MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > Are double standards in and of themselve...

Are double standards in and of themselves necessarily a BAD thing?

Hi everyone, not meaning to make it necessarily controversial and I hope we can all try and avoid anything even remotely resembling internet flame wars and whatnot, but in your opinion, are double standards, on, well, ANYTHING really, not "just" with regards to certain legal AND moral issues, sexuality, religion, political correctness, politics and whatnot etc, necessarily a BAD thing and does it REALLY bother some of you, and if yes or not - SHOULD it, that they EXIST in the first place, or do you think that to some extent, besides it being NATURAL, there is some value AND good in them?

I mean, I often hear people COMPLAIN about double standards this and double standards that, but in the messages, I sometimes fail to grasp the underlining meaning and even what those people REALLY want there - are they saying double standards should NOT exist and that, to give a harsh example, we MUST treat say men and women the SAME for certain deeds (never mind the fact that in certain circumstances men are far more likely to OFFICIALLY be the victims in certain deeds at the hands of other MEN or talks about women's LOOKS and whatnot, then again, in "Harold and Maude" (1971) film for instance, though harsh to many people, we were supposed to understand and accept the young man falling for an officially old granny and respect it and many DID, not to speak of... OK, you get the picture) or rather say, hey, though MOST ARE, NOT ALL MEN are BAD, though what's very weird, and maybe unsurprising, is that many men who SELFISHLY defend themselves in those deed even defend BAD men, giving the impression that destructive selfishness NATURALLY exists in well MANY MEN'S BLOOD AND DNA AND NATURE, but women, especially feminists, are far more sensitive and delicate at least in theory on those fronts.

What about also the fact that say even in TRADITIONAL circumstances, some people who do bad deeds are either punished or pardoned and rehabilitated while others are still a threat and many believe they should be hated and killed, is that a double standard there, and is that a good or a bad thing? Plus in wars there are double standards when some sides switch and join other forces and whatnot, or the fact that in WW2, Nazi Germans weren't the only ones that killed and committed atrocities on a mass scale?

And where WOULD we, as in humanity, even BE if double standard didn't exist like in the first place? Thanks!


With regard to farting, yes, I agree.

Too many of us are too quick to criticise others but what of ourselves?

It is a longstanding tradition men hold that the Woman he marries is expected to not only tolerate, but actually appreciate, his farts.

Admittedly, this is the one double-standard I cannot intelligently argue against. It is too deeply rooted in natural tendencies predating Neanderthal Man.

Beyond that, I do support Equality and Justice. For all people. No matter what their problem is.

Happy Thanksgiving, Comrade!


Ha! Ha! Faaaaaaaaaaaaart!


I'm silent but DEADLY!




I'd take a bow, but ........


please don't


Brilliant post


"Oh farts!" Boom!



LOL James, and Happy Thanksgiving!



Not necessarily, in my work for instance we have a lot of rules, but there are also lots of circumstances were the rules can be reasonably bent and broken; the important thing is to use common sense and good judgement. However, I think in general usage the term refers to cases in which people will hold other people to a different standard than they hold themselves or their own family or in group.


You lost me...and i read it twice.Lol


Yes double standards are a bad thing. Is that the question?

The world would be a better place without them.

We shouldn't assume that, in a family, if the father is the homemaker, he is a lazy bum, or if the mother is the breadwinner, that she's emasculating her poor man. Being older doesn't necessarily mean being out of touch and stubborn, and being young doesn't necessarily mean being privileged and narcissistic.

Double standards suck. Who do they help?


Are they also natural or man-made?


There's also a lot of various types of emotional distinctions on certain discussions on certain issues on forums, and no, not everyone has that "underlining message" in them except "yeah, that means we shouldn't let those things slide EITHER".


Also, maybe those things AND many others shouldn't necessarily be looked at in a "oh, is it a good or bad thing" simple way, maybe its more complex and complicated than that. No?


They are cultural.


I think a big part of finding double standards distasteful is that people see the hypocracy in not holding ourselves to the same standards that we hold others...

A related point, which I think you're hinting at is that in the US there currently seems to be a lot of identity politics, which is too often based on victim narratives and redressing injustice rather than a search for equality... This can sometimes lead to a double standard situation, where a person's identity becomes the measure of what is right or wrong as opposed to their actual behaviour and actions...


