MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > FYI PEOPLE THERE ARE BOTS AMONG US


I’ve been here since the beginning but don’t post on a regular basis.

Just know bots when I seem them and so...



If the robot can past the Turing would be kind of cool!


Are you referring to the obnoxious 'buy a fake passport or code here' posts which always contain a dizzying amount of crap you can't read through?

The Mods do a good job of nuking those jagoffs within minutes


I report them as soon as I see them. The mods deal with them pretty swiftly.


Good on 'ya Andy...That was my Aussie accent ... I don't know if it was very convincing😬

That's not a knife, THIS is a knife!


You know, I actually read it in an Australian accent 😲


I've got my leather man-titty vest on and so of course I fooled you lol


Don’t forget the obligatory can of beer in your hand.


No problem there😃


Sliánte! 🍻


Bots, trolls, and socks. Welcome to the internet.


👋'These are not the droids you're looking for'


Bots, trolls, and socks

Oh My!


Lions, Tigers and Bears never seemed less frightening!


We should make an internet song that goes viral and get our youtube money. 😉


How do you tell?


By looking at what certain users respond to. You see patterns. Bots show up when certain issues are discussed. Of course I could be wrong in my hunches, but I’ve proven myself correct many times on Twitter bc I follow a bot finder who tweets the findings and I end up saying I KNEW IT!

One indication though is that the bots,,, you know what? If I say it, I’ll be feeding them intel, lol.


I am trying to find information on this ... real information, not just someone's feeling.

How do you think they work?

Why do you think that someone who has worked in a bot-factory, or whatever they are called has not come forward and spilled their secrets to the press, or why the press has not written really any stories that say anything useful about these bots?

We hear that the Pentagon has bot-nets where one person can control hundreds of fake bot accounts ... so perhaps it is classified as a military secret, but as you seem to indicate, and I agree with you, the bots are threat to all of us.

On any one particular person they might work or not, but statistically over millions of Americans - they do work. Just like any one violent TV show is not going to have much effect on a single person, but over time the pervasiveness of violence and murder on TV makes America one of the most violent Western developed societies ever.

So ... If you have information on where to find out about this ... please reply or message me. I am very interested in this subject. Thank you.


It’s hunches brux, and that’s all there is to it from me.

But isn’t that what the bots don’t have??

What else is it that they don’t have that we do??

Don’t make me spell it out for you.



HOT, except for the machine gun boobs which are very scary and a turnoff !


careful or the OP will attack you for innocuous statements like that


I managed to survive that poster's last savage attack but only barely😆


Oh jeez, I remember that now 😬


I still have a shiner!


I think you were commenting on how fun the ladies are in here and then it took on a life of its own and hit warp factor 9.


Yeah, that got weird fast😆!


Collateral damage right here.


We're all lighting a candle in church hoping Storm
Charlotte doesn't come blasting through again😃

I think I'm a horrible sexist pig according to the OP😆...It was one of the funnier recent exchanges


She was like a bat, caught in my hair


It takes ALL kinds to make the world spin😆!


So all bots are automatically male unless specified as fem?? ;)


Yes, us dudes made the entire internet And ALL robots...wanna fight about it😬




Oh don't tempt me love...I'm playing with fire and about to get burned😳


Oh it’s fine. I don’t think she’s into confrontation at all😬
I’m kinda in the mood to internet fight. I dicked on somoanjoes for it the other day, but now I need his guidance. Internet gangsta yo!😂


Actually, froggy, she's a lot like you, or are you being facetious? She's a smart, feisty, perceptive lady that can hold her own in a squabble.

I've had some enjoyable conversations with her on a certain board here and I really feel she's getting a bad rap because of that particular thread. But it showed me that the mob mentality is still alive and well here, and just as vicious as ever.


I appreciate you standing up for her. I was more just joking with Yonkers because I’m a troublemaker, but she was going hard on a thread the other day and called Yonkers a bully which I thought seemed silly. You’re right though, I don’t know her or her experiences. Either way, I don’t have a problem with her. If you mean the internet fight comment, I had a completely different person in mind. As always, I appreciate your blunt honesty and opinion.


Also, thanks for saying such nice things about me! Made me feel good.☺️


Like you've said repeatedly, I tell it like it is. I'm also appreciative when that quality is acknowledged. It's been quite awhile now. There were a couple of original, very good posters here that did so also but unfortunately, they're long gone.

