MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > Do you think there's going to be a civil...

Do you think there's going to be a civil war in USA soon?

Should be an interesting spectacle. I'm across the border in Canada.





Only if Orange Baffoon gets re-elected and continues his BS.


I love how you didn't mention him by name as to avoid trouble from the moderators on this board.


No, I've been name-calling him since the day he got elected! And others on this board know very well that I'm referring to him!


He is a man of strength, courage, honor and valor.


You mean Donald Duck?? I agree! He's an adorable funny little fella whose been bringing joy to children for many generations at Disneyworld.


What are your thoughts on the "orange buffoon's" wife?


I don't pay that much attention to her because she seems boring and uninteresting!

I don't care much about her but I do wish her and her family would get the hell out the White House.


I think she's hot. A 'MILF' like you kids would say.


"Hot" doesn't mean likable! She's boring and uninteresting. She's only famous b/c of her husband whose only famous b/c of he inherited billions from his parents.

He's a male version of Kim Kardashian and Melania is the female version of Scott Disick (Kourtney's ex boyfriend).


Well, duh, how many First Ladies would be famous if they weren't married to the President?

Ya really think you would have heard of Michelle Obama otherwise?

Interesting that you admit you've been "name-calling" him since the day he got elected. Way to go! Very few people like to admit outright that they are so childish!

And since the day he got elected? So that was before he even took office? Nice open mind you have there! NOT!!

WHO is Scott Disick? Why do you keep up with those silly Kardashians?


How would you even know who Scott Disick is? You clearly keep up with them yourself to know who he is. I haven't seen that show in like over 5 years.

-Name calling? Kind of like what hypocritical republicans do to Joe Biden. What was it again? "creepy Joe", "sleepy Joe", "grandpa Joe", something about hairy legs. Oh! And calling Democrats, "sheep". That's right! I have an awsome memory.

There you go again! Responding to topics that have nothing to do with you! Don't start whining and crying that I insulted you and attacked you this time. You're nosy and clearly stocking me! It's quite hilarious. *eats popcorn


Wow, the sky's the limit on the heights your dumbness can reach! I only "know" Scott Disick's name because YOU said it in the post right BEFORE mine! Duh! I'm proud to say I've never watched a single episode of those silly, spoiled rich people. You are shedding brain cells faster than a dog sheds its coat in summer.

I'm "nosy". Yes I DO admit it's "nosy" to read comments posted on a public thread in a public forum! Ha!

You justify your silly name calling because some Republicans call Biden names? Is that what you 'teach' the little minds in your care?"
"Yes children, if your behavior is bad, ALWAYS be sure to point out someone else's bad behavior as an excuse for yours."

Responding to topics that have nothing to do with ME? And what does this topic have to do with you? That is unless you are planning to join in a civil war after you've finished looting.

And what does Melania Trump have to do with YOU? Are ya pen pals? Eric56 says she's a MILF. I doubt anyone would interested in the F part of that abbreviation with YOU considering your bitter, nasty personality. Not to mention that it would probably be an assault on the ear drums to listen to you talk.

I'm "stocking" you? haha You mean I've been pelting you with pantyhose? The only thing that's hilarious is how you freak out over criticism. LOL Get over yourself.


So you admit it!! Republicans are just as childish as they say democrats are. Hense you admit that you're a hypocrite lol.

You can't expect one side to exhibit name calling and EXPECT the other side to just keep quite. People are going to fight back and point out flaws too.

The day people like you stop mocking Democrats and their nominees, we will stop doing the same. What goes around comes around! That's the way life is, even in the real world.

I'm not sure what my teaching job has to do with this. I didn't know this moviechat board was a professional setting.

I'm assuming you taught your students it's ok to go around calling each other dumb and make fun of each other. That's NOT what professional people do! Good leaders speak politely to others. That's a skill you tend to severly lack. If I was your supervisor, I'd require you to take a course on manners and dealing with people and show proof that you passed your exam! You must have been that unpopular teacher that kids hated and would talk trash about.


"HENSE" LOL, it's spelled hence. Hence, I cannot take a dope like you seriously who tries to open with a fancy word and f#cks up the spelling! HA! (I know it's a big ONE syllable word, but do try to keep up!)
Good gosh if I didn't have so much fun calling you out on your ignorance, I'd ignore you altogether, just like your fellow Democrats have apparently done.

Admit WHAT? I said that some Republicans call Biden names and so you justify your preschool antics by saying, "Well they do it too!"

"That's the way life is, even in the real world"??? As opposed to WHAT, what world? The fantasy world you live where you think you actually make sense and think that people perceive you as an adult?

Apparently trying to make an intelligent point with you is like trying to teach the dumbest dog in the world how to fetch. He just won't go for it.

Once again, I said this before (obviously your anger addled brain forgot), I don't mock Democrats. I mock YOU for all your dimwit comments.

