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Why are kooks still running around certain this was created in a lab?

Are people really that desperate to prove how “in the know” and ate up they are? All of the infectious disease experts in the world have debunked those theories multiple times. They have studied the evolution of the virus and all say it is consistent with one that has jumped from animal to human.

More disturbing to me is that people would actually believe that any government, no matter how corrupt, would deliberately cause this current situation in which no one is winning.


Because Science!
-->French virologist Luc Montagnier, who won the Nobel Prize for the discovery of HIV in 2008, believes that the new coronavirus is not of natural origin and was developed in a laboratory in the Chinese city of Wuhan, the epicentre of the outbreak.


"It [the virus] is of artificial origin, it is the work of molecular biologists," Montagnier said in an interview with Pourquoi docteur newspaper on health on Thursday, adding that HIV particles were added to COVID-19.
According to the scientist, the Wuhan laboratory has specialized in these coronaviruses since the early 2000s and its employees had expertise in this area. The reports that the virus originated in the so-called wet market in China is "a beautiful legend," as COVID-19 was developed in the laboratory, he stated.

The virologist also stated that French scientists were not the first to discover HIV particles, as a group of Indian researchers had earlier tried to publish a study, according to which the complete genome of this coronavirus had sequences of HIV, the virus of AIDS.

At the same time, he added that he did not accuse anyone and the Chinese scientists might have attempted to develop an AIDS vaccine.


Sputnik news?

You would think that to be believable the site would hide their Russian origins.

Apparently they are counting on the high number of dumbasses who don't know jack about history and what Sputnik was.


the source is from a interview in french with the french virologist Luc Montagnier, who won the Nobel Prize for the discovery of HIV in 2008. Looks like you should read an article before posting.


I am NOT reading Russian propaganda.

Look at the source kiddo..

The real Einstein would have seen the word Sputnik, and moved on.


no this article is just a translation of a french source. dont you get it dummy?


This IS a Russian website, right?

If you trust the Russians, that is your call.

Most of the world does not.


i can provide non russian websites.


Just watched a 'American Experience' espisode about the 1918 pandemic.

People of the time also had conspiracy theories on how it started. Activity involved in WWI,some Americans thought that the Germans had a secret bio-weapons division that created the virus.

Seems human nature hasn't changed much in 100 years.


Stop peddling CNN conspiracy theories. Do you have TDS or something?

Fact: The US and UK are investigating if the virus ESCAPED from the Wuhan Lab, which studies coronaviruses from bats.


Huh? What CNN conspiracy theory have I peddled??


People need a excuse. I just hope they don't try and take away Bamboo Rats being grown.


right at the time of Olympics it was actually Coronavirus in London. It was tied to what is happening now.


will china mass slaughter horseshoe bats?
