MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > Why are kooks still running around certa...

Why are kooks still running around certain this was created in a lab?

Are people really that desperate to prove how “in the know” and ate up they are? All of the infectious disease experts in the world have debunked those theories multiple times. They have studied the evolution of the virus and all say it is consistent with one that has jumped from animal to human.

More disturbing to me is that people would actually believe that any government, no matter how corrupt, would deliberately cause this current situation in which no one is winning.


What total idiots those types are!

This was clearly the work of Bigfoot
First he killed JFK, then he caused 9/11, now this virus

I've said it before, Bigfoot needs to be stopped!!
Does anyone have Sam Elliot's number?


I know him, he's the guy who killed Hitler.


Elliot can kill the shit of Hitlers and Bigfoots all day bro!


Hey the guy is an ex Ghost Rider! He can handle pretty much anything.


I think he prefers the name Sasquatch


I just heard that he identifies as a Yeti now, I suppose he 'experimented' in college...

To any and all mythical woodland creatures I may have offended I deeply apologize, throughout this big misunderstanding I've grown as a person, I totally promise





Replied to the wrong person there!

What I wrote: 😉 LOL! Sweet Cakes! 😘




Back at 'ya Love😘😘😘


Thats very woke of you, Shogie! We're all so proud, welcome to the Snowflake Brotherhood.


Gotta stay silly Amigo😬
Otherwise it all gets so depressing and we can't do that!


All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.


Jeez, I went to bed a few hours ago and then woke up thinking I'd have a couple of Kools in the garage and this joint to myself LOL!

It's 1:15 AM here, what time is it for you?


The same. What are you doing up? I mean besides the joint ')


I'm out of work for several weeks now, struggling to keep a normal schedule but failing:/

I do believe I will be up for some time, just made a cocktail at nearly 2 AM on a Tuesday!


Cheers, mate! I just packed a bongload and uncapped a Sam Adams 😯😆


Rock On for America Amigo!

We're both going to feel like Hell at sunup but whatever😃


I'm in! We don't have to get up early for anything so why not?


I find those who pointed to China as the model for handling the outbreak to be more disturbing.


A lot of China ass kissin' going on...even before the virus the NBA was doing it


not created in a lab, but spread from a non safe lab in wuhan.

video of the dumbass Chinese scientists going into the caves and getting the bats that caused the covid-19 pandemic are on youtube, type in the search bar: 旷野青春 | 隐形防线(英文字幕版) ....... it starts at the 3:06 mark

Then intentionally or unintentionally the virus spread from the laboratorium in Wuhan, to the rest of the world :-(

youtube link to the video:


It's true. They weren't technically creating a bioweapon, though I wouldn't put it past the Chinese communist govt. to use the information these scientists did gather from their research. They were mostly just studying the effects of various corona viruses (there's a whole family of them in the microscopic world). There was even talk of samples stolen from a Canadian lab late last year. It sounds as if they were being very sloppy with the safety protocols.


yes, very frustrating to know that people are sick and dying all over the world, and everything has come to a screeching halt, all because someone had to mess with these animals, either by killing and eating them outdoors, or messing with them in a laboratorium... it all could have been avoided.

snakes and bats just wants to be left alone! A shame these savages had to mess with them ...... and now look at our world :-(


It's important to note that the virus carries DNA from the Horseshoe Bat, a bat that is not native to the Wuhan area, nor is it sold in the wet market that this virus came from. However, the two labs in the area do have live specimens of such bats. Just food for thought.


One thing that really bothers me is that they stopped Chinese traffic in and out of wuhan both still allowed travel to the rest of the world.
That's fucked up!


So is putting the first doctors and scientists in jail who tried to alert people to a new disease, and trying to keep it under wraps for 2 months instead of containing the virus like what we're doing now! This whole thing could have been avoided if the selfish idiots in the Chinese govt. had cared more about not causing an epidemic in their country than they did about their image in the international community.


Well said. I couldn't agree more.


No doubt, and that of course also fuels the theory of evil intent.

After all of this is over, China need to pay 1000000000000000000 dollars and euros, to the medical services all around the world. and to millions of people for their suffering and loss of a love one.

this time we will not forget.

this is a truly a historic event, and we are living in it right now .......


I tend to believe that. Malicious, probably not, stupid... oh yeah!


No, it hasn't been debunked. There's arguments supporting both theories. Right now, there's no way to know which one is the true one.


kooks gotta kook


It doesn't matter if it was created in a lab or not, the important thing is that it's here and we really ought to stop it from killing millions. Well, I suppose the origin matters a bit, because if it really did come from eating bats or pangolins then well, humans need to stop eating bats or pangolins.

But some people just can't cope unless they have someone to blame for their misfortunes.


There's a distinction that must be made.

Covid-19 could have come directly from eating animals from dirty markets, it could have been lab made in Wuhan, or it could have been a bat sourced virus being studied in Wuhan and bungled into the public.

There doesn't seem to be any evidence to support the theory that the virus was lab created, but there is more than a little circumstantial evidence that suggests that the level 4 Wuhan lab had a Homer Simpson moment and someone working there unintentionally was infected and then spread it in Wuhan where it raged out of control.

While this can happen in the most careful and experienced labs in the world, the Chinese should NOT be playing with stuff like this until they understand better what's required to prevent these accidents.

China has caused a lot of grief, misery, and death along with economic damage that might have set back technology advancements for 20 years.


Set back technology advancement for 20 years?! Wtf?? 🤣


Technology and innovation is generally a product of private investment, and with the economy of so many nations damaged, the first priority will be to fight to restore basic manufacturing and production of needed goods, medicines, and food. Many small high tech companies that were the beneficiaries of investors with a metric shit load of cash are going to be out of business, or readjusting just to survive.

It will be a long time before this type of investment will come back, and when it eventually does, the time table will be off the schedule.


agree, china really fucked us good.......... on so many many levels




Actually they aren’t kooks. There’s more evidence coming out it was created in a lab. Five doctors and techs have disappeared. Bats weren’t sold at the wet market. It didn’t jump from animal to human this time.

“More disturbing to me is that people would actually believe that any government, no matter how corrupt, would deliberately cause this current situation in which no one is winning.“

Not hard to believe at all. Do you really think China gives a rat’s patootie to the outcome? Saddam gassed the Kurds. Mustard gas was used in WWl.

Every country including ours has this type of arsenal.


It was never said to have been transmitted from a bat to a human, but from a Pangolan to a human. It just originated in bats. Do some basic searches, it’s been debunked by every major health and infectious disease expert.


Now think about it. How would they know? Do you think China is going to tell the truth?


By studying the evolution of the virus strain, everything is consistent with a jump from an animal to a human


Links? Can't just go by your word, gotta back it up. Don't just post biased loose talk w/o links. You're much better than this, right?