You assume I told my students to call each other dumb and make fun of each other? Are there NO limits to your ASS-anine assumptions?? Guess not. I tried to lead by example. I chastised some students for bullying or tattling. Of course you'd never want to believe that and that's okay.. I realize to you that I MUST be evil so you can justify your anti-social, toddler tendencies! Inferior people must attack others to feel superior and you're about as inferior as it gets. LOL

You deftly deflect what I said. I asked you first if you instruct children to MAKE EXCUSES for their crappy behavior. If someone else does it they can excuse themselves with, "YOU DID IT TOO!

A course on manners, talking politely, etc. Sounds like a course that you really missed (or flunked.. whatever).

I know you'd rather die than believe me, but sorry to burst your bubble. I was one of the most popular subs! I was nice to the kids, didn't yell, had fun with them, taught them well ... I've run into former students of mine and they tell me I was their favorite sub.

I know you'd rather stick glass shards in your eyes than accept that as the truth. But it's true and I don't need your approval.


Matilda and her "awsome memory"..... LoL Too bad she can't remember how to spell awesome!

I've known coma patients with better memories.


I don't know what spelling has to do with memory. And I don't know why that matters on a god damn forum.


Well you WOULDN'T since you can't spell and your memory is from sh@t! LOL

But I remember in grade school when we had to study and memorize our spelling words! Didn't they teach you that at whatever third world teacher college you attended?


Very few people like to admit outright that they are so childish!

I beg to differ , have a look at the polictics board.
Theres not a single post that when referring to the side they dont like doesent twist the name of the person and/or party into some forced childish totally unfunny pun.


Yeah I agree! They DO it. But they don't admit it!

In Matilda's case, she admits that she's been "name-calling" the President since the election. I ask you sincerely, what mature adult ADMITS to such childish playground behavior?


You're not making any sense. People don't need to ADMIT to anything for it to be noticed.

A serial killer can be seen stabbing someone in broad daylight and they never admit it! But you still know she/he is a killer even if they lie about it. Common sense!


Your splitting hairs, if you write someting in a forum thats recorded under your name, your 'admitting' writing whatever you wrote.

especially if its the *thousndth* time you've referred to Mr. Trump as T.Rump , or "the orange baboon" or whatever


To take your analogy further:
A serial killer standing in court saying "i'm not doing this" while stabbing a policeman in front of the judge , jury , gallery and cctv - is pretty meaningless


Matilda---Well I ADMIT you are a dumpkof of the highest order! LOL It's the only thing that you excel at apparently.

You admit to doing childish nonsense and you wave your banner of foolishness proudly.

I do make sense. You just can't understand it. It's not my fault.

Trying to make sense to you is like plugging a lamp into a wall socket in a house where there is no electricity. The bulb AINT gonna light up because there's no power.

In a nutshell, your brain, power turned off.


... And don't compare serial killers to yourself. They are much more clever than you are Matilda.
I've read about many of them, from Big Ed Kemper to Ted Bundy and none of them were dumb enough to attack their victims in public in BROAD DAYLIGHT and with an audience yet!. lol That's what makes them so successful at the "serial" part.

They think things through, unlike you who skedaddles through your world of stupid at warp speed in a public forum.


Oh hi stalker how are you? No life huh? Lmfao. You don't know a single thing about being clever.


Fine , how are you? Hope you are doing well.

But how's your paranoia fueled life going? Someone responds to your posts and they are stalking you? I bet the mail carrier coming to your door every day sends you into fits of terror! haha (He's here AGAIN!)

How many of your last few brain cells did you have to use to come up with that "clever burn"? Ouch! LOL

I wasn't trying to be clever. I was once again pointing out the illogic of your utterly inane comparisons.

What made you compare your behavior with the idea of a serial killer committing murder in public in front of witnesses? That is the dumbest 'analogy' I ever heard of!

My initial post was to point out that, unlike serial killers who are far more clever and DON'T commit crimes in front of a crowd(!) (sheesh), YOU publicly admit to constant insults and name calling. Like some child, you are PROUD of your bad behavior! Very few people take pride in being so stupid.

Yes, bad behavior is noticed. But you're one of the rare ones who thinks it makes you cool! Again dumpkof.




Yes. And whoever wins will then go up and take over Canada.


Well, that's just not gonna happen.


Dont be too sure....
I recieved a PSA about "please dont cross the Canadian border illegally".
The fact that it said 'please', makes me lol.


Could be. Won't be between Democrats and Republicans though. It will be between the rich and the poor.


Or between blacks and whites like Charles Manson visioned ('HELTER SKELTER').


No. What would this civil war even look like? Crazy talk imo.


Actually there has been one going on since Election Night 2016.

When the losing side refuses to acknowledge or accept the results of a free and open presidential election, and then begins trying to overturn the results by illegal spying, wire tapping, phony dossiers, phony impeachment, subversion, a deep state, "resistance", 24/7 attacks on the elected president, and other sinister means, THAT, my friend is a Civil War!

Hell! Nixon was forced to RESIGN because of an illegal bugging. The Democrats totally got away with one!

