MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > Why aren’t girls turned on by male nudit...

Why aren’t girls turned on by male nudity?

Every single girl I’ve ever talked to has said they find penises ugly and that they absolutely HATE receiving dick pics. If it’s some fat old man or an unattractive guy I totally get it, but how can they not only not find the nude male form attractive but are actually grossed out by it? Makes no sense.


They don't seem as interested in how we look as we are in how they look, but I think you are overstating things.


my wife likes this


Oh hell yes!! 👏🏻👏🏻




Many in my family swooned over him. He'll always be fat Elvis to me.


I have always like seeing a man in fitted boxer shorts. No tighty whiteys. I’ve never liked seeing the wingwanger ahangin’!🤦🏼‍♀️ And...yes I would have been offended if a guy had sent me a pic of one.


I've thought about this before in terms of men wearing speedos, why some women are repulsed or laugh to see a man basically dress like they do in lyrca. I think that women perceive themselves as the 'sexual object', the 'piece of ass', and therefore like men to exhibit strength, and not competing sexuality. So a guy in board shorts with muscles is attractive because she represents the 'sexual object' and he will venerate her and validate her with his sexual conquering of her.

So if a guy is showing off his body and his private parts, that is detracting from her at the center of this sexual dance.

As for male nudity, I think it's a similar thing. It's putting the emphasis on his private and sexual parts, which will detract from her.

What do you think? It is a reasonable deduction?


Yeah pretty much, all about her


It also explains why women are more likely to be with a much older man (20+ years) than a man, because if the emphasis is on her being on a pedestal, and he can do that (normally with money too), that's a good dynamic for her.


A limp dick is not attractive.
It looks like Squidward.

An erect penis is more attractive.

And maybe it's my circle, but no, no, no, a random penis being texted to us is something we are not interested in.


I think the talk about cocks is over for me.


And you actually believe what women are telling you? Many women are big time liars! It's part of the game they like to play to see how gullible a man can be to believe everything they say. They're just trying to find out if your a pushover wimp who will take them at they're word entirely. Then they try to make it seem like were the big bad wolf who only wants one thing and will do whatever to get it, freaken bs. The reality is women like nudity as much as men. They prefer men with good physiques. And if they get a nude picture or even a dick pic they drool over it. Unless it's of a man whose hung like a light switch lol. Some women send out lewd pics as well. If their put off by a dick pic, it's likely not so much the picture itself, but the notion of the mans mindset for assuming it would be okay to send it, unless they had asked for it. That's how I think of women doing it also. I could be super eager to see a woman naked, but it's the thought of seeing her naked with me, and me being able to pull her panties off with my teeth that turns me on lol. The point is leaving somethings to the imagination and for the right time is a turn on.


I’m glad we’ve got so many experts on women’s sexuality in here! It’s amazing you all know better than the majority of women themselves what they do and don’t like.


This is a clear case of Pot Meets Kettle.


And yet you seem to not have replied to most women on here who have commented.


"I’m glad we’ve got so many experts on women’s sexuality in here! It’s amazing you all know better than the majority of women themselves what they do and don’t like."

Are you for real?

The title of this thread very clearly indicates you yourself have made a decision about what women like and what they don't. You are not so much wanting a discussion, more a validation of your own beliefs. Then you have the audacity to rag on everyone else for acting like experts.

Extremely odd behavior.


Many women are big time liars!

You’re close to sounding like a misogynist!

The reality is women like nudity as much as men.

And if they get a nude picture or even a dick pic they drool over it.

And you are full of beans! And full of 💩!

With that let’s close this thread! Enough!