But isn't "hypocrisy" all part of us, as in, isn't it human nature to be hypocritical? Should we really criticize ourselves and others for it?


On a SLIGHTLY related note, have any of you seen "The Red Pill" (2016) documentary and based on it, what would you say about the existence of double standards in humanity?


Hypocrisy is very much a natural trait of ours, but so is violence, hate, fear and disgust.... That doesn't mean we shouldn't favour honesty, compassion, empathy and love...

It is very possible to criticise things that are natural to us, while acknowledging that we are flawed and imperfect people...


I will say this much: Just because someone espousing a standard fails to live up to it themselves, doesn't necessarily mean the standard itself should be tossed out.

Best expressed in parents, who do have to engage in some "do as I say, not as I do," mostly because those are kids they're raising, and because parents would prefer their kids live better lives than they did.


I agree. We set a high standard for our children knowing they may never achieve it because it's better to aim high and get close than to never try, and remain low.


Humans are animals and all of our traits and behaviors originate from natural instincts. It all boils down to self preservation and preservation of species. We protect ourselves first, then we protect others close to us. All other behaviors stem from that.


Double standards are bad and they also stifle creativity. I think "White Chicks" was hilarious, but if there was movie called "Black Chicks" with two guys in black makeup pretending to be black girls, there would be boycotts and petitions to get this movie canned. As a woman of mixed race, I think its not fair. "Black Chicks" could be a funny movie but because of double standards, we may never find out.

More recently, there was controversy over the "X-men Age of Apocalypse" movie. Feminists were triggered over a billboard advertisement, showing Jennifer Lawrence as Mystique, in a chokehold, by the mutant Apocalypse. I suppose the ad depicted violence towards women, as if violence towards a man would have been more reasonable. Violence should be viewed in a bad light in general, but in a fictional movie about heroes fighting villians, violence should not even be an issue.

I've also heard of transgender people who believe non trans actors shouldn't play trans roles. Does that not defeat the whole purpose of acting? What next? Only gay people can play gay roles, and straight people playing straight roles. That would be discrimination.

As long as double standards exist, there will never be true equality.


I would argue that as long as human beings exist, especially with over 8+ billion of its population and with continuous long history (for how long have humans been around, about 10,000 years?), there will never be anything resembling "true equality" in and of itself. Correct?


On a totally DIFFERENT note - now, I could get to say the more EXTREME side of extremities concerning this aspect and mention at least SOME people thinking "Hitler did nothing wrong", but if I was to get to the more MATURE side of the discussion and delve into Hitler's mind psychologically, I would kinda like to ask...

Did Adolf Hitler REALLY believe he was doing the right thing, you know, destroying or attempting to destroy certain nations and millions of their inhabitants, or did he KNOW it was downright wrong and basically did it for his own completely selfish reasons that had no moral, not even in twisted and "grey area"-like aspects of "moral", implications behind them whatsoever?

Because if he believed he was being MORE than just a crazy nutter who wanted to kill millions in the name of power and whatnot, why couldn't Adolf Hitler, say, instead target child molesters, violent skinheads, murderers, rapists and thieves or people who hurt and kill in the name of money and power etc, to make the world a better place?

Better yet, why HASN'T there been a nutter that tried to start THAT kind of system in real life, instead of, say, have the kind of AWFUL systems in places like Iran that stone to death women for cheating, and it didn't occur to those ruthless men that what they are doing is an incredibly shitty thing and that people will speak ill of them on the internet and whatnot or worse they just didn't care or maybe even got off on that in a "let them hate me so long as they fear" me almost CALIGULA style, right?


Wow. This is beyond stupid.


I wish Hitler was, cause apparently, stupidity can at least SOMETIMES stop majorly evil men like him from realizing their world wide mass scale horrible plans into reality, yet apparently, Hitler was anything BUT stupid, evil and manic and ruthless certainly yes, but not devoid of intelligence, UNfortunately.


If you're clever, you could go a little "beyond" yourself and feel free to reply to those questions and queries and attempt to delve into Hitler's mind in a far more intelligent way than I ever dreamed of doing in all my 31 years of existence. :) (Even though I never even knew about WW2 and Hitler themselves until I was about 7 years old or so around 1994.)