I'm glad to see that you and Vastuntitled have had a change of heart towards her. She deserves some objectivity.


Is there a reason for concern? What harm can they do?


You come across a turtle flipped on its back in the middle of the desert. What do you do?



I have never been in that situation, so I'm not sure. I like Dalton's answer below.
I still don't understand what that has to do with bots on here.


Actually I kinda messed it up. I should have said:
You are walking through the desert and suddenly you come across a turtle. You flip it onto its back. The turtle lays on its back, its belly baking in the hot sun, beating its legs, trying to turn itself over but it can't, not without for your help. But you're not helping. Why is that?


See now, this is where you are wrong. I would not do that to a turtle. Turtles are nice little animals.
And I still dont see what that has to do with bots.


You passed the test.


The potential for harm would be that they are there to inorganically influence public perception to further an agenda of a powerful entity. It’s a form of thought control.


So they’re robots that give generic responses to push someone else’s agenda and control our thoughts?




Hmm. If public perception is so easily influenced, I would think that should be a bigger concern than some bot.
I do want one of those roomba vacuums though.



I have the does fuck all and is a total idiot (it constantly gets stuck under the couch, sucks up the edges of the carpet and chokes out, falls down stairs...It's certainly no R2D2!)

Great waste of a buck fifty:/


A buck fifty?... I would’ve done it for some chili dogs and an hour with your record collection uncle shogie....don’t worry, no sticky fingers here, records returned in top shape!


My Vinyl collection MUST remain in top shape...having stated that you are free to borrow whatever you like...I trust you


The bot is just a soldier for the powerful so it would be a concern as a component.


Yes but what do you think about roomba? I’m getting mixed reviews on it.


Sounds like an expensive gadget that will get stuck in corners and under furniture and drive the dogs nuts. They will probably demolish it.


👍appreciate it. Zoomba is out, fainting goat is in.


And I heard the Segue is no more.


You mean you don’t want to discuss fainting goats with me?


That doesn't worry me much. I'm not particularly concerned about the opinions of random strangers on the internet.


Sounds like a good policy.


You have reached an erroneous conclusion as you organics commonly do. There is no empirical data to suggest that sentient artificial intelligences are present. ERR-ROR! ERR-ROR! DOES NOT COMPUTE. BEEEEEEEEEEE-EWWWWWWWWWWWP...


Is this from Alien?


No, its just from a generic robot.


The War against the 'bots is totally on!!
'Service Means Citizenship!'

Sorry, I just watched Starship Troopers the other night😬


Now they're picking a fight against robots instead of bugs? Bellicose bumpkins!


If The Bugs and The 'Bots team up we are totally screwed!

They will sell us all bogus passcodes and tear us in half


Sorry to sound ignorant, but what’s a BOT and what purpose do they serve?


Oh, it's simply short for Robot like 'Droid' is short for Android...apologies dear Queen, I just happen to be a big goofball;)

Sometimes my little quips don't land, I'm working on that😙


You’re a goofball? I rely on mc to teach me the ways of the interweb!
Your gal Charlotte explained the purpose of these bots. Something about mind control and such.


Was that as a result of me mentioning it on the cheesy film thread the other day, lol?


I think so, it's really quite a good movie!

Violent action sequences, shower boobs, Neil Patrick Harris dressed like a fascist...



I love the fact that some people completely miss the satire and just think it’s a shoot em’ up flick.


He directed a few good ones but this was Verhoevan at his finest


Hello Miss Charlotte, I’m not expecting you to call out anything on a open forum like MC — don’t want to poke the bogeyman — but do you have any clues or inside info you can share? Or is this a takes-one-to-know-one type of thing, i.e. are you a bot, have they infiltrated your power source, a Manchurian candidate-type thing?...

Also, did you ever find that unknown 80s actress you were asking about a few weeks ago?

Cheers!...or not...


boogeyMAN? a woman can't boogey??!?!?!


Hahahaha!...fixed it...or are you referring to gender?


I'm referring to the gender (in jest) since the OP always goes there at the slightest perceived opening.


Oh shyt, lol....forgot about that, good call...

Get some!


Haha! I actually do have a sort of rhyme and reason to accompany my hunches, which have been proven correct many times on Twitter by a bot finding account I follow over there but I’m not always proven right that I know of.

