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Should I send my old middle-school best friend a Facebook friend request?

So I finally found my old best friend's FB page. Every once in a while I like to look up people I used to know. For some reason, this guy never came up whenever I searched him before. We were like brothers from grade 6 until I moved away at the end of 8th grade. I have always wondered what happened to him. I found him yesterday and I was going to send him a friend request, but then I started reading his posts.

We were both Dungeons & Dragons nerds and outcasts back then, but the guy is now a neurotic, fragile mess of a pothead, unemployed, lives with roommates, is into all these weird fringe-geek activities, whines all the time about his plight, and just is, in general, a shambolic wreck. He's in his 40s and he's still living the life of someone in their early 20s with absolutely no direction or motivation.

My responsible, married-with-kids suburban lifestyle is totally different from his and I decided reconnecting would just be awkward and upsetting for both of us. I don't want to judge the guy, but his lifestyle and attitude seem toxic and I would not want to be exposed to that, even at a distance online.

Am I being a jerk? Would you friend this guy if you were in my shoes?


How do you know so much about him if you've had no contact?



From reading his Facebook posts from the past year or two. Like I said in my post above. He seems very eager to share details of his life with anyone who cares to look at his FB page. Talks about his pot habit, his roommates picking on him, his lack of a job, his pagan religion, his gaming, his bad health, how women hate him, etc. etc.


> He seems very eager to share details of his life with anyone who cares to look at his FB page. Talks about his pot habit, his roommates picking on him, his lack of a job, his pagan religion, his gaming, his bad health, how women hate him, etc. etc.

Dude sounds like a psychic vampire. Stay clear.


I have had some very bad experiences with psychic vampires. I was basically the obedient slave of a female one for ten years before I threw off her hold and met my wife. My sister more-or-less lost her life due to the influence of a psychic vampire on her. I think the point you have made is the clincher for my decision to leave well enough alone.




No mention of everlasting love for The Irishman and Prometheus. Not him.


Okay then. The decision has to be yours.



Yeah, I am pretty sure his problems are beyond my capabilities to help him and he would only drag me down.


As I said, the choice is yours.



His former involvement in Dungeons and Dragons made me want to say 'hell yeah contact him' but the rest of his baggage seems awkward...It's probably best to just hang out with your wife and kids👍

DnD btw...great times, I was Dungeon Master in my neighborhood lol, I may be too proud of this🤪


I think you are right about this guy. My gut instinct tells me to leave it alone.

I loved playing real, table-top D&D. I play a lot of computer role playing games, but it never really comes close to live gaming around the table with your buds. I haven't played real D&D now in almost 25 years except the abortive time I tried to teach my son and his cousin. It was 2 years ago when they were 12 and the session lasted about 30 minutes before they got bored and went off to play video games. One of my bucket list items is to play real D&D at least once more before I fail my saving throw against death.


It was such a great game...a few good pals, some snacks and the whole nerd-bubble of comic book and heavy metal band chatter around us😁
Great times

I still have all of my modules and manuals from 35 years ago


I have most of my old stuff, too, out in the garage. My wife doesn't like my 'smelly old game books' in the house, so I downloaded PDFs of most of the manuals and modules and Dragon mags and every now and then I look at them and remember... Wow... The fun we could have back then with dice and lead figures and some rules. Better than Skyrim and all the other computer games combined.


Oh yes, I remember the tiny pewter/lead figures, I had boxes of them...My attempts at painting them were pretty dismal but fun


Yes! I’ve got boxes too. What were some of your favorite modules?


My favorites were the G series Against the Giants. I also liked that Slave Pits series. I forget the actual name of it. We spent most of our gaming time in dungeons we made up ourselves. We would take turns as DM and we never really sustained a single campaign for too long. The commercial module we used most was a Judges' Guild publication: The City State of the Invincible Overlord. We had some wild times in that town!


I remember both. We played the Giants series too and I think the last one was particularly hard. I think the name of one of them in the Slavers series was Slave Pits of the Undercity. There was a whorehouse in one of the towns and under one of the beds was the four that led to the catacombs. I hope I’m remembering it correctly. Lol


No, I wouldn’t.
I don’t need that sh*t....and neither do you.


I wouldn't.


All Time Queen Fail #4 and #5

[–] QueenFanUSA (2968) 3 years ago

With Thor Ragnarok opening above $120 million, it's almost certain that Justice League will open way above $120 million. $ 150-160 is probably where this will end up and even higher with stellar reviews.

Lol You spent Months guaranteeing JL was "RED HOT" coming off Wonder Woman and would open over 150 M+

In the end, on the weekend JL opened, Your Predictions MOVED From 150 M+ to 133 M+(at least as much as Suicide Squad).........

[–] QueenFanUSA (2968) 3 years ago

Calm down...we won't even have actual numbers until tomorrow. This is going to do at least as well as Suicide SQuad which was hated by most critics but made major BANK.




Then Your Prediction changed from 133 M+ to "Its at least coming in over 115 M+"

Then You Changed from 115 M+ to "Its for sure still coming in over 100 M+"

Then finally The last thing you said was "It got a nice Sunday Bump going from the 91 Million + reported to 93 Million that was final"....then you Literally disappeared and avoided the board for 5 days only to come back and claim "JL is a real crowd pleaser that Will leg out over thanksgiving"

just Epic Fails here!


Sounds like you two went in entirely different directions. Leave it alone.


Hell no, stay away from FB - it's the biggest waste of time I can imagine.




i can't remember most of the people from grade 6.
