MovieChat Forums > Leonardo DiCaprio Discussion > My theatre teacher said he was a bad act...

My theatre teacher said he was a bad actor

When I was in high school, my theatre teacher would bash his acting abilities all the time. I always found that appalling. I know a bad actor when I see one, and Leonardo in my opinion, definitely isn't one of them. He's one of my favorite actors. I think my theatre teacher was trippin.


You need to elaborate. What did this teacher point out?


He doesn't need to elaborate. Its clear his teacher is an assh0le and most likely just jealous. Leo is obviously one of the greatest actors to have ever lived.


She just claimed that his acting abilities were poor and unconvincing. Basically saying, he wasn't a good actor.


Did she have any ARGUMENTS?


Those who can do, those who can’t teach. Triple that for theater teachers.

Guess that teacher didn’t see What’s Eating Gilbert Grape. Outstanding acting by Leo.


I know, right?

How dare her! lol


I went to see that movie with a friend in the theatres when it came out....he thought Leo was genuinely mentally handicapped.


Yes, I thought the same when watching Titanic.


Gilbert was along time ago and Leo was very young and I have to wonder if he would take on this great a challenge at this point in his career.
I have nothing against Leo at all. I rather like and certainly admire him.
But if someone feels his acting isn't always convincing after watching his more current movies, it wouldn't upset me.
I'm not convinced Shutter Island or Inception are marvels of acting intensity by him, although I do like the movies themselves. Same with The Departed. He does fine, but I don't get the feeling he really has to stretch (so to speak) his talent to perform the part. He's just Leo.


He was absolutely awesome in The Departed. You really felt his frustration and fear. I think this was one of his best performances. Wolf of Wall Street has to be at the top of the list though.


Every highly accomplished person in the world has someone out there doubting their ability. it's just the way it is.


Yeah, but she said it with such spite. That one statement made me not trust her, especially as a theatre teacher.


"Your teacher's full of snot."
- Rocko's Modern Life, spoofing It's a Wonderful Life

If I were the principal, I would have fired her ass.


Yeah, based on a 1-sided anecdote from a very dodgy poster who cannot provide details. Brilliant call.


The teacher is a bitter and underachieving loser.


Agreed. I never liked her.


Teachers are more important to the world than actors are. Check yourself


Well, not bad teachers.


I did drama classes years ago and my teacher basically said the same thing about Mel Gibson. It was around the time Hamlet was released and the teacher almost gave himself a stroke ranting about how insulting it was for someone like Gibson to even think of touching Shakespeare. Even as a young person I could smell the sour grapes.


I’d have loved to have seen this teachers reaction to seeing Gibson in a kilt and Scottish accent for Braveheart 🤣🤣


Obviously some jealous loser who needs to be fired. I would love to eat that guys heart.


Anytime someone says that they just don't like the actor. I mean, really; DeCaprio is a bad actor? Ok.