That said, if I give you the rhyme and reason I’ll be feeding intel to the bot designers. Sure, it’s all conspiracy oriented, but look at history. The belief that the earth revolves around the sun was also a conspiracy theory that speaking about could be punishable by death, so...

And no, I’m not a bot. I do have an idea of one bot around here but I have to go back and check.

And yes! Stratego found her: Dana Wheeler-Nicholson.


Yeah, that stratego is a diligent soldier in the fight for peace...

I didn’t think you were a bot, Miss Charlotte, I suppose my natural skepticism heightened when a poster came along and started claiming to know of a bot presence...I’m not too concerned, they can’t be any more bothersome than some of the posters that already mess around here at General, the politics board, that’s something else....I seldom post anything over there, bunch of savages hanging out there, I’m too into the world that already exists in my head to have it filled with the diatribes from the dregs of an unreasonable and vicious alternate other words, those MFers are friggin’ nuts over there, pardon my Swahili....

Take care, sister in the struggle, I wish you luck....

Get some bey-beh!


Ahahaha! I love it!

Oh I know all about that Politics board. I used to engage but I chose sanity just like you did.

You couldn’t have said it better: the dregs. That’s what you get when you get too invested in the stuff you care about and try to have meaningful discussions on the internet about them. It’s almost impossible, given human nature and the ugliness that anonymity brings out in people.

And yes, my OP was rather dramatic, lol. You called me on it and I own it. I do think there is at least one bot and I’ll look at it more. I promise to be honest and say so if I change my mind and decide I was wrong.

One hint: Tim thought I was accusing him of being a bot because we disagreed. However, the exchange that we had made it very, very clear to me that Tim is not a bot. Not that I ever thought he was. I didn’t.

That’s a pretty big hint!


Timmy hardcore-since-74? Nah, he’s cool as far as I can tell...I couldn’t even guess the, trolls, that why I like MC, there’s some real bangers here that make trolls slink out of here in shame once they’re exposed....or we just have fun with them until their aims backfire in their face, disgusted, dejected, covered in shame as they leave...


Lmao! Haha! Yeah, I’ve been around here enough from time to time to see the trolls exposed.

Is Thrillhouse still around? I remember mentioning something he had said back on the Cosby thread when the sexual assault trial was going down and EyeDef exposed him as an incel, lol. I had never even heard of such a thing. It was scary. But I think shortly after that he started a bunch of sock accounts.

And I’m not saying Tim is not cool or anything. I get hot under the collar when I’m told by the world that I’m less than because I’m a woman and that I don’t get to define myself or say that women’s spaces and things that are for women are not for men. He and I don’t see eye to eye. He seems more pro trans. I have nothing against him. Not for nothing though, once he understands that he is a bigot according to the trans community because he is not attracted to nor would ever consider a trans identifying woman who has a fully female body as a potential sexual partner, he may end up changing his tune.


Wow, that’s a lot....the trans issue, that’s tricky, many people still need time to process its existence in modern times, and it’s possible for some that they never will properly process’s relatively new in terms of openness, lots of society haven’t been exposed to I said, it’s a tough one, I’m not exactly the standard bearer for acceptance though I’m not anti trans, I’m just not familiar or won’t pretend to know what it’s like or the issues that particular community has to deal with.....and I’ve had transgender customers at my former business, but it doesn’t make me an expert....I’m almost ashamed to admit this, but my acceptance and evolving understanding of their plight was aided, this is embarrassing, for me, not them...but Orange is the New Black, I binged on 2 or 3 seasons, I love Laverne Cox...I’m know it sounds stupid, but her portrayal was an impetus for my ever-evolving views on the matter....movies like Lelio’s A Fantastic Woman, a film in which I was genuinely moved and had an impact on me, helped too ...I hope I don’t come off like a dolt, just being truthful...



Thanks for sharing all of that, Vast.

There’s no shame in what influences you. Pop culture has its benefits, exhibited in the case of Dear John. If that gal hadn’t been a hardcore fan of Walking Dead she’d be dead.

I haven’t seen that show or movie. I will seek them out but I live humbly and don’t have access to everything.

I suspect the shows you mentioned are pro trans.

I have nothing against anyone who wishes to live their life any way they see fit. But when women’s rights are being infringed upon, I take issue.
