MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > Why aren’t girls turned on by male nudit...

Why aren’t girls turned on by male nudity?

Every single girl I’ve ever talked to has said they find penises ugly and that they absolutely HATE receiving dick pics. If it’s some fat old man or an unattractive guy I totally get it, but how can they not only not find the nude male form attractive but are actually grossed out by it? Makes no sense.


Says who?

You’re talking to the wrong girls.


99.9% of girls under 30, it’s not just girls I’m talking to either it’s widely talked about all over the internet


I guess I must have a pretty penis.


THIS comment made me LOL!!

Let's agree to not mention your penis again!


You are the second person I’ve made laugh today. Cruz was the other one: -

Let’s not speak of my penis ever again.


Been out of the loop for a bit, lots of gardening and housework (my wife the slave driver!)

Good stuff Andy, let's not mention your pecker again and stop abusing shrubbery!


We have a gardener that is allowed under lockdown (I put his money in an envelope, so no contact).

The hedge incident was nearly 30 years ago, lol.

Meanwhile, I notice lots of aggressive, sock accounts have washed up on our shores in the last day or two.


We do seem to have a wave of twits at the moment, but much like a heavy rain they eventually wander out to sea and disappear

Meanwhile, let's not talk about your dick ever again (you see that this may become a long running gag😂)


Please rest assured the dick in question is suitability subdued and that modesty is maintained, lol.


Aggressive socks. That's what she said.


Hopefully, they’ll get bored and be gone soon.


I hope so, I took an almost 3 week break from here and it did not really improve


I’m on here every day (day 50 of lockdown, what are you gonna do?) and it ebbs and flows.


No doubt. I've been patient but it's wearing thin. Maybe it's just the lockdown.


And as if by magic, they’re all gone *poof*.


"And peace reigns o'er the land once again"




Oh Wan King, no tally wacker is pretty! I love the treasure trail, but that dang thing flopping...


I second Andy. You need to meet new girls. My gf and I have an open and pretty perverted relationship and she loves getting dick pics. She'll look at them as she plays with herself.


And that 99.9% is absolute bs.


99.9% implies that at least a thousand girls have been asked - the prosecution rests m’lud.


Did you send the pics before you were together?




Exactly!! Getting a picture from someone you are with can be fun. Getting one from random dude who's never said more than hey, not so much.


I mean we actively look fjr other freaks online and we definitely want nudes before meeting other swingers. She worked for a company my company partners with, and though I am all for sending nudes before meeting a new bed mate, we actually did the old fashioned date and come in for a drink (in our case a bong) but when we invite another couple over to play we absolutely want to see what we are playing with.

I would say just sending a random person you haven't even chatted with or at least said hey to a dick pic is pretty weird.


Kinda like shake that ass but watch your self shake that ass and show me what you’re working with


It all depends on the people. Plenty of women we know love getting dick pics. Even if it's right after a simple hey. If you are talking to someone with the intention of getting naked why wouldn't you want to see what they are working with?


Well you have to admit that swinging is a different ball park and do you chat with others before you request nudes or is that your first communication?


Yes my lifestyle is definitely a different ball park, and yes we chat a little before but nothing too deep.

The OP's original question was why aren't girls turned on by male nudity. I would argue the majority of straight adult women are turned on by it. Maybe not a rabid as a male but to say they aren't turned on by it in my view is false.


As an adult woman who is into all people, I can tell you that it's really about consent. Opening up a message from someone you've never spoken to and seeing their cock is such a turn off. Even if you've had a brief conversation, it's just gross.

Ask my permission, or better yet, wait until I ask, or we are both exchanging, that is something totally different.

But I do stand by my earlier comments that when it comes to getting turned on, nudity is lower on the list.


Absolutely nude pics you didn't ask for crappy. Do people actually do this often? Just send someone they've never spoken to or initiated a conversation a weiner pic?


You'd be surprised.

Then if you aren't impressed, the name calling afterwards is rather charming.


I guess I would be surprised. But I still think most straight women are turned on by male nudity.


I'm not saying that we aren't turned on, but from a lot of conversations and experiences I've had, words are more of a turn on than looks. I am not generalizing, but a lot of the women I know feel the same way. A fireman calendar is just as appealing as nude one. It's not the penis that we find attractive, it's the whole package.


Not so! 🙅🏼‍♀️


And I agree with asking first. Asking first seemed like a forgone conclusion to me.


We are not! Dammit! Leave something to the imagination!


I better press delete then, lol.


You said it was pretty, now I'm curious!! Hahaha! 😜


I’ve never sent a dick pic in my life. I feel old, lol.


That’s nice, I can assure you that is not common. Almost every girl I’ve talked to between 18-35 and everything I see on social media says that as a whole girls do NOT like dick pics.


