I just feel he is less of a man for this.


Well if that's the case I can empathize with his comments and feelings. I have a niece and a nephew that neither my brother or my side of the family haven't seen in decades because his ex-wife sued for sole custody and won but in exchange lost alimony because she refused to coordinate visitation and was in violation until she fled the country with her new beau.

Sometimes people are out of your life for so long all you can really do is let go and move on.


His human flaws reveals itself during his performances.


I dont' think it's smart to judge people without knowing for certain the details, and I don't think those are on display here. Maybe she screwed him over big time. Maybe she is a pervert. Maybe he's just a jerk. Maybe we just don't know.


All things being equal - a parent does not say this in public about their child - ever. There is no point, and no upside to it. I think he is an asshole.


Well can him for being honest.


"a parent does not say this in public about their child" - Where is this carved in stone?


Your mother's forehead.


Mount Sinai, right up there with the 10 commandments.


Fucking hell, I never thought I'd ever agree with you on anything.


What if the engineer that designed your phone was also a bad person? Would you not buy that phone to buy something else instead?

What if the person driving your bus is also a bad person? Would you not enter the bus, and walk to work instead?


Are you arguing in favor of and defending bad people? That's interesting. But maybe what you hit on is a bug in free-market capitalism in that it seems to bring out the worse behavior in people and reward the people who have the worst behavior. These endless arguments for the freedom to do bad things seem to be the fallback position of Republicans who defend moneymaking at all costs with no responsibility and paying no taxes.


You are a complete freak


I'm sure you're a shining example of someone who isn't a "bad person" has never done "bad things" in life, huh?


Who are you to judge if he is a bad person? You do not know the whole story. Maybe she said some terrible things to him and was unreasonably cruel and wants nothing to do with him. If you just analyze what he said and nothing else then, yes, he does look like the bad guy and maybe he is. Why do you always bring politics into the equation even if it has absolutely nothing to do with it. I guarantee you would love him if he was a liberal even if he was a sociopathic killer.
