MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > How do you like your eggs?

How do you like your eggs?

Sunny side up? Over medium? Over hard? Don't like eggs? Vegetarian?

Yesterday I watched a YT video on interesting ways to make eggs, and the guy doing the cooking almost always undercooked them, for my tastes, no matter how he made them.

I like the whites to be thoroughly cooked. If they're at all slimy, my gag reflex kicks in. I like the yolks to be more cooked than not, but a little runny.



Doesn't really matter to me, I like them pretty much every way. Scrambled may be my favourite.




Cracked into a blender with some ham, tobasco and green peppers ....a denver omelet to go!




I visited a restaurant recently that claimed it was "policy" not to serve eggs any way other than over-well, no explanation provided besides that it was "policy". Something that sounded more accurate like: "Our cook barely graduated he fourth grade. How do you expect him to be able to fry an egg more than one way?" would have been more appreciated.


Lol. Yeah I can't think of any other reasons


Omelette or scrambled, can't stand that white part 😖


I like it done just about any way, except if it's a deviled egg, even though I live in the southern U.S. where it's popular.


The perfect food. I like eggs. Sunny-side up, over-easy, over-medium, scrambled, poached, boiled, basted. I'll take eggs.


I do too. Still one of the most economical and best sources of protein available. I have a couple of boiled eggs at least every other day to kick-start my metabolism. I once read in an article that boiled is the best way to consume them, both for safety and for keeping the nutrients intact.


Sunny side up with liquid egg yolk. Best.

Omelette not thoroughly cooked. Second best.
