
Knish (1721)


What is he doing? The worst movie with the best cast? Your top 5 directors with your favourite films directed by them Films where the lead character is a loner and is pissed at the world. " a salute to women directors " the first 20 minutes were really good A director can never see his/her own movie. why did Walt and Jesse even think Tuco wanted to kill them? It's so cold outside! Who was the old guy at the end? View all posts >


Someone doesn't understand the definition of literally. Go on holiday I know it's easy to make fun of charlie sheen now, but after platoon and wall street he could have been more selective which roles to choose. Speed had an impact when it came out. People don't talk about it much now. Most of those people will see it. Le doulos, I pretty much love all jean pierre melville crime films. I liked it as well. It dragged a little in the middle though. But still pretty cool flick. Because it's awesome. That was sort of the point, like the opening of the film said, it was the last Phone booth in manhattan and was about to be torn down. Crash pad made me laugh a lot, I was surprised by it, never heard of it. View all replies >