MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > Thank You MC!!! (this thread is now clos...

Thank You MC!!! (this thread is now closed for comments)

A message to my MC friends.

I want to thank MC and all of you for making this happen.
You've brought me a lot of laughter and happiness over the last year.
Thank you for accepting me into the MC family.

However, it is time for me to disappear into obscurity.
Not an easy decision but one that must be done.

To all the people I've pissed off, angered, upset, perturbed,
irked, infuriated, offend or ANNOYED i wish I could go back and do it all over again.
I'm sure y'all deserved it.

For the record I'm not an american male with a Brazilian girlfriend and 4 dogs.
I'm a divorced mother of 2 who once had a Brazilian wax, has 1 cockatoo
and lives in Norristown PA.

hownos was right the whole time. Imagine that.
Carry on my wayward Dean!

I will miss this place and all of you!
I wish you all peace, love and happiness!


Are you leaving because I said I didn't want to be around you for a while?!😢


Why was that may I ask ??


Because his dogs killed a squirrel and he admitted it was his own fault for not being a good owner!!!😭


P.S. I appreciate your memoralising Arvin by self-closing your thread! 😂 You are and will always be a card.



Interesting, very interesting, lots of MC retirement lately. Still can't see through the smokescreen but I had some good chats with you Dewey.


P.S. This for both you and Stratego:




Way too much cuteness, isn't it?


Such sweet babies!🐰



Advice: don't be a jerk. You're already skating on very thin ice as it is.


You're right.


^ Can't say he wasn't warned!



I wonder what he said?




I meant he was on thin ice with me, or (most of) us, didn't know he was with the mods too 😂. Can't say as I'm very surprised though, after SO-FI-A.

Don't remember what he said, but it was some kind of slam on Dewey.


Wait, are they smiling? How is that possible?!!!


Be well amigo!

I hope you come back soon but if you dont then sincere best wishes to you

You will be greatly missed



I saw this just before I signed off last night. Needless to say, I was stunned. It left me speechless - unable to respond. I still don't know whether to believe this or not. Going cold turkey off Dewey is going to be hard.

You're missed already. Thank you for all the fun and entertainment you brought to MC. You leave a pretty big hole.

Best wishes Dewey, wherever life takes you.


I don't know who you are although your "name" looks familiar (I pop into MC once or twice a week at most). But my question is why people leave any public forum and see the need to announce it?

I've left plenty of forums over the years for all sorts of reasons, but never once announced it.


I think it's a courtesy to your friends on the site. When someone, who is here nearly every day, disappears unexpectedly we are concerned about their well-being.


What GlenEllyn said. It sucks when someone who's a "regular" just up and disappears. You can't help worrying and wondering.


Something's definitly off with he's decision🤔


No. He has to have a good reason to leave, or he wouldn't. Much as I hate him leaving and will miss him like crazy, I also respect him and therefore his decision.


I second that


The ones who really leave just leave. I'm with you on that. And then there are the drama queens.


Even though I've only known you and MovieChat for a short time, you were among one of the first people to make me feel at home here and for that I am truly grateful. I got to hand it to you Dewey, you know how to make an exit, funny to the end. That is how I will remember you. Time to let the credits roll and curtains close.