You should actually try talking to real people and interacting with real people and not people online.
You assuring me of something isn't reassuring.


You think all of the thousands of young girls I’ve seen post about this issue have been fake accounts or lying?? I have talked to plenty of ppl in person as well, but the abundance of people in any area who seem to unanimously share the same sentiment says I’m right.


No I don't think your numbers about the thousands of girls you've seen post online about this are real. I think you are full of it.


Why would I lie?




I do need to ask if you've clarified between random relative strangers sending unsolicited pictures, or just pictures in general. There is a big difference between the two.

I'm also going to ask....did you ask these women after you sent a pic or is this just something that you discuss with all these women that you meet online?


It seems we are getting away from the original question asked. If I or my gf start talking to anyone online, it's pretty clear what our and their intentions are. I don't know anyone that just randomly sends nude pics to people they've never met.

How would you do even do that? Just find a random person on facebook and send them a weenie pic? Have never done that and would never do that. I don't think most people would either.


Says me! Wan King


Nudity is about more than one part. Where's your focus on the feminine form? Are vagina pics what draw you in?


Lol no but they don’t like any of it, even full nudes if there’s a dick in it they’re repulsed I don’t get it.


I think you're exaggerating again.


He's been hanging out with too many nuns.


It's just another hasty generalization from him.


No actually it’s based on years of reading about this prominent subject on social media. How old are you?


He said hanging out, huh huh, huh huh!


Ya know, if your perception of girls attitude to dick pics is gleaned from what you read on the internet, that speaks volumes about you and your life in general.


Girls don't hate receiving **** pics.

They hate receiving unsolicited **** pics.


Girls that send me their bob and vagene pics love recieving my dick pics.


Old school internet classic.


Good ol IRC and ICQ days.


Ofc. they are.
Girls are just like mens. We all love same stuff. Money,Sex,Power,Anything beautiful...


What stimulates people is different between individuals. I know from conversations with most of my friends, nudity is not a major turn on, but for some it is. I know from my friends, they would much rather read porn than see it, as our imaginations are more stimulating. This is not true for all women because I'm not going to generalize that way, but we are often more turned on by scent, touch, words, or intense eye contact than we are just looking at someone. That's not to say that we don't find men attractive (if that's who we are into), we do, but there is more to it and penises just don't really really add much to that attractiveness. Especially when it comes as just a pic, and even more when we didn't ask for it.



You are hanging out with the WRONG females.
I have to be honest, I'm tired of responding these posts.


Then why responding at all?


Then why are you responding to his responding? Annnd, why am I responding to you responding to his responding?


Because I was not the one saying I'm tired of responding so...


Buuut *takes a deep breath* why am I responding to you, responding to me, responding to you, responding to him, responding to the OP (possibly?).


Yeah why? I'm gonna ask the science guy AND the creationist guy... brb


Ho Boy! Good luck with that, lol.


I just did. Check the thread.


Poking a hornets nest with a stick. Meanwhile🍿


Dang, looks like the mods nuked the thread. It's erased from existance lol.


And just like that, balance was restored to the universe.


I could ask you the same. If only to point out the obvious, why bother?


Because I'm not tired pointing the obvious.


If you're looking for an argument, try someone else. I'm in a mood to add to The List.


No, not The List, aaaarrrgghhh!


Well, another one bites the dust, Andy.


Actually, you might be a bit hasty there, actionkamen is one of the nicer posters. I think he might have been having a bit of fun with you.


You mean you're gonna R_Kane me?


R_Kaned mate.


No fun my babe
No fun
No fun my babe
No fun
No fun to hang around
Feelin' that same old way
No fun to hang around
Freaked out for another day



Never got the chance to see them 😭


Do you somehow take issue with a statement that doesn't concern you?


Well, I'm not tired taking issue with a statement that doesn't concern me.


Last chance


List! List! List! List!


Add me, daddy.


Trust me bro, most chicks 18-35 do NOT like dick pics. Why are you tired of responding to “these” posts?


He just doesn't ever seem to get it. Every week there are at least two or three of these. I like the guy, he's intelligent, can hold a conversation... but c'mon!
I wasn't thinking about dick pics, I was considering the fact that women are At Least as horny as men and are equally turned on by the naked human form.


I never said girls weren’t horny, but all of the ones I’ve talked to and seen post about it online absolutely do not want dick pics from strangers, maybe I should’ve specified the strangers part but it’s a huge phenomenon that’s erupted with the explosion of online dating.


You must have a baby dick. Erm...even then i could see a girl going, “oh thats so cute!” You sure you aren't sending dick pics to guys?


-not all girls
-women tend to be stimulated less visually than men
- supply and demand. if every women you met sent you damn pictures of chicken noodle soup you'd become pretty bored with seeing it all the time.
