MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > Thank You MC!!! (this thread is now clos...

Thank You MC!!! (this thread is now closed for comments)

A message to my MC friends.

I want to thank MC and all of you for making this happen.
You've brought me a lot of laughter and happiness over the last year.
Thank you for accepting me into the MC family.

However, it is time for me to disappear into obscurity.
Not an easy decision but one that must be done.

To all the people I've pissed off, angered, upset, perturbed,
irked, infuriated, offend or ANNOYED i wish I could go back and do it all over again.
I'm sure y'all deserved it.

For the record I'm not an american male with a Brazilian girlfriend and 4 dogs.
I'm a divorced mother of 2 who once had a Brazilian wax, has 1 cockatoo
and lives in Norristown PA.

hownos was right the whole time. Imagine that.
Carry on my wayward Dean!

I will miss this place and all of you!
I wish you all peace, love and happiness!


So your flirtation with Stratego was, what? Are you lesbian, because I don't think that she is? And your outright misrepresentation of yourself was, what? And your campaign to promote MC by reaching certain post goals was, both what and why? And is this declaration that you've just made the bullshit, or the truth?

Regardless of how you answer, and let me thank you in advance if you do, this is example of why I stopped talking to you.

If you think that this post is wit, you are half right.


He did announce at least a couple of times after his last lengthy absence that he would have to leave in the near future.


Thanks for that. I don't pay attention to him/her/dunno.


Well you obviously must since you were the first to respond.


Not obvously at all. I'm here at odd times, and respond to, well, to be kind, let's call them strange topic headlines. This particular poster lost all worth to me some time ago.


He's joking, as he usually does and is doing now, even though it's difficult for him to to leave.

He is as he's said: a guy living with his 4 beloved dogs in WI. He's a great human being I feel honoured to have known, and will sorely miss.

Dewey, ❤️❤️❤️

Thanks for all the fish.


Why is the sky blue?

What is love?

Is this the real life?

Is this just fantasy?

Who's on first, What's on second.


Sorry to see you go. We will all miss you.




Lured over to Filmboards no doubt.

💗💗💗💗💗💗 Ta ra Dewey,my best times on this board were spent chatting with you and you know all this anyway so I'll shut up.

The thread isn't closed till Arvin says it is....if I say his name 3 times....

BTW Croft says ?


I think he was using reverse psychology with the closed thread comment.

So, have we been effectively 'catfished ' or is this just some more of his cryptic humor ?


The closed thread thing is a nod to Arvin I think,he used to do that when he was tired of people responding!

Have we been catfished? I'm just surprised that knowing Dewey,as we do,anyone took that seriously.


His " for the record " comment made me wonder, almost like a deathbed confession.


I mean who knows but you're very astute db,I think you read people accurately.There are people here who do misrepresent themselves (we both know who I mean) but I reckon most of us are on the level.
I'd imagine its quite hard to keep up that kind of pretense for an extended time.


Thanks for the compliment, Dazed. That quality has earned me some enemies through the years.

Yes, but it's often accomplished. I commented earlier on another thread about a serial killer who has eluded capture for over 40 years. Not that I'm putting dewey in the same company except that he often seemed capable of extreme craftiness. It's like the boy who cried wolf. At what point does one finally take him seriously ?


OK db, is *he* or isn’t *he*? If Dewey’s swan song is a true admission of being a female, I would say it’s been one of the biggest scams perpetrated toward fellow posters I have run across! If true, what a laugh s/he had at our expense! To a degree most of us are honest about who we are. Others are quite adept at being someone other than what they are...”All the world's a stage,. And all the men and women merely players;. They have their exits and their entrances;....” Apparently this was Dewey’s persona. Others like, MissMargo, Cat, Hownos, Dazed and myself project our true selves...what you see is what you get...sigh

This definitely has upset me as I took Dewey as being genuine. I suppose I’ve been wearing my dumb blonde shoes all along.


Don't be upset, because I'm certain it was just a joke.


I am stunned that anyone is taking it seriously!
It's a joke,not that he's leaving for I'm certain that he is,but that he's really a woman.He's the same Dewey you all love,he just can't be here anymore.


You’ve known him much longer than I have, so I just wished he had faded off into the sunset; that he had just said 👋 so long. If he truly is Deputy Dewey Boy we’ve grown to love...he will be missed greatly.

You are much more astute than I am so I will cede to you your knowledge. Forgive my ignorance. I enjoyed your and stratego’s exchanges with him. You and cat are my mentors. I will miss him. 😥 He made my day. Please continue to set me straight; as you two call it like it is. May God continue to bless you with wisdom.


Maybe he wants to remain a lingering enigma here. That would be in keeping with his mischievous and playful style.


I like it! It's just the sort of thing he does. I like him and I'll miss him. He has always been kind. Even with those that he wasn't exactly chums with, he has always tried to be diplomatic. I sometimes wish that I could be so nice.
We'll still have fun around here and we will still discuss movies. It will take some time though to get use to his absence.


“I sometimes wish that I could be so nice.”

But, MissMargo, you are. Don’t you know you’re the nicest kid 🧒 on the block! You need to reread all the pleasant comments wrote about you by other posters. I called you the “peacemaker” of this board. You give love and empathy to others...what a testament!

Now that everyone has lifted their boots as high as they can...I made it to my destination in Florida. It’s so damn hot here...86 degrees!


What sweet kind things to say. Thank you! Apparently, you haven't seen all my nasty testy posts!

Glad to know you made it to Florida. As someone who "enjoyed" part of a windy day outside in 37 degree weather, taking the rest of my winter lawn ornaments out of the ground in time for the first day of spring, all I can say to you is, Take your 85 degree weather and cry yourself a RIVER! You are breaking my heart.🙄
Ok. I'm done being bitchy. Back to being all sweetness and light.



“I'm done being bitchy.” I’m going to let that slide cause I know what got your dander was that damn corned beef & cabbage! If I never see or smell it again it will be too soon! My tummy was still doing flip flops at the motel this morning so I took a morphine tab as I needed to get back on the road and didn’t have any Depends with me! (I’m joking about the Depends bit 😉)

Trouble is the tab worked so well I had forgot I had taken it. Well, dumb me took my dose of Valium before getting on the interstate(I suffer bouts of vertigo). OM Gosh! I was tripping! I could not walk without bumping into the walls! What was I going to do? Check out was at 12 and this hit about 10. I downed a cup of coffee and it finally subsided. I left at 11:15.

Back to this damn heat. By the time I unloaded my truck I was clothes were stuck to me. I’m staying with my lifetime friend. She lost her husband in November. They had been married since 1963.


Let what slide??? I was just jealous over that warm weather you are having. I got over it fast this morning when I was looking at the weather on GMA. You folks are in for a storm! Be safe!


We are in it now! It’s turned very dark and the radar on the iPad is worrisome. I’m concerned about my truck if we get hail!


To take a play from Jeopardy “Who had the most genuine con on MovieChat? And the answer is?” “For $5,000 I’ll say godewey!” “You win!”


I will bloody miss you,lad.See you down the road


Have you seen him... you know, down the road?


Goodbye Mr. Dewey. You leave a space that will be impossible to fill, and MC will never be the same again.




LOL! Sorry to see you go. Whatever you are, you have been fun!
If it's true that you really are a woman, it explains a great deal. You really do know what the ladies like!✌️ I wish you all peace, love and happiness as well!
