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Do you think there's going to be a civil war in USA soon?

Should be an interesting spectacle. I'm across the border in Canada.


Nahhh, the government just needs to rally us all against some foreign bad guy and we’ll all be happy again. 🙄


Blame Canada!!

It worked for South Park


Get the pitch forks and torches ready Shogun!


I just realized all this time that his username is "Shogun". I thought it was "Shotgun", lol.


Wait? It’s not Shotgun? Lol Shotgunofyonkers has a nice ring to it.


Exactly what I thought. What is "Shogun"?


A Japanese warlord.


That's kewl.


I've been wondering about that, too. Everyone is becoming so polarized, plus you are beginning to see more incidents that involve violence. The social media has a lot to do with it, allowing the rapid dissemination of radical ideas. Over-dependence on electronic gadgets is causing people to become more self-centered, dumbed-down and lazy.

If this current trend isn't reversed, the idea of a civil war or the American Revolution 2.0 isn't too far-fetched.

How are things going in Canada?


Everything here in Canada is pretty mellow for the most part. Although, many people hate Trudeau. I think he's doing a decent job handling the pandemic thus far. Especially compared to 45.

I agree with you on the social media aspect of it. I just stop watching the news nowadays. It's always something new every couple of months.


Ish. A lot of cities will be going under Marshal Law as unrest continues to spin out of control. As we grow closer to election, deep state will start unleashing their private armies. And we'll have a full blown phantom menace shitshow going down. Fate of the future and the world will be decided very soon.


There ain't gonna be no new Gettysburg type stuff going down. With ports being taken over and controlled by rival factions and armies are moved around the map like a giant game of RISK. It won't be anything like the old days.


It's pretty much liberals fighting among themselves. The governments in majority Democratic cities have enabled these riots and they won't acknowledged they created this problem. I'm not doing anything unless I'm threatened in my neighborhood.


Exactly. The funny things with these Libs is you will never be Woke enough to make them happy. They are bound to fight each other.


ohio feels different through my eyes, but not sure if it's enough to go blue in november


There already was a second Civil War but then Iron Man and Captain America made up


Only after an intense threesome with Bucky.


Talk about a third wheel...Bucky didn't even chip in on the bar tab


I guess we're celebrating the civil war by having another one.


Why would one celebrates a civil war anyway.


What's civil about war anyway?


War. What is it good for?


I sure hope not. It's sad seeing the USA descend into anarchy. Many Americans it seems are delusional. They don't seem to see just how well off they are. As well many Americans I think as well as non Americans, don't realize what the world would be like if the USA seized to exist. Then the two most powerful countries would be Russia and China. Two countries with some of the worst human rights atrocities on record. And it's obvious that CNN news has it out for Donald Trump. So many are blaming him, even though I'm convinced he's done plenty for the country trying to make it better.


It’s all tied to George Soros and the Deep State. These people profit from the chaos.


How many Russians post here? It's bizarre seeing people say tump has done well for the US people.


Also, USA won't seize to exist anytime soon.


I'm only rushin' when they call last orders at the bar.


Nah. The very idea of it is only the result of political football. The whole "Us vs Them" thing has been around forever. It is getting pushed harder currently so it only seems worse. Motivate via hate is nothing new.
