MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > Do you hold back from online posting due...

Do you hold back from online posting due to the threat of work finding out your opinions?

You can get fired these days for things you say online.


Ofc. if you say your boss is jerk, asshole you can get fired. You insult your boss in public WTF do you expect? As for your political views, that's your freedom to talk


For the life of me I don't understand why people feel it's necessary to post anything personal on social media where their identity is public.

Posting on boards like this is fine, but there are a bunch of nasty people out there right now just waiting to pounce on people with opposing political views.


For the life of me I don't understand why people feel it's necessary to post anything personal on social media where their identity is public.

Likewise. I've never understood people putting all their personal information on Facebook. Are they trying to impress or just looking for attention? πŸ™„

Personally, I've never used my real name or any identifying information on any message board in 20 years online. I have nothing to hide. I'm just a private person.


If your political views can be seen as 'homophobic, racist, anti-diversity etc' you can find yourself fired.


Not if you are your own boss. 😎



No because I'm nice like that.


That's why I have never mentioned where I work on social media.


I have no social media, though I get along very well with my bosses and the other workers so I'd probably not encounter any work trouble
This is the only place I ever post these days


I have a Facebook account that sends me updates on football and sled dog racing. I don't post anything personal on it. I keep think about closing it but I do like the sports updates.
I also have posted on Cruise Critic for about 25years.

Nothing else


I'm not on social media either, and this is one reason why. Yes, people have been fired from jobs for posting contreversial political views, People who have gained a tiny bit of prominence have also been attacked for old posts, like stupid shit they posted as teens or college students, because there are people out there who like to hate and attack others, and who really will spend hours digging through old shit just for the chance to find something they can cherry-pick and use to "prove" you're a horrible human being.

And I know that my boss likes to follow everyone on social media, and screw that, plus my job involves me in difficult and emotional situation and I can't talk about anything at work online - EVER. So that's a big chunk of my life I can't talk about due to confidentiality issues, and it wouldn't be sensible to post political stuff with my boss and co-workers and the general public watching, and my job does have the possibility of making me the target of someone unstable.

So if I can't talk about work, politics, or where I am and what I'm doing... what the hell do I have for content? Bird photos? Bragging about shopping like some people do, when I get most of my clothes at thrift stores?


All good reasons to avoid social media


Plus social media is inherently toxic, what with the spyware and social engineering and dangerous or crazy groups forming echo chambers and encouraging each other to get violent.

My aversion is partly personal, but not entirely.


It certainly seems like a lot of nutballs have mastered the use of social media in the last decade or so...conspiracy types, jihadists, neo-nazis and assorted harmless oddballs like flat earthers have all found a way to meet like minded sorts

I'll stay away!


I hold back opinions in general. If I criticize Trump, people will think I'm a Hillary or Biden supporter. If I say I hate K-pop, I'll get accused of being racist. If I say Greta Gerwig isn't that great of a director, I'll get accused of hating women.


My point exactly. Regardless of what you post or say there is someone somewhere who will be offended. It's past the point of ridiculous, but that's the way it is now.

True freedom of speech no longer exists.


It's strange because no one likes it when it happens to them, but they do it to other people.


Offended is the (not so) new black.


You hate K-pop??? Wtf???


Hate isn't a strong enough word. It's more of "despise".


And this is why I despise you, because you use the word "hate" an awful lot in your threads and posts. That's very telling to me.


That's because I don't know how to spoke good English.


No, it's because you're really the misanthrope you claimed to be a long time ago.


What use is it to say you despise Joes for an obvious offhanded and joking comment?


What use is it to try and talk sense with you? All one has to do is to look at his posting history and see an obvious pattern.


You don't need to talk sense with me, I get the feeling you despise me tooπŸ˜„

But that seemed a fairly harmless exchange between two posters that you chose to jump into with an angry tone...seems you have a pattern tooπŸ˜‰


You bet I do.

He can consistently talk hate but if I criticize that pattern, I'm the angry one. Got it. You've been hell bent on using that strategy to mischaracterise me ever since I told you to piss off.




not really. i definitely hate the culture of twitter mobs and online pile-ons that have wrecked more than a few people's lives (jon ronson's book is a very good resource on this). & i certainly have posted and will post things in the future that could bring internet wrath down on me.

if i was younger, & didn't have the career options and overall stability that i do now, i'd likely be much more cautious. but at this point, if my job turfed me because of my twitter feed, i'd probably have a fairly indifferent fu attitude in response.


Good comments here, damo.


I do not hold back from post what I wish to post, but honestly I don't think that I post anything that would get me fired. If a company were to let me go because of what is on my social media, they aren't a company I should be working for.
